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na blogu cu pisat svoje pjesme... pisat cu o svojim osjecajma... pisat cu o svemu...




Ja sam za neke nitko i ništa a za neke sam posebna... Živim u malom gradu... Dane obično provodim sa prijateljim.... Volim mrak i tamu, cokoladu i knjige... ja volim svoju muziku... volim svoje prijatelje... volim neobične stvari... ja volim crno i crveno...
Mrzim... ja mrzim glupe i umišljene ljude... mrzim kada mi neko diže tlak... mrzim rozu boju i barbike... mrzim materina predavanja o tome kako poboljšat svoje ponašanje... ja mrzim ljude koji mene mrze... mrzim gledat televiziju...

A-anita, prijateljica iz brela
B-buka, to je to!!!pjeva
C- cigaresmokin
Č-čokolada, moja drogasmijeh
D-droga, zabranjena zona
E-engleski, najgori predmetheadbang
F-fedor, prijatelj
G-govno, nesto odvratno
H-higijena, jako važnarofl
I-izvor, moj dečkocerek
J-jabuka, obožavam je
K-krevet, spavat se morazijev
L-likovni, najbolji predmet
LJ-ljubav, nešto katastrofanut
M-mare, ime moje sestre
N-nora, moje imesmijeh
NJ-njihaljka, tamo gdje se ljuljamo
O-oki doki, je moja najdraža rijeć
P-palačinke, njam njamnjami
R-riba, fuj fujcry
S-sara, zakon rodica
Š-škola, spalit se moraburninmad
T-tama, ono sto volim
U-ura, nju mrzim kada moram doma
V-vuk, najdraža životinja
Z-zabava, je najboljaparty
Ž-žvaka,stalno mi je u ustima

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I love you - NA ENGLESKOM
Ich libe dich - NA NJEMAČKOM
ali jezik kojeg najviše volim je - TVOJ!!!

Ako ti kažem volim te,
reći češ šališ se,
ako ti kažem mrzim te,
reći češ nemoguće.
Zato ti kažem mrzim te,
ali šalim se, znam da
je nemoguće, ali volim te!!!

Ako ti loše krene nemoj bosti vene,
ako ti se nešto desi nemoj snifat ljepilo u kesi,
nego malo mučni glavom,
problemi se riješavaju travom!!!

Mama daj mi šibice i malo benzina
da zepalim školicu koja smeta svima.
Smrt profama, slobodu nama i
mene će moja mati pali školom zvati!!!

Noćaš dok zvijezde sjaju,
dok rosa ljubi travu,
dok svi sanjaju raju,
ja sanjam o tvom zagrljaju!!!

Ja sam kao leptir,
svjetlost me mami, a
sjaj u oku tvom vidim i u tami.
Voli me, ljubi me, ali samo pažljivo
jer na srcu mom piše "pazi lomljivo"

Pustit ću te u stan,
ali u sobu ne,
pustit ću te u sobu,
ali na krevet ne,
pustit ću te na krevet,
ali sa sebe ne!!!

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It's not so much the pain
It's more the actual knife
Pretending the picture is perfect,
I cut myself to sleep
I close my eyes for a second
And meet a fragile soul
I scream to hide that I'm lonely,
The echo calls my name

If I ever... if I never...
Make me understand the thought whatever
Make me see... make me be...
Make me understand you're there for me

Take this life
I'm right here
Stay a while and breathe me in

Take this life
I'm right here
Stay a while and breathe me in

The water drops
Just beg to hit me
Why now? Haven't rained for days
No time to play hide and seek
I call upon you to take me on
Break me down to pieces
Put me back,
Do it right this time
Struggling to fill this empty stream
Burn my efforts in the end it means NOTHING

If I ever... if I never...
Make me understand the thought whatever
Make me see... make me be...
Make me understand you're there for me

Take this life
I'm right here
Stay a while and breathe me in

Take this life
I'm right here
Stay a while and breathe me in

These thougths burn a hole in my heart
These thoughts will keep me feeling

These thougths burn a hole in my heart
These thoughts will keep me feeling

If I ever... if I never...
Make me understand the thought whatever
Make me see... make me be...
Make me understand you're there for me

Take this life
I'm right here
Stay a while and breathe me in

Take this life
I'm right here
Stay a while and breathe me in

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Sparkling angel I believe
You were my savior in my time of need.
Blinded by faith I couldn't hear
All the whispers, the warnings so clear.
I see the angels,
I'll lead them to your door.
There's no escape now,
No mercy no more.
No remorse cause I still remember

The smile when you tore me apart.
You took my heart,
Deceived me right from the start.
You showed me dreams,
I wished they'd turn into real.
You broke a promise and made me realize.
It was all just a lie.

Sparkling angel, I couldn't see
Your dark intentions, your feelings for me.
Fallen angel, tell me why?
What is the reason, the thorn in your eye?
I see the angels,
I'll lead them to your door
There's no escape now
No mercy no more
No remorse cause I still remember

The smile when you tore me apart
You took my heart,
Deceived me right from the start.
You showed me dreams,
I wished they turn into real.
You broke a promise and made me realize.
It was all just a lie.
Could have been forever.
Now we have reached the end.

This world may have failed you,
It doesn't give you a reason why.
You could have chosen a different path in life.

The smile when you tore me apart.
You took my heart,
Deceived me right from the start.
You showed me dreams,
I wished they turn into real.
You broke the promise and made me realize.
It was all just a lie.
Could have been forever.
Now we have reached the end.

utorak, 10.04.2007.

Još jedna moja pjesma...

Mrzim te zbog svakog tvog pogleda
Mrzim te zbog svakog tvog dodira
Mrzim te zbog svake tvoje riječi
Mrzim te zbog svakog tvog poljupca

Mrzim te što gubim vrijeme na tebe
Mrzim te sto ne mogu bez tebe
Mrzim te što ti želim sreću
Mrzim te što te još uvjek volim

Mrzim te, volim te, ma daj
odjebi od mene.....

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