body Breakaway - CASPeRov blog - body


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Grew up in a small town
And when the rain would fall down
I'd just stare out my window
Dreaming of what could be
And if I'd end up happy
I would pray (I would pray)

Trying hard to reach out
But when I tried to speak out
Felt like no one could hear me
Wanted to belong here
But something felt so wrong here
So I prayed I could break away

I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly
I'll do what it takes til' I touch the sky
And I'll make a wish
Take a chance
Make a change
And breakaway
Out of the darkness and into the sun
But I won't forget all the ones that I love
I'll take a risk
Take a chance
Make a change
And breakaway

Wanna feel the warm breeze
Sleep under a palm tree
Feel the rush of the ocean
Get onboard a fast train
Travel on a jet plane, far away (I will)
And breakaway

Buildings with a hundred floors
Swinging around revolving doors
Maybe I don't know where they'll take me but
Gotta keep moving on, moving on
Fly away, breakaway

I'll spread my wings
And I'll learn how to fly
Though it's not easy to tell you goodbye
I gotta take a risk
Take a chance
Make a change
And breakaway
Out of the darkness and into the sun
But I won't forget the place I come from
I gotta take a risk
Take a chance
Make a change
And breakaway, breakaway, breakaway

Kelly Clarkson, "Breakaway"

>Tu su, te famozne riječi koje je napisala ni više ni manje neg Avril Lavigne! I vidi se da su njene! rolleyes "Grew up in a small town" ko da je to bitno, nema veze s pjesmom, glavno da se iz aviona vidi da je to Napanee! headbang Malo se previše forsa... OK, curo, imaš My World, tamo si rodni grad opisala nadugo i naširoko, al daaaj, lakše malo... bang Inače mi se sviđa pjesma, treba mi malo da mi uđe u uho, al je fora.
Tnx Ivy Omegi (ne bi vam škodilo da kliknete) na cijelom albumu, na prvo slušanje je OK, al već vidim da će to bit jedan od najdražih, all-time favoritesa (uz Songs About Jane, American Idiota, Mad Season (Matchbox Twenty), So-Called Chaos i Meteoru; ima ih još al ih se nemrem sjetit... Alanisini i No Doubtovi Greatest Hits)
>update>Povlačim sve kaj sam napiso, poljuvo cure, Av je zakon, super je pjesmu napisala, tek mi se nakon par skušanja uvukla u uho, sad je super! I "Grew up in a small town" ipak ima veze s pjesmom... To se dogodi kad idem popljuvavat pjesmu prije neg je čujem (kak treba) il makar pročitam riječi! bang

30.03.2006. | 22:36 | | 12 | Komentiraj |

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About Me

Imam 18 godina (3.12.1989) i maturant sam jezične Lucijanke. Planiram upisat ekonomiju, a za sad u školi uživam (kolko je moguće) u matiši, geografiji, talijanskom, englskom, biologiji i psihologiji.

Veliki sam fan Harry Pottera, Applea i Sony Ericssona, malih gradskih autića i SUViiija, Volim fotografirati, član sam deviantARTa i bez Orbit Sweet Minta u džepu sam ko bez treće ruke. Ooovaj, druge. nut

I, da, djelomični sam daltonist, brkaju mi se crvena i zelena (zato su mi među naj bojama nut), al me to uopće ne dira... Jedino me živcira kad ljudi misle da sam ćorav ako se jedanput u 3 mjeseca zabunim i fulam i skomentiram nečiju crvenu majcu "Kak je dobra ona zelena majca!" ludnut

Woke up this morning
Heard the TV sayin' something
'Bout disaster in the world and
It made me wonder where I'm going
There's so much darkness in the world
But I see beauty left in you, girl
And what you give me makes me know
That I'll be alright

Because if your love was all I had
In this life
Well that would be enough
Until the end of time
So rest your weary heart
And relax your mind
Cause I'm gonna love you, girl
Until the end of time

No if you're ever wondering
About the way I'm feeling
Well baby girl there ain't no question
Just to be around you is a blessing
Sick and tired of trying to save the world
I just want to spend my time with you, girl
And what you're giving me
Makes me know that we'll be alright.

Because if your love was all I had
In this life
Well that would be enough
Until the end of time
So rest your weary heart
And relax your mind
Cause I'm gonna love you, girl
Until the end of time

Justin Timberlake, "Until the End of Time"