
četvrtak, 26.01.2006.


Nedavno dok san luta internetom , dobia san link za jednu stranicu koja je po mom mišljenju stranica s najviše baza na cilom netu (ispravite me ako griješim..). O čemu se tu radi? Tu se stavljaju ...citati najvećih gluposti koje su ljudi izvalili na različitim chatovima , forumima ... Ako imate vrimena pogledajte , jer ima stvari za umrit od smiha... ode ću navest par primjera sada... Napomena : znanje engleskog jezika je nužno =)


my mom just gave me 10 more dollars
i feel like saying
"thanks for supporting my drinking habit mom"

My mother (to brother): "If get fat enough, you can't see your weenee."
My brother (age 8): "BUT I CAN MAKE IT BIG!"
I lost all hope, right there.

orf> animals are just refridgerators
they keep the meat fresh till yer ready to eat it

|MallBrat[essay]| :"I remember the first time I jacked off. I thought I invented it. I looked down at my handful of junk and thought, 'I'm gonna be rich.''

Tetsuya_Ryuji> I just had sex
And it was good
testuya, try the multiplayer version, its better

"Here in canada, we have a special program to deal with the homeless, its called "winter""

Girlfriend the other day said something about me not washing my hands after I take a piss
"First of all, I don't piss on my hands. Secondly, you put the damn thing IN YOUR MOUTH, I think I'll be allright to touch it every now and then."
That shut her up.

eto...nadan se da će bit i vama zanimljivo ka i meni šta je bilo...e , da stranica je www.bash.org

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