Rotten @ Down forever

Nema te pola godine ............(6 mjeseci)

svima nam fališ...nebumo te nikad pozabili..pogotovo ne ja......nema dana kad ne pomislim na Tebe,na nas....sve se promjenilo otkad si otisla.....fališ mi...

Nikad te nebum pozabil......Volim te...

Počivaj u miru my lover

23.01.2006. u 20:22 | 8 Komentara | Print | # | ^

Sretna mjesečnica

Nema te...život ide dalje a Tebe nema...sve se mijenja...ja se mjenjam a Tebe nema....teško je živeti s tim...da vidis da se sve sve bi dao da si sad tu....da smo zajedno...da smo sretni....a ne da sam sam...bez Tebe Tonkice....sve me podsjeca na nas...pogotovo snijeg,...samo mi slike lete kroz sve mi prolazi od pocetka do kraja....nema dana kad ne mislim na Tebe.nikad te nebum pozabil ljubavi...sretna mjesečnica....počivaj mi u miru......

uvijek cu te voljeti....pusa.....tvoj I-Down-I

16.01.2006. u 19:07 | 2 Komentara | Print | # | ^

Sretan rođendan Tonkice

Evo došal je i 14.01.jaj kak brzo vrijeme prolazi..sve se stara,sve se mijenja,samo ti ostaješ ista.. u mom sjecanju....nebum puno pisal jer bi opet o tuzi počel..jako mi falis my lover..i nebrem vjerovati da te još uvijek nema...jednostavno nebrem..zivim u nadi da se bumo jednom me drži...godinu dana je prošla od tvog prošlog rođendana...jaj ljubavi imam osjecaj kaj da je to jucer bilo..svega se sjecam...i nikad to nebum pozabil..jako mi fališ..mislim na Tebe...nemoj me nikad zaboraviti...nit mene nit tvoje prijatelje.....jer ja te necu nikad zaboravit..uvijek mi budes najbolja.....evo još jednom ljubavi sretan ti rođendan.....zabavi mi se gdje god bila i sjeti me se nekad......

Volim te.......

14.01.2006. u 09:20 | 2 Komentara | Print | # | ^


Evo počela je Nova godina..a Tebe nema...falila si mi juce...nebrem ti opisati kak....a nebum sad opet pisal o tome..znam da si uz mene bila dok sam mislil na Tebe..bil sma malo s tvojima curama kod Mihaele...a bil sam u Brezju al sam oko 2 otisal k Mihaeli..tam su sve tvoje frendice bile..i tak...niti jedna Nova godina mi više nebude bog zna kaj...jer nema Tebe ljubavi..nema moje srece...juce sam si mislil da bude jednom dosal taj dan kad budem mogo reci kaj sam sve prozivel,kolko put sam te zval,mislil na Tebe,kak mi je tesko bilo,ma sve....i doci ce taj dan...znam....i onda budem sretan s TOBOM LJUBAVI....

....počivaj u miru ljubavi.....

......VOLIM TE........pusa

evo ljubavi jedna pjesma za Tebe koju ja sad dosta slusam......

Novembers Doom - Swallowed by the Moon

I'm sorry you will never know me,
But know I always loved you.

Will you remember when I kept you safe?
Will you remember when I made you smile?
Once again the daylight fades, and I'm swallowed by the moon
Will tomorrow bring a new day of hope?
Will this experience fill you with rage?

The enemy time, knocks at my home
I can no longer hide
Please forgive me, I never meant to leave
But know that I had you as my final thought

Will you remember when I held you tight?
Will you remember the sound of my voice?
Once again the daylight fades, and I'm swallowed by the moon
Will this experience scar your fragile mind?
Will you remember when we would both laugh?

Memories is all that you have
And I'm sorry I failed you in life
I wanted more for you then I could provide
Be strong and make your mother proud

Don't cry... The tears in your eyes
My time... To say my goodbyes
Heaven waits... My soul to arise
Torture, torture... My pain finally dies

Will you remember that I tried my best?
Will you remember the father I was?
Once again the daylight fades, and I'm swallowed by the moon
Will you look back and smile for me?
Will you remember me when I have gone?

Memories is all that you have
And I'm sorry I failed you in life
I wanted more for you then I could provide
Be strong and make your mother proud

01.01.2006. u 13:36 | 2 Komentara | Print | # | ^

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posvečeno Antoniji Vugrač i našoj vezi...Ovdje mogu pisati svi njezini koju su ju poznavali...Počivaj u miru ljubavi...Uvijek ću te voljeti....pazi na sve nas....Goodbye my lover...

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Rotten @ Down forever

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I-Down-I (tvoj down koji će te uvijek voljeti)

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Antonijini najbolji lirksi

Kazes da ides da nije ti lako
al jednostavno samnom vise nisi sretan
ma nije to nista
ne sto je to za mene
par godina tek tako bacenih u vjetar
do jucer sam bila veca od zivota
i mislila hrabro da mogu bas sve
gdje mi je sada ta pamet i ljepota
kad samo jednom rijecu slomio si me.

Kao more val kad razbije od stijene
i pogledaj me sad
sto je ostalo od mene
al bojim se da i ne bi stavila
ruku u vtaru da maris za to.

Znam da ces reci
sto najvise boli
bez obzira nazovi
uvjek kad ti treba
mozes i reci
da druga te voli
jer danas ionako ostajem bez svega

Do juce sam bila veca od zivota
i mislila hrabro da mogu bas sve
gdje mi je sada ta pamet i ljepota kad
samo jednom rijecu slomio si me. …

Kad tvoje rijeci grube u trenutku sve mi sruse, i kad tesko postane.
Kroz suze stisnem zube skupim stvari mirne duse, sta mi drugo ostaje.
Ti drhtis od straha nikog nema da me sprijeci ja znam da se kajes, a zar ti moram reci.
Ne daj mi da odem, i do zadnje kapi bori se da vidim tvoje pravo lice ne daj mi da odem, sada moras dati najbolje od sebe, ja cu uvjek biti tu.


Sve sad znam
sad je kraj
tvoje rijeci
nisu vise iskrene
tuzno je kako sve prolazi
kada treba biti najbolje
znam vise nema povratka
al' me boli istina
da sve sto vrijedi sam izgubila

Jer ako kazes da me ne volis
ja necu suzu pustiti
i svaka tvoja rijec ce boljeti
al' pogled necu sakriti
pusti da vjerujem
ma da mi sve jos tvoje pripada
jer ako kazes da me ne volis
znat' cu da stvarno odlazis

Slazi mi ponovo
da ti prazan pogled
uvijek zapamtim
reci da nisi me volio
da ti bude lakse otici
znam vise nema povratka
al' me boli istina
da sve sto vrijedi sam izgubila


Ima dana kada poželim
Da sam ptica pa da odletim
Prema nebu,
Tamo je mirnije.
Ima dana kada poželim
Da sam dijete pa da zažmirim
I da sanjam
I da vjerujem.

Ima dana kada osjećam kako
Ključa krv u mojim venama.
Sve se mijenja,
A što je sa nama?
Svako novo proljeće,
Nova priča za sebe.
Dok drugi ruše,
Mi gradimo zidove!

Probudi me
Svojim poljupcem,
U ovom snu još ima ljubavi,
Probudi me
Svojim poljupcem.
Daj probudi me
Kad prođe nevrijeme.

Ima dana kada poželim
Da sam ptica pa da odletim
Prema nebu,
Tamo je mirnije.
Ima dana kada poželim
Da sam dijete pa da zažmirim
I da sanjam
I da vjerujem.

Probudi me
Svojim poljupcem,
U ovom snu još ima ljubavi,
Probudi me
Svojim poljupcem.
Daj probudi me
Kad prođe nevrijeme.

Da nije još gotovo sve.

NEKAJ mojega.......

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My heart constantly aches,
in it's missing of you,
and it's longing to be near to you,
forever by your side.

Will we find the way,
will there come that day,
that together we might be,
once and for all, always.


(My Dying Bride)


Come to me
Comfort me
Take my hand

In your arms
In your eyes
I will be
Forever yours
Bring me down
To your bed
To your dreams

Take my life
Take everything
Through those meadows
Of heaven
Where we ran forevermore
I wish, oh, how I wish again
With you. Oh, to be with you

So lay me down
Close to you
Hold me now my lover
I kiss your tears
My sweet one
And kiss again, my love


What is it you hope for, even though you are dying?
And even though life is closing your tiny eyes
Why did I leave them all?
I should be with them to die in the same place
The pain I think, should go on forever. For always
But no. Not mine. Not now. My life now begins

Call me what you will, but I'll die for no man, at all
My limbs and the life that spreads from them
Cross my path and you'll suffer like no man before, at all
What I hunger for, is the trial of God

For just two winters only did we live for
My God. What have you become? Dear, dear lord

We could have changed the world, had you been here with me.
Right now
Held you in my arms. In my arms, my love
Jesus wept so man could live forever on earth. In peace
But my tears. They fall for you. Only you


Where are you now my love?
My sweet one.
Where have you gone my love?
I'm so alone.

I only think of you.
And it drives me down.
I only dream of you.

I'll come to you. Take my hand.
Hold me again. Please take my hand

Please hold me now my love.
Where are you now, oh my sweet love


Open me
And drink up my scarlet
Kiss me deep
Kiss me deep and love me forever more
Bloody love
Bloody love inside of you
Swallow me
Thank God, there's nothing I can do

Come with me my friend, come and see the end
And let me swallow up your pain
Leave the village lights, step into the night
Open your mouth to my bloody rain
And at your second birth, we will slay the earth
And stalk mankind 'til Heaven burns
Just lay down for me, naked for me to see
It's just one kiss, that's all I need

Take me down
Down to the bloody shore
Dig me deep, dig me deep
And leave me forever more
Lay me down
Down with all of them
And forget me
Like you forgot the rest of them

Bring me love songs
Sing me black tunes
Read me kind words
Of sun and moon
Love me freely
Open up to me
Feel me closely
Say you love me

Walk with, with me. I'll be your Shadow God
For now, just now. Give your life to me
Your hope, your hope. I feel its steady hand
Your heart, your fear. Take off and flee

Trust me, just me. I'll catch you if you fall
My arms run deep. Run unto my call

I'll lead you into danger
And all that troubles man
I'll lead you far from hunger
Just take my frozen hand

People. Feel her mind
She is broken
People. Fill your eyes
Her body is broken

Leave me be, with my memories
I can still see all the lovers of me
I still know those feelings

You're still mine, my lover
I watch over you
Goodbye my lover
No sorrow. Please, no tears