desing by: dark sword dancer

Him-Funeral Of Hearts
Love's the funeral of hearts
And an ode for cruelty
When angels cry blood
On flowers of evil in bloom

The funeral of hearts
And a plea for mercy
When love is a gun
Separating me from you

She was the sun shining upon
The tomb of your hopes and dreams so frail
He was the moon painting you
With its glow so vulnerable and pale

Love's the funeral of hearts
And an ode for cruelty
When angels cry blood
On flowers of evil in bloom

The funeral of hearts
And a plea for mercy
When love is a gun
Separating me from you

She was the wind, carrying in
All the troubles and fears you've for years tried to forget
He was the fire, restless and wild
And you were like a moth to that flame

The heretic seal beyond divine
A prayer to a god who's deaf and blind
The last rites for souls on fire
Three little words and a question: why?

Love's the funeral of hearts
And an ode for cruelty
When angels cry blood
On flowers of evil in bloom

The funeral of hearts
And a plea for mercy
When love is a gun
Separating me from you
The 69 Eyes-Framed In Blood
Would you give me the key to the empire of bliss
Gimme a substance to dismiss
Everybody's searching for a difference
Everybody 's searching for deliverance
Gimme just another reason to live

Things you can resist
Things you cannot
They're just framed in blood

Would you give me redemption in your kiss
Gimme something that I already miss
Everybody's searching for a difference
Everybody is searching for providence
Gimme just another reason to live

Things you can resist
Things you cannot
They're just framed in blood

blog jednog gotičara

subota, 21.07.2007.


Immortal - bend koji je u jedinstvenom zvuku spojio norveski black i americki speed metal su u pocetku cinili Abbath (bas gitara i vokal), Demonaz (gitara), Jorg (gitara) i Armagedda (bubnjevi). Bend se prije 1990 zvao Amputation. Prije su cesto mijenjali bubnjare.

Pocetkom 1991 izdaju prvi demo Suffocate, koji bas i nije najbolje prosao. Poslije ovog demoa Jorg je izbacen iz benda. Nedugo nakon njega izlazi drugi demo, The Northern Upins Death, koji je prosao puno bolje. Upravo zbog tog demoa francuski Listenable Records daje Immortalu priliku snimiti singl plocu. Tada pocinju snimati pjesme kao Unholy Forces of Evil ili Cold Winds Of Funeral Frost, koja ce se pod imenom Cold Winds of Funeral Dust pojaviti na prvom albumu. U ovom se periodu primjecuje koliko je Immortal i vizuelno i muzicki bio inspiriran bendovima Bathory, Celtic Frost i Venom.

Druga izdavacka kuca koja je u pocetku pokazala interes za Immortal je francuski Osmose productions, koji su im ponudili ugovor za dva albuma. Immortal je, naravno, prihvatio te krecu u Grieghallen studio u Bergenu da bi snimili prvi album. On se trebao zvati Battles in the North, ali clanovi mijenjaju ime tog albuma u Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism zbog misljenja da takvo ime vise odgovara njihovoj glazbi. Album je vrlo atmosferican, te na njemu ima dosta dijelova koji su svirani akusticnom gitarom, gdje se vidi jeben utjecaj Bathory-a.

Kasnije, iste godine Armagedda je zamoljen da ode iz benda, ne zbog bubnjanja, ve? zato sto ih nije mentalno pratio. Zamijenio ga je Kolgrim, koji je kao bubnjar bio sranje. Nakon 6 mjeseci je otpusten zbog lijenosti.

1993. snimaju novi album - Pure Holocaust. Na tom albumu je sam Abbath bubnjao, ali za vrijeme miksanja novog albuma dolazi novi bubnjar, Erik. On se slikao za naslovnicu, ali nije svirao na snimanju tog albuma. U to vrijeme Immortal dobiva puno paznje zbog imena albuma i cinjenice da su izjavili da sviraju "holocaust metal". Otada napustaju taj naziv i preferiraju da ih se ne trpa u nikakav metal.

1994. pisu novi materijal i Immortal ponovo odlazi u Grieghallen studio, te Abbath opet uzima palice, jer je Erik mjesec dana ranije dobio otkaz. Razlog - Abbath i Demonaz zele napredovati u glazbi, a Erik nema mentalitet ni vjestinu da bi ih pratio. Album se zvao Battles in the North.
1995. je bila najbolja godina za Immortal, popularnost im raste nakon novog albuma, odlaze na prvu evropsku turneju sa Morbid Angel-om, a kao bubnjar im dolazi Hellhammer iz Mayhem-a. Izdan je i prvi sluzbeni video s dvije pjesme(Grim and Frostbitten Kingdoms i Blashyrkh (Mighty Ravendark)).

1996. - vec punih 6 godina Immortal ima problema sa bubnjarima. Ove se godine to mijenja. U proljece 1996. bubnjar na dobrom glasu Horgh kontaktira Abbatha i Demonaza. Oni cim su ga prvi put vidjeli u akciji znali da je Horgh pravi bubnjar za Immortal, a ipak im je trebalo sest godina da bi ga nasli. Nekoliko mjeseci poslije prelaze iz Osmose Producions-a u Sigma Studios. Prelaze jer zele raditi na zvuku i istaknuti Demonazove solaze.

1997. izlazi novi album: Blizzard Beasts koji je potpuno razlicit od onih koji su izlazili dosad. Kasnije ove godine Demonaz ima uzasnih problema s rukama. Jedno vrijeme nije mogao ni kosu oprati sam. To je bio problem, jer su trebali na turneju. Odgadjali su je nekoliko mjeseci, a kad je vise nisu mogli odgadjati i Demonaz je, nazalost, odustao i izasao iz benda. Umjesto njega gitaru uzima Abbath. Naravno, bilo je puno odlicnih gitarista, ali ovo je bilo pitanje stila.

1998. godine kao basista im dolazi Ares, inace basist Aeternus-a. Napokon ponovno odlaze na turneju, a bivsi gitarist Demonaz se brine o menadzmentu. Ares je bio zamoljen da predje u Immortal, ali on se odlucuje za svoj pravi bend Aeternus. Kasnije te godine je snimljen novi album, At the Heart of Winter, ali ovog puta u Abyss Studios-u ciji je vlasnik Peter Tägtren. On je kasnije kontaktirao Osmose Productions sa zeljom da Immortal slijedeci album snimi u njegovoj izdavackoj ku?i. Kako ni Immortal ni Osmose productions nisu imali nista protiv Immortal prelazi u Abyss Studios.

1999. je izdan At The Heart of Winter i on dokazuje da dolazi nova era Immortal-a. Promjenjena je donekle muzika, nacin na koji se ona stvara, logo, i ovaj put na naslovnicu albuma ne stavljaju sliku benda, vec abstraktnu umjetnost. Ipak, uprkos ovim promjenama Immortal ostaje vjeran svojim korijenima. Prije same turneje na prazno mjesto basista dolazi Iscariah. Bend se dokazuje kao hiperproduktivan i vec za 4 mjeseca imaju tekstove i sav ostali materijal za novi album.
2000. izlazi novi album, Damned in Black koji je brutalniji i tezi od proslog. Immortal u kratkom vremenu svoju muziku odvodi na visi nivo od svojih predaka. Ovo je njihov zadnji album u saradnji sa Osmose Productions. Nakon 9 godina saradnje Immortal u potpunosti prelazi u njemacki Nuclear Blast. 2002. izdaju debi album u Nuclear Blast-u, Sons of Northern Darkness. Nuclear Blast je za taj album imao velika ocekivanja - zeljeli su prodati 150 000 albuma u cijelom svijetu. Nakon toga albuma Iscariah odlazi iz benda, a zamjenjuje ga svedjanin Saroth. On i Horgh su zajedno svirali u bendu Pain.

2003. nominiovani su za Alarm i Spellmannsprisen (norveski Grammy), ali obje nagrade dobija Satyricon za album Vulcano.
Immortal je poslje 13 godina djelovanja i sedam izdanih albuma prestao s radom u lipnju 2003. godine.

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Him-Vampire Heart klikni ovo nista ti nece bit e da nije bitefight
You can't escape the wrath of my heart
Beating to your funeral song
All faith is lust for hell regained
And love dust in the hands of shame

Let me bleed you this song of my heart deformed
And lead you along this path in the dark
Where I belong until I feel your warmth

Hold me like you held on to life
When all fears came alive and entombed me
Love me like you loved the sun
Scorching the blood in my vampire heart

I am the thorns in every rose, you've been sent by hope
I am the nightmare waking you up from the dream of a dream of love

Let me weep you this poem as heaven's gates close
And paint you my soul scarred and alone
Waiting for your kiss to take me back home

Hold me like you held on to life
When all fears came alive and entombed me
Love me like you loved the sun
Scorching the blood in my vampire heart - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more

Misfits-Dig Up Her Bones

Anything is what she is
Anywhere is where she's from
Anything is what she'll be
Anything as long as it's mine

And the door it opens is the way back in
Or is it the way back out?

Anyplace is where she'll be
Anyplace, she'll see you from
Lies and secrets become your world
Anytime, anywhere she takes me away

And death climbs up the steps one by one
To give you the rose that's been burnt by her son

Point me to the sky above
I can't get there on my own
Walk me to the graveyard
Dig up her bones

I have seen the demon's face
I have heard of her death place
I fall down on my knees in praise of the
Horrible things that took her away

And death climbs up the steps one by one
To give you the rose that's been burnt by her son

Point me to the sky above
I can't get there on my own
Walk me to the graveyard
Dig up her bones"" quality="high" width="180" height="210" name="scroll" align="middle" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" />
Bullet For My Valentine Lyrics
Waking The Demon Lyrics
Him-Sweet Six Six Six
There are things you should know
The distance between us seems to grow
But you're holding on strong
Oh how hard it's to let go, oh so hard to let go

I'm waiting for your call and I'm ready to take your
six six six in my heart
I'm longing for your touch and I welcome your sweet
six six six in my heart

I'm losing my faith in you
You don't want it to be true
But there's nothing you can do
There's nothing you can do - Yes, I've lost my faith in

I'm waiting for your call and I'm ready to take your
six six six in my heart
I'm longing for your touch and I welcome your sweet
six six six in my heart

How long we have to wait
For love is fading so slowly
I know it's too late
Oh my god you're so lonely

I'm waiting for your call and I'm ready to take your
six six six in my heart
I'm longing for your touch and I welcome your sweet
six six six in my heart
I'm ready for your call and I'm ready to take your six
six six in my heart
I'm longing for your touch and I welcome your sweet
six six six in my heart
In my heart
In my heart
In my heart