
četvrtak, 05.10.2006.


E fino

Dečki se neće tući, gotovo je, sve je sređeno.

Sad kad je to sranje riješeno, uz još jedno sranje, ja se mogu vratiti normalnom životu! thumbup


Hm... sjetio sam se jednoga stiha od jedne pjesme Oasisa... ''No, I don't mind being on my own...'' wink

I tako prošo prvi dan piva, bilo je supika, družio sam se sa lepom decom- redom- roby, fićo, bocwa, čaki, tamara, suzana, nataša, sale obojica, a vidio hrpu drugih, zdunić i kompanija, soto, cure iz razreda- andrea, ivana, laura cerek matija i luka petraki, rakija, stoja, alga izenbegocić i hrpa repera

a reperi su ubijali cijelo veče

JO JO REPERI JO JO smijeh smijeh

e da.... život ide nabolje, treba viknuti glasom od 62462 decikrmačetina '' BOLI ME PIŠO'' i odbaciti sranja, boli te, boli i mene, boli nas!!

a sad vam evo slike, alga vam materina smokin

Vrat žene mog života Free Image Hosting at

Ja se tek probudila rofl Free Image Hosting at

Ovo je u hotelu u Bratislavi, kad sam dao ženama da me našminkaju smijehFree Image Hosting at

Ovo je dosta davno, srušili smo Zdunića, to je bilo seksi Free Image Hosting at

neke čobančine svjetske party Free Image Hosting at

dinoslav kad ga je milicija traaažila wave Free Image Hosting at

To je sve zasad, život ide dalje, pozdravljam kurvetine iz svog benda, i sve kurvetine koje nisu u mom bendu!!

I da, budući da sam dobre volje, staviću neku veselu pjesmu, evo tekst od boleštine jedne, Incubusova... smijeh

POZDRAV mah mah

Incubus - Trouble in 421

The evening began as a positive swaret
and my abode was 4-2-0 G.
But little did I know that in the very next apartment
there'd be trouble on the brew for me!
Ubiquitous I wish I could be
because the clock cuts short my own day!
One hundred things to do before I rest my sore ass
upon the cushion that supports my array!
Can this be?
So if I may, slip you a tip.
You'd best stay away from 4-2-1.
So get high the green way.
So get by the green way...yes!
I knocked upon their door
in hopes of bidding them their welcome
and instead I was caught by an eye.
His pupil was wide open
kinda like a liquor barn at 3:00.
It was indoubadoubly dose derived.
It was then that they took me
and shined their light between my eyes.
He said "What do you know?
Why are you here? What's the catch?
Why not explain in clear? Why you're thinking aloud?!"
I wish I could've just kept to my own.
My hospitality has been too well spent and I've paid my rent!
I should've kept my thoughts, on who might've been inside
so that my mind could sit and delude my pride!
I beg my common sense to keep my
neighbor out away from my front door
until i find a way
to hide myself from those in 4-2-1.....4-2-1 away from the good one.

I nemojte primati slatkiše od zločestih ljudi

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