ponedjeljak, 20.02.2006.

Više me nije briga.
Od danas je život kul.
Yay, go me :)

She said I feel stranded
And I can't tell anymore
If we coming or I'm going
It's not how I planed it
I've got the key to the door
But it just won't open
And I know, I know, I know
Part of me says let it go
That life happens for a reason
I don't, I don't, I don't
It goes I never went before
But this time, this time
I'm gonna try anything to just feel better
Tell me what to do
You know I can't see through the haze around me
And I do anything to just feel better
And I can't find my way
Girl I need a change
And I do anything to just feel better
Any little thing that just feel better
She said I need you to hold me
I'm a little far from the shore
And I'm afraid of sinking
You're the only one knows me
And who doesn't ignore
That my soul is weeping
I know, I know, I know
Part of me says let it go
Everything must have it seasons
Round and round it goes
And every day's a one before
But this time, this time
I'm gonna try anything that just feels better
Tell me what to do
You know I can't see through the haze around me
And I do anything to just feel better
And I can't find my way
God I need a change
And I do anything to just feel better
Any little thing that just feel better
Long to hold you in my arms
To all things I ought to leave behind, yeah
It's really getting nowhere
I think I need a little help this time
I'm gonna try anything to just feel better
Tell me what to do
You know I can't see through the haze around me
And I do anything to just feel better
And I can't find my way
Girl I need a change
And I do anything to just feel better
Any little thing that just feel better

| 00:49 | Komentari (1) | Isprintaj | #

četvrtak, 09.02.2006.

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As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will.

You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder every time.

You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken.

You'll fight with your best friend.

You'll blame a new love for things an old one did.
You'll cry because time is passing too fast, and you'll eventually lose someone you love.

So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back.

| 11:53 | Komentari (10) | Isprintaj | #

srijeda, 01.02.2006.

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Dugo nisam pisala, pa evo, da ne mislite da sam umrla :D

U petak sam bila na coffee u Zimskoj sa Perom i Ivanom, vrištale smo od smijeha :D Pričale o svemu i svačemu-od od bivši, sadašnjih i budućih ljubavi do gay ljudi :D
U subotu u klubu mladih bila svirka...svirale Paprike iz Afrike(LoL, koje loodo ime benda), Wasted generation i Bad obsession...Ja sam išla samo zbog Bad obsession jer u toj grupi sviraju dva dečka iz razreda, Zvone i Babić. Bili su odlični...njihova najnaj pjesma mi je Garden of Eden, kad mi se bude dalo napišem vam riječi ovdje-jako je lijepa...
U nedjelju bila na radionici u Poshu, tema bila odgovornost i tolerancija...opet smo se smijali ko kreteni :D

Ja sam u zadnjih otprilike tjedan dana neke nedefinirane volje, promijenim x raspoloženja dnevno...prestrašno :D

Rečenica dana: "Tata će je u čevapu pronaći ako ne prestane srat!" :D

(odnosi se na x osobu s Ladinog bljoga)

| 20:55 | Komentari (11) | Isprintaj | #

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