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..:know me:..

in love with fairies..

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Memories consume
Like opening the wound
I'm picking me apart again
You all assume
I'm safer in my room
Unless I try to start again

I don't want to be the one
Who battles always choose
Cuz inside I realize
That I'm the one confused

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On top of the world you get nothing done
Talk is cold and burns like the sun
Can't you see these skies are breaking?
Cos on top of the world is where I'm from

Your lack of class is where I was
Keeping quiet playing dumb
Can't you see these skies are breaking?
Cos the back of the class is where I'm from

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...hp nerds obavezno pogledati.. teorije za 7.dio, OČI, ČAS-ovi :)

potter, weasley i grangerica postali dark.. cool :) mozda budu death eatersi (shmrtonose) u sedmom djelu...lol.. not going to happen.......

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Oh my life is changing everyday
Every possible way
Though my dreams, it’s never quite as it seems
Never quite as it seems

I know I felt like this before
But now I’m feeling it even more
Because it came from you

Then I open up and see
The person fumbling here is me
A different way to be

I want more, impossible to ignore
Impossible to ignore
They’ll come true, impossible not to do
Impossible not to do

Now I tell you openly
You have my heart so don’t hurt me
For what I couldn’t find

Talk to me amazing mind
So understanding and so kind
You’re everything to me
Oh my life is changing everyday
Every possible way
Though my dreams, it’s never quite as it seems
’cause you’re a dream to me
Dream to me

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..:free to decide:..

It's not worth anything,
More than this at all.
I'll live as I choose,
Or I will not live at all.

So return to where you come from,
Return to where you dwell,
Because harassment's not my forte,
But you do it very well.

You must have nothing,
More with your time to do.
There's a war in Russia,
And Sarajevo too.

So to hell with what you're thinking,
And to hell with your narrow mind,
You're so distracted from the real thing,
You should leave your life behind, behind.

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my hogwarts side... :)

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hp nerd and proud of it :)..
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"while we live according to race, colour or creed
while we rule by blind madness and pure greed
our lives dictated by tradition, superstition, false religion
through the aeons, and on and on
oh yes we'll keep on tryin

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..:world great trues:..

Tko ne voli mog psa,
ne može voljeti ni mene

Ništa na svijetu ne cini
tako sretnim kao sanjarenje

Budi promjena koju zelis vidjeti..

...remember me...

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Imagine there's no heaven,
It's easy if you try,
No hell below us,
Above us only sky,
Imagine all the people
living for today...

Imagine there's no countries,
It isn't hard to do,
Nothing to kill or die for,
No religion too,
Imagine all the people
living life in peace...

You may say Im a dreamer,
but Im not the only one,
I hope some day you'll join us,
And the world will live as one.

Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world...

You may say Im a dreamer,
but Im not the only one,
I hope some day you'll join us,
And the world will live as one.

Imagine no possesions,
I wonder if you can,
No need for greed or hunger,
A brotherhood of man,
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world...

You may say Im a dreamer,
but Im not the only one,
I hope some day you'll join us,
And the world will live as one

sailor moon...
obozavala tai crtic dok sam bila mala... jos onda obozavala anime.. obozavam i sad.. al sailor moon je zauvjek jedan dio mog djetinjstva.. zahvaljujuci to crticu valjda i sad znam ono malo njemackog.. memories..

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subota, 30.12.2006.

end of story! the end

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gotovo je.. iza mene. new begining..
svaki pocetak ima lose strane, al i one dobre. pokusavam zanemariti one lose i gledat pozitivno.. vec sad vidim mnoga vrata koja su mi se otvorila. simbolic, eh? nova godina dolazi pa je i sluzbeno neki novi pocetak.. :) ne mogu rec da sam sretnija, al mislim da se dogodilo ono kaj se motralo desit, ono neizbjezno. sve se predugo klimalo, nije to to vise bilo. ne odricem se proslosti, bilo je tu onih lijepih trenutaka koje cu uvijek pamtiti i cijeniti, a bilo je i onih ruznih, odurnih koje zaboravljam.. i.. nije mi tolko tesko palo, mozda jer sam u svojoj podsvjesti znala da se to mora dogoditi..
there are new friends out there.
volim kak se osjecam.. opet osjecam nesto, svasta..dozivljavam svijet.. opet se budi onaj dio mene koji je rezerviran za ljeto, more, praznike.. mozda i malo manje mrzim :D
three cheers for sweet revenge

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