×××I pick it up just to throw it away××× - My world 101 - Blog.hr

×××I pick it up just to throw it away×××

Slušam: ~This right here!~

Evo me...uh!
Neznam kaj da kažem...Da vas malo pokopam u slovima pa i
vi čitajte moje DUGE postove jer ja moram vaše...xD...Naravno šala...Kao prvo ne pišete dugo a i
volim vas čitati!
Ma dobro!

Ovak...Ja nerazumijem jednu stvar kako ljudi nevole životinje...Da...to mi je tema! Nikako to nerazumijem...
Pa onda kako se ponašaju s njima uzimaju ih zdravo za gotovo gaze po njima...mislim da je već vrijeme da
se netko zauzme za njihova prava...kad čitam u novinama da je neka životinja napala nekog prvo pomislim
da mi je znati razlog a za razlog ne treba mnogo...Jer mi tretiramo njih kao da su smeće...kao neke prepreke
kojih se treba riješiti!
Kad vidim tako nešto dođe mi da sve poubijam...kad vidim da je ovaj svijet tako usran da smo sve više slijepi...
svaka minuta sekunda sve smo gori...kao kažu bit će bolje...zabite si svu tu nadu i riječi da ne kažem di...Neće
biti bolje bit će gore...I tog smo svi svijesni al nećemo da priznamo...ne očekujet mudre riječi od mene!
Ja sam ista kao vi u zabludi...mislim i vjerujem u ono čega nema...I kave su to priče o herojima da će netko doći?
Molim ja se tomu smijem kao što sam rekla...ZABLUDA...Al priznajem i ja čekam nešto...neznam što...nešto...
Nekog tko razumije..Tko se ne smije na sve to..Pa što...Plakala sam...puno puta previše...I sve zbog?
Svih tih laži koje te guraju dolje...zbog kojih postaješ isti kao svi...Zar nas žele promijeniti? Zele da budemo u
zabludi da budemo jedna nacija...E pa ja tome kažem NE ja želim biti drugačija...želim se izdvajati želim biti netko...
Nek me zovu FREAKOM...Nije me briga..I sad vam želim Ispričati priču (Copy/paste)...O jednoj krkhoj životinjici koja je
samo željela biti voljena...Nije bila ljepa ali srce je imala...VELIKO...Moram priznati veće od mojeg...Ta me je životinja
naučila važnu lekciju koju se nadma da ću na neki način prenijeti vama...P.S. Ovo sam vidjela na jednom blogu ~link~
I odmah me inspiriralo! I jako pogodilo!)


Ugly the cat
Everyone in the apartment complex where I lived knew who Ugly was.
Ugly was the resident tomcat. Ugly loved three things in this world: fighting,
eating garbage, and, shall we say, love.
The combination of these things combined with a life spent outside had their
effect on Ugly. To start with, he had only one eye and where the other should
have been was a hole. He was also missing his ear on the same side, his left
foot appeared to have been badly broken at one time, and had healed at an
unnatural angle, making him look like he was always turning the corner.
Ugly would have been a dark gray tabby, striped type, except for the sores covering
his head, neck and even his shoulders. Every time someone saw Ugly there was the
same reaction. "That's one UGLY cat!!!”
All the children were warned not to touch him, the adults threw rocks at him, hosed him
down, squirted him when he tried to come in their homes, or shut his paws in the door when he would not leave.
Ugly always had the same reaction. If you turned the hose on him, he would stand there,
getting soaked until you gave up and quit. If you threw things at him, he would curl his lanky
body around your feet in forgiveness.
Whenever he spied children, he would come running, meowing frantically and bump his head
against their hands, begging for their love. If you picked him up he would immediately begin
suckling on your shirt, earrings, whatever he could find.
One day Ugly shared his love with the neighbor's dogs. They did not respond kindly, and Ugly
was badly mauled. I tried to rush to his aid. By the time I got to where he was laying, it was apparent
Ugly's sad life was almost at an end. As I picked him up and tried to carry him home, I could hear him
wheezing and gasping, and could feel him struggling. It must be hurting him terribly, I thought.
Then I felt a familiar tugging, sucking sensation on my ear.
Ugly, in so much pain, suffering and obviously dying, was trying to suckle my ear. I pulled him closer to
me, and he bumped the palm of my hand with his head, then he turned one golden eye towards me, and
I could hear the distinct sound of purring.
Even in the greatest pain, that ugly battled scarred cat was asking only for a little affection, perhaps some
compassion. At that moment I thought Ugly was the most beautiful, loving creature I had ever seen. Never
once did he try to bite or scratch me, try to get away from me, or struggle in any way. Ugly just looked up at
me completely trusting in me to relieve his pain.
Ugly died in my arms before I could get inside, but I sat and held him for a long time afterwards, thinking about
how one scarred, deformed little stray could so alter my opinion about what it means to have true pureness of
spirit, to love so totally and truly.
Ugly taught me more about giving and compassion than a thousand books, lectures, or talk show specials ever
could, and for that I will always be thankful . He had been scarred on the outside, but I was scarred on the inside,
and it was time for me to move on and learn to love truly and deeply. To give my total to those I cared for. Many people
want to be richer, more successful, well liked, beautiful, but for me.......
I will always try to be Ugly...

Nadam se da vam je bila tužna priča...Jer je mene nešto važno naučila...Nadam se i vas...


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Nešto o meni...^^
~ Sluša se Rock < 3
~ Godina 14
~ (ponosna) Brineta
~ Zelenkasto plave oke =)
~ Nelly je ime....Moje..a nego čije.×D
~ Čitaju se knjige
~ Gledaju filmovi
~ Cilj života...To mi netreba xD
~ Moje srce pripada samo meni...×D
razmisliti ću još o tome...=P
~ Slobodna ...
~ Realni optimist =)
~ Me...=)
~ Nevolim cajke (aj nisu sve loše...sad
mi je žao što sam to rekla...xD)
~ Nevolim tintu...uvjek je razmazam po majci...xD
~ Nespretna cura
~ Volim školu
~ Nevolim ljude baš...
~ Prvi dojam mi je jako važan...
~ Naj boja...Valjda crna i plava..neznam...
~ dosta je bilo ak hoćeš znat više pitaj...=)

Uživajte u blogu!

A hero of war
Yeah that's what I'll be
And when I come home
They'll be damn proud of me
I'll carry this flag
To the grave if I must
Because it's a flag that I love
And a flag that I trust...

A hero of war
Is that what they see
Just medals and scars
So damn proud of me
And I brought home that flag
Now it gathers dust
But it's a flag that I love
It's the only flag I trust...

Ajde...svi imaju pravila...pa ću i ja:

~Ne kradi...NIŠTA...×D
~ako ti se nesviđa blog ostavi kom zašto ti se nesviđa
~Komajte mi
....e ja stvarno neznam kaj da napišem...×D

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Ljubim ×××

Random pics....^^
Slike su u linkovima jer su dosta velike...

Me 43v3r
Još malo mene
Moj presladak Alex
Ja u mojoj školskoj uniformi

Budem stavila još slika! <33

Kako do mene +linkovi ^^ :

Alice Greene. - x x x