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utorak, 30.05.2006.

I just saw the gayest guy on earth

Ova pjesma je posvecena jednoj posebnoj osobi. Imena su nepotrebna posto svi znamo o kome se radi :P

(I just saw the gayest guy on earth)
(I just saw the gayest guy on earth)
(I just saw the gayest guy on earth)
(I just saw the gayest guy on earth)
he hangs around in allston,he always wears a tree shirt
(I just saw the gayest guy on earth)
(I just saw the gayest guy on earth)
his favorite band is roadsaw,he hangs out at the model cafe
(I just saw the gayest guy on earth)
(I just saw the gayest guy on earth)
(I just saw the gayest guy on earth)
(I just saw the gayest guy on earth)
he hangs out with toxic narcotic,he's got a tribal tattoo
(I just saw the gayest guy on earth)
(I just saw the gayest guy on earth)
his best friend is joe bonni,he's got his eyebrow pierced
(I just saw the gayest guy on earth)
(I just saw the gayest guy on earth)
(I just saw the gayest guy on earth)
(I just saw the gayest guy on earth)
he has purple dreadlocks,he works at herrell's ice cream
(I just saw the gayest guy on earth)
(I just saw the gayest guy on earth)
he wears an allston rock city t-shirt,i hope you fucking die(ovu kiticu nemoj ozbiljno shvatit)
(I just saw the gayest guy on earth)
(I just saw the gayest guy on earth)
(I just saw the gayest guy on earth)
(I just saw the gayest guy on earth)

Ovo u zagradi je pratnja u pozadini. Pjevanje je a capella.
- 07:08 - Komentari (6) - Isprintaj - #

subota, 20.05.2006.


ajmo jedan jebo, cist ono reda radi :D

- 18:09 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #

četvrtak, 11.05.2006.

Evo uveo sam i reklamu na moj blog

Stavio sam ove reklame od gugla gore, pa nek se vrti. Ako vam se da kliknite na jednu od njih, a ako vam se ne da kliknite ipak ;)
- 14:24 - Komentari (15) - Isprintaj - #

subota, 06.05.2006.

Angelina Jolie javi se!!!

Whoohoo, dao sam ispit jucer. Naravno da sam to proslavio :D
Proslavio sam tako da sam sjedio sa prijateljem na ulazu u stuc sat i 40 minuta. Promatrali smo i komentirali sve sto se micalo, pa cak i prasinu ;) Jeben osjecaj i dozivljaj!!! Kao prvo nisam spavao cijelu noc, vise sam se zajebavao nego ucio za usmeni. Pa sam sav bio u kurcu, a kada malo spavam ili uopce ne spavam tad me hvata smijulja. Sto znaci da mi je apsolutno sve smijesno, kao da sam napusen... Isto tako nisam nista jeo od srijede oko 17 sati. Tako da sam bio u kurcu jer sam bio umoran, gladan, ... vrtilo mi se i sve ostalo sto ide s tim. Uglavnom, sjedili mi tamo sat i 40 minuta, cekali da se red na liniji smanji da mozemo ici jesti. U to vrijeme smo mogli 8 puta proci kroz cijelu liniju, a bila je do vrata, sto znaci ogromna.
Jedva smo se ustali i stali u red, kad se on dovoljno smanjio za nas ukus :D Jedva smo stajali u redu, meni se jebacki vrtilo. Ali nije nas to sprijecavalo da se i dalje glupiramo. Ma pisanje do jaja.
Poslije toga sam dosao u stan ~14h i oko 16h lego spavat... spavao do pol 1h. Bio gladan i u gluho doba noci isao do pekare :D

Danas nisam ama bas nista radio, osim sto sam gledao Filipovica... kako mu je picku namjestio LOL :D

PS Di je nestala sad ta Angelina Jolie?????????
- 01:46 - Komentari (3) - Isprintaj - #

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