I got a heart full of pain, head full of stress

PiŠeM šTa ŽeLiM & kAd ŽeLiM---09.02.2006., četvrtak

tHe NaSlOv---Još jedan hebeni dan...

Ono..kaj da vam pričam? Bilo mi zakon danas u školi..hebote! Dečki su bolji nego ikad, nasmijala sam se do suza...hehe..bilo je super! Ono, ujutro ja se dižem, ponovim zemljopis, malo odem na net i ono, sve oke...idem se spremat...i tako...spremim se ja..i dođe stara po mene da me odveze u školu (zašt me vozi? pričat ću vam..) i ja dođem u školu u 7.15h! Ono, prekrasno..nikoga nema, samo ja i tišina...polumrak..nema one stalne dreke i vike...ma jebeno mi je to! i oke...odem ja do kabine, sve super sve 5, trta pred test...i da, dobila sam petaka..hehe..kad sam učila! Onda drugi tj. prvi sat smo imali hrvatski, isto test! Maya mi je sve govorila, pa se nadam nekoj jadnoj trojci! I drugi smo sat treali imat TZK, al smo imali onu profesionalnu orjentaciju, ma bzvz! Al sve je bolje nego TZK, vjerujte! I veliki odmor, ja umorna ko pas..spava mi se..podočnjaci do poda..grozno izgledam...i jedva čekam da odem doma! Treći sat: engleski! :(( hebote, kak je žena dosadnaaa! Al sam pretrpila sve, zahvaljujuči Dineku..koji je cijeli sat smrdio po jebenim cigaretama..i onda je meni došlo da si zapalim! I oke..zvoni..odmor..5 minuta...i dorro, četvrti smo sat imali matišu, žena je kasnila...i mi se ono zajebajemo. I dođemo, napokon na drugi kraj škole (di iamo matišu). I ono, vidiš Matiju u WC i on..hmm...obavlja nuždu :) i kreten nije zatvorio vrata! I ja mu dođem i kažem: "Šteta što sam to propustila" i on krene prema meni..a ja ne kužim zašt..kad se ono sjetim! Pa sad je pišao a nije ruke oprao...i ja ono...počnem trčat, al me je ulovio i s tim odvratnim rukama mi je išao po kosi!!! FUUJJ!! Skoro sam ga ubila i totalno sam se gadila sama sebi, jebote, pa nie tip normalan! I oke..opere on ruke, al opet krene zamnom i ja šmugnem u ženski WC, al naravno..on uđe zamnom i jebiga sad..zatvorim se...al ga to nije sprječilo da pokuša uć...i ono, nisam ga pustila, pa me je počeo špricat sa vodom i ja sam izašla van totalno mokra..e, svi su crkavali od smijeha, pa i ja isto! Onda smo Šikaru (one guy) zatvorili u WC i nismo ga puštali van...i odjednom...vrata pukla! Jebote, nisam mogla bilivat! ha ha! Svi se razbježali, samo on i Matija ostali tamo,a svi im počeli pljeskat..naravno profa je došla i zabavi je bio kraj..derala se na njih, a ja sam rikavala od smijeha cijelo vrijeme..i ono, na matiši je bilo oke...opet je razmjestila mene i Mayu, al nea bed! Vratit će se ona..i oke.....ja sam redar, pa mi je muka brisat jebenu ploču! a 5 smo sat imali jebenu fiziku, još jedan test..ništa nisam znala, al jebi ga..dobit ću il 2 il 3 i ja zadovoljna! Ae, opet sam se raspisala! Blago onome koji to pročita...ae, pusa =)
- 13:37 - ShAre iT wItH mE (12) - gEt A CoPy - NeTrEbA tI tO

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TuRn mE oFF...tUrN Me oN

Ja, ja i samo ja

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Drugi me zovu Kristina, KiKa, whatever...Iam 14 godina, pohađam jednu osnovnu školu, tu u mojoj "najdražoj" Vukojebini a.k.a Samobor. Volim...dorru ziku, svoje frendice, svoju obitelj, dorre izlaske, ma ja vam volim sve ljude koji vole mene, a oni koi me ne vole, mogu jednostavno odhebat! I tako...LIFE´S A BITCH..BUT SO AM I! Ne volim a.k.a mrzim...osnovnu školu (jedva čekam da krenem u srednju), profesore, svoju rasku, neke ljude, razmaženost, ljubomoru (makar sam i ja nekad ljubomorna do bola),loše izlaske =), ljude koi nemaju svoje JA i previše se prilagođavaju, samo da budu prihvačeni u svom društvu..nekad sam ja takva bila, ali to je sad iza mene...prošlost, ma previše toga! E, da i ponekad sebe volim, a ponekad ne =) Ma, ae..koga zanimaju moje faking gluposti..čitaj blog i da, nečeš umrjet ako ostaviš koji komentar! Pozz =)

Moš mi se javit na: Kristina_000@msn.com (ako oš pričat...MSN mi radi)
darkeryca@net.hr (znači na iskonovom chatu iam nick darkeryca)
ICQ: 288-757-799

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Slušate meni jednu jako dragu pjesmu: IN THE END by: Linkin Park

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Angelus-metalac, zakon frik, blog je super
LeX-super tip, zakon piše
all strakusha-zakon cura, blog također
Lana-volim joj čitat blog, oke cura
Ghetto Lady-super cura, a isto vrijedi i za blog
Šapa-zakon blog, super cura
Maria-zakon cura, odličan blog
Bleed Ana-fora blog
K!k@ C@r-moja imenjakinja, super piše...zakon cura
fallen angel-fora blog, a isto vrjedi i za curu koa ga piše
Maree-super cura, blog također
Mystery freak-zakon, zakon cura...blog također
Kontra a.k.a Ivan zg 17-fora frik, super blog
Freaky Bitch-super blog, a curu još ne poznajem
Opićena-ime govori i za nju i za blog
Ghetto Nigga-ma, frik je skuren do daske, sve najbolje o njemu i o njegovom blogu
depressive gril-blog je jednostavno super, isto vrijedi i za curu koja ga piše
Death Angel-savršen blog, a cura je super

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Mostly Linkin Park i Eminem; njih najviše volim =)

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GrEEn dAy

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bLaCk EyEd PeAs

i toe ugl. to! ono mogu SVE poslušat!

i'm so tired of being here
suppressed by all of my childish fears
and if you have to leave
i wish that you would just leave
because your presence still lingers here
and it won't leave me alone

these wounds won't seem to heal
this pain is just too real
there's just too much that time cannot erase

when you cried i'd wipe away all of your tears
when you'd scream i'd fight away all of your fears
and i've held your hand through all of these years
but you still have all of me

you used to captivate me
by your resonating light
but now i'm bound by the life you left behind
your face it haunts my once pleasant dreams
your voice it chased away all the sanity in me

these wounds won't seem to heal
this pain is just too real
there's just too much that time cannot erase

when you cried i'd wipe away all of your tears
when you'd scream i'd fight away all of your fears
and i've held your hand through all of these years
but you still have all of me

i've tried so hard to tell myself that you're gone
and though you're still with me
i've been alone all along

by: Evanescence

(It starts with)
One thing / I don’t know why
It doesn’t even matter how hard you try
Keep that in mind / I designed this rhyme
To explain in due time
All I know
time is a valuable thing
Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings
Watch it count down to the end of the day
The clock ticks life away
It’s so unreal
Didn’t look out below
Watch the time go right out the window
Trying to hold on / but didn’t even know
Wasted it all just to
Watch you go
I kept everything inside and even though I tried / it all fell apart
What it meant to me / will eventually / be a memory / of a time when I tried
so hard
And got so far
But in the end
It doesn't even matter
I had to fall
To lose it all
But in the end
It doesn't even matter
One thing / I don’t know why
It doesn’t even matter how hard you try
Keep that in mind / I designed this rhyme
To remind myself how
I tried so hard
In spite of the way you were mocking me
Acting like I was part of your property
Remembering all the times you fought with me
I’m surprised it got so (far)
Things aren’t the way they were before
You wouldn’t even recognize me anymore
Not that you knew me back then
But it all comes back to me
In the end
You kept everything inside and even though I tried / it all fell apart
What it meant to me / will eventually / be a memory / of a time when I
I tried so hard
And got so far
But in the end
It doesn’t even matter
I had to fall
To lose it all
But in the end
It doesn’t even matter
I've put my trust in you
Pushed as far as I can go
And for all this
There’s only one thing you should know
I've put my trust in you
Pushed as far as I can go
And for all this
There’s only one thing you should know
I tried so hard
And got so far
But in the end
It doesn’t even matter
I had to fall
To lose it all
But in the end
It doesn’t even matter

By:Linkin Park

Hey you, hey you, Devil's little sister
Listening to your Twisted Transistor
Hold it between your legs
Turn it up, turn it up
The wind is coming through
Can't get enough

A lonely life, where no one understands you
But don't give up, because the music do
Music do [x6]

Because the music do
And then it's reaching
Inside you forever preaching
Fuck you too
Your scream's a whisper
Hang on you
Twisted Transistor

Hey you, hey you, finally you get it
The world ain't fair, eat you if you let it
And as your tears fall on
Your breast, your dress
Vibrations coming through
You're in a mess

A lonely life, where no one understands you
But don't give up, because the music do
Music do [x6]

Because the music do
And then it's reaching
Inside you forever preaching
Fuck you too
Your scream's a whisper
Hang on you
Twisted Transistor
Music do [x4]

Hey you, hey you, this won't hurt a bit
This won't hurt a bit, this won't hurt
Says who? Says who?
Anesthetize this bitch
Anesthetize this bitch, anesthetize!
Just let me be
Between you and me don't fit

Because the music do
And then it's reaching
Inside you forever preaching
Fuck you too
Your scream's a whisper
Hang on you
Twisted Transistor

By: Korn

She's a rebel
She's a saint
She's salt of the earth
And she's dangerous

She's a rebel
Missing link on the brink
Of destruction

From Chicago to Toronto
She's the one that they
Call old whatsername

She's the symbol
of resistance
and she's holding on my
heart like a hand grenade

is she dreaming
what I'm thinking
is she the mother of all bombs
gonna detonate

is she trouble
like I'm trouble
make it a double
twist of fate
or a melody that

sings the revolution
the dawning of our lives
she brings the liberation
that I just cant define
nothing comes to mind

She's a rebel
She's a saint
She's salt of the earth
And she's dangerous

She's a rebel
Missing link on the brink
Of destruction

She's a rebel, She's a rebel, She's a rebel, And she's dangerous
She's a rebel, She's a rebel, She's a rebel, And she's dangerous

By:Green Day

Baby join me in death
Baby join me in death
Baby join me in death

We are so young
our lives have just begun
but already we're considering
escape from this world

and we've waited for so long
for this moment to come
we're so anxious to be together
together in death

Won't you die tonight for love
Baby join me in death
Won't you die
Baby join me in death
Won't you die tonight for love
Baby join me in death

This world is a cruel place
and we're here only to lose
so before life tears us apart let
death bless me with you

Won't you die tonight for love
Baby join me in death
Won't you die
Baby join me in death
Won't you die tonight for love
Baby join me in death

this life ain't worth living
this life ain't worth living
this life ain't worth living
this life ain't worth living

Won't you die tonight for love
Baby join me in death
Won't you die
Baby join me in death
Won't you die tonight for love
Baby join me in death

Baby join me in death


One bady to another says. I'm lucky to have met you.
I don't care what you think unless. It is about me.
It is now my duty to completely drain you.
A travel through a tube and end up in your infection.

Chew your meat for you. Pass it back and forth.
In a passionate kiss. From my mouth to yours. 'cause I like you.

With eyes so dilated. I've became your pupil.
You've taught me everything. Without a poison apple.
The water is so yellow. I'm a healthy student.
Indebted and so grateful. Vacuum out the fluids.

Chew your meat for you. Pass it back and forth.
In a passionate kiss. From my mouth to yours.
'cause I like you. You! You! You! You! You!

One bady to another says. I'm lucky to have met you.
I don't care what you think unless. It is about me.
It is now my duty to completely drain you.
A travel through a tube and end up in your infection.

Chew your meat for you. Pass it back and forth.
In a passionate kiss. From my mouth to yours. 'cause I like you.

By: Nirvana

It's my life...
My own words I guess...

[Verse 1]
Have you ever loved someone so much, you'd give an arm for?
Not the expression, no, literally give an arm for?
When they know they're your heart
And you know you were their armour
And you will destroy anyone who would try to harm 'her
But what happens when karma, turns right around and bites you?
And everything you stand for, turns on you to spite you?
What happens when you become the main source of her pain?
"Daddy look what I made", Dad's gotta go catch a plane
"Daddy where's Mommy? I can't find Mommy where is she?"
I don't know go play Hailie, baby, your Daddy's busy
Daddy's writing a song, this song ain't gonna write itself
I'll give you one underdog then you gotta swing by yourself
Then turn right around on that song and tell her you love her
And put hands on her mother, who's a spitting image of her
That's Slim Shady, yeah baby, Slim Shady's crazy
Shady made me, but tonight Shady's rocka-by-baby...

And when I'm gone, just carry on, don't mourn
Rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice
Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling
And I didn't feel a thing, So baby don't feel my pain
Just smile back
And when I'm gone, just carry on, don't mourn
Rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice
Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling
And I didn't feel a thing, So baby don't feel my pain
Just smile back...

[Verse 2]
I keep having this dream, I'm pushin' Hailie on the swing
She keeps screaming, she don't want me to sing
"You're making Mommy cry, why? Why is Mommy crying?"
Baby, Daddy ain't leaving no more, "Daddy you're lying
"You always say that, you always say this is the last time
"But you ain't leaving no more, Daddy you're mine"
She's piling boxes in front of the door trying to block it
"Daddy please, Daddy don't leave, Daddy - no stop it!"
Goes in her pocket, pulls out a tiny necklace locket
It's got a picture, "this'll keep you safe Daddy, take it withcha'"
I look up, it's just me standing in the mirror
These fuckin' walls must be talking, cuz man I can hear 'em
They're saying "You've got one more chance to do right" - and it's tonight
Now go out there and show that you love 'em before it's too late
And just as I go to walk out of my bedroom door
It's turns to a stage, they're gone, and this spotlight is on
And I'm singing...

And when I'm gone, just carry on, don't mourn
Rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice
Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling
And I didn't feel a thing, So baby don't feel my pain
Just smile back
And when I'm gone, just carry on, don't mourn
Rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice
Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling
And I didn't feel a thing, So baby don't feel my pain
Just smile back...

[Verse 3]
Sixty thousand people, all jumping out their seat
The curtain closes, they're throwing roses at my feet
I take a bow and thank you all for coming out
They're screaming so loud, I take one last look at the crowd
I glance down, I don't believe what I'm seeing
"Daddy it's me, help Mommy, her wrists are bleeding,"
But baby we're in Sweden, how did you get to Sweden?
"I followed you Daddy, you told me that you weren't leavin'
"You lied to me Dad, and now you make Mommy sad
"And I bought you this coin, it says 'Number One Dad'
"That's all I wanted, I just want to give you this coin
"I get the point - fine, me and Mommy are going"
But baby wait, "it's too late Dad, you made the choice
"Now go out there and show 'em that you love 'em more than us"
That's what they want, they want you Marshall, they keep.. screamin' your name
It's no wonder you can't go to sleep, just take another pill
Yeah, I bet you you will. You rap about it, yeah, word, k-keep it real
I hear applause, all this time I couldn't see
How could it be, that the curtain is closing on me
I turn around, find a gun on the ground, cock it
Put it to my brain and scream "die Shady" and pop it
The sky darkens, my life flashes, the plane that I was supposed to be on crashes and burns to ashes
That's when I wake up, alarm clock's ringin', there's birds singin'
It's Spring and Hailie's outside swinging, I walk right up to Kim and kiss her
Tell her I miss her, Hailie just smiles and winks at her little sister
Almost as if to say..

And when I'm gone, just carry on, don't mourn
Rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice
Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling
And I didn't feel a thing, So baby don't feel my pain
Just smile back
And when I'm gone, just carry on, don't mourn
Rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice
Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling
And I didn't feel a thing, So baby don't feel my pain
Just smile back...

[Curtains closing and sounds of footsteps]

By: Eminem

Hebrews born to serve, to the pharaoh
To his every word, live in fear
Of the unknown one, the deliverer
Something must be done, four hundred years

So let it be written, so let it be done
I'm sent here by the chosen one
So let it be written, so let it be done
To kill the first born pharaoh son
I'm creeping death

Let my people go, land of Goshen
I will be with thee, bush of fire
Running red and strong down the Nile
Darkness three days long, hail to fire

So let it be written, so let it be done
I'm sent here by the chosen one
So let it be written, so let it be done
To kill the first-born pharaoh son
I'm creeping death

Die by my hand
I creep across the land
Killing first-born man

Die by my hand
I creep across the land
Killing first-born man

Rule the midnight air, the destroyer
I shall soon be there, deadly mass
Creep the steps and floor, final darkness
Lamb's blood, painted doors, I shall pass

So let it be written, so let it be done
I'm sent here by the chosen one
So let it be written, so let it be done
To kill the first-born pharaoh son
I'm creeping death


Look.. if you had.. one shot, or one opportunity
To seize everything you ever wanted.. in one moment
Would you capture it.. or just let it slip? Yo..

[Verse 1]
His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy
There's vomit on his sweater already, mom's spaghetti
He's nervous, but on the surface he looks calm and ready
to drops bombs, but he keeps on forgetting
what he wrote down, the whole crowd goes so loud
He opens his mouth but the words won't come out
He's chokin, how? Everybody's jokin now
The clock's run out, time's up, over - BLAOW!
Snap back to reality, OHH - there goes gravity
OHH - there goes Rabbit, he choked
He's so mad, but he won't
Give up that easy nope, he won't have it
He knows, his whole back's to these ropes
It don't matter, he's dope
He knows that, but he's broke
He's so sad that he knows
when he goes back to this mobile home, that's when it's
back to the lab again, yo, this whole rap shit
He better go capture this moment and hope it don't pass him

You better - lose yourself in the music, the moment
You own it, you better never let it go (go)
You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow
This opportunity comes once in a lifetime
You better - lose yourself in the music, the moment
You own it, you better never let it go (go)
You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow
This opportunity comes once in a lifetime
You better..

[Verse 2]
Soul's escaping, through this hole that is gaping
This world is mine for the taking
Make me king, as we move toward a, new world order
A normal life is boring; but superstardom's
close to post-mortem, it only grows harder
Homie grows hotter, he blows it's all over
These hoes is all on him, coast to coast shows
He's known as the Globetrotter
Lonely roads, God only knows
He's grown farther from home, he's no father
He goes home and barely knows his own daughter
But hold your nose cause here goes the cold water
These hoes don't want him no mo', he's cold product
They moved on to the next schmoe who flows
He nose-dove and sold nada, and so the soap opera
is told, it unfolds, I suppose it's old partner
But the beat goes on da-da-dum da-dum da-dah


[Verse 3]
No more games, I'ma change what you call rage
Tear this motherfuckin roof off like two dogs caged
I was playin in the beginning, the mood all changed
I've been chewed up and spit out and booed off stage
But I kept rhymin and stepped right in the next cypher
Best believe somebody's payin the pied piper
All the pain inside amplified by the
fact that I can't get by with my nine to
five and I can't provide the right type of
life for my family, cause man, these God damn
food stamps don't buy diapers, and there's no movie
There's no Mekhi Phifer, this is my life
And these times are so hard, and it's gettin even harder
Tryin to feed and water my seed plus, teeter-totter
Caught up between bein a father and a primadonna
Baby momma drama screamin on her too much for me to wanna
stay in one spot, another day of monotony
has gotten me to the point, I'm like a snail I've got
to formulate a plot, or end up in jail or shot
Success is my only motherfuckin option, failure's not
Mom I love you but this trailer's got to go
I cannot grow old in Salem's Lot
So here I go it's my shot, feet fail me not
This may be the only opportunity that I got


You can do anything you set your mind to, man

By: Eminem

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