Calories can't make you happy.

Vječna Thispiracija
Pro Ana nation

Bilježenje vodenih dana je bzvz, bolje si ucrtajte u glavi da se NE smijete prežderavati!

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If I eat anything,I'll eat everything,so I eat nothing

nedjelja, 03.12.2006.

3. Water day..

Opla nedjelja navečer je.. meni je dosadno, ionako bi morala učiti al kaj sad, stignem, za sve imam vremena, a jebeš ga-još idem ujutro u školu, ma tak i tak sam svaki dan do tri budna pa mi neće ni danas biti problem =)
E da stavila sam predobru pjesmu na blog btw., joj kak ju obožavam, motivacija i pol, nema šta. Inače, autorica je Maria Mena a pjesma se zove Just a little Bit. Ak ju želite skinuti uploadat ću vam ju pa ju skinite :) Imam još hrpu motivacijskih pjesmica evo neke:
Silverchair - Ana's Song
Superchick - Courage
Superchick - Beauty From Pain
Sum 41 - Motivation
Sum 41 - Pieces
Manic Street Preachers- 4st 7lb
Huntingtons - Annie's Anorexic
Nina Gordon - Tonight, and the rest of my life (The Notebook Soundtrack)
Geri Karlstrom- Starving For Attention
...ak nađem još kaj nadopišem :)

A kaj se tiče samog dana kak je protjekao, pa vrlo dobro, treći vodeni dan je uspješno izvršen, naravno ako za vrijeme noćnog učenja ne uzmem nekakvu čokoladicu, ali no fucking way, neću!!
Do petka sam si zacrtala da moram bit na vodi jer sam vidla da sam prošlog tjedna dobila par kilica ionako se ne važem, al znate onu: ogledala nikad ne lažu! Ako će mi bit stvarno loše do petka u srijedu ću pojest mandarinu ili bananu. Svaki dan pijem čaj za pomoć pri mršavljenju iliti čaj za čišćenje, naravno ne djeluje odmah, kako kod koga, meni skoro svaki puta tek drugi dan..
Nadam se da i vama ide dobro, ostanite mi snažne, nedajte da vas ubije nekakva masna svinjetina, piletina, janjetina... itd..
Thinspiration for today:
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Blog malo-velike Ane.

Superchik-Beauty from pain

The lights go out all around me
One last candle to keep out the night
And then the darkness surrounds me
I know i'm alive but i feel like i've died
And all that's left is to accept that it's over
My dreams ran like sand through the fists that i made
I try to keep warm but i just grow colder
I feel like i'm slipping away

After all this has passed, i still will remain
After i've cried my last, there'll be beauty from pain
Though it won't be today,
Someday i'll hope again
And there'll be beauty from pain
You will bring beauty from my pain

My whole world is the pain inside me
The best i can do is just get through the day
When life before is only a memory
I'll wonder why God lets me walk through this place
And though i can't understand why this happened
I know that i will when i look back someday
And see how you've brought beauty from ashes
And made me as gold purified through these flames

After all this has passed, i still will remain
After i've cried my last, there'll be beauty from pain
Though it won't be today,
Someday i'll hope again
And there'll be beauty from pain
You will bring beauty from my pain

Here i am, at the end of me
Tryin to hold to what i can't see
I forgot how to hope
This night's been so long
I cling to Your promise
There will be a dawn

After all this has passed, i still will remain
After i've cried my last, there'll be beauty from pain
Though it won't be today,
Someday i'll hope again
And there'll be beauty from pain
You will bring beauty from my pain
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