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pa.... ovdje ćete naći svašta u vezi evanescence... uglavnom vijesti i općenito stvari o njima... a ako želite gnjavažu mojim osobnim stvarima, definitivno idite na moj drugi blog.... ;) pusa.

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riječi... neke....

sorry odmah na gramtici, riječi su skidane sa različitih stranica, pa mi se ne da ispravljat svakojake greške i greškice... šutite i trpite!


Catch me as I fall
Say you're here and it's all over now
Speaking to the atmosphere
No one's here and I fall into myself

This truth drives me
Into madness

I know I can stop the pain
If I will it all away

Don't turn away
(Don't give in to the pain)
Don't try to hide
(Though they're screaming your name)
Don't close your eyes
(God knows what lies behind them)
Don't turn out the light
(Never sleep never dies)

I'm frightened by what I see
But somehow I know
That there's much more to come
Immobilized by my fear
And soon to be
Blinded by tears
I can stop the pain
If I will it all away

Don't turn away
(Don't give in to the pain)
Don't try to hide
(Though they're screaming your name)
Don't close your eyes
(God knows what lies behind them)
Don't turn out the light
(Never sleep never dies)

Fallen angels at my feet
Whispered voices at my ear
Death before my eyes
Lying next to me I fear
She beckons me
Shall I give in
Upon my end shall I begin
Forsaking all I've fallen for
I rise to meet my end

Don't turn away
(Don't give in to the pain)
Don't try to hide
(Though they're screaming your name)
Don't close your eyes
(God knows what lies behind them)
Don't turn out the light
(Never sleep never dies)

Breathe No More

[Piano Solo Opening]

I've been looking in the mirror for so long.
That I've come to believe my souls on the other side.
Oh the little pieces falling, shatter.
Shards of me,
To sharp to put back together.
To small to matter,
But big enough to cut me into so many little pieces.
If I try to touch her,
And I bleed,
I bleed,
And I breathe,
I breathe no more.

Take a breath and I try to draw from my spirits well.
Yet again you refuse to drink like a stubborn child.
Lie to me,
Convince me that I've been sick forever.
And all of this,
Will make sense when I get better.
I know the difference,
Between myself and my reflection.
I just can't help but to wonder,
Which of us do you love.
So I bleed,
I bleed,
And I breathe,
I breathe now...
I bleed,
And I breathe,
I breathe,
I breathe-
I breathe no more.

[Piano Solo Ending]

Call Me When You're Sober

Don’t cry to me
If you loved me, you would be here with me
You want me, come find me
Make up your mind

Should’ve let you fall
And lose it all
So maybe you can remember yourself
Can’t keep believing
We’re only deceiving ourselves
And I’m sick of the lie
And you’re too late

Don’t cry to me
If you loved me, you would be here with me
You want me, come find me
Make up your mind

Couldn’t take the blame
Sick with shame
Must be exhausting to lose your own game
Selfishly hated
No wonder you’re jaded
You can’t play the victim this time
And you're too late

So, don’t cry to me
If you loved me, you would be here with me
You want me, come find me
Make up your mind

You never call me when you’re sober
You only want it ‘cause it’s over - it’s over

How could I have burned paradise?
How could I?
You were never mine

So don’t cry to me
If you love me, you would be here with me
Don’t lie to me, just get your things
I’ve made up your mind.

utorak, 02.10.2007.

EvanescenceWebsite interview with Amy

malo je dug, i tako to, ali ima dosta novosti, tak da... vrijedi pročitati... :)


Dear Amy,

Before writing these pages, in our minds we had a lot of ideas and very good intentions plus a hint of fun which had to appear at the end of this interview… But we changed our minds: why should we care about the perfect interview? We won’t win Pulitzer and we are not journalists (thank God!).

We even had the face to gift wrap ourselves dressed up as the seven dwarves! So we got rid of all the old questions and took a totally new direction!

Interviews usually start this way: “In a luxurious hotel in New York or London”.We’ll start by saying…

In hundreds of Italian houses, as many boys and girls sat in front of their computers trying to think of something clever enough to be asked to their idol, choosing among a million of questions and fighting against the disbelief… they’re going to interview an artist, without asking anyone’s permission, and it will be published on a web-site. It took 4 years and a half, but we got it in the end, and above all it’s the source that matters: Evanescence Website is going to interview Amy Lee!! We’ll finally discover if “Catherine” really exists, if the drink “Lies” is named this way just for chance and where’s all the unreleased material from “The Open Door”.

Needless to say, the curiosity of the fans concerns the past of Evanescence, b-sides and some tracks which have never been played live. So, let’s start from the origin…


Dear Evanescence Website,

SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG! I've been getting my apartment sorted and doing stupid stuff ever since I've been home from tour, and I feel so bad to have kept you waiting. Anyway, finally here are all answers to the interview! I hope you're doing well- we miss our Italian fans!


1) Have you ever thought of playing live the songs contained in “Origin” or to re-record them, even though they belong to the past of the band?

When this band started I was about 14 or so, and it was nothing more than a lot of song-writing and home recording. Throughout my high school years Ben and I (and later, David) filled all our spare time obsessing over songs, demoing them the best we could out of our parents houses, and playing the occasional club or cafe gig. Origin is a collection of our best home made recordings as of 2001 (I think. Maybe 2000...) Anyway, back then we were still finding ourselves- learning how to write. I've always felt that our music has grown and improved tremendously since then and want to keep doing better and better than before, instead of looking back. To be honest, its hard to listen to the really old stuff without laughing at myself a little. But of course those songs will always be special to me, and remind me of a time in my life that was both wonderful and terrible. It's so cool to have them recorded, so I can go back and listen to my teenaged self- to remember things I'd forgotten. Besides the songs from Origin that were re-recorded and put on Fallen, we did play "Even in Death" live quite a bit, which was always fun, and I've always liked the idea of one day putting out a b-sides and rarities cd - there are some interesting songs that even the fanliest of you fans haven't heard. :)

2) In the “Everybody’s Fool” video you advertise the brand “Lies” and the title of the DVD is “Anywhere but Home”. Is there a relation with the songs contained in “Origin”? If really there is one, what’s the kind of relation?

Ha. That's a funny coincidence, but nothing intentional.

3) Let’s make clear another urban legend (after the Meat Loaf one). Does really exist an Evanescence song called “Catherine”?

Ben and I wrote Catherine on an acoustic guitar in a movie theater parking lot. I can't really remember if we ever recorded it or not, but I know we played it once or twice to about 25 people in a coffee shop.

4) You were planning to take harp lessons. Did you start to study it and have you already thought of using it in the future, maybe on the next record?

I would still love to try my hand at the harp. I haven't had any real time at home to concentrate on that yet but I would like for that to be my next instrument. I think it could be used in some very unique ways.

5) Evanescence have a troubled past for what concerns their members. How did you live the moment they left, the changes and the fact you were suddenly in need of finding new musicians? Have you ever thought “I give up! I’m tired!”

This is going to answer question #6, and also #2 from the 'make a wish' section. Everything that comes along with being in a band has the potential to be stressful and heartbreaking. I have poured my life and soul into Evanescence for more than 10 years now, and at times I've had to fight tooth and nail to protect it. There were times when greed, jealousy, bitterness, hate and even violence tried to tear the whole thing down, but I love this music too much to see it destroyed by those things, or cheapened by people who don't appreciate it. Did I ever feel hopeless? Exhausted? Ready to quit? Of course, but I had more to say. It's funny how keeping quiet about people who've screwed you makes YOU look like the bad guy. If I went around broadcasting all the faults and wrong-doings of my enemies, well, first of all no one would believe me, but more importantly,

I don't think I'd like who that made me. I hate the he-said she-said game. If you weren't there, you'll never really know.


1) While composing the new material, rumours have been around about a certain "fear" of your label, because of the absence of Ben. But when they listened to the recordings they totally changed their minds and appreciated very much the new songs, If the rumours are true, how did you live these moments and the doubts about your writing skills?

The label had the same fears and suspicions that many people did after Ben left the band- that he'd pretty much done everything but sing and I couldn't do it without him. When we finally showed them our demo's that we'd been working on for a year, I think they'd been so convinced that it would suck, they thought it actually did suck. They wouldn't give us the go-ahead to start recording the album until our producer Dave Fortman, Terry, and myself all pretty much bet our lives that it would be a great record with plenty of singles, and that it needed to be heard. I think they just didn't appreciate my crappy recording skills. ;)

2) The vocals are the first thing you notice while listening to "The Open Door". The vocal lines are more difficult, complex and refined. Was the voice which adapted itself to the new tracks or were the songs adapted to your vocal lines?

Songs start from all directions. The Open Door was especially interesting in this way because we really had no set formula for writing. Songs like Lithium and Sober started with piano and melodies. Then there were songs like Sweet Sacrifice and Lose Control that started from Terry and I playing with drum loops. Weight of The World started from a guitar riff, and most of Your Star was written sitting in a hotel window sill in Portugal during the Fallen tour, just singing to myself. I took alot of liberties and had more fun with the vocals this time around because I had more confidence in my ability, but I think we sort of went nuts with all of the other instruments too. I love alot of layers, especially vocally. Those who tell you less is more are just lazy. :)

3) Which was the song on "The Open Door" that gave more trouble to you? Which was the song that needed more adjustments to obtain "the final cut"?

Sweet Sacrifice took the longest to write. Terry and I began tracking it at the beginning of 2005, got stuck on it and sort of abandoned it, half-baked, for months. Then in September we pulled it out and finally had a breakthrough with it and it became one of our favorite songs on the album. Usually when I get stuck on a song like that it dies. If I can't get the idea out when its fresh and urgent, the feeling just goes away- but Sweet Sacrifice came back to life.

4) In the next days "Good Enough", the 4th single off "The Open Door" will be released. All the fans who have seen it played live will always remember the great emotion you transmit while singing it (we are concerts veterans and we can testify it!). "Good Enough" is also the only song where the rest of the band doesn't play. Why did you choose it?

Good Enough is the bravest song I've ever written, and it just has to be taken all the way. I think it shows a side of me that I don't usually share, and it challenges people to open their minds about who I am. (not goth!)

5) There've been some kind of 'leaks' for the “Good Enough” single lately on the net. Someone even posted the cover and tracklist for it. There's a b-side called “Together Again”; well, can you confirm it? And if you can, how you came to the decision to add this song to Good Enough? What's the song about?

Well, I know by now this was a while ago, and I guess by now you know that together again isn't on the good enough single. It was a probably just a mistake at the label, assuming that song would go there, but it isn't quite finished. It would be a pretty simple task to complete it, and eventually we will. It's a song I love very much and I promise you'll hear it- I'm saving it for a rainy day. I think most of you know that it was the song I intended to be in the chronicles of narnia, and that was the inspiration. So its about leaving home knowing it may not be there when you return, and the attraction to something frightening and wonderful far away from there.

6) You support the fight against epilepsy through the "Out of The Shadow" campaign. All the fans appreciate you very much for this and would like to know more about this organization. Have you ever thought of holding one or more concerts to raise funds for this campaign?

Basically I hooked up with the Epilepsy Foundation and we made www.outoftheshadows.com. It's main goal is just to teach people about seizures- what they are, how to respond to someone having a seizure, and what it means to have epilepsy. I give a bunch of little interviews on the site and talk about my family and our personal experience with epilepsy. It is CRAZY how common it is- you probably have friends with it- but no one likes to talk about it because they don't want to be called names or looked at differently. If more people knew about it, it wouldn't be weird. There is still no real cure for epilepsy, and raising money for research is important too, so you can also donate there.


1) Recently you’ve been guest-star for Korn on “Freak on A Leash”. Have you ever thought of singing a duet with other Rock female singers or from another musical genre? Who are they?

I get asked this question alot and i never know what to say. I'm always up for collaborating, but I want to do something really different. I think it would have to be out of the rock genre next time, I

don't know. The thing is, I want it to be someone that I not only love and respect, but also someone different enough that together we would make something new. Otherwise its just two similar musicians jamming together. Not that that can't be cool, but I've done that and would like to be involved in a truly unique mash-up. I want to say "I'd love to collaborate with Bjork," but I honestly don't think there's anything I could bring to the table the she couldn't do better. I just saw her live the other night in Madison Square Garden and was completely stunned as always. I leave her show an emotional wreck- if any of you haven't explored her music, RUN to the store and buy Post, Homogenic, Vespertine, or ANY of them. There is nothing like Bjork. She is the Mozart of our time.

2) The fact that all the original members left the band made many fan upset. Maybe this happened because of information leaked in the wrong way and extremely sided. Many fans didn't think too much before attacking you. What did you think?

(answered already)

3) Is there a concert or a performance you remember because of the good things or bad things that happened?

I have a lot of interesting concert memories. Once we were playing House of Blues in New Orleans and our beloved Dave Fortman was there. I don't know how many of you know this, but Dave is an incredible guitar player who used to be in the band Ugly Kid Joe. In the middle of the set, we told the audience to give it up because he was in the audience, and then we made him come on stage. Then, using the chanting audience for added peer pressure, we somehow convinced Dave to take the guitar and play Eruption (super-long Van Halen solo). The crowd went nuts and it was one of the coolest moments EVER... so of course the video camera was accidentally left off. Another time at a huge festival Ben fell backwards into the drums and the whole kit fell apart- another one of my favorites.

4) After all your big success you are aware that thanks to your music, your charisma and your behaviour, you gained thousands of fans around the world. When you get on stage, when you sign autographs, when you think of and get in touch with all their love, what makes you more proud of?

This is a hard one to answer. We are very lucky to have so many people who love our music. It is a very moving thing to have friends all over the world. I guess I'm most proud that this is real- we didn't just put out one song and everybody liked it for a second, we've been around a few times now, and through all the drama, health problems, changes in members and music and everything, we still have you fans. You ROCK.

5) The fans often run to touch you, to hug you, they want to take a picture with you, to get a piece of your dress or they simply wait under the rain to have an autograph. What's your relation with them?

I'm mostly very happy that they are so moved, and I want to be as kind and gentle with them as I can because I know how easy it is to be crushed by someone you idolize when you finally meet. But I have to be careful because those people are still strangers, and I don't know what they're like or what they're going to do. I'd rather have a real conversation with a fan, like I'm an actual person than being screamed and grabbed at. I'm always sad when I can't get to everyone, or when I can't stop to take pictures, and people are disappointed. But when I'm working my schedule is crazy and if I don't hurry then the people waiting on me think I'm a bitch. Alot of times I feel like I'm trapped in that no matter what I do somebody's going to be hurt or pissed off.

6) We almost reached the end of the interview: a very recurrent question concerns the future of the band: what's in the future of Evanescence, after you get some deserved rest?

I'm not really sure yet. I have to work in a way that there's no plan in order do my best, so I'm just going to wait and see what comes out of my head- what it is, where it belongs. I couldn't live without making music, so don't worry about that. I just don't know how long it will be or what it will sound like yet.

7) Amy, thank you for your time and your kindness...but be aware of the answer to the last question! Is there something you wish to receive from your fans? Is there something you would have liked to see during a live? Evanescencewebsite.com has always organized something to make you show unique! Now make a wish...This way you won't be worried when you come back to Italy next time!! Go On, Amy, tell us...what would you like?

HAHA! Oh, but the best part is the suprise! Your creativity has always been the coolest part of our trips to Italy. I have a whole room in my apartment dedicated to cool stuff I've collected from fans, and let me tell just say that it is mostly from you guys. I especially loved the star we got last time, and I love the scrapbook of our meetings. I cant tell you what to do! You guys have to come up with something crazy every time on your OWN! :)

8) That's really the last question, please answer or they won't let us live! That's a summary of the most frequent questions: when will you come back to Italy? Will you leave a message on our English board? How do you live the relation with the crazy people crowding Evanescence Website?

I don't know when we'll be in Italy again, we finish touring for the Open Door in December, and that's just the U.S. and Mexico. BUT! Italy is always high on our list of places to play, so as long as the promoters will still have us we will be coming there. Thank you for making it so special, you have been more than kind to us time after time and I won't ever forget it. About the website- I need to come there! I just haven't been going to the boards much at all lately, but I will come and post on

the English board. Thank you guys again! You make it very hard not to choose favorites!!



…and with love to you all, EvFans of this beautiful planet.

Fede, Fra, Lucy, Ste & The EvanescenceWebsite Team


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