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Teren i novi avatari

Hi, ljudi... Eto, i ja preživio lječnički... Nije niš strašno, al te ubije u pojam čekanje! Bit tamo od pol 7 do pol 1... Ugh! Al, dobro, makar nisam bio u školi... :D Makar... Ne znam... Radije bi da sam bio u školi, tam je zanimljivije! Al, dobro...
Nema me ni u ponedeljak u školi... Tatica mi je (napokon!) našo posao: ić s njim na teren. Aj, dobro, nije dream job, nije ni neka para, al 170kn za cijeli dan razvlačenje kablova po prirodi ne zvuči strašno... Makar sam na svježem zraku... I ne pišem geografiju! :P
I tak...
Napravio sam avatar, Toše ko inspiracija: Image Hosted by
i još jedan: Image Hosted by
Morao sam vratit stari design iz istog razloga zakaj sam ga i prvi put maknuo: sve bude super (sve odlično, lol), i onda poblesavi iz nekog samo njemu jasnog razloga... Oh, well...
I obećo sam da ću u postove tu i tamo koji Harry Potter citat ubacit, pa evo:

'So you actually stick to it, do you, that He Who Must Not Be Named is back?' said Rita, lowering her glass and subjecting Harry to a piercing stare while her finger strayed longingly to the clasp of the crocodile bag. 'You stand by all this garbage Dumbledore's been telling everybody about You-Know-Who returning and you eing the sole witness?'
'I wasn't the sole witness,' snarled Harry. There were a dozen-odd Death Eaters there as well. Want their names?'
'I'd love them,' breathed Rita, now fumbling in her bag once more and gazing at him as though he was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. 'A great bold headline: "Potter Accuses…" A sub-heading, "Harry Potter Names Death Eaters Still Among Us". And then, beneath a nice big photograph of you, "Disturbed teenage survivor of You-Know-Who's attack, Harry Potter, 15, caused outrage yesterday by accusing respectable and prominent members oj the wizarding community oj being Death Eaters …"'
The Quick-Quotes Quill was actually in her hand and halfway to her mouth when the rapturous expression on her face died.
'But of course,' she said, lowering the quill and looking daggers at Hermione, 'Little Miss Perfect wouldn't want that story out there, would she?'
'As a matter of fact,' said Hermione sweetly, 'that's exactly what Little Miss Perfect does want.'
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix,
Beetle at the Bay

21.04.2007. | 18:24 | | 6 | Komentiraj |

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About Me

Imam 18 godina (3.12.1989) i maturant sam jezične Lucijanke. Planiram upisat ekonomiju, a za sad u školi uživam (kolko je moguće) u matiši, geografiji, talijanskom, englskom, biologiji i psihologiji.

Veliki sam fan Harry Pottera, Applea i Sony Ericssona, malih gradskih autića i SUViiija, Volim fotografirati, član sam deviantARTa i bez Orbit Sweet Minta u džepu sam ko bez treće ruke. Ooovaj, druge. nut

I, da, djelomični sam daltonist, brkaju mi se crvena i zelena (zato su mi među naj bojama nut), al me to uopće ne dira... Jedino me živcira kad ljudi misle da sam ćorav ako se jedanput u 3 mjeseca zabunim i fulam i skomentiram nečiju crvenu majcu "Kak je dobra ona zelena majca!" ludnut

Woke up this morning
Heard the TV sayin' something
'Bout disaster in the world and
It made me wonder where I'm going
There's so much darkness in the world
But I see beauty left in you, girl
And what you give me makes me know
That I'll be alright

Because if your love was all I had
In this life
Well that would be enough
Until the end of time
So rest your weary heart
And relax your mind
Cause I'm gonna love you, girl
Until the end of time

No if you're ever wondering
About the way I'm feeling
Well baby girl there ain't no question
Just to be around you is a blessing
Sick and tired of trying to save the world
I just want to spend my time with you, girl
And what you're giving me
Makes me know that we'll be alright.

Because if your love was all I had
In this life
Well that would be enough
Until the end of time
So rest your weary heart
And relax your mind
Cause I'm gonna love you, girl
Until the end of time

Justin Timberlake, "Until the End of Time"