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nedjelja , 30.12.2018.

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Bihar has the CIPET and the a central government unit in. Our partners use cookies to ensure we show you advertising that is relevant to you. Retrieved 17 April 2015.

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Some tribes had converted to Christianity or Judaism. The South Asian may be considered Arabs because records of their ancestors who migrated from Iraq exist in historical documents.

Behar br. 97

- Latin America is home to anywhere from 17—25 to 30 million people of Arab descent, which is more than any other region in the world. Hindi was introduced in the law courts in Bihar in 1880.

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For other uses, see and. Arabs 9N1N( 'arab Total population c. Regions with significant populations 430,000,000 Significant including partial ancestry 12,000,000 6,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 3,500,000 1,300,000—3,500,000 native 1,700,000 1,600,000 1,500,000 native 1,500,000 native 1,493,410 Mexico 1,100,000 Germany 1,000,000+ Chile 700,000 Italy 680,000 United Kingdom 366,769 Canada 380,620 Netherlands 180,000 Australia 350,000 Ecuador 100,000—250,000 Honduras 150,000—200,000 Languages Religion Predominantly: · · · · Sizable minority: · Smaller minority: Other monotheistic religions · Historically: Related ethnic groups Other , especially such as and a Arab ethnicity should not be confused with non-Arab ethnicities that are also native to the Arab world. An Arab can follow any religion or irreligion. Without proper , you may see. They primarily live in the in , , the , and western. They also form a significant , with Arab communities established around the world. The first mention of Arabs is from the mid-ninth century BCE as a tribal people in eastern and southern , and the north of the. The Arabs appear to have been under the vassalage of the 911—612 BCE , and the succeeding 626—539 BCE , 539—332 BCE , and empires. Tradition holds that Arabs descend from , the son of. The Arabs forged the 632—661 , 661—750 , 750—1517 and the 901—1071 caliphates, whose borders reached southern in the west, in the east, in the north, and the in the south. This was one of the. In the early 20th century, the signalled the end of the ; which had ruled much of the Arab world since conquering the in 1517. This resulted in the of the empire and the , forming the modern Arab states. Following the adoption of the in 1944, the was founded on 22 March 1945. The endorsed the principle of an whilst respecting the individual sovereignty of its member states. Today, Arabs primarily inhabit the 22 Arab states within the Arab League: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , and. The Arab world stretches around 13 million km 2, from the in the west to the in the east, and from the in the north to the and the in the southeast. Beyond the boundaries of the League of Arab States, Arabs can also be found in the global. The ties that bind Arabs are ethnic, , , historical, , , and. The Arabs have their own customs, language, , , , , , , , , , and. The total number of Arabs are an estimated 450 million. Arabs are a diverse group in terms of religious affiliations and practices. In the era, most Arabs followed religions. Some tribes had adopted or , and a few individuals, the , apparently observed. Today, Arabs are mostly adherents of , with sizable Christian minorities. Other smaller are also followed, such as the and. Arabs have greatly influenced and contributed to diverse fields, notably the arts and architecture, , , mythology, , literature, politics, business, music, dance, , , and in the ancient and modern history. Arab people are generally known for their and as well as their and. Basalt, dated in 7 Kislul, 223, viz. Found at in the. The related word ¾a¿rb is still used to refer to Bedouins today, in contrast to ¿arab which refers to Arabs in general. Other ancient Greek historians like , and mention Arabs living in Mesopotamia along the Euphrates , in Egypt the Sinai and the Red Sea , southern Jordan the , the Syrian steppe and in eastern Arabia the people of. The study of Pre-Islamic Arabia is important to as it provides the context for the development of Islam. Some of the settled communities in the Arabian Peninsula developed into distinctive civilizations. Sources for these civilizations are not extensive, and are limited to archaeological evidence, accounts written outside of Arabia, and Arab oral traditions later recorded by Islamic scholars. Among the most prominent civilizations was , which arose around the 4th millennium BCE and lasted to 538 BCE, and , which arose around the 1st millennium BCE and lasted to about 300 CE. Origins and early history Traditional genealogy The first written attestation of the ethnonym Arab occurs in an inscription of 853 BCE, where lists a King of mâtu arbâi Arab land as among the people he defeated at the. Some of the names given in these texts are , while others are the first attestations of dialects. Many of the queens were also described as queens of the aribi. The Qahtanis are said to have migrated from the land of following the destruction of the sadd Ma'rib. The narrates that promised to beget from Ishmael twelve princes and turn him to a great nation. The claims that the sons of intermingled with the 6 sons of , from , and their descendants were called Arabs and : And Ishmael and his sons, and the sons of and their sons, went together and dwelt from to the entering in of in all the land towards the East facing the desert. And these mingled with each other, and their name was called Arabs, and. Jesur was mentioned in Greek inscriptions in the 1st century BCE. Life-size bronze bust sculpture of. The Christians of Italy and the Crusaders preferred the term for all the Arabs and Muslims of that time. The Christians of used the term to describe all the Arabs and Muslims of that time. Muslims of referred to the tribes of the deserts as the A'raab, and considered themselves sedentary, but were aware of their close racial bonds. The does not use the word ¿arab, only the adjective ¿arabiy. The two qualities are connected for example in ayat. The Qur'an became regarded as the prime example of the al-¿arabiyya, the language of the Arabs. The term has the same root and refers to a particularly clear and correct mode of speech. Based on this, in early Islamic terminology, ¿arabiy referred to the language, and ¾a¿rb to the Arab Bedouins, carrying a negative connotation due to the Qur'anic verdict just cited. Classical kingdoms Façade of in , Jordan, built by the. Proto-Arabic, or , texts give a clearer picture of the Arabs' emergence. The earliest are written in variants of south Arabian script, including the 8th century BCE inscriptions of eastern Saudi Arabia, the 6th century BCE texts of southeastern Saudi Arabia and the texts found throughout the Arabian Peninsula and not in reality connected with. The were nomadic Arabs who moved into territory vacated by the — Semites who settled the region centuries before them. Their early inscriptions were in , but gradually switched to Arabic, and since they had writing, it was they who made the first inscriptions in Arabic. The was adopted by Arabs to the south, and evolved into modern Arabic script around the 4th century. This is attested by inscriptions beginning in the 1st century BCE and the many Arabic personal names in inscriptions. From about the 2nd century BCE, a few inscriptions from reveal a dialect no longer considered proto-Arabic, but pre-classical Arabic. Five inscriptions mentioning Arabs have been found at , one of which dates to the 2nd century CE. The ruins of Palmyra. The Palmyrenes were a mix of Arabs, and. Arabs arrived in the in the late first millennium BCE. Palmyra was conquered by the after its 634 capture by the Arab general , who took the city on his way to Damascus; an 18-day march by his through the Syrian Desert from Mesopotamia. By then Palmyra was limited to the Diocletian camp. After the conquest, the city became part of. Fragment of a wall painting showing a Kindite king, 1st century CE Palmyra prospered as part of the Umayyad Caliphate, and its population grew. During this period, Palmyra was a stronghold of the tribe. After being defeated by during a , Umayyad contender fled to the Banu Kalb in Palmyra, but eventually pledged allegiance to Marwan in 744; Palmyra continued to oppose Marwan until the surrender of the Banu Kalb leader al-Abrash al-Kalbi in 745. That year, Marwan ordered the city's walls demolished. In 750 a revolt, led by and Umayyad pretender , against the new swept across Syria; the tribes in Palmyra supported the rebels. After his defeat Abu Muhammad took refuge in the city, which withstood an Abbasid assault long enough to allow him to escape. Late kingdoms The of in 117—138 CE Greeks and Romans referred to all the nomadic population of the desert in the Near East as Arabi. The Romans called the vassal nomadic states within the , after the city of , and called unconquered deserts bordering the empire to the south and east. The as a dynasty inherited their power from the , the mid Tigris region around their capital. They ended up allying with the against the Ghassanids and the. The Lakhmids contested control of the Central Arabian tribes with the Kindites with the Lakhmids eventually destroying in 540 after the fall of their main ally. The Sassanids dissolved the Lakhmid dynasty in 602, being under puppet kings, then under their direct control. The Kindites migrated from Yemen along with the Ghassanids and Lakhmids, but were turned back in Bahrain by the Abdul Qais tribe. Medieval period The in , built in 715, is one of the oldest, largest and best preserved in the world In 661, the Rashidun Caliphate fell into the hands of the and was established as the empire's capital. The Umayyads were proud of their Arab identity and sponsored the poetry and culture of pre-Islamic Arabia. They established garrison towns at , , , , and , all of which developed into major cities. This reform greatly influenced the conquered non-Arab peoples and fueled the of the region. However, the Arabs' higher status among non-Arab Muslim converts and the latter's obligation to pay heavy taxes caused resentment. Caliph strove to resolve the conflict when he came to power in 717. He rectified the disparity, demanding that all Muslims be treated as equals, but his intended reforms did not take effect, as he died after only three years of rule. By now, discontent with the Umayyads swept the region and an uprising occurred in which the came to power and moved the capital to. The in , constructed during the reign of Umayyads expanded their Empire westwards capturing North Africa from the Byzantines. Before the Arab conquest, North Africa was conquered or settled by various people including , Vandals and Romans. After the , the Umayyads lost most of their territories with the exception of Iberia. Their last holding became known as the. It wasn't until the rule of the grandson of the founder of this new emirate that the state entered a new phase as the. This new state was characterized by an expansion of trade, culture and knowledge, and saw the construction of masterpieces of architecture and the library of which housed over 400,000 volumes. With the collapse of the Umayyad state in 1031 CE, was divided into small kingdoms. Maqamat of al-Hariri Illustration, 123. The Abbasids were the descendants of , one of the youngest uncles of Muhammad and of the same clan. The Abbasids led a revolt against the Umayyads and defeated them in the effectively ending their rule in all parts of the Empire with the exception of. In 762, the second Abbasid Caliph founded the city of and declared it the capital of the Caliphate. Unlike the Umayyads, the Abbasids had the support of non-Arab subjects. The was inaugurated by the middle of the 8th century by the ascension of the Abbasid Caliphate and the transfer of the capital from to the newly founded city of. Rival dynasties such as the of and the of were also major intellectual centres with cities such as and rivaling. Members of the Abbasid royal family escaped the massacre and resorted to Cairo, which had broken from the Abbasid rule two years earlier; the generals taking the political side of the kingdom while Abbasid Caliphs were engaged in civil activities and continued patronizing science, arts and literature. Fatimid Caliphate 909—1171 , commissioned by the Fatimid Caliph for the newly established capital city of in 969 The Fatimid caliphate was founded by , a descendant of , the daughter of Muhammad, in the early 10th century. Egypt was the political, cultural, and religious centre of the Fatimid empire. The Fatimid state took shape among the Berbers, in the West of the North African littoral, in Algeria, in 909 conquering , the capital. In 921 the Fatimids established the Tunisian city of as their new capital. In 948 they shifted their capital to , near in Tunisia, and in 969 they conquered Egypt and established as the capital of their caliphate. Intellectual life in Egypt during the Fatimid period achieved great progress and activity, due to many scholars who lived in or came to Egypt, as well as the number of books available. Fatimid Caliphs gave prominent positions to scholars in their courts, encouraged students, and established libraries in their palaces, so that scholars might expand their knowledge and reap benefits from the work of their predecessors. The Fatimids were also known for their exquisite arts. Many traces of exist in Cairo today; the most defining examples include and the. Arabesque pattern behind hunters on , 11th—12th century, Egypt It was not until the 11th century that the saw a large influx of ethnic Arabs. Starting with the 11th century, the Arab bedouin tribes migrated to the West. Having been sent by the to punish the Berber for abandoning , they travelled westwards. The Banu Hilal quickly defeated the Zirids and deeply weakened the neighboring. According to some modern historians. Although Berbers ruled the region until the 16th century under such powerful dynasties as the , the , , etc. The Ottomans defeated the in Cairo, and ended the Abbasid Caliphate. Arabs did not feel the change of administration because the Ottomans modeled their rule after the previous Arab administration systems. Al-Fatat hosted the in Paris, the purpose of which was to discuss desired reforms with other dissenting individuals from the Arab world. However, as the Ottoman authorities cracked down on the organization's activities and members, al-Fatat went underground and demanded the complete independence and unity of the Arab provinces. After , when the was overthrown by the , former Ottoman colonies were divided up between the and as. Modern period Further information: Arab identity is defined independently of identity, and pre-dates the , with historically attested kingdoms and. Today, however, most Arabs are Muslim, with a minority adhering to other faiths, largely , but also and. Paternal descent plays a strong part in the role of citizenship of an individual and maternal descent also plays an issue. Paternal descent is considered the main source of affiliation in the Arab world when it comes to membership into a kin group or clan. The Near East in 565, showing the Ghassanids, Lakhmids, Kindah and Today, the main unifying characteristic among Arabs is , a from the. The Arabs are first mentioned in the mid-ninth century BCE as a tribal people dwelling in the central Arabian Peninsula subjugated by -based state of Assyria. Arab tribes, most notably the and begin to appear in the south Syrian deserts and southern Jordan from the mid 3rd century CE onwards, during the mid to later stages of the and. Also, before them the of Jordan and arguably the , , and all appear to have been an Aramaic speaking ethnic Arabs who came to rule much of the pre-Islamic often as vassals of the two rival empires, the Sasanian Persian and the Byzantine Eastern Roman. Thus, although a more limited diffusion of Arab culture and language was felt in some areas by these migrant minority Arabs in pre-Islamic times through Arabic-speaking Christian kingdoms and Jewish tribes, it was only after the in the mid-7th century that Arab culture, people and language began their spread from the central Arabian Peninsula including the south Syrian desert through conquest and trade. Approximate locations of certain , including those descended from , and at the dawn of Islam, 600 CE Arabs in the narrow sense are the indigenous Arabians who trace their roots back to the and their immediate descendant groups in the Levant and North Africa. Jadis and Tasm perished because of genocide. Imlaq is the singular form of 'Amaleeq and is probably synonymous to the biblical. Arabians are most prevalent in the Arabian Peninsula, but are also found in large numbers in Mesopotamia , the Levant and Sinai , , as well as the Maghreb Eastern Libya, South Tunisia and South Algeria and the Sudan region. Arabian tribes before the spread of Islam This traditional division of the Arabs of Arabia may have arisen at the time of the. Of the , the most prominent was the. The Quraysh subclan, the , was the clan of Muhammad. During the early Muslim conquests and the , the political rulers of Islam were exclusively members of the Quraysh. The Arab presence in Iran did not begin with the in 633 CE. For centuries, Iranian rulers had maintained contacts with Arabs outside their borders, dealt with Arab subjects and client states such as those of Iraq and Yemen , and settled Arab tribesmen in various parts of the Iranian plateau. The Arab infiltration into Iran began before the Muslim conquests and continued as a result of the joint exertions of the civilized Arabs ahl al-madar as well as the desert Arabs ahl al-wabar. The largest group of are the , including , and the sect. Smaller groups are the nomads in and the. Post-card of Emir Mejhem ibn Meheid, chief of the tribe near with his sons after being decorated with the Croix de Légion d'honneur on 20 September 1920 The Arabs of the are traditionally divided into. This tribal division is likewise taken to date to the Umayyad period. The Yemen trace their origin to South Arabia or ; they include , , , and. Native Jordanians are either descended from of which, 6% live a nomadic lifestyle , or from the many deeply rooted non bedouin communities across the country, most notably city west of which was at the time of Emirate the largest urban settlement east of the. Along with indigenous communities in Al Husn, , , , , , , and. In Jordan, there is no official census data for how many inhabitants have roots but they are estimated to constitute half of the population, which in 2008 amounted to about 3 million. Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics put their number at 3. Old Bedouin man and his wife in Egypt, 1918 The Bedouins of western Egypt and eastern Libya are traditionally divided into , the Sa¿ada having higher social status. This may derive from a historical feudal system in which the Murabtin were vassals to the Sa¿ada In , there are numerous Arabic-speaking tribes, including the , and , who are ancestrally related to the. These groups are collectively known as. In addition, there are other Afroasiatic-speaking populations, such as and. Commander and Amir of , The medieval in the Sudan drove a wedge between the Arabic-speaking groups and the indigenous populations. It has contributed to ethnic conflict in the region, such as the , , or the. The Arabs of the Maghreb are descendants of Arabian tribes of , the and the native of and of other tribes native to , and. Arabs and -speakers inhabit plains and cities. The spent almost a century in before moving to , and , and another century later some moved to , it is logical to think that they are mixed with inhabitants of and with. Population density of the Arab world in 2008 According to the also known as the Pact of the League of Arab States , the League of Arab States is composed of independent Arab states that are signatories to the Charter. Although all Arab states have Arabic as an official language, there are many non-Arabic-speaking populations native to the Arab world. Among these are , , , , ,. Additionally, many Arab countries in the have sizable non-Arab immigrant populations 10—30%. Iraq, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, United Arab Emirates and Oman have a Persian speaking minority. The same countries also have Hindi-Urdu speakers and as sizable minority. Balochi speakers are a good size minority in Oman. Additionally, countries like Bahrain, UAE, Oman and Kuwait have significant non-Arab and non-Muslim minorities 10—20% like and from , , , and the. The table below shows the distribution of populations in the Arab world, as well as the official language s within the various Arab states. Arab state Population Official language s 38,700,000 Arabic co-official language with 1,314,089 Arabic official language 780,971 Arabic co-official language with and 810,179 Arabic co-official language with French 94,526,231 Arabic official language 32,585,692 Arabic co-official language with 9,531,712 Arabic official language 4,156,306 Arabic official language 5,882,562 Arabic official language 6,244,174 Arabic official language 3,516,806 Arabic official language 32,987,206 Arabic co-official language with 3,219,775 Arabic official language 4,550,368 Arabic official language 2,123,160 Arabic official language 27,345,986 Arabic official language 10,428,043 Arabic co-official language with 35,482,233 Arabic co-official language with 17,951,639 Arabic official language 10,937,521 Arabic official language 10,102,678 Arabic official language 26,052,966 Arabic official language Arab diaspora Syrian immigrants in , as depicted in 1895 refers to descendants of the who, voluntarily or as refugees, emigrated from their native lands in non-Arab countries, primarily in , , , , and parts of , , the , and. According to the , there are 13 million first-generation Arab migrants in the world, of which 5. Arab expatriates contribute to the circulation of financial and human capital in the region and thus significantly promote regional development. In 2009, Arab countries received a total of 35. The 250,000 strong Lebanese community in is the largest non-African group in the region. Arab traders have long operated in and along the East Africa's. Most of the prominent , Malaysians, and Singaporeans of Arab descent are with origins in southern Yemen in the coastal region. Most are from the but some also come from the areas of the. Arabs in France form the second largest after of French origin. As of late 2015, had a population of 78. Demographic trends indicate that the country already had from 1,500,000 to more than 2,000,000, so constituency now numbers anywhere from 4. In other words, nearly 4—5 million Arab inhabitants. The in Dearborn, Michigan, the of America began in sizable numbers during the 1880s. Today, it is estimated that nearly 3. Metropolitan , , and are home to one-third of the population. Contrary to popular assumptions or stereotypes, the majority of Arab Americans are native-born, and nearly 82% of Arabs in the U. Arabs immigrants began to arrive in in small numbers in 1882. Their was relatively limited until 1945, after which time it increased progressively, particularly in the 1960s and thereafter. Latin America is home to anywhere from 17—25 to 30 million people of Arab descent, which is more than any other region in the world. The Brazilian and Lebanese governments claim there are 7 million Brazilians of Lebanese descent. Also, the Brazilian government claims there are 4 million Brazilians of Syrian descent. According to research conducted by in 2008, covering only the states of Amazonas, Paraíba, São Paulo, Rio Grande do Sul, Mato Grosso and Distrito Federal, 0. Other large Arab communities includes about 4,500,000 The interethnic marriage in the Arab community, regardless of religious affiliation, is very high; most community members have only one parent who has Arab ethnicity. Georgia and the Caucasus in 1060, during the final decline of the emirate In 1728, a Russian officer described a group of Arab nomads who populated the shores of in present-day and spoke a mixed Turkic-Arabic language. It is believed that these groups migrated to the in the 16th century. The 1888 edition of also mentioned a certain number of Arabs populating the of the. They retained an at least into the mid-19th century, there are nearly 30 settlements still holding the name Arab for example, , , , etc. From the time of the Arab conquest of the , continuous small-scale Arab migration from various parts of the Arab world occurred in. The majority of these lived in the village of Darvag, to the north-west of. The latest of these accounts dates to the 1930s. Most Arab communities in southern Dagestan underwent linguistic , thus nowadays Darvag is a majority-Azeri village. According to the History of Ibn Khaldun, the Arabs that were once in Central Asia have been either killed or have fled the Tatar invasion of the region, leaving only the locals. However, today many people in Central Asia identify as Arabs. Most are fully integrated into local populations, and sometimes call themselves the same as locals for example, , but they use special titles to show their Arab origin such as , or. One of the oldest mosques in Sri Lanka. It is believed to be the site where the first Arabs landed in Sri Lanka. There are only two communities in which self-identify as Arabs, the of the region and the of. These groups are largely descended from Hadhrami migrants who settled in these two regions in the 18th century. However, neither community still speaks Arabic, although the Chaush have seen re-immigration to the and thus a re-adoption of Arabic. In , where Arab ancestry is considered prestigious, many communities have origin myths that claim Arab ancestry. These include the of and the of. Among and Arabs, there are groups who claim the status of and have origin myths that allege descent from the. The South Asian may be considered Arabs because records of their ancestors who migrated from Iraq exist in historical documents. There are about 5,000,000 with Arab ancestry. The are the third largest ethnic group in , comprising 9. Some sources trace the ancestry of the Sri Lankan to Arab traders who settled in Sri Lanka at some time between the 8th and 15th centuries. Most Afro-Arabs inhabit the in the region, although some can also be found in parts of the. Large numbers of Arabs migrated to , particularly home to over 100,000 Lebanese , roughly 30,000 Lebanese , roughly 10,000 Lebanese today; about 30,000 prior to the outbreak of in 1991 , , and. Since the end of the civil war in 2002, traders have become re-established in Sierra Leone. The Arabs of Chad occupy northern Cameroon and Nigeria where they are sometimes known as Shuwa , and extend as a belt across Chad and into Sudan, where they are called the grouping of ethnic groups inhabiting the portion of Africa's. The Chadian Arabs are 2,391,000 to 2,500,000 , 289,000 , 171,000 , 150,000 , and the 107,000. Bas-relief: , and the dedicator Arabs are mostly Muslims with a majority and a minority, one exception being the , who predominate in. There are also Arab communities consisting of and. A few individuals, the , had apparently rejected in favor of unaffiliated with any particular religion. Some tribes had converted to Christianity or Judaism. The most prominent Arab Christian kingdoms were the and kingdoms. When the king converted to in the late 4th century, the elites of the other prominent Arab kingdom, the , being Himyirite vassals, apparently also converted at least partly. With the expansion of Islam, polytheistic Arabs were rapidly , and polytheistic traditions gradually disappeared. The , the in , is located in , the Hejazi region of Today, Sunni Islam dominates in most areas, overwhelmingly so in North Africa and the Horn of Africa. Shia Islam is dominant among the Arab population in and southern while northern Iraq is mostly Sunni. Substantial Shia populations exist in , , , , northern and Al-Batinah Region in. There are small numbers of and too. The community is concentrated in Lebanon, Syria, Israel and Jordan. Many claim independence from other major religions in the area and consider their religion more of a philosophy. Their books of worship are called Epistles of Wisdom. They believe in reincarnation and pray to five messengers from God. In Israel, the Druze have a status aparte from the general Arab population, treated as a separate ethno-religious community. A Church during a snow storm in , Christianity had a prominent presence In among several Arab communities, including the of , the , in parts of , and among certain northern Arabian tribes such as the , , , , , and. A sizeable share of those are Arab Christians proper, and affiliated Arabic-speaking populations of Copts and Maronites. In Lebanon, Christians number about 40. In Syria, Christians make up 10% of the population. In and in , Christians make up 8% and 0. In Egypt, Coptic Christians number about 10% of the population. In Iraq, Christians constitute 0. In Israel, Arab Christians constitute 2. Arab Christians make up 8% of the population of. Most and Arabs are Christian, so are about half of the Arabs in who come particularly from Lebanon, Syria and Palestine. One well known member of this religious and ethnic community is , martyr and the patron saint of ,. Arab Christians also live in holy Christian cities such as , and the of the and many other villages with holy Christian sites. Another important and unifying characteristic of Arabs is a common. Evidence of its first use appears in accounts of wars in 853 BCE. It also became widely used in trade and commerce. Arabic also is a language of 1. Arabic is one of six. It is revered as the language that chose to reveal the. Arabic has developed into at least two distinct forms. It is based on the medieval dialects of. MSA is the direct descendant used today throughout the in writing and in formal speaking, for example, prepared speeches, some radio broadcasts, and non-entertainment content, while the and of are different from. Colloquial Arabic, an informal spoken language, varies by dialect from region to region; various forms of the language are in use today and provide an important force for Arab cohesion. Mythology flying away with two people, from the , c. Prior to Islam the Kaaba of Mecca was covered in symbols representing the myriad demons, djinn, demigods, or simply tribal gods and other assorted deities which represented the polytheistic culture of pre-Islamic. It has been inferred from this plurality an exceptionally broad context in which mythology could flourish. The most popular beasts and demons of Arabian mythology are , , , , , , , , , , , , and other assorted creatures which represented the profoundly environment of pre-Islamic. The most obvious symbol of Arabian mythology is the or genie. Jinns are supernatural beings of varying degrees of power. They possess free will that is, they can choose to be good or evil and come in two flavors. There are the Marids, usually described as the most powerful type of Jinn. These are the type of genie with the ability to grant wishes to humans. However, granting these wishes is not free. They are not purely spiritual, but are also physical in nature, being able to interact in a tactile manner with people and objects and likewise be acted upon. The jinn, humans, and make up the known creations of. A is a or in , associated with graveyards and consuming human flesh, demonic being believed to inhabit burial grounds and other deserted places. In ancient Arabic folklore, ghkls belonged to a diabolic class of jinn spirits and were said to be the offspring of Ibl+s, the prince of darkness in Islam. They were capable of constantly changing form, but their presence was always recognizable by their unalterable sign—ass's hooves. The ghul is a devilish type of believed to be sired by. Literature A giraffe from the Kitb al-$ayawn Book of the Animals , an important scientific treatise by the 9th century Arab writer. A leading scholar in the Abassid Caliphate, his canon includes two hundred books on various subjects, including , , poetry, lexicography, and. Of his writings, only thirty books survive. Al-J%i“ was also one of the first Arabian writers to suggest a complete overhaul of the language's grammatical system, though this would not be undertaken until his fellow linguist took up the matter two hundred years later. There is a small remnant of , but Arabic literature predominantly emerges in the , during the. Illustration from Book of Songs , by. The 14th-century historian called the Book of Songs the register of the Arabs. A large portion of Arabic literature before the 20th century is in the form of , and even prose from this period is either filled with snippets of poetry or is in the form of or rhymed prose. The or love poem had a long history being at times tender and chaste and at other times rather explicit. In the tradition the love poem would take on a wider, and importance. A modern revival took place beginning in the 19th century, alongside. The literary revival is known as in Arabic, and was centered in and. Two distinct trends can be found in the nahda period of revival. The first was a neo-classical movement which sought to rediscover the literary traditions of the past, and was influenced by traditional literary genres—such as the —and works like. In contrast, a modernist movement began by translating Western modernist works—primarily novels—into Arabic. A tradition of was established by writers such as , and. Iraqi poet is considered to be the originator of free verse in. Gastronomy A large plate of in , Jordan is the cuisine of the Arab people. The cuisines are often centuries old and resemble and culture of great trading in spices, herbs, and foods. The three main regions, also known as the , the , and the have many similarities, but also many unique traditions. These kitchens have been influenced by the climate, cultivating possibilities, as well as trading possibilities. The kitchens of the Maghreb and are relatively young kitchens which were developed over the past centuries. The kitchen from the Khaleej region is a very old kitchen. The kitchens can be divided into the and kitchens. In the Maghreb countries , , and traditional main meals are or dishes using. In the , , and main meals usually start with — small dishes of dips and other items which are eaten with bread. This is typically followed by skewers of grilled lamb or chicken. Gulf cuisine, tends to be more highly spiced with more use of rice. Sometimes a lamb is roasted and served whole. One will find the following items on most dishes; , in coastal areas , , or veal , Mild to hot , , , , , , , due to heavy trading between the two regions. Art Mosaic and arabesque on a wall of the Myrtle court in , Granada. It is generally split up by different eras, among them being , , , , and finally, current Arabic. One thing to remember is that many times a particular style from one era may continue into the next with few changes, while some have a drastic transformation. This may seem like a strange grouping of art mediums, but they are all closely related. In early Arabic and , writing was typically done on parchment made of animal skin. The ink showed up very well on it, and occasionally the parchment was dyed a separate color and brighter ink was used this was only for special projects. The name given to the form of writing in early times was called script. It usually consists of a single design which can be 'tiled' or seamlessly repeated as many times as desired. Architecture The , built by in 987 Arabic Architecture has a deep diverse history, it dates to the dawn of the history in and includes various styles from the to the old yet still used architecture in various regions of the Arab world. Each of it phases largely an extension of the earlier phase, it left also heavy impact on the of other nations. Arab Architecture also encompasses a wide range of both secular and religious styles from the to the present day. Some parts of its religious architectures raised by Muslim Arabs were influenced by cultures of , and cultures of other lands which the in the 7th and 8th centuries. In , combined Occidental features, such as the Classical pillars and friezes, with typical Arabic decorations and calligraphy. The principal Islamic architectural types are: the , the , the and the. From these four types, the vocabulary of Islamic architecture is derived and used for other buildings such as , and domestic architecture. It is an amalgam of the music of the Arab people in the and the music of all the peoples that make up the today Pre-Islamic Arab music was similar to that of Ancient Middle Eastern music. Most historians agree that there existed distinct forms of music in the in the pre-Islamic period between the 5th and 7th century CE. It was believed that revealed poems to poets and music to musicians. By the 11th century, had become a center for the manufacture of instruments. These goods spread gradually throughout , influencing French , and eventually reaching the rest of. The English words , , and are derived from Arabic , , and. A number of used in are believed to have been derived from Arabic musical instruments: the was derived from the , the ancestor of from the , the from qitara, which in turn was derived from the Persian , from , from , from al-buq, from al-nafir, exabeba from al-shabbaba , atabal from al-tabl, atambal from al-tinbal, the , the from kasatan, from sunuj al-sufr, the , the xelami from the sulami or flute or , the and from the zamr and , the from the , from iraqya or iraqiyya, violin from ghichak, and the from the tarab. During the 1950s and the 1960s, Arabic music began to take on a more Western tone — artists and along with composers and pioneered the use of western instruments in Egyptian music. By the 1970s several other singers had followed suit and a strand of was born. Arabic pop usually consists of Western styled songs with Arabic instruments and lyrics. Melodies are often a mix between Eastern and Western. Beginning in the mid-1980s, , musical widely regarded as the first rock star of the Spirituality was one of the three chief of a pagan Arabian religion was the dominant religion in. Different theories regarding the role of in Meccan religion. Many of the physical descriptions of the pre-Islamic gods are traced to , especially near the Kaaba, which is said to have contained up to 360 of them. Until about the fourth century, almost all Arabs practised polytheistic religions. Although significant and Christian minorities developed, remained the dominant belief system in pre-Islamic Arabia. The religious beliefs and practices of the nomadic were distinct from those of the settled tribes of towns such as. Nomadic religious belief systems and practices are believed to have included , and but were connected principally with immediate concerns and problems and did not consider larger questions such as the afterlife. Settled urban Arabs, on the other hand, are thought to have believed in a more complex of deities. While the Meccans and the other settled inhabitants of the worshipped their gods at permanent shrines in towns and oases, the bedouin practised their religion on the move. Philosophy , one of the most celebrated mystic-philosophers in Islamic history. Schools of Arabic thought include and. The first great Arab thinker is widely regarded to be 801—873 A. After being appointed by the to translate scientific and texts into , he wrote a number of original treatises of his own on a range of subjects, from and to and. Much of his output focuses on subjects such as the nature of , the and knowledge. Doctrines of the Arabic philosophers of the 9th—12th century who influenced medieval in Europe. The Arabic tradition combines and with other ideas introduced through. Influential thinkers include the Persians and. The Arabic philosophic literature was translated into and , this contributed to the development of modern European philosophy. The Arabic tradition was developed by and. Science 's Kitb az-Z+j was one of the most influential books in medieval astronomy Within a century after Muhammed's death 632 CE , an empire ruled by Arabs was established. It encompassed a large part of the planet, stretching from southern Europe to to and on to. In 711 CE, Arab Muslims invaded southern Spain; was a center of Arabic scientific accomplishment. The , drawn by for in 1154, is one of the most advanced. Modern consolidation, created from the 70 double-page spreads of the original atlas. This era can be identified as the years between 692 and 945, and ended when the caliphate was marginalized by local Muslim rulers in Baghdad — its traditional seat of power. From 945 onward until the by the in 1258, the Caliph continued on as a figurehead, with power devolving more to local. The pious scholars of Islam, men and women collectively known as the , were the most influential element of society in the fields of law, speculative thought and theology. Arabic scientific achievement is not as yet fully understood, but is very large. These achievements encompass a wide range of subject areas, especially , , and. Other subjects of scientific inquiry included , , , , , , and. His work is considered instrumental in the development of science and astronomy. One of Al-Battani's best-known achievements in astronomy was the determination of the solar year as being 365 days, 5 hours, 46 minutes and 24 seconds which is only 2 minutes and 22 seconds off. Alhazen used experimentation to obtain the results in his 1021 , an important development in the. He combined , and arguments to support his intromission theory of , in which of are emitted from objects rather than from the eyes. He used similar arguments to show that the ancient supported by and in which the eyes emit the rays of light used for seeing , and the ancient supported by where objects emit physical particles to the eyes , were both wrong. It remained the primary source for surgical procedures and instruments in Europe for the next 500 years. The book helped lay the foundation to establish as a scientific discipline independent from , earning his name as one of the founders of this field. Other notable contributions include among other things: establishing the science of by , establishing the science of and by , the development of by , the discovery of the by , the discovery of the parasite by , the first use of as an algebraic objects by , the first use of the positional by , the development of the and an early in the , the and by , the discovery of several new by and , the for by , the first accurate by , the invention of the by , the invention of the universal and the by , the first description of the by , the anticipation of the concept by , the discovery of the by , the identification of more than 200 new by the , and the , which was the most accurate world map in pre-modern times by. The birth of the University institution can be traced to this development, as several universities and educational institutions of the Arab world such as the , , and are considered to be the oldest in the world. Founded by in 859, the University of Al Quaraouiyine in is the oldest existing, continually operating and the first awarding educational institution in the world according to and and is sometimes referred to as the oldest university. There are many scientific in Western European languages, including , mostly via Old French. This includes such as , scientific terms like whence also , , , , , , , etc. Under , cultural life and science in the declined. In the 20th and 21st centuries, Arabs who have won important science prizes include and , and , , , , and both and. Wedding and marriage tattoo in have changed greatly in the past 100 years. Original traditional Arabic weddings are supposed to be very similar to modern-day weddings and rural weddings, and they are in some cases unique from one region to another, even within the same. The practice of of relatives is a common feature of. In the today between 40% and 50% of all marriages are or between close family members, though these figures may vary among Arab nations. In , around 40% of the population. A 1992 survey in found that 32% were married to a first cousin; a further 17. Due to the actions of the and the , marriage between cousins is explicitly allowed in and the itself does not discourage or forbid the practice. Nevertheless, opinions vary on whether the should be seen as exclusively based on Islamic practices as a 1992 study among Arabs in Jordan did not show significant differences between or when comparing the occurrence of. Listed here are the in Arabian Peninsula, or , and Valley. The mtDNA has been observed at notable frequencies among overall populations in the Arab world. The maternal clade reaches its highest frequency in the Arabian peninsula, while and specifically subclade T2 is more common in the. In the Nile Valley and Horn of Africa, haplogroups and ; in the Maghreb, haplogroups and are more significant. There are four principal West Eurasian autosomal DNA components that characterize the populations in the Arab world: the Arabian, Levantine, Coptic and Maghrebi components. The Arabian component is the main autosomal element in the region. It is most closely associated with local Arabic-speaking populations. The Arabian component is also found at significant frequencies in parts of the Levant and Northeast Africa. The geographical distribution pattern of this component correlates with the pattern of the Islamic expansion, but its presence in Lebanese Christians, Sephardi and Ashkenazi Jews, Cypriots and Armenians might suggest that its spread to the Levant could also represent an earlier event. The Levantine component is the main autosomal element in the and. It peaks among populations in the Levant. The Levantine component diverged from the Arabian component about 15,500—23,700 ypb. The Coptic component is the main autosomal element in. It peaks among in , and is also found at high frequencies among other Afro-Asiatic-speaking populations in the and the Horn of Africa. The Coptic component is roughly equivalent with the Ethio-Somali component. The Maghrebi component is the main autosomal element in the Maghreb. It peaks among the non-Arabized populations in the region. Retrieved 18 December 2017. Retrieved 18 June 2017. Retrieved 20 June 2017. Retrieved 22 August 2010. Retrieved 11 May 2017. Retrieved 18 December 2017. Retrieved 18 December 2017. Retrieved 11 May 2017. Archived from on 1 June 2006. Retrieved 17 September 2011. Archived from on 20 June 2010. Retrieved 18 December 2017. There is an estimated population of 1,500,000 Arabs in Colombia. Archived from on 3 February 2012. Retrieved 3 August 2013. Archived from on 24 April 2013. Retrieved 3 August 2013. 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Ishmael's mother was Hagar, an Egyptian slave girl whom Sarah gave to Abraham because of her own infertility; in accordance with Mesopotamian law, the offspring of such a union would be credited to Sarah Gn. Ishmael was circumcised at the age of thirteen by Abraham and expelled with his mother at the instigation of Sarah, who wanted to ensure that Isaac would be Abraham's heir Gn. In the New Testament, Paul uses this incident to symbolize the relationship between Judaism, the older but now rejected tradition, and Christianity Gal. The Ishmaelites, vagrant traders closely related to the , were apparently regarded as his descendants. The fact that Ishmael's wife and mother are both said to have been Egyptian suggests close ties between the Ishmaelites and Egypt. According to Genesis 25:17, Ishmael lived to the age of 137. Islamic tradition tends to ascribe a larger role to Ishmael than does the Bible. He is considered a prophet and, according to certain theologians, the offspring whom Abraham was commanded to sacrifice although surah Judaism has generally regarded him as wicked, although repentance is also ascribed to him. According to some rabbinic traditions, his two wives were Aisha and Fatima, whose names are the same as those of Muhammad's wife and daughter Both Judaism and Islam see him as the ancestor of Arab peoples. Bibliography A survey of the Bible's patriarchal narratives can be found in Nahum M. Sarna's Understanding Genesis New York, 1966. Postbiblical traditions, with reference to Christian and Islamic views, are collected in Louis Ginzberg's exhaustive Legends of the Jews, 2d ed. Retrieved 18 December 2017. Retrieved 18 December 2017. The Syrian desert : caravans, travel and exploration. Hoboken: Taylor and Francis. Retrieved 7 August 2017. A history of the Arab peoples 1st Harvard Press pbk. Retrieved 18 December 2017. Archived from on 3 September 2016. Retrieved 18 December 2017. Retrieved 21 August 2017. At the time of the Prophet's birth and mission, the Arabic language was more or less confined to Arabia, a land of deserts, sprinkled with oases. Surrounding it on land on every side were the two rival empires of Persia and Byzantium. The countries of what now make up the Arab world were divided between the two of them—Iraq under Persian rule, Syria, Palestine, and North Africa part of the Byzantine Empire. They spoke a variety of different languages and were for the most part Christians, with some Jewish minorities. Their Arabization and Islamization took place with the vast expansion of Islam in the decades and centuries following the death of the Prophet in 632 CE. The Aramaic language, once dominant in the Fertile Crescent, survives in only a few remote villages and in the rituals of the Eastern churches. 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The Rolling Stones - Out of Control - Live 1997
It mostly depicts human beings and their association with nature. Another region of Bihar is which was an early centre of Brahmanical learning and the centre of the kingdom. American Journal of Human Genetics. Retrieved 18 December 2017. Retrieved 14 February 2015. Most and Arabs are Christian, so are about half of the Arabs in who come particularly from Lebanon, Syria and Palestine. Retrieved 15 October 2009. In early Arabic and , writing was typically done on parchment made of animal skin. All institutes are recognised by AICTE , affiliated with AKU. In the urban region most educated speakers of the language name Hindi as their language because this is what they use in formal contexts and believe it to be the appropriate response because of lack of awareness.

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