*Conscious Sun*

17.05.2006., srijeda

Gentleman & The Far East Band

irie!!! =)

Gentleman & The Far East Band
+ Jahcoustix & Dubios Neighbourhood

Europe Tour 2006
Križanke, Ljubljana, Slovenija
Nedjelja/Sunday, 14.5.2006.

....dakle koncert (bio) zakon pjevača i benda iz njemačke koje mi obožavamo jer su pre pre dobri, a na konc nismo mogle ić..šmrc šmrc...bio je u nedjelju (a kud baš nedjelju!! burninmad), ujutro škola, a još smo i noć prije bile na partyu...jebiga, drugi put idemo, već nam je tako obećano wink srećom imamo samo fotke, koje je slikao naš rasta bratić hehe...barem smo mi vidjele kakva je bila atmosfera...
peace & love.......uživajte pipl partysmokin...wink

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us jahcoustix

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usmamadee & tamika (t.f.e.b.)

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.ust.f.e.b.

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usgentleman je došao na stejđ :)

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usgentleman :P

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.ushe is looking at you!! hehehe

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usmamadee

- 16:03 - Word (15) - On paper - #

11.05.2006., četvrtak

Jah Bless You, Bob Marley


Old pirates, yes, they rob I;
Sold I to the merchant ships,
Minutes after they took I
From the bottomless pit.
But my hand was made strong
By the 'and of the Almighty.
We forward in this generation
Won't you help to sing
These songs of freedom? -
'Cause all I ever have:
Redemption songs;
Redemption songs.

Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery;
None but ourselves can free our minds.
Have no fear for atomic energy,
'Cause none of them can stop the time.
How long shall they kill our prophets,
While we stand aside and look? Ooh!
Some say it's just a part of it:
We've got to fullfil the book.
Won't you help to sing
These songs of freedom? -
'Cause all I ever have:
Redemption songs;
Redemption songs;
Redemption songs.

Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery;
None but ourselves can free our mind.
Wo! Have no fear for atomic energy,
'Cause none of them-a can-a stop-a the time.
How long shall they kill our prophets,
While we stand aside and look?
Yes, some say it's just a part of it:
We've got to fullfil the book.
Won't you have to sing
These songs of freedom? -
'Cause all I ever had:
Redemption songs -
All I ever had:
Redemption songs:
These songs of freedom,
Songs of freedom.

Masivan rispekt dragi ljudi!....
Za sam početak jedna predivna pjesma Marley-a....
Efo danas je 25 godišnjica smrti najveće legende na svijetu Bob Marley-a, koji je umro 11.05.1981. god. u Miami-u u bolnici od raka, tj. tumora koji je dobio na nožnom palcu igrajući nogomet i koji se proširo po cijelom tijelu i mozgu. Bob je prvo bio pokopan na Jamajci, njegovoj domovini, ali su prošle godine njegovi ostaci prebačeni u Afriku tj. Etiopiju, zemlju u kojoj je nekada vladao HIM Hailie Selassie. To je bila njegova želja, da bude pokopan u Svetoj Zemlji (Zion). Bob je u svojim pjesmama prenosio poruke želeći ujediniti ljude, želeći mir, pravdu, ljubav... On je početak svega. Počivao u miru....Volimo te....Massive Respect....Peace...
Nećemo više pisati jer bi to potrajalo, ima puno riječi koje bih još rekle....
Uživajte ljudi, Bog vas blagoslovio.....
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06.05.2006., subota


massive reggae!......
i prije smo čule za neke reggae zvukove (zvuci nade, zvuci spasa i zvuci kontra babylona wink) ali jedino kaj smo skužile je bila fora zika... najprije smo čule gentlemana i b.r.stylers-e iz zvučnika burazove sobe smijeh i onda jednog dana buraz smo čule mikey dread-a...naš buraz ga je prečesto slušao, koji nas je polako počeo vući na reggae zvukove jer osim što smo čule jako dobar roots, primijetile smo i riječi pjesama koje su govorile o pravdi, borbi za život, jednakim pravima, ljubavi, rastama, his imperial majesty hailie selassie....(album rasta in control) onda smo čule i neke stvari od naše drage legende bob marley-a...te smo jednog dana odlučile pogledati dokumentarac upravo o njemu i njegovim počecima u glazbi...(rebel music: the story of bob marley) yes i to nam se jako dojmilo...tako smo počele iz dana u dan preslušavati sve albume marley-a koje smo imale (ima ih dosta smijeh srećom) iz riječi njegovih pjesmi smo čule o reggae kulturi (rastafari) što nas je fasciniralo i jako privlačilo te smo počele surfat po netu tražeći sve o tome...od tih dana smo polako počele drugačije razmišljati o pogledu na život...bile smo sretnije (irie!) i zaljubile smo se u reggae i rastafari cerek heheh...od tad je prošlo oko 2 godine...i shvatile smo da se tu osjećamo mighty i irie (I heard Jah Jah voice is calling, calling all his children,
saying Mt.Zion gates are open - you'd better get ready to walk right in...) i tako smo počele slušati sve više i više i više reggae izvođača...
i sad se neki ljudi čude jer se mi smijemo (stalno smijeh) a to je razlog jer smo sretne i znamo da smo odabrale pravi put (za zion)....
jah shares love for i'n'i.....blessings of almighty jah rastafari!!smokin

mikey dread



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02.05.2006., utorak

earl 16

da da....earl 16 je my special singer smijeh
uglavnom...lik je preDUBar...prava uživancija dok slušaš njegove roots vibration yes
fakat me lik usrećuje... hehe dok čujem bilo koju njegovu song, na mom licu.. big smile smijeh
ostavljam lyrics od jedne meni jako drage pjesme...
deep rootical vibration!!


We all need a love that is real...yeee
And i've been thinkin' about it
I never knew what beautiful love could do
But i had been thinkin' of ways we could make it true
Sometimes i wonder why we have to work so hard
Always fussin' and fightin'
We've each other in the yard
Well it's true baby this love is for real baby
It's the way i feel baby this love is for real lady
And love is a thing that always come and go
It's a feelin, that everyone has to show
Just like the water that's runin' down the street
It's bleesing love is, allways so pure and clean
It's all about love love love
I'm talking about love love love
It's the power of love love love
Everything is possible love love
Cause we all need a love that is real yeee
I'm thinkin about it
I keep dream about you girl
And that's the deal it's the way i feel...wooii sweet girl
I'm thinkin' about you i'm dreamin' about you yeee
Cause i never knew what wonderfull love could do
I had been thinkin' of ways we could make it true
Sometimes i wonder why we have to work so hard
Always fussin' and fightin'
We've each other ...ye..
But it's true baby my love is for real lady
It's the way i feel baby this love is for real that i got for you
I'm all about love love love
It's all about love love love
There's power in love love...ya man...

lyrics and post by: dub lady(rasta sister2)

- 15:01 - Word (6) - On paper - #

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