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PrEzImE:NiJe vAzNo..
DaTuM RoĐeNjA:26.7.1991.
SlUsAnJe GlAzBe
(nArAvNo sAmO
MeTaL i rOck)
ZaBaVu,SvOj aXe cLiCk,
rEd bUll,GuMeNe BoMbOnE
Ne VoLim:SkOlU,sVe vEzAnO
i šItNi sPeArS,kAzNe i cRiAtIaNa
RoNaLdA,RaKiJu,ToKiO bOrDeL

+KiKi-the punker...legenda+
+AnItA--zAkOn CuRa...I Ja nJu oBoZaVaM..+
+Taajni svijet+
+SaM Ti kLiKaJ!!!+
+Ju tUb+

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Metallica-Until It Sleeps

Where do I take this pain of mine
I run but it stays right by my side

So tear me open and pour me out
There's things inside that scream and shout
And the pain still hates me
So hold me until it sleeps

Just like the curse, just like the stray
You feed it once and now it stays
Now it stays

So tear me open but beware
There's things inside without a care
And the dirt still stains me
So wash me until I'm clean

It grips you so hold me
It stains you so hold me
It hates you so hold me
It holds you so hold me
Until it sleeps

So tell me why you've chosen me
Don't want your grip, don't want your greed
Don't want it

I'll tear me open make you gone
No more can you hurt anyone
And the fear still shakes me
So hold me, until it sleeps

It grips you so hold me
It stains you so hold me
It hates you so hold me
It holds you, holds you, holds you
until it sleeps

I Don't want it want it want it want it want it

So tear me open but beware
There's things inside without a care
And the dirt still stains me
So wash me 'til I'm clean

I'll tear me open make you gone
No longer will you hurt anyone
And the hate still shapes me
So hold me
until it sleeps

Children Of Bodom-Trashed,Lost and Strungout

Once a day falling on the trail walking blind trade nothing discretion in low,
It's hard to wait taking yourself in honor I should know how low I can go.

Before I go high I'm very down,
And I'll be going after it again and again.

You try biting all the way not be one to be trashed, lost and strungout,
Then again try something fucked to mess around with what's to coming out.

Before I go high I'm very down,
And I'll be going after it again and again.

Come on!

Maybe I shouldn't profisize my life what the fuck have I done to you?
But did you ever be harassed, with my head still trying to tell me what the fuck to do!

I need to get it to the point where I cannot do,
Nothing but trying to be strungout on you.
Let me drown way deep down below for a sleep that'll surely let go.
Until the end I raise and batter around looking at my own reflection.
Forever lost I kiss you good bye to kill my soul addiction.

Before I go I hit the ground,
The only way I ever get down,
And with the next you'll tell me where to go,
Then I'll be going after it more and more!

I need to get it to the point where I cannot do,
Nothing but trying to be strungout on you.
Let me drown way deep down below for a sleep that'll surely let go.
Until the end I raise and batter around looking at my own reflection.
Forever lost I kiss you good bye to kill my soul addiction.

srijeda, 17.10.2007.


Pisem ja novi post...Jesam brz...Pricat cu vam o suboti.Kao svi normalni ljudi u subotu sam isao van s ekipom..
Obecao sam si da se bas necu napit ko idiot jer to uopce nije cool..I tak,mi se okupili kod crkve,zajebavali osmase i krenuli
na pohod po kaficima.Inside,Banana,MD,Forum,Academia i Bagua-to smo sve obisli od 20h do 00h..Mi smo brzi..Najduze smo se naravno zadrzali u Insideu..I ja u svakom popio po jednu pivu i dve-tri votkice..Dobro,negdje ne toce maloljetnicima,al kad smo zavrsili,ko obicno smo za kraj otisli u park.Ja sam blago receno bio ukomiran...Ne sjecam se bas najbolje,al se sjecam da me Veco polio vodom...I doteturao ja kuci oko pol jedan,a mene naravno stara ceka s ugasenim svijetlom.Pet minuta sam otkljucavao bravu,kad na kraju skuzih da su vrata otvorena.Vidim mrak i mislim hvala Bogu u krevetu su i nece me vidjet ovakvog ukomiranog,al ono cujem-KRISTIJANE,PROTUHO JEDNA,OVO TI JE ZADNJI PUT DA DOLAZIS OVAKAV U OVO VRIJEME DOMA!!!!ZAPAMTIT CES TI MENE!!!JA KO DA ZIDU GOVORIM!!!I onda sam osjetio udarac u nogu.Stara me opalila slapom u nogu.Da,SLAPOM.Sutra me jako bolila glava i onda je slijedilo ocitavanje bukvice..Da ne budem dosadan-ne mogu van 1mj...Tak mi i treba...Pozzz mojoj DoRi,MaRiJi,BaRbArI,VeCi,IgOrU,DaRkU
,MaRiU,frANu,maTeJu,LuKi i ostalima...

MaRiLyN MaNsOn-TaInTeD LoVe

MeTaLlIcA-UnTiLl iT SlEePs

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srijeda, 03.10.2007.

+die,die my darling+

Da,moj naslov je po meni jedna jako dobra pjesma od Metallice.Za one malo gluplje to vam znaci Umri,umri dušo moja.Da,nazalost..Tak se i ja osjecam..Zelio bih najradije da moja "duša" crkne..Prekjucer sam prekinuo s curom..I ne,Dora,ne s onom zenskom s kojom si me vidjela!Jedna druga.Bas sam je onak..volio..A,jebiga,takav je zivot.Ostavila me zbog jednog drugog lika.Jednog drugog kretena.Da,pogađate,ja sam prvi kreten.Kreten sam sto sam vjerovao njoj,a ne drugima koji su me pravilno usmjeravali.Ja sam tvrdoglav,tak da se tesko samnom izlazi na kraj.I tak..Ne znam više šta da napišem..Ma glupo je to..Tj. jebeno bolno je to kad nekog zaista volis,a ona te isto volila(valjda) i onda nakon nekog vremena se ta ljubav polako ugasila i ona ti je slomila srce u tisuću komadića..Bar imam utjehu u DoRiNoM postu..Tnx što si ga napisala...Stvarno je jeben..Ajd,volim te,a onu gaduru prezirem...

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