03.03.2007., subota

Horizontalism:Voices of Popular Power in Argentina

Horizontalism:Voices of Popular Power in Argentina has finally been
published in English. (AK Press) The intention of the book, as with
the Spanish version, is to be a tool for people involved in social
movements and struggles around the world. (for more on the book you
can see a recent description and interview at )

I would love to send you as many copies of the book as you feel you
can distribute. The way the distribution works with people in
movements for the Spanish version, and I imagine a similar form with
the English, is that movements and groups take/receive as many books
as they feel they can use and distribute. Most of the time the book is
given to people and groups, and occasionally it is bartered or
donations are received and then those donations go back to the
movement distributing the book. So, for example, AMMAR Capital, a
group of women in the state of prostitution in Buenos Aires not only
gives the book to people they believe will use it, but they also sell
it in street fairs and then use the money for local projects that they
self manage. Or the MTD la Matanza has often exchanged the book for
other books at encuentros. (I sell the book in the US and Canada so
that this can happen).

So, if you could give me an address and a sense of how many books you
would like to receive I will mail them in mid March when I go to the
AK warehouse.

Marina Sitrin

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