Makin' money, all things shiny, if you do not spend, you are spent!

četvrtak, 29.05.2008.

I was born into this, everything turns to shit...

Mrzim kad me pitaju zašto sam uvijek sam?! Možda zato jer želim biti sam forever? Ne? -.-' S tim nebuloznim pitanjem me samo bace u depru. gRR.
Negativno razmišljanje mi ubija ono malo mozga što mi je ostalo... Odustajem...
I ovaj mi blog jede živce, i kompjuter, i iritantni ljudi koji ne znaju stat na loptu kad treba.
...Još me dan danas znaju popljuvati na ulici, izrešetati uvredama, pokušavam se ne obazirati na to, ali ja sam osoba koja sve prima srcu... I am so anxious!!!
Nikad neću isplivati iz dubine mora u kojoj sam ostao zarobljen... No dobro, emo sam i samo čekam dan kad ću si propucat glavu... o.O To će biti moj životni vrhunac...
Uskoro počinjem raditi... To će mi valjda odvratiti pažnju od kronične usamljenosti. Ako preživim taj kontakt s ljudima. Pfft. Želim se zavući u svoj krevet i nikad više iz njega izaći. I hate my life!
I stalno se budi agresija u meni, ubrzano disanje, bijes, grebanje ruku i crne misli tipa da nekom otkinem glavu s ramena... Uzrok: nestrpljivost Posljedica: živčanost...
No u suštini sam maza i beba... Dobijem malo pažnje i odmah sam happy, premda je ta sreća kratkotrajna! *__*
Zašto kad sam ja horny nema nikog? *Nessa, koka, žvalj!* xP
i sanjao sam 3 kanarinca, 2 plava i 1 zelenog, ženka je bila trudna, napuhana ko balon, rekoh, sad će bit ptičica, lol!

I moram ispričati svoj izlet u Zagrebu.
Bio sam u zoološkom vrtu Maksimir jelte? Po drugi put, ali uvijek ostanem fasciniran! Mislim, skočizec i letipas su jako čudni nazivi za životinje. A merkati su presmiješni, ko stražari te gledaju drito u oči, kjuut!
A ja ostadoh zalijepljen za staklo po kojem je gmizao albino burmanski piton (zašto uvijek želim napisat gurmanski, to neznam, lol), uff ma je dobar, fine zlatne boje, širine 15 cm i ja mislim dug 2 metra, ak' ne i više... ali meni je ipak najdraži onaj obični smeđi piton! xD Vidio sam i boe, anakonde, male-slatke-kojima-nisam-zapamtio-ime-i-koje-imaju-cakane-oke! :P Odmah se bude osjećaji u meni kad se toga sjetim, brrr!
I divlje mace su super!! Premda te životinje ne bih htio imati kao kućnog ljubimca, he! I svidjela mi se bijela nosata kornjača, tak je brza i gipka, i čudna! :D
Malo sam zujio po Kaptolu i Jelačiću, bio u katedrali, pravo turistički prođoh dok su se ljudi molili, ccc! I ima čak tri sandučića za stavljat šolde unutra, moderna katedrala moram priznati. Neznam, možda završim u crkvi. w00t! >.<
I da, počinjem se smatrati aseksualcem... *smije se svojoj izjavi* :) :) dobro, to već jesam, I guess so... :P
I pucaju me promjene raspoloženja, ko da sam u vječnom pmsu hah! ^^
I FAKAT mi je dosadno... Who wants to entertain me? :P
dobro, meni je inače u životu dosadno, pričam sa svojim plišancima, sa sobom, majkom i raznoraznim predmetima koji su kul.
I snovi su pomahnitali, ono, sanjam da jedem vlastite organe, da mi je tijelo skroz otvoreno... Hehe, progutam i opet ispadne lool!
Jebote, više neznam ni jednu smislenu rečenicu napisat. I svako toliko se zapitam kako se koja jednostavna riječ piše, hihi!
Onoga dana kad su me na regrutaciji proglasili nesposobnim dobih vječni pečat! No divno! I kakvi su im to psiholozi i psihijatri koji nisu otkrili problem... Kažu oni, sve će se samo od sebe riješit! Ono, WTF?!
Kaj se faksa tiče, predao sam sve seminare, sad se samo trebam dobro pripremiti za ispite... I moram glupi projekt web dizajna napravit, hm, kataloška prodaja? Kmeh! Štrc brc, sve sam zaboravio, a microsoft frontpage je na žnjtom jeziku kojeg ne kužim ni 0,5%! Sve ću morat isklikat da pronađem što treba. Grr!!
A na računovodstvu smo došli do zanimljive usporedbe. Brak, veza, ljubav, muškarci, žene. To je sve dakle dugotrajna imovina koja prvo bude u pripremi, pa se stavi u upotrebu, počne se amortizirati (trošiti) i na kraju je rashodovanje te imovine. To kad dosadi... :P

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"Man That You Fear"

the ants are in the sugar
the muscles atrophied
we're on the other side, the screen is us and we're t.v.
spread me open,
sticking to my pointy ribs
are all your infants in abortion cribs
I was born into this
everything turns to shit
the boy that you loved is the man that you fear
pray until your number,
asleep from all your pain,
your apple has been rotting
tomorrow's turned up dead
i have it all and i have no choice but to
i'll make everyone pay and you will see
you can kill yourself now
because you're dead
in my mind
the boy that you loved is the monster you fear
peel off all those eyes and crawl into the dark,
you've poisoned all of your children to camouflage your scars
pray unto the splinters, pray unto your fear
pray your life was just a dream
the cut that never heals
pray now baby, pray your life was just a dream
(I am so tangled in my sins that I cannot escape)
pinch the head off, collapse me like a weed
someone had to go this far
I was born into this
everything turns to shit
the boy that you loved is the man that you fear
peel off all those eyes and crawl into the dark,
you've poisoned all of your children to camouflage your scars
pray unto the splinters, pray unto your fear
pray your life was just a dream
the cut that never heals
pray now baby, pray your life was just a dream
the world in my hands, there's no one left to hear you scream
there's no one left for you

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Toodles ~

29.05.2008. u 17:52 • 13 ScarsAj printaj#

četvrtak, 15.05.2008.

You drained my heart, and made a spadeeee!!!

Extreme state of depression... Dođe mi da prvo sadistički izmučim SVE koji su izrekli bilo kakvu sarkastičnu rečenicu o meni, pa da se objesim u zatvoru i da okončam onako kako i zaslužujem. Udri glavom o vrata i razbij glavu ispunjenu gnjevom i tugom... Iscenirao sam suicid s oštricom noža okrenutom prema svom srcu i nekoliko trenutaka stajao s praznim pogledom. Možda ovo što pišem izgleda kao bezuspješni pokušaj privlačenja pažnje, a možda kao krik bespomoćnosti. Osjećam se prazno, a sveprisutni stih "I feel the minute of decay..." opisuje moje trenutno umno stanje. Tanka je granica između zdravog razuma i potpunog ludila.
"your world is killing me,
Forsira se depresija... Ne želim više biti sretan... To je suvišna emocija. To nisam ja. Hiniti nešto što nije dio moje osobnosti je potpuno nezrelo.
Šta je to prijateljstvo, ljubav...? Big piece of crap!!
Mazohist sam... I ne sramim se toga... Uzeti lanac i gušiti se, udarati se komadom drveta... Fizička bol nije ništa naspram one psihičke... Olupina... Uvijek mislim sve najgore o sebi... I trebam, kad ne činim stvari koje su primjerene mojoj dobi.

"Buried Alive"

I speak in verses, prophecies, and curses [x2]
I hate my life
No miracle is coming
Hate you
It's just a hole
Hate you
Nothing's wrong with you
Hate you
Must maintain control
Hate you
Everyone's asking questions
No place is safe
I'll forfeit resurrection
To escape this pain

I hate my life [x8]

I speak in verses, prophecies and curses
This storm of thorns is growing
Hate me
There's no end in sight
Hate me
Chaos claws my jaw
Hate me
And incites a mental riot
Hate me
I'm in the mouth of madness
With a tongue of poetry
I ate the spine of Atlas
Now the world is crushing me

I hate my life [x6]

Buried alive behind enemy lines
Surrogate child for the sins of all mankind
Buried alive behind enemy lines, buried alive, buried alive [x3]
For the sins of all mankind

Da... Živ zakopan u sebi samom... eeh... Mogao bih japanski moderniji način samoubojstva izvesti... Miješanje deterdženta i još jednog kuhinjskog/toaletnog proizvoda, ali ne bih htio otrovati i cijelo susjedstvo. To je ipak previše okrutno. Često puta poželim umrijeti. Je li to loše?
Koliko sam jadan...

Evo jedne moje pjesme koja govori o tome kako se osjećam...

"I want to lay in my coffin,
and go to Heaven,
my wounds full of scars
aren't healing.
I'm not breathing,
cause I wanna go to Heaven.
You can stab me, you can rape me,
you can rip off my heart,
cause it isn't loved,
cause it isn't needed!
I just wanna go to Heaven...
You can hurt me, you can fuck me,
you can take out my soul,
cause it isn't wanted,
cause it isn't loved...
You can burn me, you can kill me,
you can steel my self,
cause I don't belong anywhere...
Use my flesh for your lunch,
that's its only purpose..."

15.05.2008. u 23:37 • 7 ScarsAj printaj#

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Ono je:
... biće koje ima svoje weird principe i stavove... ono živi u Rovinju i dolazi do izražaja samo kad je pijano... xD

Ono voli:
~ morbidnost
~ grotesknost
~ perverznost
~ bizarnost
~ slatko xD
~ kada je voljeno
~ trenutke nježnosti
~ MM
~ klaunove
~ horore [especially Aliena & Freddy Kruegera]
~ hiperaktivne ljude


MySpace: rabbit_with_the_headlight

that's me
Moj deviantart.

Glazba koju slušam:
Marilyn Manson
Rob Zombie
System Of A Down
Siouxsie And The Banshees
Nine Inch Nails
Alien Sex Fiend
My Angelspit Group
Angelspit Forum
Angelspit Merchandise

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Disposable Teens
by Marilyn Manson
album: Holy Wood (2000),
Lest We Forget: The Best Of (2004)

And I'm a black rainbow
And I'm an ape of God
I got a face that's made for violence and porn
And I'm a teen distortion, survived abortion
A rebel from the waist down
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

I wanna thank you mom
I wanna thank you dad
For bringing this fucking world to a bitter end
I never really hated the one true God
But the God of the people I hated

You said you wanted evolution
The ape was a great big hit
You said you want a revolution, man
And I say that you're full of shit

We're disposable teens
We're disposable teens
We're disposable teens
We're disposable
We're disposable teens
We're disposable teens
We're disposable teens
We're disposable

You said you wanted evolution
The ape was a great big hit
You said you want a revolution, man
And I say that you're full of shit (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

The more that you fear us, the bigger we get
The more that you fear us, the bigger we get
And don't be surprised
And don't be surprised
And don't be surprised when you discover it!
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

You said you wanted evolution
The ape was a great big hit
You said you want a revolution, man
And I say that you're full of shit (Yeah, yeah, yeah)

You said you wanted evolution
The ape with the great big hit
You said you want a revolution, man
And I say that you're full of shit (Yeah, yeah, yeah)

We're disposable teens
We're disposable teens
We're disposable teens
We're disposable
We're disposable teens
We're disposable teens
We're disposable teens
We're disposable

System Of A Down - Chop Suey

(wake up)
grab a brush and put on a little make up
hide the scars to fade away the shakeup
(hide the scars to fade away the shakeup)
why'd you leave the keys up on the table
here you go create another fable
you wanted to
grab a brush and put on a little makeup
you wanted to
hide the scars to fade away the shakeup
you wanted to
why'd you leave the keys up on the table
you wanted to
why i dont think you trust in my self righteous suicide
i cry when angels deserve to die

wake up
(wake up)

grab a brush and put on a little make up
hide the scars to fade away the shakeup
(hide the scars to fade away the shakeup)
why'd you leave the keys up on the table
here you go create another fable
you wanted to
grab a brush and put on a little makeup
you wanted to
hide the scars to fade away the shakeup
you wanted to
why'd you leave the keys up on the table
you wanted to
why i dont think you trust in my self righteous suicide
i cry when angels deserve to die
in my self righteous suicide
i cry when angels deserve to die
father father father father
father into your hand i command my spirit
father into your hand why have you forsaken me
in your eyes forsaken me
in your thoughts forsaken me
in your heart forsaken me ohh
trust in my self righteous suicide
i cry when angels deserve to die
in my self righteous suicide
i cry when angels deserve to die

The Sweet - Ballroom Blitz

it's been getting so hard.
Living with the things you do to me.
Oh my dreams are getting so strange

I'd like to tell you ev'rything I see.
Oh I see a man at the back
as a matter of fact his eyes are as red as the sun.
And a girl in the corner let no one ignore her
'cause she thinks she's the passionate one.

Oh yeh
it was like lightning
ev'rybody was fright'ning
and the music was soothing
and they all started grooving.

yeh and the man at the back said
ev'ryone attack and it turned into a ballroom blitz
And the girl in the corner said
Boy I wanna warn ya

it'll turn into a ballroom blitz
ballroom blitz
ballroom blitz...

I'm reaching out for something
touching nothing's all I ever do.
Oh I softly call you over
when you appear there's nothing left of you.
Now the man at the back
is ready to crack as he raisers his hands in the sky.
And the girl in the corner is ev'ryone's mourner

she could kill you with a wink of her eye.

it was electric
so frightfully hectic
and the band started leaping
'cause they all stopped breathing

Oh yes
it was like lightning...

and the man at the back said...
and the man at the back said...