Nothing's complicated. It's just me...

subota, 11.11.2006.

The Sleep.

If you don't know me: I came from beyond
My name doesn't matter, 'cause that's not the point
This has no meaning where I'll take you now
Open your mind, then we're ready to go
What I will show you is all that you need
That no living man on this earth ever has seen
An answer to all of the questions you had
The only solution you'll never regret...

Hey, this can't be real
This unbelieveable longing I feel
Still it's pushing me on
Pushing me out of my body

The sleep-destination unseen
The sleep-death is not what it seems to be

This is the real world, now you're on my side
The doors of eternity are opened wide
What you see now is what comes after death
If you have wishes, the answer is yes
Without a body we're all energy
And we drown into all things here to be
All of the places you wanted to see
All of your visions - you are into it

Hey, this is so real
Please let me stay here, I love what I feel
But I know I'm not dead
I have to get back to my body
(It's pushing me back to my body)

The sleep-destination unseen
The sleep-death is not what it seems to be

Zasto se ja pokusavam promijeniti? ludKad se mogu jednostavno prilagoditi po potrebi. thumbupJa sad mogu slusati svu glazbu, a ne prestati slusati metal.
Nasla sam jedan stariji cd...stariji album...njemacki metal. Ovako zvuci koma, ali kad se poslusa to je nesto fenomenalno.
Rage - End Of All Days - The Sleep.thumbupthumbupthumbup
Jucer sam u busu na putu doma naisla na tu pjesmu.

A vracala sam se sva sretna...cerek

Inace, sve je ok sad...valjda...samnom i sa starcima, tko ih ...., s deckom, ma sta da kazem.kiss Imam najboljeg na svijetu.
Imam jos par stvari koje moram rascistiti sama sa sobom.yes Ma, zapravo, serem, nemam sto rjesavati.nono
Osim matise koju sam znala svu.
Ali, kako je moj dragi rekao, zadaci za idiote.
Ne smatram se idiotom, ali me veseli sto sam znala rijesiti.wink
Tko me smatra idiotom, sam je idiot.smijeh

Jos sam zvala neku profu iz kemije, dogovorila sam se za instrukcije, tj. pripreme za fax...i sad sam sretna.yes
Jedan manje.
Jos fizika i...
A kad mi nema tko pokazivati...ali ovak je bolje, ustesit cu dosta posla...

I sad bi mogla jednu belu odigrati.wink

11.11.2006. u 12:51 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

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