body Go! (Caffeine) - CASPeRov blog - body

Go! (Caffeine)

Breathe in
Breathe out
Restless, waiting for anything
Tension is thick in the air
Are you gonna lead or follow me?
Full speed, turn up the overdrive
Make me feel glad that I'm alive
It's time we finally made our move
So c'mon so c'mon c'mon, now

Let's go, let's jump right in
Scream into the wind
Feel the fire within
I can't ignore this burnin' in my soul
Come on, baby, let's go
We might fall fast. We might fall hard.
But I can take it, I need to know
So come on, baby, go

Fever in my eye
Starts racing back and forth in my mind
I feel emotions rush through me
Stirring such passion inside of me

Are we regressing or taking flight
I'd rather be loud than just stay quiet
It's time to make a move
It's time, we've got nothing to lose

So, come one, come on, come on, now

No one to stand in our way
And nothing's holding us back
Doesn't matter what they say
It's just you and me
I'm so glad it turns out what I didn't know,
And I was too scared to show
Lose control of my soul

Come on, now

Breathe in. Breathe out.
Kelly Clarkson, "Go"

AAA!!! Obratite pažnju na vrijeme objavljivanja posta, nije namještaljka! :D 4:AM forever! LOL
Go je za Smigla, he he... BD
Mene nešto puca, znao sam da nisam trebo popit onaj irish, sad nemrem spavat... Samo Go pjevam... iPod će mi skoro crknut, mučim ga od 1:AM sa Step Upom, Hulkom i Harry Potterom (filmovi), naprijed, natrag, premotavanje, pa mi daj [LP] spot, pa mi pjevaj Go, pa ga namjestim da se sam ugasi, pa se ugasi, al ja nisam zaspao, pa ga opet palim, pjevaj mi Go, izađi samonom bosim na ledeni balkon, samo mi nemoj ispast iz znojne ruke...
Najradije bi ko zadnji luđak otišo na Jarun na rolanje, taman me trbuh presto bolit, mama mi je dala neki čaj (još kofeina! + cijela Dorina = osjećam se ko ona vjeverica iz Ko je smjestio Crvenkapici) sa laksativnim učinkom, pa sam se, hem, hem, pročistio, sad bi na Jarun... Ovak mi malo fali *pokazuje kolko malo* da se obučem, probudim strce, "odo ja na Jarun", da, i onda me zaključaju u sobu, "neideš ti nikam!", a da samo odem, čuli bi me 100%, a tek da me policija zaustavi... bilo bi veselo... "Zapamtio sam ja tebe, Kasapoviću!" (prekjučer mi policajci nisu vjerovali da ne znam next-door susjeda kojeg su iz nekog nedefiniranog razloga tražili, a otišli su s tom rečenicom... LOL)
Javim vam ujutro kad sam zaspao, ako sam zaspao... ^^

13.01.2007. | 04:07 | | 2 | Komentiraj |

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About Me

Imam 18 godina (3.12.1989) i maturant sam jezične Lucijanke. Planiram upisat ekonomiju, a za sad u školi uživam (kolko je moguće) u matiši, geografiji, talijanskom, englskom, biologiji i psihologiji.

Veliki sam fan Harry Pottera, Applea i Sony Ericssona, malih gradskih autića i SUViiija, Volim fotografirati, član sam deviantARTa i bez Orbit Sweet Minta u džepu sam ko bez treće ruke. Ooovaj, druge. nut

I, da, djelomični sam daltonist, brkaju mi se crvena i zelena (zato su mi među naj bojama nut), al me to uopće ne dira... Jedino me živcira kad ljudi misle da sam ćorav ako se jedanput u 3 mjeseca zabunim i fulam i skomentiram nečiju crvenu majcu "Kak je dobra ona zelena majca!" ludnut

Woke up this morning
Heard the TV sayin' something
'Bout disaster in the world and
It made me wonder where I'm going
There's so much darkness in the world
But I see beauty left in you, girl
And what you give me makes me know
That I'll be alright

Because if your love was all I had
In this life
Well that would be enough
Until the end of time
So rest your weary heart
And relax your mind
Cause I'm gonna love you, girl
Until the end of time

No if you're ever wondering
About the way I'm feeling
Well baby girl there ain't no question
Just to be around you is a blessing
Sick and tired of trying to save the world
I just want to spend my time with you, girl
And what you're giving me
Makes me know that we'll be alright.

Because if your love was all I had
In this life
Well that would be enough
Until the end of time
So rest your weary heart
And relax your mind
Cause I'm gonna love you, girl
Until the end of time

Justin Timberlake, "Until the End of Time"