...odgledao sam film "Bad company" sa ludim Chris Rockom u naslovnoj ulozi, i riknuo od smjeha. Mogu si misliti koje će tek gluposti izvoditi na dodjeli Oscara. Citat koji slijedi mi je najbolji u cijelom filmu:
Roland Yates: Don't worry, son, there'll be extra money for this mission.
Jake Hayes: Hey, Man, first of all, I'm not your son. Second of all, did it ever occur to you that I might want to do something 'cause it's the right thing? Hey, I'm the one with the dead brother, I'm the one who misses his girl, and I'm supposed to put up with your shit 'cause you're a spy? Big deal! Every woman on the planet's a spy! Man, you guys can't even find Saddam Hussein! You know, if you told a woman, right now at 8:00 in the morning, that her husband was sleeping with Saddam Hussein, she'd be able to find Saddam by 8:00 that night, and say "Saddam, don't you ever come around my house no more!" Hey, I did you a favor, OK? You called me! Now, if you ever talk down to me again, I will beat your ass so bad you'll be the only guy in heaven with a wheelchair. You better act right before you get smacked right, Bitch