srijeda, 28.12.2005.


Opet meni rano sviće zora.... Grrrr......
Stari me stiral snega čistit... NEbi bilo tak bad da sam još malo spal...
Nema veze... Bar se malo zbildam.

Danas več imam nekako splaniranoga dana tako da nebu bad. Samo da vam velim za Novu se budem gubio po gradu... Bolje to nego biti at home...

Sad več nemam što za napisati... Još je jutro :)

A da... Puštam si bradu... hehehe

Moram se zlevati... Poslije vam dodam još koji post ako se što zanimljivog sjetim...

Kiss za ellu :)

Loneliness is always looking for a friend
It found me once and it has been around since then
Loneliness is never waiting by the door
It sweeps right through and it will never be ignored
Why, why was I chosen?
Why am I left without?

The love of my life, the love that I need
The love that they say is in life for free
The love of my dreams, the love that I want
Loneliness knows me by name

Loneliness knows everything I keep inside
My endless thought in the silence of the night
Loneliness is the one who made me see
Ain't nobody else who can make a change but me
Why, hwy was I chosen?
Why am I left without?

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Samo zabava je pravi život!
HaVe FuN!

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