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Can't Find a Better Jam

Aurora Conditurae by ~CASPeR3 on deviantART
Sad bi trebo opisat kak je bilo na koncertu... Al mi se ne da... Al svjedno:
Veli mama da su svi danas na telki i radiju na sav glas hvalili kak je koncert najbolji ikad, od svih koncerata u Domu sportova... Ja se djelomično slažem... Atmosfera je svakak bila super, bend se s nama stopio, pjevač je držao cijeli govor na hrvatskom (neodoljivo podsjećajući na pokojnog papu)... Da sam veliki fan Pearl Jama, ja mislim da bi umro od sreće, ekstaze i čega sve ne... Al ovak, sam happy kaj su mi svirali Alive (na 2. bisu)... Najbolji su mi bili kad su svirali laganice... Baš sam se uživio... Fora je bilo, čak super, al ne tak super ko na npr Peppersima il Franzu...

27.09.2006. | 22:18 | | 13 | Komentiraj |

Good Enough

Under your spell again.
I can't say no to you.
Crave my heart and it's bleeding in your hand.
I can't say no to you.

Shouldn't have let you torture me so sweetly.
Now I can't let go of this dream.

I can't breathe but I feel...

Good enough,
I feel good enough for you.

Drink up sweet decadence.
I can't say no to you,
And I've completely lost myself, and I don't mind.
I can't say no to you.

Shouldn't have let you conquer me completely.
Now I can't let go of this dream.
Can't believe that I feel...

Good enough,
I feel good enough.
It's been such a long time coming, but I feel good.

And I'm still waiting for the rain to fall.
Pour real life down on me.

'Cause I can't hold on to anything this good enough.
Am I good enough for you to love me too?

So take care what you ask of me,
'cause I can't say no.

Evanescence, "Good Enough"

26.09.2006. | 11:37 | | 9 | Komentiraj |

Post alla Stella ;)

Jednostavno radim sve ostalo da ne moram učit onu retardiranu geografiju!!! Pa sam došel tu neš našvraljt:
našvrlj - našvrlj

25.09.2006. | 11:59 | | 5 | Komentiraj |

Kaj se događa kad ti je dosadno u školi... headbangludbangroflcoolnut

My Fav Jeans and All Stars by ~CASPeR3 on deviantART

24.09.2006. | 18:39 | | 7 | Komentiraj |

Fizika (jeeej!)

Grupa A (slijeva u klupi)
1. djelovanje magnetske sile na električnu struju
2. magnetska sila na strujnu petlju (bez principa elektromotora)
3. Lorenzova sila (sa pravilom desne ruke)
4. magnetsko polje strujne petlje (do magnetske indukcije ravnog vodiča)
5. samoindukcija i induknitet

Grupa B (sdesna u klupi)
1. magnetska indukcija
2. princip rada elektromotora
3. magnetsko polje ravnog vodiča(sa pravilom desne ruke)
4. magnetska indukcija ravnog vodiča (sa definicijom ampera)
5. elektromagnetska indukcija

23.09.2006. | 15:48 | | 5 | Komentiraj |

Lose Control

You don't remember my name.
I don't really care.
Can we play the game your way?
Can I really lose control?

Just once in my life,
I think it'd be nice,
Just to lose control, just once,
With all the pretty flowers in the dust.

Mary had a lamb.
His eyes black as coals.
If we play very quiet, my lamb,
Mary never has to know.

Just once in my life,
I think it'd be nice,
Just to lose control, just once.

If I cut you down to a thing I can use,
I fear there will be nothing good left of you.

Evanescence, "Lose Control"

>Ovaj zadnji dio mi je prejeben... A i cijela je pjesma super, full je moćna!

23.09.2006. | 15:09 | | 3 | Komentiraj |

R&B = Rock and Blues

Otkak je Evanescence izbacio novi CD, stalno sam u nekom filmu… Ne znam kak bi ga opiso… Ne usudim se reć gotičarski, al definitivno takav neakav. I kae bilo?
Nixa mi da hrpu techno i r&b pjesama! Nixa je kriva za sveee! He he… Šalim se! Dapače, kiss Nixiću, stvarno hvala, pjesme su pre0dlične, samo su mi skroz poremetile koncepciju i zbunile me… al u poztivnom smislu!
Već sam zaboravil kak je to gledat MTV (imam samo švapski koji mi ide na 'sw16', pa ga ne gledam) i slušat isključivo pjesme sa top20. Prije sam staaalno vrebo nove pjesme i odmah trčo na net da ih skinem, al sam se u zadnje 2 godine muziku počeo slušat album-at-a-time, a ne song-by-song. Definitivno je bolje poslušat album u cjelini koji ima svoje raspoloženje i koji priča priču, ko neki super roman. Slušanje song-at-a-time mi se čini superficial…
Nego, danas dođem iz škole i složim si playlist "New from Nixa":
London Bridge,
Mas Que Nada,
Buttons i
Edina Bomba,
I Like The Way You Move,
World Hold On,
Blow My Whistle Bitch,
(i šećer na kraju:)
Il Ragazzo Della Via Gluck.
Fakat mi je falilo malo techna i r&bija u životu, oni mi nekak dignu…
raspoloženje. naughtyrofl He heee…
A i starom više to paše, al stara kuka da joj pustim Evanescence.
(Nafrljim ja mjuzu doma, uvijek, pa svi doma slušaju i znaju moju mjuzu, oće-neće)
Sad sam izgubio nit, poantu… Al nije bitno, glavno da sam ja danas uživo, fakat su me pjesme (pogotovo techno) opustile…
Zvučnici su mi počeli šetat po stolu, jer je full glasno, a i bass sam nafrljil…

22.09.2006. | 20:44 | | 4 | Komentiraj |

The Open Door: Amy Lee Explains the New Songs

The Open Door mi je fakat zakon i skroz sam slučajno naišel na ovo! Pročitajte, ak vam se da, znam da se ljudi boje dugih postova (wave OrangeBoyu wink), al ak ste Evanescence fan, znam da bute pročitali... Fakat, super su opisi svake pjesme sa CDa!

How do you follow one of the biggest debuts of all time? With anger, loneliness, and tuna casserole. "Track By Track" investigates The Open Door.
by C. Bottomley

"I couldn't have written this album four years ago," admits Amy Lee, as she takes a breather from recording a Live @ session. "I couldn't have played it four years ago. I've grown a lot as a musician and a singer. I'm challenging myself a lot more."

Lee has a lot to live up to. Evanescence's debut Fallen sold 14 million copies worldwide, but it came at a cost. First co-founder Ben Moody left the band to work with Avril Lavigne. Then replacement guitarist Terry Balsamo of Cold suffered a near-fatal stroke. And months before the release of The Open Door, bassist William Boyd left the band. But don't ask Amy about drama-she leaves that for the music. Here's her guided tour through this autumn's essential Gothic soundtrack.

"Sweet Sacrifice"
The dynamic opener, all chugging riffs and vocal arabesques. Evanescence is back.
It's the one song on The Open Door that's about the same abusive relationship which was the source of all the songs on Fallen. It was appropriate to put this song at the beginning, but it comes from a much stronger standpoint than Fallen. It's not saying, "I'm trapped in fear and somebody save me." It's saying, "Fear is only in our minds ... I'm not afraid anymore."

"Call Me When You're Sober"
Lee plays the woman scorned. Key lyric: "Must be exhausting to lose your own game."
It's very obvious who it's about. I know that people would read between the lines and think it's about my ex-boyfriend Shaun Morgan [of Seether], but I wanted to be completely clear. I needed so bad to say exactly what I was feeling for so long. Music is therapy for me. It's my outlet for every negative thing I've ever been through. It lets me turn something bad into something beautiful.

"Weight of the World"
A relentless rocker with Eastern motifs and distorted vocals.
I live for the rock songs. With the line-up changing, I think a lot of people thought it would be more of the "My Immortal" stuff. But "My Immortal" was Ben [Moody]'s song! I was always trying to pull us in a crazier direction. Songs like "Weight of the World" and "Sweet Sacrifice" and "All That I'm Living For" are so amazing to me because of the adrenaline. Especially when we play them live.

"Don't want to forget the fear of lithium." One of several songs Lee sings in a lower register.
I wrote the chorus on the guitar when I was about 16. I always thought it was a cool chorus, but I never used it for anything. I started playing it on the piano and the verses came out. I have a pile of pieces stowed away in my mind that maybe I'll use some day. In a way it's an old song, but not really. It grew up.

"Cloud Nine"
A vocal tour de force, using strings, studio effects and Lee's own layered moaning.
It's about breaking up. There are a lot of relationship struggles on the record. I always write about what I was feeling, because then it's genuine. I was struggling with a relationship and felt like a waste of space. The first lyric says it all, "If you want to live, let live/ If you want to go, let go/ What are we doing here?/ Because I can live without you."

"Snow White Queen"
Industrial beats usher in one of Lee's most powerful vocal performances.
I went through some weird experiences with stalkers. It's weird how it works. My lyrics are so intimate that people feel like they really know me, and I don't know them at all. My privacy had been completely invaded and there were a couple of nights where I couldn't stay at my house. So I wrote a song about it through the eyes of the stalker, and with my perspective, too.

It means "related to sadness." Which becomes obvious when you hear it.
I saw Amadeus when I was nine years old and fell in love with Mozart. The part of Mozart's Requiem called "Lacrymosa" is my favorite piece of music ever. I always wished we could cover it, but with programming and guitars and make it cool. It's our moment to try all the things I wanted to and couldn't, so I started messing with it in Protools. Terry wrote some riffs and turned it into this awesome metal epic.

"Like You"
Tense, mournful ... and the closest The Open Door gets to Fallen's world-beating ballads.
"Like You" is maybe the most intimate song on the record. It was about losing my little sister when I was a child. On the last record, I wrote "Hello" about her. "Like You" is her place on this record.

"Lose Control"
"You don't remember my name, I don't really care." The anger's in the music.
Terry uses a lot of delay and noises. His guitar playing is really creepy! He also uses a lot of half-step two chords, which I love. I felt like I wasn't really allowed to use stuff like that before, because Ben didn't like it. But songs like "Lose Control" go from C to a C sharp, back and forth. I love those. It's that Portishead influence.

"The Only One"
Like Sarah McLachlan if she was singing in the ninth circle of hell.
The song is about some of my experiences as a teenager with close-mindedness. I thought the people around me seemed lost in a world that I really didn't belong in. It's kind of spiritual. We originally called the track "Tuna Afternoon," because I made tuna noodle casserole that day. We still call the song "Tuna Afternoon." Sometimes it's hard to get past that working title.

"Your Star"
The jet-propelled coda was inspired by Terry Balsamo's Pantera fixation.
A couple of years ago, I felt so alone that I was dreading going on tour. We had just arrived in Lisbon and I was in my room feeling jet-lagged, weird and tired. I had just been home where I could see the stars at night. But when I looked out the hotel window in Lisbon, I couldn't see anything because we were in this big city. That was the last straw. I felt so depressed, I just started singing this song.

"All That I'm Living For"
An opening salvo of guitars keeps up the momentum, in spite of Lee's delicate delivery.
I love that song. It feels really different for us. The lyrics are about my writing process-how I put the song together, why I do it, and how I'm trying to fix all the things that are wrong with me through music. The first line says, "Save me from the night again/ I can feel the separation from the living." It's always night time when I start writing, just as the dusk is setting.

"Good Enough"
I'm okay, you're okay. All pianos and gentle vocals, ending the album on a hopeful note.
I had gone through a lot of difficult things during the writing of the whole album, and by the end of it, I had stepped away from those bad situations. That's really hard. You have to be really brave and strong about it. After doing that, I felt so amazing. For the first time I felt like I could write a song based on how good I felt. I have never done that before ever.

22.09.2006. | 14:40 | | 1 | Komentiraj |

Horror Vacui

To na latinskom znači strah od praznog prostora.

Ne patim skoro ni od jedne malo poznatije fobije, osim kaj se bojim pasa, al to je već trauma, mislim na fobije bez nekog određenog razloga ili uzroka. Tipa klaustrofobije, agorafobije i ostalih strahova kojim ne znam baš pravo ime.
Ali mi je valjda od desete godine (a imam neki čudan feeling da to seže dublje u moju prošlost) samo jedna noćna mora na repertoaru. "Oni" (nedefinirane persone; alieni?) su osvojili Zemlju koju ja gledam (kao) s Mjeseca i odjedanput shvaćam koliko na Zemlji zapravo ima praznog prostora (zrak, more, pustinje) i to me užasne, čak više od činjenice da su "oni" osvojili Zemlju, to tak nije bitno. I taj pang! (ko da te neko tavom po glavi pukne) užasa (kaj sam svjestan sve te praznine) probudi…
Najmanje jedanput godišnje imam taj san, al me taj neopisivi feeling zna puknut pred san. Tad postanem svjestan svake molekule zraka u sobi i imam osjećaj da mi je soba veličine nogometnog igrališta! Fakat nemrem opisat taj strahoviti (makar meni) osjećaj, koji se čini tak banalan, al nije… Ne znam ga opisat, ni nacrtat, ni opisat riječima, a kamoli pismeno…
Uopće to nisam smatrao fobijom, niti to je prava fobija, mislim da čak ni ne postoji, nije medicinski dokazana, jer na Internetu nisam ništa našao, osim da je horror vacui strah od praznog prostora kod slikara/kipara koji cijelu površinu moraju nečime popuniti. Upravo sam na likovnom od Antolićke jučer čuo taj izraz i potaknulo me da probam opisat taj moj feeling.
Imam sreće kaj mogu živjet s tim – pretrpim se jednom godišnje kad sanjam, znam san napamet, iako ga se nikak nemrem sjetit više od 20% (nema smisla, znam), a kad me pred san ulovi taj osjećaj, brže-bolje zaspim, pa preživim. Ali stvarno nije ugodno… Srce mi počne lupat, ma neopisivo, nekakva ogromna tjeskoba u meni pomiješana s još više straha – ni od čega! Retardirano! Jel iko ikad čuo za to,(nedajbože) osjetio?

21.09.2006. | 00:18 | | 4 | Komentiraj |


Skužio sam da već sto godina nisam napiso osobni post tipa "Danas sam se probudio, srao, jeo, pa pišo, pa opet jeo, pa malo očorio, pa opet srao, ovaj put na netu." To sam prije svaki dan radio, al više... ne znam. Pa, evo:
Danas je u školi bilo čist oukej, bubani kakav jesam, sam se još dobro držao, u čemu su mi pomogli: Sinusan, MaxFlu, Andol 300mg i neki preparat sličan Cedeviti, navodno protiv kašlja, al mu baš ne ide, jer sam svaki put kad bi se počeo smijat, počeo i kašljat! Ajmo sad izvuć logički zaključak: stalno sam kašljo. Al mi je definitivno bolje neg jučer, kad sam se skoro onesvjestio kad sam došo doma. Jedino kaj je dobro (super! smijeh) je to kaj sam promuko!!! thumbup Ja sam onaj tip ko Phoebe Buffet (remember her? We miss you! wave) kaj bi u 12. mjesecu gurno mokru glavu kroz prozor, uz rizik da pokupimo upalu pluća, samo da bi se razbolili i da bi promukli. lud Fakat su mi svi pohvalili glas... smijeh Jedino kaj se nisam mogo derat, a za preživit u Luciferijanki, to je osnovno. Tak da me pol tog ljudi nisu čuli kaj sam reko, al nema veze...
Nego, debata: Definitivan promašaj, with all due respect. Bilo dosadno. Svaka čast debaterima, al je to jednostavno preintelektualno i nezabavno za mene... Ipak sam ja na razini jaslica (danas mi je to više ljudi reklo! smijeh), a ovo je full ozbiljno. Zato smo si vrijeme kratili proučavanjem ljudi i trganjem njima u facu, al ajde... Jedna je cura stalno govorila "ilitiga" i "case" (as in slučaj)... Malo previše Kevina Hilla... Al dobro je bilo, osim kaj sam totalno izgubio interes za debatu, makar sam naučio što je to debata... I nije bilo crnca! no roflroflrofl ŠALIM SEEE, boli me za crnca... rofl
Nadam se da bum sutra ozdravil (i da nekim čudom ostanem promuknut; not gonna happen!) i da bum preživjel lektiru, koju sad idem čitiat... wave

20.09.2006. | 15:26 | | 2 | Komentiraj |

Even In Death

Give me a reason to believe that you're gone
I see your shadow so I know they're all wrong
Moonlight on the soft brown earth
It leads me to where you lay
They took you away from me but now I'm taking you home

I will stay forever here with you
My love
The softly spoken words you gave me
Even in death our love goes on

Some say I'm crazy for my love
But no bonds can hold me from your side
They don't know you can't leave me
They don't hear you singing to me

I will stay forever here with you
My love
The softly spoken words you gave me
Even in death our love goes on
And I can't love you, anymore than I do

I will die, but true love is forever...

Evanescence, "Even In Death"

19.09.2006. | 20:18 | | 2 | Komentiraj |

My deviantART Statistics

CASPeR3 has 364 pageviews total and his 50 deviations were viewed 1,096 times. He watches 9 people, while 4 people watch him.

Overall, his deviations received 66 comments and were added to deviants' favourites 25 times, while he commented 120 times, making about 1.63 comments per day since he joined DA. This means that he gave 18 comments for every 10 that he received.

His deviation with the most comments is Severus Snape with 8 comments, receiving an average of 0.57 per day in the first 2 weeks, while his most favourited one is Indifference, with 6 favourites, averaging 0.28 per day in the first 2 weeks. His most viewed deviation is Where'd You Go with 197 views.

4 favourites were given for every 10 comments.

Every 1.4 days he uploads a new deviation, and it's usually on a Sunday, with 10 (20%) of his deviations.

His busiest month was August 2006 with 26 (52%) of his deviations.

The majority of his deviations are uploaded to the Photography gallery (33), while his favourite category was Icons > Avatars with 13 deviations.

Comments per deviation: 1.32
Favourites per deviation: 0.5
Views per deviation: 21.92
Comments per day: 0.9
Favourites per day: 0.34
Views per day: 14.94
Pageviews per day: 4.96


15.09.2006. | 23:41 | | 8 | Komentiraj |

Call Me When You're Sober

Don't cry to me.
If you loved me,
You would be here with me.
You want me,
Come find me.
Make up your mind.

Should I let you fall?
Lose it all?
So maybe you can remember yourself.
Can't keep believing,
We're only deceiving ourselves .
And I'm sick of the lie,
And you're too late.

Don't cry to me.
If you loved me,
You would be here with me.
You want me,
Come find me.
Make up your mind.

Couldn't take the blame.
Sick with shame.
Must be exhausting to lose your own game.
Selfishly hated,
No wonder you're jaded.
You can't play the victim this time,
And you're too late.

You never call me when you're sober.
You only want it cause it's over,
It's over.

How could I have burned paradise?
How could I - you were never mine.

So don't cry to me.
If you loved me,
You would be here with me.
Don't lie to me,
Just get your things.
I've made up your mind.

Evanescence, "Call Me When You're Sober"

14.09.2006. | 21:44 | | 3 | Komentiraj |

"It's Showtime"

Tak se zvao jučerašnji Apple Special Event. Onaj, jedamput godišnje di obnove il Macove il iPode il oboje… Mac linija je dovolljno fresh (sad su svi Macovi službeno Intel-based!), pa je nisu dirali, al su zato iPode kompletno redefinirali!
Izbacili su novi Shuffle. Sad je veličine bedža, "tanjine" nana i čak ima na sebi kvačicu. Samo sivi (aluminium, onaj ko sa iPod minija i MacBook Proa, znači 0% ogrebotina), samo 1GB (nema više 512MB)… $79, iliti oko 600kn. Za najmanji player na svijetu, koji još dolazi iz naj-obitelji playera – best buy! Izlazi u 10. mjesecu.
Image Hosted by
Zvijezda "Showtime" je ipak bio nano, sada službeno najpopularniji player na svijetu! Na prvi pogled se čini da su puno toga mijenjali, ali su zapravo promijenili kapacitet (cijenu su zadržali istu, al su memoriju poduplali!) i materijal. Naime, full se puno ljudi žalilo na to kak se nano čim ga izvadiš iz kutije (doslovce!) odmah zgrebe! Pogotovo crni! Pa su se sjetili dobrog, starog minija koji nije imo ni jednu ogrebotinu, čak nakon godine dana intenzivnog korištenja! Kak to? Jednostavno – aluminijsko kućište. Onak, malo grubo brušeno, pa ima ko one vertikalne crtice po sebi… Sad nano izgleda ko anoreksični mini. Doslovce! Čak su osim bijele (sada više sive) i crne, uveli i plavu, zelenu i rozu verziju – baš ko miniji! I navodno je još smršo (ak je to uopće moguće! To ko da ja sad zgubim 10 kila!). Cijene su iste: 2GB (samo sivi) = $150 (1400kn), 4GB (sivi, plavi, zeleni i rozi) = $200 (1700kn), i 8GB (samo crni) = $250 (2200kn).
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Još su malo petljali po mom iPodu, "the 5th Generation" (popularno iPod Video). U iTunese Music (Video) Store, osim mjuze, audio knjiga, serija i spotova, sad, po novom, proaju i cijele filmove i igrice (samo za iPod Video). Igrice su $5 (pljčka!), a filmovi ($10)… E, sad, jedina boljka iPod Videa je bila baterija koja nije mogla zdržat više od 2 sata filmova! Pa su im podebljali baterije (ne doslovno, fala bogu), odnosno samo jačoj verziji (moju, 30GB verziju nisu ni pipnuli, osim kaj su je snizili za $50, sad je $250), koja sad (navodno) može izdržat 6 i pol sati videa. I nije više 60GB, neg 80GB za $350. *drool*
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Isprva sam bio razočaran redesignom nana… Čini mi se (bar po slikama) da su mu ubili šarm, više nije onak fino kockast… Al, ajde, makar sad (valjda) neće bit onak zgreban… I dobar im je potez kaj su ga obojali u ove boje… Sad se fifice mogu zakeljit za rozog, normalni ljudi za plavog, zelenog i sivog (wannabe bijelog) i mi alternativci (i ostali wannabe cool ljudi) na crnog! Fakat su genijalni: ak oćeš neku (funky novu) boju, moraš pljunut $50 više od osnovnog modela, koji je samo sivi, a ak fakat oš bit cool, onda ima da pljuneš $100 više za crnog. Tak neće (nadam se, puko bi od ljubomore) bit puno crnih, al ipak dosta šarenih, jer se ljudima baš ne sviđa sivi…

13.09.2006. | 11:52 | | 7 | Komentiraj |

Calma Apparente

Calma apparente
Nell'aria intorno a me
c'e un elettricita
che puo confondere

Correre fuori vorrei
dalle abitudini
seguendo logiche imprevedibili

Passano immagini
ritagli nella mia mente
e resto in silenzio
qui ma so che e calma apparente
qualcosa cambiera

Strani momenti
in cui sento che la solitudine
fa parte di me
E' un lungo viaggio che finira
E' la compagna della mia liberta
l'aria di marzo respirero
in aprile al sole mi scaldero con te

Le stanze del cuore chiuse da troppo ormai
al mondo riapriro
Il sole ci entrera
Sono tranquillo ma e solo calma apparente
qualcosa succedera per me

E' un lungo viaggio che pace mi da
E' la compagna della mia liberta
l'aria di marzo respirero
in aprile al sole mi scaldero
fiori e stelle a maggio raccogliero con te
con te

Eros Ramazzotti, "Calma Apparente"

12.09.2006. | 11:11 | | 2 | Komentiraj |

Pieces of a Dream

I thought I saw you late last night, but it was just a flash of light.
An angel passing.
But I remember yesterday.
Life before you went away.
And we were laughing.
We had hope and now it's broken.

And I could see it clearly once when you were here with me.
And now somehow all that's left are pieces of a dream.

Now I'm lost in restless nights.
Just a whisper of the life that we created.
Shadows falling.
I am calling.

And I could see it clearly once when you were here with me.
And now somehow all that's left are pieces of a dream.

The faded photographs.
The frames of broken glass.
The shattered memories.
Time will soon erase.
All these souvenirs.
Salt from a thousand tears.
But when I wake up you are never there.

We had hope and now it's broken.

And I could see it clearly once when you were here with me.
And now somehow all that's left are pieces of a dream.

Anastacia, "Pieces of a Dream"

> Tnx i pozzz Tei kaj mi je skrenula pažnju na ovu pjesmu... super je! wave

10.09.2006. | 21:29 | | 3 | Komentiraj |


Now you've been up and you've been down
Stayed strong even though daddy wasn't around
My momma through the thick and the thin beginning to end
And though I be sinning you keep me livin' with that love that you givin'
It's unconditional hey the sun shines when I see a smile on ya face
My momma with the money and jewels the record and tours
I'd give it away if I could make your days happy days
And when my hearts broke and can't cope I'm comin' on home
To remember the reason why I was born
Cuddle up inside your heavenly arms you help me weather the storm
You love music so I put it in song

She's an Angel workin' on God's train
She's an Angel workin' on me
She's an Angel workin' on God's train
She's an Angel workin' on me

I wasn't born wild you know you raised me right
But the roads of Alabama called me into the night
From the coke and the weed and extacy
I'm lost in the streets but you still remain next to me
The blood that I bleed it flows through your veins
Even in my lowest point I can still hear your words to my brain
First time I was arrested mommas love was tested
I couldn't contest it so here's my confession you're my blessing
You're the reason I believe you're the reason I sing
You're the reason angels tangle me in heavenly things
It's been a long road so hard and cold
But you keepin' me warm with your heart of gold

She's an Angel workin' on God's train
She's an Angel workin' on me
She's an Angel workin' on God's train
She's an Angel workin' on me

You're the light at the end of the tunnel the break of the day
After the darkest night chasing all the evil away
You're my flowers and sunshine cherries and red wine
Diamonds they can't find shining through hard times
You're the angel on Earth the proof there's a God
The reason to keep on going you're my light in the dark
The first star in the sky and the last to leave
And when I'm travelin' through the night I feel your light on me

She's an Angel workin' on God's train
She's an Angel workin' on me
She's an Angel workin' on God's train
She's an Angel workin' on me

Flipsyde, "Angel"

09.09.2006. | 16:14 | | 2 | Komentiraj |

Storm by ~CASPeR3 on deviantART

08.09.2006. | 16:48 | | 6 | Komentiraj |

Pope's Senior Exorcist: Harry Potter Downright Evil

Pope Benedict XVI's senior exorcist claims the Harry Potter books contain innumerable positive references to magic, "the satanic art."
"Behind Harry Potter hides the signature of the king of the darkness, the devil," he told Vatican Radio. And according to the Daily Mail newspaper in London, he added that the books attempt to make a false distinction between black and white magic, when in fact, the distinction "does not exist, because magic is always a turn to the devil."
burninmad Pa ti sad podržavaj i vjeruj Crkvu! mad

06.09.2006. | 00:11 | | 12 | Komentiraj |

Maybe if we ever coulda kept it all together
Where would we be
A thousand lost forevers
And the promises you never were giving me
Here’s what I’m thinking

It won’t be the first heart that you break
It won’t be the last beautiful girl
The one that you wrecked won’t take you back
If you were the last beautiful girl in the world

Matchbox Twenty, "Last Beautiful Girl"

05.09.2006. | 16:51 | | 1 | Komentiraj |

I'm Not (the Only One Who's) Crazy! (~prooved~)

Svi znate da sam HP freak, al nisam siguran da znate da mi je Voldy najdraži lik (ikad) (nakon kaj sam prčito 6. knjigu). Svi su me čudno gledali (obično su pozitivci naj-likovi), al se ja ne dam od Voldemortove predobre moći manipulacije i dominacije... cerek
A sad sam sazno (napokon) da nisam jedini luđak! Voldy je na Bloomsburyjevoj anketi BigBadRead (samo negativaca, doduše) pobjedio kao "Baddest Baddie". ludsmijeh

05.09.2006. | 00:19 | | 5 | Komentiraj |

We could just walk away and hide our hands in the sand
We could just call it quits, only to start over again yes
greedygreedygreedy With somebody else greedygreedygreedy

Alanis Morissette, "Out is Through"

02.09.2006. | 23:24 | | 8 | Komentiraj |


Sve u zadnji čas. The story of my life! Svi imamo određene stvari kaj smo si zacrtali da bumo napravili prek ljeta… Ja sam svoje sve obavio u ovaj zadnji tjedan! (Bolje ikad nego nikad!)
Dobro, ajde, Narniu sam čito cijelo ljeto, al se nisam mogo prisilit da pročitam još pola 7. knjige kaj mi je ostalo… A nije da je knjiga dosadna (nije baš ni ko Harry Potter, al je full čitljiva). Koncert Pearl Jama su mi najavili na početku ljeta i oboružali me novim i pred-novim CDom i Greatest Hitsom, pa nek se ufuram. Figu! A obećo sam si! Al je meni tak teško uzet neš novo i probat, od mjuze i knjiga: daj mi Green Day i Harry Pottera, i meni ne treba više, makar ima puno boljih stvari od toga (sad baš za Harryja ne znam… smijeh). Pearl Jam sam tek u utorak očeo po malo slušat (fora su, podsjećaju na Nirvanu, al su (mi) bolji)… A koncert je za 26 dana! Kaj još… Posao! Dobro, to je viša sila, nisam ja kriv, nemrem na to utjecat, mogu bit (i jesam!) sretan kaj sam ga uopće dobio (TNX Muc! kiss) zadnja 3 dana praznika…
U glavnom, all the excitement (osim, ajde, Praga, Peppersa i ostalih koncerata ovo ljeto) mi se događa ovaj zadnji tjedan…
Tnx kaj slušate moje bezvezno i bezrazložno prigovaranje… Wake me up when September ends!

01.09.2006. | 13:38 | | 8 | Komentiraj |

Wake Me Up When September Ends

Summer has come and passed
The innocent can never last
Wake me up when september ends

Like my fathers come to pass
Seven years has gone so fast
Wake me up when september ends

Here comes the rain again
Falling from the stars
Drenched in my pain again
Becoming who we are

As my memory rests
But never forgets what I lost
Wake me up when september ends

Summer has come and passed
The innocent can never last
Wake me up when september ends

Ring out the bells again
Like we did when spring began
Wake me up when september ends

Green Day, "Wake Me Up When September Ends"

01.09.2006. | 01:20 | | 3 | Komentiraj |

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~Iris~ | Blue Be@r | MuC =) | Daenerys | Đera | OrangeBoy | Chester

Ostale (meni) korisne stranice:
AppleInsider | | T-Portal | | | MuggleNet | Wikipedia | MobileBurn | Lektire |
deviantART: ~CASPeR3 | ~IvyOmega

About Me

Imam 18 godina (3.12.1989) i maturant sam jezične Lucijanke. Planiram upisat ekonomiju, a za sad u školi uživam (kolko je moguće) u matiši, geografiji, talijanskom, englskom, biologiji i psihologiji.

Veliki sam fan Harry Pottera, Applea i Sony Ericssona, malih gradskih autića i SUViiija, Volim fotografirati, član sam deviantARTa i bez Orbit Sweet Minta u džepu sam ko bez treće ruke. Ooovaj, druge. nut

I, da, djelomični sam daltonist, brkaju mi se crvena i zelena (zato su mi među naj bojama nut), al me to uopće ne dira... Jedino me živcira kad ljudi misle da sam ćorav ako se jedanput u 3 mjeseca zabunim i fulam i skomentiram nečiju crvenu majcu "Kak je dobra ona zelena majca!" ludnut

Woke up this morning
Heard the TV sayin' something
'Bout disaster in the world and
It made me wonder where I'm going
There's so much darkness in the world
But I see beauty left in you, girl
And what you give me makes me know
That I'll be alright

Because if your love was all I had
In this life
Well that would be enough
Until the end of time
So rest your weary heart
And relax your mind
Cause I'm gonna love you, girl
Until the end of time

No if you're ever wondering
About the way I'm feeling
Well baby girl there ain't no question
Just to be around you is a blessing
Sick and tired of trying to save the world
I just want to spend my time with you, girl
And what you're giving me
Makes me know that we'll be alright.

Because if your love was all I had
In this life
Well that would be enough
Until the end of time
So rest your weary heart
And relax your mind
Cause I'm gonna love you, girl
Until the end of time

Justin Timberlake, "Until the End of Time"