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Dizajn by: RizL@ i sTrUdL@

Opis Bloga

hmm.. autorica je ovoga bloga jedna djevojčica,volim uživati. tako imam i svoje načine uživanja, nebih u detalje :D
shvaćena samo od strane rijetkih osoba.vrlo rijetkih° točka zarez
novi red
trenutno sam u nekom prijelaznom segmentu života, formiram mnoga mišljenja koja me zaokupljaju iako će zapravo većina ostati na istome,hrpa gluposti lebdeći po prostranstvima mojih ganglija, no u tome i je smisao, zar ne? .. rođena sam u zodijačkom znaku ovna, a to je od velike važnosti pošto su moje najizraženije karakterne linije podudarne s osobitostima jednog istinskog ovna! u životu se nastojim što manje zamarati sitnicama, zato se nekad opterećujem velikim stvarima, al to tako ide. nikad dovoljno dobro! .. hedonist sam, no opet jako puno se posvećujem duhovnom i emocionalnom razvoju. po svemu zaključak je jednostavan: zašto jednostavno kad može komplacirano?
što još reći za početak? ...

moj msn- nephthys_4@hotmail.com - stalno mjesto prebivališta

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Zaklada Ana Rukavina

Glasaj za moj blog na www.blogeri.hr

LJudi koOje Čitam:

RobČE :]
TerrrČE :]
Ayla ^-^
overflowstate :)
falltopieces :)
Prorok -poezija
Martonus -poezija

OstalO zanimljivO
ova stranica je nešto jednostavno prejebenozovnozakon. tu provodim puno vremena
*Nebeski dar
*Yoga i pilates
*svi mogući horoskopi.prošli život.rune etc.
*ayurveda i vastu
*Podaci iz Svetog Pisma kakve još niste čuli
moja potajna ovisnost
*Branimir Vugdelija r.i.p
blog posvećen jednom posebnom čovjeku

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Goodbye to you, my trusted friend.
We've known each other since we're nine or ten.
Goodbye my friend, it's hard to die,
when all the birds are singing in the sky,
We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun.
But the stars we could reach
were just starfishs on the beach .

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My painted face, I'm a clown,
and I'm laughing while my dream turns into a nightmare,
fade away, I'm asleep,
not too deep... the broken glass I stepped on, twice.

I fall back, and I turn another cheek.
You mouth the words you're not ready to speak
You're scared of me now; no I never had a clue
That I'd become so much stronger than you.
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If you fall I’ll catch, if you love I’ll love,
and so it goes, my dear, don’t be scared, you’ll be safe,
this I swear. If you only love me (back)

I'd give it all for her heart,
If I was a King I would give away my kingdom
Treasures and crowns wouldn't mean a thing
If I only had a heart...

When I'm looking in your eyes
Everything seems to fade away
After all these years we had do I know you now
Have I trusted blindly in your love, too many times
now,I have found the whore in you
Why can't I tell you "NO"?
Time will show, the last word is for me

You let my hand go, and you fake a smile for me
I have a feeling you don't know what to do
I look deep in your eyes and hesitate a while...
Why are you crying?
It's easier to live alone than fear the time it's over

Another misspelled rhyme
written in the book of time
In one page I've spent all my life
Ink ain't even dry. I've been living in a lie?
How could I trust in someone of your kind?
Do you feel? Do you care about me?
Did you wait and love me all this time?

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neki kažu nisu mu dali više bijele vilinje prašine
svatko priča kako je čuo,al jedino stvarno zanima me
ja samo želim da znam kako je umro petar pan

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Hey Andy, did you hear about this one? Tell me, are you locked in the punch?
Hey Andy, are you goofing on Elvis? Hey baby, are we losing touch?
If you believed they put a man on the moon, man on the moon
If you believe there's nothing up my sleeve, then nothing is cool

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The only thing I ever wanted, the only thing I ever needed
is my own way - I gotta have it all
I don't want your opinion, I don't need your ideas
stay the fuck out of my face, stay away from me
I am my god - I do as I please

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You think it's right, you made you're mind
I've seen so many cross that line
I've seen them come, I've seen them go, times will never change
It's the same old song - The same old song
That's playing again - The same old song

~The dream must stay alive~
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Abe mesiah eyaaa

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Girls just wanna have fun

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Gazing through the window at the world outside
Wondering if mother earth will survive
Hoping that mankind will stop abusing her, sometime
Im just a dreamer, I dream my life away
Im just a dreamer, who dreams of better days

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How can I find
Love, faith and trust inside of your rain
So unreal, cant find another place of your rain

I’ve been so happy loving you
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If every word I said
Could make you laugh
I’d talk forever
If the song I sing to you
Could fill your heart with joy
I’d sing forever

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My name is Dr. Worm.
Good morning. How are you? I'm Dr. Worm.
I'm interested in things.
I'm not a real doctor,
But I am a real worm;
I am an actual worm.
I live like a worm.

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"Spiderpig Spiderpig
Does what ever a spiderpig does
Can he swing, from a web
No he cant hes just a pig
Look out, he is a spiderpig"

Those three words
Are said too much
They're not enough
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If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?

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That girl is pretty wild now
The girl's a super freak
The kind of girl you read about
In new-wave magazine
That girl is pretty kinky
The girl's a super freak

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Under (pleša :D) my umbrella
ela ela ela (eša eša eša)
Under (pleša) my umbrella
ella ella eh eh eh eh eh eh
eša eša a a a a a a a a a a

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Ay que rico un dos tres
Sí te deseo otra vez
Pero no no no tu corazón
Más más más de tu limón
Dame de tu fruta
Vamos mi amor . . .
Te quiero puta!

if i die tommorow
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It brings out the worst in me
When you're not around
I miss the sound of your voice
The silence seems so loud
'Cause there's no one else
Since I found you

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Because Im bad, Im bad-come on
(bad bad-really, really bad)
You know Im bad, Im bad-you know it
(bad bad-really, really bad)

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Whoa! I feel good, I knew that I would, now
I feel good, I knew that I would
So good, so good, 'cause I got you

Seamless never ending time
As I begin to quiver
I lay still with this crystals of cold
This lifeless body begins to wither
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My heart decayed and dead end
By this ravenous winter
For see this end is frozen
Begins this timeless winter

If i get you in the loop when I make a point to be straight with you then
In lieu of the innuendo in the end know my intent though
I brazillian wax poetic so hypothetically
I don't wanna beat around the bush
Foxtrot Unifrom Charlie Kilo
Put the you know what in the you know where
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You've had a lotta dick
Had a lotta dick
I've had a lotta time
Had a lotta time
You've had a lotta dick Chasey
But you ain't had mine

Thinking about you... Luna
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Show me your moon burns
Take me as the moon burns
The freezing moon
Making things real for me

let's drink and enjoy
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From evening to morning
And morning and evening
I wanna drink
'cause that's what I am
Beer, beer
I want beer

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Koliko si puta ljubila stranca
I bila kao ptica kraj čovjeka
Koji ne leti do tvojih visina
I ne zna tajnu skrivenu u tebi
U tvom oku je dragi kamen
Ili to suzu čuvaš za mene
A ja sam samo snoviđenje
Koje ti kaže raduj se
I ne znam kad i neznam gdje
Ići ćemo istom stranom ulice
Vjeruj mi dušo srest ćemo se
U svijetu tajni mi nismo sami
Ti si u tijelu punom želja
Sa usnama željnim iznenađnja
Al' nikog nema tko je tvoj
I ova zemlja se ne zove dom

subota, 26.01.2008.

- 14:31 -

.forever young.

Let's dance in style, lets dance for a while
Heaven can wait we're only watching the skies
Hoping for the best but expecting the worst
Turn our golden faces into the sun

zamisli taj osjećaj. osječaj vječne mladosti. bezbrižno plesati obasjani suncem. povjetarac..miris mora. mirisi šumskog jutra. želim da me ti osjećaji opijaju zauvijek. ovako mladu..

Some are like water, some are like the heat
Some are a melody and some are the beat
Sooner or later they all will be gone

zašto? zašto svi moramo ostarjeti? zašto se uskoro moram rastati sa dragim mi ljudima? zašto svako mora krenuti svojim putem? zašto ne koračamo svi zajedno rame uz rame kroz ovo što nazivamo životom?

Forever young, I want to be forever young
do you really want to live forever, forever and ever

Youth's like diamonds in the sun
and diamonds are forever

neželim i neću se suočiti sa starosti. nikada! naći ću načina. nekako, neznam kako, ali želim zadržati ovaj osjećaj. neću dozvolit ljudima da me napuste.poći ću za njima. neželim živjeti sjećajući se kako je bilo prije. neželim . želim obnavljati stare uspomene. i živjeti neopterećena nadom u bolje sutra. jer je čovjek taj koji donosi promjene, mi sami moramo postići ono što želimo.

"Sudbina nije stvar slučajnosti, već je stvar izbora; to nije nešto što treba čekati, već nešto što treba postići.''

komentare nećeš/hoćeš

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četvrtak, 10.01.2008.

- 14:57 -

prvi post..po već nEzNAm koji puT

evo ga..ovo mi je već negdje 8745693 blog.. puno sam puta otvorila blog napisala prvi post i ostavila sve samo na tome. počela je nova godina pa da i ja započnem s nečime. premda, gledajući pisanje bloga čini se samo gubitkom vremena. treba mi trenutno nešto stalno, da ne odustajem prijevremeno malo za promjenu.
neznam o čemu ću pisati, vjerojatno samo kako mi dođe. a dođe mi svačeg,svatko, swašta..
trenutno ostadoh bez trunčice inspiracije, a i čemu pisati kad ovo još nitko ne čita.zar ne?

pa zasad evo ove dvje vrlo mi drage pjesmice
Dante Gabriel Rossetti


Ja te obozavam kao nebo nocu,
O posudo tuge, i tvoju mirnocu
Ja ljubim sve vise sto mi bjezis dalje
Pa i makar mislim da te tama salje
Da bi ironicno razmak povecala
Sto ga je do neba vec priroda dala.

U divljem naletu nasrcem i skacem
I k'o crv lesinu ne bih dao jacem!
I meni je draga, u ocaju slijepom,
Cak i ta hladnoca sto te cini lijepom.


Tajanstvene zjene maglom prekrivene,
Jesu li ti plave, sive il' zelene?
Sad gledaju njezno, sad zure okrutno,
Odrazuju nebo nehajno i mutno.

Ti si kao mlaki, natmureni dani,
Kad sred srca grca jad neisplakani,
A neznane boli po zivcima ruju,
Sto se duhu snenom ludo ismjehuju.

Ponekad si nalik na divne obzore,
Gdje lomace sunca u maglini gore.
U kakvom si sjaju, oroseni kraju,
Kad te s nujno svoda ognji obasjaju!

O zeno opasna, o carobne klime
Kako snijeg tvoj voljet i stud grobne zime?
O da li cu od nje, mrazne, neumolne,
Izmamiti slasti opojne i bolne?

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komentare nećeš/hoćeš

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