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Reality - When You Die

The final chapter's finished
The curtain is about to fall
Ending mediocre life
Nothing to be proud of at all
Thinking back now
Despising yourself
Feelings oppressed
Always ready to bow
It wasn't real life
In fact just a play
From which, you the actor
Got fired today

Your final walk down the hallway
No applauding masses in here
Not even dead and already forgotten
Your mind is filling with fear
Never any grip on situations
Your "life" just passed you by
And all the sudden it becomes clear
And insanity takes over now

You're not going out with a bang
You won't have "your" day
Your no longer wanted in this dull play
It wasn't real life
Never came close in a way
Your contract is over
Your finished today

And then you die
Part of a generation
Whose minds are all polluted
By the habit of consumption
No need to get a life
Everything's been taken care of
Your back bone is attached to strings
In the puppetplay you're part of

No it wasn't real life
It never came close in a way
It's a shame you found out too late
Reality is when you die

The Swarm

Catch fire - just like a living disease
Unholy desire - a world on it's knees
Our burning minds they are ridden of hope
In a dreaming utopia - dead on dape

A generation of obscenities
We have lost our faith in our own
What is evil, but good
Tortured by it's own hunger and thirst?

The living end
The dwarped soul of man
The living end

The seetest of lies - it's embrace so warm
So void of life - one with the promised swarm
Our burning minds they are ridden of hope
In a dreaming utopia - dead on dope
A generation of obscenities
Our ignorance will be the end of humanity
A dead nation under one dead god

The living end
The dwarped soul of man
The living end

Written in napalm over genetic wastelands
We move on, our fate is to die by our own hand
A dead nation under one dead god
What is evil, buy good
Tortured by its own hunger and thirst?

28.01.2006., subota

totalno neprofesionalan blog.. aggh

evo odlucih napravit novi blog posto prijasnja 2 sam sjeba... ako i ovog sjebem visse necu ih radit (pazi sad!!) jer je to glupo!?? evo da vas obavjestim sda bend napreduje ko lokomotiva! evo imamo 4 instrumentala i jednu pjesmu di se thomas dere :)) evo sad slusam atg i mislim da bi mogao poletit...
evo vam par slika:
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evo... ovo je najbolja slika ikad naslikana u fotograpskoj aparaturi!!e bokte!!
prikazuje citav bend u punoj formi!!

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evo... ovo vam je bubnjar kojem Tony Laureano nije ni do peta??! ~~

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evo... ovo bi treba bit ja kad se ufuram pa derem po gitari ko kad cirkular reze drva ?? a ni zvuk nije bolji ~~

samo da nabavimo neku aparaturu za snimanje i izdajemo dugosvirajuci demo cd! e bokte!!

*(evo sad imas moju sliku u kojoj sam ispao donekle oke, )

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