Dorian HACHE

31.08.2005., srijeda

24-08-2005 until 28-08-2005, Ante in Paris !!!

Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
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19-08-2005, 21-08-2005, Visit of a very "secret" network under Paris

Friday, Sunday
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18-08-2005, nice to find again the underground !

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15-08-2005, come back in Paris... :-(

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14-08-2005, In Zagreb...

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14.08.2005., nedjelja

13-08-2005, Last Day...


We leave Puntizela at 11.00 AM. Julia, Emilia, Ivan, and Damir don't take the bus for Zagreb with us, so it's the last time we see them. Everybody is sad, but we will remember the good moments we have passed together... On the road, the latino guys and Darko decide to stay a little in Rijeka, so they leave the bus. I'm terribly sad, especially because I know Bozy will miss me.

We arrive to Zagreb at 2.00 PM, and I follow Alonso in his student room for stay with him during the week-end (my bus for france leave Croatia monday evening). When we arrive, it's very strange because we are just two now without the others. A little tired after the trip, i sleep one hour. We will see the macedonnian girl in the evening. Alonso checks his emails with the computer of Bozy.

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About 9.00 PM, Tatjana and Dragana come to the Alonso's room and we go to drink a good beer in "Plivitza", a famous bar. I'm suppose i'm the only one who didn't know... ;-)

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After two glass of beers, i begin (of course) to be drank. We leave the bar at about midnight and join home. Dragana return to his bedroom and Tatjana stay with us because the room of Dragana is too small for two persons.

I fall asleep at 1.30 AM...
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13.08.2005., subota

12-08-2005, The great evening...

I can't finish my blog without speak about the last night in Pula and the week-end after in Zagreb. But, I think it's not the end because Ante comes to Paris next week-end ! He will come to visit the famous "underground" with me ! :-)

So, for resume the last evening, I show you some pictures of this night (you can click inside...)

Bozy... :-D
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First part of the evening, we go to our work place for see the finish painting. Good job girls !
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Then, the drama group present their show and just before, we listen the famous craotian song than we've heard during all the TF.
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My friends...Ivan, Dragana, The T-Shrit of Mladen, Bernie
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And after...Aruba !!! Darko had the very good idea to buy at 17 a big cocktail (20 litters),...crazy night !

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12.08.2005., petak

The end... (12/08/2005)

I don't write since Monday because it's almost the end of Tasko and I want to enjoy the last moments with my friends.

This three weeks was really good, and I know that it will be difficult to return of Paris reality. But, it's the rules, you try to pass the most good moment until the next time !

We have write together the history of task force 2005, and now the book have to close...

Thanks for all, you will stay in my mind and if one of you want to visit Paris, just come !

Yesterday, we have seen a fucking storm on the sea, it's the kind of thing I can forget...

Em@il :

Adios !!!

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09.08.2005., utorak

Day 16 , 8-08-2005


I don't heard nothing this morning, so I stay in my bed until time to get the bus. I'm not alone, Bozi is like me... :-) We miss the departure for Pula, so we take our time to breakfast. We are alone in the restaurant, it's so relax... We take the bus at 8.30 AM and I meet a french couple from Bordeaux so I speak with them during the trip.

I'm too lazy this morning, I do nothing except sleep at work. At 11.00 AM, I go with Bozi and Lalo in the center. We join the rest of the group for take the bus. We are in late so I can't finish my ice cream... :-(

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When we arrive in the camping, not a lot of things happens. But, at 4.30 PM, I go with Darko and Ante to visit an old fortress not to far to camping. What'ske bird !!! It's a very nice and big place with a lot of underground passage like I like it ! :-)

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We visit until 6.30 PM and return to camping for workshop. After, we go to try "trempoline", whaou it's so funny (but very hard...)!

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The rest of the afternoon and the evening, I feel time very boring (there is some days like that...) but I laugh also (cf. photo).

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I go to sleep at 1.00 AM.
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08.08.2005., ponedjeljak

Day 15, 7-08-2005


Reveil rapide vers 6.00 AM car il commence a pleuvoir. Mais sa n'est pas bien grave, donc je me rendors rapidement. A 9.00 AM, Celine et Jeremy me reveil car ils ont besoin d'acceder a leurs affaires avant de partir en stop pour Rovinj. Juste le temps d'aller pisser, putain qu'est ce qu'il fait froid, avant que deux gardes du camping fassent leur apparition... Pas le temps pour les mots doux du matin, la seule chose qu'ils nous disent est : "You have to pay for this !". On reveille Franck, Francois, et Natasha et on remballe fissa pendant que Jeremy les accompagne a la reception. Je fais plusieurs aller-retour dans la chambre pour remonter tous le necessaire dodo, avant d'aller prendre le petit dej'. Au passage, je ramene (comme hier) de quoi manger a mes compagnions.

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Vers 10.00 AM, nous partons direction le centre-ville. Sur le chemin, C. et J. nous quitte pour trouver une bonne ame acceptant de les transporter jusqu'a Rovinj. On arrive a Pula, direction la gare ferroviaire + routiere afin de prendre les horraires pour Rijeka et Zagreb. Puis on cherche un resto sous la pluie. On choisit l'un des seul ouvert, sur la place centrale. Dejeuner folklorique, on attend plus d'une heure notre pizza et notre serveur est vraiment a la masse.

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On quitte le resto vers 3.30 PM et je dis adieu a mes amis sur le parvis du "forum"... A bientot a Paris, l'underground vous attend ! :-)

Je vais attendre sagemment mon bus tout en mangeant une glace et en prenant quelques notes dans mon carnet. Retour au camping, je m'endors dans le bus... Quand j'arrive, je vois Darko qui attend des membres de sa famille. Petite fin d'apres-midi tranquille, je bulle sur internet.

Free Image Hosting at A 7.00 PM debute la "White Party" organise par Emma, Erika, et Julia. Free Image Hosting at
Elles ont commandees des pizzas pour ceux qui en veulent. Je prefere aller manger a la "cantine-resto" car j'ai deja donne dans les pizzas a midi. A mon retour, je vais me preparer car je n'ai pas eu le temps jusque la. Tout le monde s'habille en blanc et commence a faire la fete. Je suis un peu a la masse ce soir (surement du au decalage d'avoir passer une partie du week-end avec les francais, j'ai besoin d'un pallier de decompression), je prefere m'isoler dans la salle internet... Je bois ma biere, oula sa devient dur d'ecrire... Finalement, je rejoins les autres vers 11.30 PM et dance un peu (a retenir un pogo memorable sur un morceau de SOAD). Beaucoup partent se coucher, je prefere faire un foot au premier etage et foutre un gros bordel devant la porte de nos leaders. Ante m'apprend entres-temps qu'il a vomit, tres sympa...Sans m'en rendre compte, je ramasse toutes les bieres non vides et me les enfile assez rapidement. C'est que j'avais soif dis donc ! :-D On reprend notre foot endiable dans un decor digne d'une guerre car on a tous retourne. Je crois qu'on fait bien chier tout les gens qui dorment mais on rigole trop pour s'arreter ! Julia me fout une porte dans la gueule mais elle a pas fait expres, alors sa va... Je commence a tituber, Bozi et Mariano m'aide a trouver mon lit, a trois metres de la, m'est j'en ressors tres vite car je compte bien ne pas m'arreter la... On refout encore un peut plus de bordel dans le couloir, on depace les armoires, les lits, tout ce qu'on trouve. Finalement, Pavao arrive a s'extirper de la chambre, furieux, et on file se barricader dans la notre. Je fume une cigarette mais n'arrive pas a la finir, alors je rampe jusqu'a mon lit (qui malheureusement est en hauteur) et m'endors dans la seconde...

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In the order : Ante and Nicolet, Darko, Lalo and Bozi, Ivona and Dragana

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07.08.2005., nedjelja

Day 14 , 6-08-2005

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A 6.00 AM, je suis reveille par les cris de mes camarades et specialement par krasna et emma qui font un bordel monstre. Il serait impossible de penser que tous les gens du camping ne les ait pas entendu mais elles etaient bien emechees, ceci explquant cela... J'apercois du coin de l'oeil Ruza, son sac sur le dos car elle part aujourd'hui. Je lui fait mes adieux avant de ressombrer dans un sommeil profond...

Vers 9.00 AM, Jeremy et Franck viennent me reveiller a coup de duvet dans la gueule mais rien n'y fait... Finalement, un mot doux suffira... Je remonte toutes leurs affaires avant d'aller prendre le petit dej'. Au passage, j'en profite pour chourrer de quoi payer un petit dej' royal pour 5 personnes. :-)

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Je n'ai pas bcp de temps a passer avec mes amis francais ce matin car nous partons en excursion vers 11.00 AM. Les autres ont encore la tete dans le cul a cause de la veille mais moi sa va. Direction donc les abord terrestres de Rijeka pour une petite ballade en bus dans la campagne Croate. Sa me fait penser a l'auvergne... On s'arrete plusieurs fois dans des tout petits villages histoire de visiter une imprimerie, une eglise, et des magasins de souvenirs.

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Entre temps, deux jeunes montent dans le bus. Ils participent a un echange et l'une des deux personne est francaise. Je fonce sur l'occas' et vais discuter avec elle. Elle s'appelle Barbara et est en Croatie depuis trois mois maintenant. En fait, durant le premier mois de son sejour, elle a prit des cours de croate et depuis elle alterne differents petits boulots. Elle vit en region parisienne et est artiste peintre. L'autre volontaire qui nous a rejoint est originaire d'Andalousie.

Les visites me saoulent un peu, je reste a l'ecart et part de mon cote. La faim tiraille mon estomac et finalement vers 3.00 PM, nous nous arretons dans un resto perdu au fin fond des montagnes. Nous profitons d'un repas typique croate compose d'une soupe a base de viandes, de pates agrementees de differentes sauces, et de sorte de "donuts" en dessert. Puis diggestion sur les balancoires et dans le petit jardin avant de reprendre la route...

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Direction Porec pour une visite libre d'environ deux heures. Je pars avec Nicolet et Ivona, les deux soeurs hollandaises, et Darko car il connait bien la ville. On fait le tour des petites rues (tres touristiques !) et on finit au Konzum pour acheter quelque chose a boire. Sur le chemin, on viste l' eglise orthodoxe et on se perd un peu. Puis je les laisse vacquer a leur shopping et je retourne au parking pour attendre le bus. S'en suit une petite pause casse-croute et direction Rovinj.

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La nuit est tombe quand on arrive et je n'ai pas pris mes lunettes donc j'y vois que dalle. Je pars quand meme visiter la vieille ville et sa spectaculaire eglise qui surplombe l'adriatique en compagnie d'emma puis je vais me promener en solo. Je retourne tranquilement la ou le bus doit nous recuperer et au passage j'achete une bouteille d' 1,5L de biere bien fraiche. Je retrouve Lalo (Edouardo) et on discute en attendant les autres. Lorsque tout le monde est revenue, je demande a quelqu'un d'immortaliser mon ouverture d'une plaque d'egout croate avec les doigts, histoire de ramener un souvenir a la maison... :-D

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Puis le but nous recupere vers 11.00 PM et Nives nous annonce qu'on va aller faire un tour au festival reggae ce qui finalement ne se fera pas car tout le monde est fatigue. Je chante des chansons francaises sur le chemin du retour et nous arrivons vers minuit au camping.

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Vers 1.00 AM, les frenchies reviennent de Pula. Je recupere le necessaire pour dormir et on va tous sur la plage. On discute un peu mais on est tous un peu trop emeche... Je m'endors vers 4.00 AM...

English Version

I was awoken at 6:00 AM by my companions, especially by Krasna and Emma who shout very loud. I think that all the people in the camp heard them. They just came back from the Aruba club. I see Ruža with her big travel bag. She is leaving us this morning and going back home to Sweden. I say farewell before I go to sleep again.

I woke up at 9:00 AM and go to breakfast. At 11:00 AM, we leave the camp for an excursion day. Everybody seems to be very tired because they didn't sleep enough. We go towards Rijeka and then inland, in the heart of Istria. The Croatian country looks like l' "Auvergne", a French region. We stop in a few small villages and we visit an old printing press in Roč that has become a museum. We learn about the history of a church and we go to souvenir shops.

At 3:00 PM we go to eat a typical Istrian meal with soup, salad, and pastas with different sauce. Afterwards, we let it all digest while sitting in the garden behind the restaurant. Some people play on the swings and others sleep a little.

We head to Poreč and stay there about 2 hours. I walk around with Ivona, Nicolet and Darko. Darko knows the city quite well, so he becomes our guide. We visit an Orthodox school and we buy some drinks in Konzum. I return alone to the parking lot to wait for the bus. When the others arrive, we eat a sandwich before we take the bus again to Rovinj.

When we arrive, night has fallen. I don't have my glasses, so I don't see anything. I walk around the city a little, buy a big bottle of beer (1,5 L, it doesn't exist in France!) and I join Lalo at a port. We talk for a while and at 11:00 PM, everybody comes back to the bus.

Our driver is a little late but it's OK. During the journey back, Nives tells us that we will go to some reggae festival but then we decide not to so we come back to the camp. I did't want to sleep at the moment, so I sing French songs in the bus.

We arrive at midnight, I go to the beach but my French friends have not yet arrived. So I work a little on my blog and finally they arrive at 1:00 AM. I get my sleeping bag and we go together on the beach. We talk until 4:00 AM before we fall asleep from tiredness.
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Day 13 , 5-08-2005

( I have decided to speak in french now because I'm in late in the refresh of my blog and it's more easy for me... )

ps : desole mais je ne peux pas utiliser les accents a partir d'ici, d'ou les nombreuses "fautes"...


Ce matin, c'est tranquille. Nives, notre "boss", a prevu un petit speach pour nous donner des details sur la fondation matica. C'est donc sans "reveil" que je me leve ce matin-la, aux environs de 10.00 AM. Je vois par la fenetre de notre chambre qu'il flotte un soleil radieux, cela me met de bonne humeur ! Je vais prendre un petit dejeuner leger a la suite de quoi je vais prendre ma douche. Pendant ce temps, certains preparent la grande salle pour la presentation, le videoprojecteur est deploye. Je ressens quelques sequelles d'hier mais rien de bien mechant, juste un petit mal de tete...

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A 11.00 AM, tout le monde est rassemble en bas, et Nives commence a raconter l'histoire de l'asso. qui nous accueille ici. Bien sur c'est en croate, mais j'essaie de suivre la traduction anglaise simultanee de Bernie. Ce qui est flagrant, c'est que l'on n'a pas a faire avec une petite asso. locale. On retrouve "matica" dans de nombreux domaines (politique, social,etc...) et cela depuis plus de deux siecles... De plus, l'asso. dispose de bureaux dans toutes les grandes villes croates. Elle organise egalement des concerts, publie des livres, de la musique... Bref, c'est une institution non negligeable de la societe croate qui tente de promouvoir ce beau pays a l'etranger.

La presentation dure environ une heure trente, je trouve cela tres ennuyant, mais bon... Apres, je vais manger avec les autres et je passe une bonne partie de l'apres-midi sur l'ordi vu que le mauvais temps (revenu entre-temps) ne me permet pas d'aller me baigner tranquilou. Puis, Pavao m'appelle et m'informe que mes "French Friends" sont arrives et m'attendent devant la maison. Cool ! Je commencais a penser qu'ils n'arriveraient jamais ! Petite surprise inattendu, a Francois et Franck se sont ajoutes Celine et Jeremy (le couple du bus avec qui on avait bien discute) et Natasha (aussi dans le bus) avec qui ils ont sympathise durant le trajet Zagreb-Dubrovnik. Ce sont donc 5 frenchies qui viennent me rendre visite, sa faiit plaisir. Ils me racontent leur periple croate, je n'ai qu'une chose a dire, ils ont fait tres roots... :-D

Je les accompagne dans le camping et fout leurs gros sacs dans ma chambre afin qu'ils soient quand meme assez libres dans leur deplacement. Puis on va s'intaller sur la plage pour une tres bonne soiree. Je ne vais pas manger au resto avec les autres. A 10.00 PM, Jeremy et Franck amenent 2kg de pates au chef cuisto du resto pour lui demander (gentiment) s'il peut nous les cuire. Il est deborde, donc on repasse un peu plus tard. Au final, apres maintes discutions, on obtient nos pates et on va les manger sur la plage accompagne d'une sauce curry. Sa fait grave du bien ! On prend le diggestif (Vodka Juice + Rhum) sans oublier de remercier Konzum (fournisseur officiel et... gratuit en quelque sorte). :-)

On discute une bonne partie de la nuit, on est tres bien installe (j'ai ramene un bon paquet de couvertures du loft).

Vers 4.00 AM, je retourne au loft pour installer mon lit sur la terrasse. Les autres ne sont pas rentrer, ils sont alles au festival punk, au festival reegae, ainsi qu'au club Aruba... Je m'endors paisiblement apres avoir apercu plusieurs ecureuills dans les arbres.
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06.08.2005., subota

Day 12 , 4-08-2005

Just some photos of today, because not enough time to write a real text...

This morning at work:
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This evening in Pula and in Aruba Club:
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04.08.2005., četvrtak

Day 11 , 3-08-2005

It's more and more difficult to wake up, especially with the crazy night of yesterday. At 3.00 AM this night, I was wake up by the raining because I slept outside. My sleeping bag looked like a swimming pool... But this morning, I arrive to leave my bed and go take my breakfast. It's after that begin problems... Because just before to go to take the bus, I am going to toilets and... I fall asleep there ! I don't know how many times I'am staying inside but when I woke up, everybody was gone ! So, I have decided to return to bed.

I wake up at 10.00 AM, this siesta was good. I go down and work on my blog until midday. Outside, the weather is very bad and raining doesn't stop during all the morning. At 2.00 PM, the others come back completly wet. They went to the building today and raped the walls of an abandonned floor.

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We go to lunch and after, I decide to go to swim in spite of bad weather. I like to swim in this conditions, and I enjoy to be alone on the beach.

The afternoon is calm because of raining and everybody stay inside the house. Some people playing cards, a lot prefer to sleep a little...

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It's strange today, maybe because it's little boring to be "shut away", but I'm not feel very good. But I speak with Emma, my "confident", and it's OK. I call also some friends in France and it cheer me up.

I though that tonight, we'll go to assist to a football match (world cup qualification), but apparently not. After the dinner, a movie projection is organised. Nice, it's in english and I've ever see the film so no problem for understand. We have right to the cult movie Predator with Arnold Shwarzenneger (it's fucking impossible to write !). Ah ah ah, it's always also "gore"... :-D

After the movie, I work a little on my blog (I put some photos) and go to see those who playing cards. I decide to go to bed around midnight...

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Day 10, 2-08-2005

Day very normal, not a lot of things to tell. But the evening is very memorable.

We go to Arruba Club for a "salsa night". We take the last bus at 8.50 PM for the center of Pula. Then, we try to find a bar for the beginning of the evening. Our group is completly disorganised, there is several small groups everywhere. I go with Emma, Julia, Krasna, Latinos Guys,etc... to take a cocktail. I choose a drink with vodka, grenadine, gin. It's very good ! Each people try the drink to the others, all is good actually. :-)

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I think about Ante and Pavao who waiting us near the arena. So, we go to find them. Then, we take a bus for join the club. We are the first of "tasko" but we begin to dance and drink. Music is very good, I like it and I prefer than the first time in the club (when it was RN'B). I buy a cigar and pivo and offer to emma an apple-vodka. We dance while the rest of the group arrive. Everybody have fun, emma pay some tequila rounds, whaooo... Sometimes, I leave the dance floor or the bar and I speak with people who prefer to stay outside.

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I spend all my money in the bar and return to dance. Ivona don't stop to repeat "Oh, I'm so drunk !", she's so funny. At 2.30 AM, we have to return to camping (I don't remember why...) and we take a taxi (I can't remember also what happen during the journey).

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We arrive to camping, I'm in a seconde state and I can't walk right so Krasna absolutely want to see me in my bed because she thinks I'm too drank. But I'm OK ! I'm just happy...

So, I go to looking for my sleeping bad in my bedroom and I go to sleep out of doors. It's should be about 3.30 AM when I begin to dream...
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03.08.2005., srijeda

Day 9 , 1-08-2005

I have sleep two hours this night... It's almost like if I was on another planet, I see double. :-) Today, my work group change of place, we have to go in the Forest. After the bus, we walk during twenty minutes before to arrive.

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Around us, forest everywhere. Our work is to collect dead branchies in the ground but this time without tools. I don't feel good this work but I think it's because I'm very tired. It's a hard worker, the forest is too big... We take a little break before to begin because everybody haven't slept enough. I,m so tired. I prefer to go outside the forest for buy a energy drink because it's impossible to work now. When I come back, it's 10 AM and everybody is eating snack. Whaoo, we are very far to the first shop, I have need more one hour for go and come back ! After, we sleep a little behind trees. I don't wake up before midday, so I don't return to work.

We return to the bus station and take the bus. Then, we take the lunch. At 2.00 PM, Darko, Philip and me go to visit the abandonned buildings near camping. It's very impressing ! All have been destroy during the world war II and all is stay in the same condition. We visit all the parts, a kind of "cave" where we discover a bat who is sleeping. I climb until the first floor because the stairs don't more exist. Everywhere, a lot of graffitis not very vice for the visitors. But it's a very interesting place.

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We come back a little before internet workshop. Then, we go to dinner and some people go to see Anastasia concert in the Pula arena. Others people decide to go somewhere on the beach for listen salsa music. I stay at house and go to the beach with Alonso, Eduardo, and Bozi. After, everybody playing cards but I prefer to install my bed outside and sleep for evite to be also tired tomorrow than this morning.
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Some photos

Ivan and me
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In the club "Aruba"
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At Work
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Day 8 , 31-07-2005

"Today, it's my birthday, I'm 20. I have sleep outside and when I wake up, there is a lot of people who sleep around me. I'm the first to be up, it's 8.00 AM. I decide to go to the beach. I'm completly alone, it's a pleasure... I enjoy the first moment of "my adult life" and I swim a little.

At 9.00 AM, we take a breakfast with not the "stress" of the work days. During the morning, everybody enjoy this relax time.

During the lunch, Emma give me a funny present, a "kinder joy" with a surprise inside... It's very nice, i win an Asterix figure.

At 8.50 PM, we go to Pula for dinner somewhere. We are in late for take the bus but finally it's OK. We looking for a restaurant and find a pizzeria in a calm street. Behind us, three french girls so I listen a little what they speak about. I take a "vesuvio pizza", it's very good.During the dinner, I lost one of my contact lentils, I have need of a "pirate blindfold". :-D At the end of the dinner, someone bring a birthday cake and everybody sing the birthday song. It's very nice ! I begin to eat my tiramistu and share with the others. We pay and after, go to looking for another place for digerate. We walk a little and find a Rock Bar with a billiard table. I choose three song in a jukebox and we do a few games.

At 1.00 AM, we call a taxi and return to the camping. Some people go to slepp and I stay with Krasna and Bozy outside. We speak about the languages in general, our addictions in life, and a lot of others things...

Time pass, it's now 4.30 AM. Shit ! We have to wake up at 6.15 AM tomorrow for the work. I put my "bed" outside and my two companions go to sleep inside... "
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Day 7 , 30-07-2005

"I woke up at 6.30 AM like every other day of the week. It begins to be very difficult for me! A quick breakfast and then departure to the Brijuni Islands. We enjoyed the air-conditioning in our bus. Then, we got on a boat going to the island. When we arrived, a guide who spoke Croatian and English was waiting for us. No time to think, we got on a little tourist train for a quick tour around Brijuni.
I'm very tired, so I didn't enjoy the visit because I slept during the whole trip. I opened one eye to see what we are doing and to look at the two elephants in the old zoo. The train ride takes 2 hours. Then it's time for a break of 30 minutes with a good little sandwich. We continue to visit without the train and go into Tito's museum. I don't like this place which has a lot of taxidermy and propaganda, so I wait outside for the others.
After that our guide takes the group to a forest and speaks too much for me. So I prefer to leave the group and go to the main port to drink a Coca-Cola. This island welcomes a lot of "jet setters" so the prices are very expensive! So I take my time to drink and enjoy. During this time, I see that it's midday and there is a boat departing for the mainland. I look if the others are in the boat, but I don't see them. I decide to go closer to be sure. I leave the bar and I hear "Do! Hurry up!" Shit! It's our boat! I run for it and make it just in time... :-)

We return to the camp with our bus. I've just enough time to go to my bedroom and fall asleep...
Dinner at 20:30 and a "Rock 'n' Roll" party at 21:30. I prefer this music than the music last night in the club.
We dance and everybody is dressed as a rock 'n' roll star. It's very funny! We look like a heavy metal band. I can't say what happened after because I was too drunk, but I know that the night was very good. At midnight, everybody remembered that it's my birthday (July 31st) and it was like all the world told me "Happy Birthday" at once. It's a feeling that I don't have everyday. It was so cool, I can't translate. Thank you Australia, Argentina, Chile, Macedonnia, Canada, USA... and of course Croatia for everything! I'm having a very good time with you.

I remember that I went to sleep outside the house at about 3:00 AM, that's it."

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Day 4 , 27-07-2005

"I woke up to Croatian music, didn't have breakfast this morning. At 7:30 AM we got on the bus. Like every day, there is a lot of people inside and we can't all sit down. And it's more difficult because I'm very tired.
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Yesterday evening was nice but the night was short. At our workplace, I cut big branches in the back of the garden. I played "monkey" in a tree so I could cut a big branch. When I finished, I had a lot of dirt on my body. I went to the toilet to wash.
At 12:00 AM, we were back on the bus and like every other day it's a "sauna". When we arrive at the camp, we go to the beach for a quick swim and after it is time for lunch. Then, I went to a bar, had a beer and tried to write a little for my diary. But, I was too tired and I rather returned to my bedroom to sleep. Mariano, "el amigo Argentino", was also sleeping.

It's difficult waking up, I've got "la tete dans le cul" (a french expression that I don't want to translate :-D). I went to join Bozi, Alonso, Bernie, and Darko on the beach. I got to swim, whaooo!!! Strong currents today. After, I had a shower before I continued writing my diary journal for this blog and I finished at 8:00 PM (my text had disappeared after I wrote it, so I had to do it again) Then, I checked my e-mail and urban exploration (my hobby in Paris) web site for the latest news of the underground... During this time, Ante listened to Edith Piaf (a famous French singer) and read my French magazine (FHM). I find that very funny!

It's time for dinner (chicken with vegetables). I feel that it's more and more difficult to speak French because the only times I speak French are for short discussions with Emma or Ante, or when I call someone in France.

At the end of dinner, we played football and volleyball near the house. I offered everybody to go to the beach at 1:00 AM for some fun. It's difficult to motivate people but finally there was more than 10 of us. I wanted to go swimming but others preferred to stay on the beach. It's so good (I can't do that in Paris! :-D). After the swim I went back to the beach and I drank too much... Bernie arrived moments later with his guitar and played some Croatian and international songs. We all sang together, it's very nice!"

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Day 2 , 25-07-2005

"I woke up at 6:30 AM, had a quick breakfast, put my work-shoes on and took a local bus for Pula. There are two work groups and I'm in the second one that works near the center of Pula. Our task is cleaning and painting an old building, an artistical place. The place is excellent and it seems to be very "wild". I have visited this kind of place in Paris many times, it especially reminds me of an abandoned mill. It's a great place to take photos...

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We began cleaning the "park" at the entrance. A lot of broken branches and trash everywhere. The work is not difficult and we are in the shade. Some people play "Tarzan" in the trees. Ten o'clock, it's time for a "pauza". We eat a sandwich with ham and cheese before we continue working. At 12:00 PM, we arrange our tools before we return to the bus station. We arrive to the camp thirty minutes later. Everybody goes swimming but I just find a minority of the group. Lunch is served at 2:00 PM. In the restaurant I sit at the same table as a painter, responsible for the redecoration of the "Rojc" building, and his girlfriend. We talk about Croatian landscapes and European politics. It's cool, they are very nice and they invited me to take photos when the redecorating is finished... I'm surprised that on the Task Force project we eat meals cooked at a restaurant, in other "work-camps" I have done, it was the volunteers who prepared the meals.
At the end of the meal, I had to choose between three possible activities: theatre, language, or Internet. I chose language because I don't know one word of Croatian! After lunch I joined Michael, the Italian, and two girls, a Serbian one and a Macedonian one, who were going to the beach. After swimming, I took a shower, it was so good. Then, I gave 20 kune, my contribution for the party later and went to have a beer in one of the bars on camp grounds. When I left the bar, I went back to the house and saw that it was "deserted". Shit! I forgot that I had to go to the Croatian class. I rushed to the place where the class is (very beautiful place almost on the beach... I would like to study in these conditions! :-D) and explained to the teacher that I don't speak Croatian at all! The lesson took a little more than one hour, it was very hard for me... After the class, I gave an interview for the "Tko Je Tko" blog and decided to join the Internet class because it would be lot easier for me.
At 8:30 PM we had to go to eat dinner. I shared a table with the two Australian girls and the girl who lives in New York. We had a good meal, pasta with tuna as an appetizer and meat with potatoes and a salad as the main course.
Now, it's time to party, we will see...

A few hours later...

I had a very good evening! I've drank a huge quantity of alcohol tonight, had interesting conversations with almost all of the people from the group, met a nice Polish couple, and relaxed on the beach with two Chilean guys. It was a very good night, I'm now in my bed with my lamp writing these words... I'm close to falling asleep, I feel it!"

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- 10:57 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

  kolovoz, 2005  
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Task Force 2005 - 24.07 / 13.08 - Pula (Croatie)
