petak, 27.07.2007.

još malo...

Evo pošto me tlačite da napišem novi post eo vam ga...
ovih dana nisam ni išao van, iam temperaturu, previše
bolestan tak da nisam ni pisao neke postove....
eo razmišljao sam i neda mi se više pisat postove
tj. neću pisat dok nebudem morao otići opet u bakar wink
napisat ću vam onda jedan post prije nego što odem,
a kad opet dođem tamo napisat ču vam čim stignem...
nastavit ću vas komentirati kolko tolko smijeh
čujemo se za mjesec dana i nemojte me zaboraviti
do tada cool
uživajte, mah


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'bOuT mE
Mjesto prebivanja:Daruvar
(Bakar (pokraj Rijeke))

Datum rođenja:18.05.1991
Mjesto rođenja: Virovitica (Hrvatska)
Horoshopski znak:Bik naughty
Volim: ženskesmijeh
Mjuza: punk i naravno NE CAKJE

my fuckin' pic -.-:
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that's all 'bout me...


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Yugo 45 by Zabranjeno Pusenje

Kazu da su cuda svijeta
Piramide Africke,
Kazu da su cuda svijeta
Velike rijeke Indije.

Al' ni jedno cudo nije
Bilo ravno onome
Kad je stari uparkiro
U bascu jugu 45

Skupio se sav komsiluk
I pola rodbine,
Ono pola nije moglo,
Nije moglo od muke.

Stara napravila mezu,
Ispekla urmasice,
Stari otiso u granap
Po jos logistike

Bilo je to dobro vrijeme,
Sve na kredit,sve za raju jarane,
U auto naspi corbe,
Pa u trst po farmerke.

Bilo je to dobro vrijeme,
Te na izlet,te malo na more,
U kuci puno smijeha,
U basci jugo 45.

Vozio komsija Franjo
Da proda jabuke,
Vozio komsija Momo
Da mu zenu porode.

Vozio ga dajdza Mirso
kad je is'o u kurvaluke,
Vozio go malo I ja
kad bi mazno kljuceve.

Bilo je to dobro vrijeme,
Sve na kredit,sve za raju jarane,
U auto naspi corbe,
Pa u trst po farmerke.

Bilo je to dobro vrijeme,
Te na izlet,te malo na more,
U kuci puno smijeha.
U basci jugo 45.

Virio sam jedno vece
Iz basce cuo glasove
Momo,Franjo,dajdza Mirso
Nesto tiho govore.

Onda pruzise si ruke
Na komsiju se ne moze
Onda popise po jednu
I razgulise.

Izgledo je bas mali to vece nas
Jugo 45
Izgledo je bas mali to vece nas
Jugo 45

Pobjegli smo jednog jutra
S dvije kese najlonske
Prvo malo Lenjinovom,
Pa preko Ljubljanske.

Danas nam je mnogo bolje,
Novi grad I novi stan
Stari nam je posto fora,
Kantonalni ministar

Ali meni je u glavi,
Uvjek ista slika,isti fles,
Stara kuca,mala basca
I u njoj jugo 45.

Ali meni je u glavi,
Uvijek ista slika,isti fles,
Stara kuca,mala basca
I jugo 45

Civil war by G'n'R'

"What we've got here is failure to communicate.
Some men you just can't reach...
So, you get what we had here last week,
which is the way he wants it!
Well, he gets it!
N' I don't like it any more than you men." *

Look at your young men fighting
Look at your women crying
Look at your young men dying
The way they've always done before

Look at the hate we're breeding
Look at the fear we're feeding
Look at the lives we're leading
The way we've always done before

My hands are tied
The billions shift from side to side
And the wars go on with brainwashed pride
For the love of God and our human rights
And all these things are swept aside
By bloody hands time can't deny
And are washed away by your genocide
And history hides the lies of our civil wars

D'you wear a black armband
When they shot the man
Who said "Peace could last forever"
And in my first memories
They shot Kennedy
I went numb when I learned to see
So I never fell for Vietnam
We got the wall of D.C. to remind us all
That you can't trust freedom
When it's not in your hands
When everybody's fightin'
For their promised land

I don't need your civil war
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor
Your power hungry sellin' soldiers
In a human grocery store
Ain't that fresh
I don't need your civil war

Look at the shoes your filling
Look at the blood we're spilling
Look at the world we're killing
The way we've always done before
Look in the doubt we've wallowed
Look at the leaders we've followed
Look at the lies we've swallowed
And I don't want to hear no more

My hands are tied
For all I've seen has changed my mind
But still the wars go on as the years go by
With no love of God or human rights
'Cause all these dreams are swept aside
By bloody hands of the hypnotized
Who carry the cross of homicide
And history bears the scars of our civil wars

"We practice selective annihilation of mayors
And government officials
For example to create a vacuum
Then we fill that vacuum
As popular war advances
Peace is closer" **

I don't need your civil war
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor
Your power hungry sellin' soldiers
In a human grocery store
Ain't that fresh
And I don't need your civil war
I don't need your civil war
I don't need your civil war
Your power hungry sellin' soldiers
In a human grocery store
Ain't that fresh
I don't need your civil war
I don't need one more war

I don't need one more war
Whaz so civil 'bout war anyway

Don't cry by G'n'R'

Talk to me softly
There is something in your eyes
Don't hang your head in sorrow
And please don't cry
I know how you feel inside I've
I've been there before
Somethin is changin' inside you
And don't you know

Don't you cry tonight
I still love you baby
Don't you cry tonight
Don't you cry tonight
There's a heaven above you baby
And don't you cry tonight

Give me a whisper
And give me a sign
Give me a kiss before you
tell me goodbye
Don't you take it so hard now
And please don't take it so bad
I'll still be thinkin' of you
And the times we

And don't you cry tonight
Don't you cry tonight
Don't you cry tonight
There's a heaven above you baby
And don't you cry tonight

And please remember that I never lied
And please remember
how I felt inside now honey
You gotta make it your own way
But you'll be alright now sugar
You'll feel better tomorrow
Come the morning light now baby

And don't you cry tonight
And don't you cry tonight
And don't you cry tonight
There's a heaven above you baby
And don't you cry
Don't you ever cry
Don't you cry tonight
Baby maybe someday
Don't you cry
Don't you ever cry
Don't you cry

Anti Todor - Ona odlazi

Svaku noc sam cekao usred grada
al znao sam da vise neces doc
Anti ulicama trazim sad neku nadu
da i ona mene trazi jos.

i nije lako biti sam
Todor nije lako biti sam,
a najgore je to sto dobro znam
da ona odlazi
Ona zauvijek odlazi
da ona odlazi sa njim...

utjehu sam trazio svake noci
odlazi al kurve tu ne mogu pomoci
i nisam se promjenio svih tih dana
od svega toga samo gore je.
i nije lako bitisam
nije lako biti sam,
a najgore je to sto dobro znam
Todor da ona odlazi
zauvijek odlazi
da ona odlazi sa njim...
ona,ona odlazi
ona odlazi
odlazi ona odlazi...