body All our names: DECODED! - CASPeRov blog - body

All our names: DECODED!

Bilo mi je dosadno, pa sam išo prčkat po linkovima na tuđim blogovima, pa sam naišo na super stranicu na Ivyinom spaceu, zove se NameDecoder, pa sam ''dekodiro'' naša imena (ak sam kog zaboravio, vičite):

K.A.R.M.E.N.: Knockout Administering Rapturous Massage and Erotic Necking
I.V.Y. O.M.E.G.A.: Investigator-Vaporizing, Yokel-Obliterating Monster from the Enchanted Gloomy Abbey
M.U.C.: Monster from the Underground Crypt
Z.E.K.O.: Zealous, Explorer-Kidnapping Ogre
N.I.X.A.: Nefarious, Investigator-Xecuting Abomination
S.T.E.L.L.A.: Sexy Temptress Exchanging Lustful Loving and Affection
S.L.A.D.E.: Sexy Lover Adeptly Delivering Embraces
I.V.O.N.A.: Individual Volunteering Orgasms and Naughty Affection
T.A.N.J.A.: Temptress Administering Naughty Joy and Affection
T.E.A.: Temptress Exchanging Affection
S.U.C.I.C.K.A.: Sinister, Unholy, Cheerleader-Injuring, Cattle-Kidnapping Abomination
S.P.A.J.I.C.K.A.: Sexy Princess Adeptly Jonesing for Intense Caresses and Kind Affection
M.E.G.Y.: Minx Exchanging Gratification and Yeses
M.A.J.A.: Minx Administering Joy and Affection
S.I.S.E.T.A.: Sinister, Investigator-Snatching, Explorer-Torturing Abomination
M.O.R.A.N.A.: Malevolent, Orphan-Reaping, Anthropologist-Nabbing Abomination
D.U.B.R.A.V.K.A.: Deadly, Unholy, Baby-Reaping, Anthropologist-Vaporizing Killer of Anger
M.A.R.I.J.A.: Maiden-Abducting, Redhead-Injuring Juggernaut from the Abbey
L.U.C.I.A.: Lethal, Unholy Creature Inflamed by Anger
M.A.M.I.C.K.A.: Minx Adeptly Made for Intense Caresses and Kind Affection
L.O.V.A.S.I.C.K.A.: Luscious One Vigorously Administering Sensual Indulgence and Carnal, Kind Affection
D.R.A.G.A.N.A.: Dame Readily Administering Gratification and Arousing, Naughty Affection
P.R.E.K.U.L.J.A.: Princess Readily Exchanging Kind Undulation and Lustful, Joyful Affection
I.V.A.: Individual Volunteering Affection
M.I.D.O.: Mechanical Individual Designed for Observation
S.A.L.O.P.E.K.: Synthetic Artificial Lifeform Optimized for Peacekeeping and Efficient Killing
G.A.L.E.S.I.C.: General Artificial Lifeform Engineered for Sabotage and Immediate Calculation
Z.I.V.K.O.: Zeta Intelligent Violence and Killing Organism
O.C.V.I.R.E.K.: Organism Calibrated for Violence, Immediate Repair and Efficient Killing
B.A.R.B.I.C.: Biomechanical Artificial Repair and Basic Infiltration Construct
L.U.K.A.C.: Lifelike Upgraded Killing and Assassination Construct

Imaju tri modea: sexy, monster i robot mode, to ste valjda skužili, pa sam vas ''dekodiro'' po zaslugama… ;) ma šalim se, i sebe sam po monster modeu! Taj mi je prefora!
Dobije se i slika, al mi je bilo malo previše stavit sve vaše slike. A može se i majca kupit sa slikom i natpisom. Pozabavite se ak vam se da…

03.03.2006. | 22:59 | | 3 | Komentiraj |

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About Me

Imam 18 godina (3.12.1989) i maturant sam jezične Lucijanke. Planiram upisat ekonomiju, a za sad u školi uživam (kolko je moguće) u matiši, geografiji, talijanskom, englskom, biologiji i psihologiji.

Veliki sam fan Harry Pottera, Applea i Sony Ericssona, malih gradskih autića i SUViiija, Volim fotografirati, član sam deviantARTa i bez Orbit Sweet Minta u džepu sam ko bez treće ruke. Ooovaj, druge. nut

I, da, djelomični sam daltonist, brkaju mi se crvena i zelena (zato su mi među naj bojama nut), al me to uopće ne dira... Jedino me živcira kad ljudi misle da sam ćorav ako se jedanput u 3 mjeseca zabunim i fulam i skomentiram nečiju crvenu majcu "Kak je dobra ona zelena majca!" ludnut

Woke up this morning
Heard the TV sayin' something
'Bout disaster in the world and
It made me wonder where I'm going
There's so much darkness in the world
But I see beauty left in you, girl
And what you give me makes me know
That I'll be alright

Because if your love was all I had
In this life
Well that would be enough
Until the end of time
So rest your weary heart
And relax your mind
Cause I'm gonna love you, girl
Until the end of time

No if you're ever wondering
About the way I'm feeling
Well baby girl there ain't no question
Just to be around you is a blessing
Sick and tired of trying to save the world
I just want to spend my time with you, girl
And what you're giving me
Makes me know that we'll be alright.

Because if your love was all I had
In this life
Well that would be enough
Until the end of time
So rest your weary heart
And relax your mind
Cause I'm gonna love you, girl
Until the end of time

Justin Timberlake, "Until the End of Time"