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27.03.2006., ponedjeljak


... smo tu! nešta nam se blog pokvario ili su tu prste imali neki zadrti kršćani. hm... tko zna?!? to je ZA SAD to, još moramo vratit stari dizajn, pa krećemo s pisanjem dubokoumnih textova. i tak...
- 16:43 - say what you mean (9) - mean what you say - #

words can only do harm


no answer still.

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You'll never understand,
the meaning in the end,
we're standing at the gate,
you'll meet the darker fate,

your purity and rage,
your passion and your hate,
you promised more than bliss,
with your God and with your kiss,

I'm on my knees,
I beg your mercy,
my soul is my loss,
I'm well hung from your cross.

Take me,
take me in your arms my love and rape me,
don't hide behind your rage
I know you love me,
and always will,

you're my possession,
of that my love there really is no question,
don't hide behind your rage
I know you love me
and always will,

my better half it's true
has seen the darker side of you,
innocence stripped away,
at least I've the brighter fate...

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Geniune, A Fantastic Revue

In the living-room a man on a sofa is laying
Two strangers at the door and one is knocking
The man stands and opens the great wooden door
The one who knows the host tells the other visitor

An old man with top hat and a dark walking stick
Gets through the wooden door and says without a trick
“I want to buy the portrait of this old heroine”
“I’ll never sell this one not even to a king”

“since he finished his last work
Percy’s gone wild and casts strange lurks
Like a mad man who went too far
His oil is the cause let’s take it afar”

“come back tomorrow” says the painter’s friend
“Sir, maybe tomorrow in a sale it’ll end
tonight, we’ll try to make his mind change
and off with the oil, Sir, thou might get a chance”

“since he finished his last work
Percy’s gone wild and casts strange lurks
Like a mad man who went too far
His oil is the cause let’s take it afar”

All eve long young ones tried to convince him
To let the old man by this sale enrich him
The talks are loud and words are high
“Nothing to do but leave him tonight”

All alone the painter stares at his work
There’s a woman face with dark and long hair
Percy takes a book and reads it aloud
“beautiful & perverse, Genuine a slave was made
Priestess of mysteries bought by a strange old man”
He falls asleep and the portrait comes alive
And dressed with black ribbons lays by his side

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When the routine bites hard
And ambitions are low
And the resentment rides high
But emotions won’t grow
And we’re changing our ways,
Taking different roads
Then love, love will tear us apart again

Why is the bedroom so cold
Turned away on your side?
Is my timing that flawed,
Our respect run so dry?
Yet there’s still this appeal
That we’ve kept through our lives
Love, love will tear us apart again

Do you cry out in your sleep
All my failings expose?
Get a taste in my mouth
As desperation takes hold
Is it something so good
Just can’t function no more?
When love, love will tear us apart again

We were strangers.
We were strangers, for way too long, for way too long,
We were strangers, for way too long.
Violent, violent,
Were strangers.

Get weak all the time, may just pass the time,
Me in my own world, yeah you there beside,
The gaps are enormous, we stare from each side,
We were strangers for way too long.

Violent, more violent, his hand cracks the chair,
Moves on reaction, then slumps in despair,
Trapped in a cage and surrendered too soon,
Me in my own world, the one that you knew,
For way too long.
We were strangers, for way too long.
We were strangers,
We were strangers, for way too long.
For way too long.

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To the centre of the city where all roads meet, waiting for you,
To the depths of the ocean where all hopes sank, searching for you,
I was moving through the silence without motion, waiting for you,
In a room with a window in the corner I found truth.

In the shadowplay, acting out your own death, knowing no more,
As the assassins all grouped in four lines, dancing on the floor,
And with cold streel, odour on their bodies mad a move to connect,
But I could only stare in disbelief as the crowds all left.

I did everything, everything I wanted to,
I let them use you for their own ends,
To the centre of the city in the night, waiting for you.
To the centre of the city in the night, waiting for you.

See my true reflection,
Cut off my own connections,
I can see life getting harder,
So sad is this sensation,
Reverse the situation,
I can’t see it getting better.

I’ll walk you through the heartbreak,
Show you all the out takes,
I can’t see it getting higher,
Systematically degraded,
Emotionally a scapegoat,
I can’t see it getting better.

Perverse and unrealistic,
Try to make it all sick,
I can’t see it getting better,
Hollow now, I’m burned out,
All I need to break out,
I can’t see life getting higher,
Love, life, makes you feel higher,
Love, of life, makes you feel higher,
Higher, higher, higher, higher,
Higher, higher, higher, higher,
Love of life, makes you feel higher.

neonecropopulace has no reflection
neocaeczaristic phallic ruins
just east of the river denial the techs are breathing
welcome to this neotokyo
gridlocks will warn the chromlech alarms
bouquet of cuticles
landscape tantrums
tramontane torching the tramontane
i've heard the mumbling of citadels shifting on this richter scale
the alleys will flow marble intercourse
roil the pantheon... of subterfuge
tramontane torching the tramontane
this marabout isn't untouchable
indentured by servitude
neoinfidels - let's plug them in
neopolygraphic, trip chords
centrocircuiphobia the fallacy
welcome to neotokyo
tore the wings off seraphin, fed them to the anglophiles
in this stag caberat the bark of buildings surged, through the whipping volt abode
go to the lexicon you sluggard, if you will.

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Why can't we hear
The time must come for us to leave here
Emotion has withered away
Out burnt out love has decayed

Obsessed to leave the earth
Tragedy has overrun since birth

Now our righteous fathers weep
As we greet eternal sleep
Are we born to pass away

Cry at all that remains
"Chosen words" fail to sustain
The wisdom of powers heard
In dismal thoughts seemingly absurd

Now as hope and glory dies
We'll scream at our demise
Are we lost forever more

Now our righteous fathers weep
As we greet eternal sleep
Are we born to pass away

As I Die

As I die

Stare as eyes uphold me
And wait to see right through
And curse me... The love has crippled you

Shadows haunt the night
Burning my disguise

As I die

Reaping through the truth
Life becomes untrue

Sin the last diversion
My fate will be untouched
Dismissed now, the anger of a fool

Shadows haunt the night
Forgive me as I die

Taking a chance
And take what you gain
My soul it has no price
Total release is out of harms way until I can decide
You punish me, can't you see, I'm not real

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A Letter To God
Is this life this degradation
this pointless game, humiliation
Born to die, we're born to lose
and not one choice we make we choose
And when this life is at an end
we find that Death's our only friend
Must we suffer through your games, oh Lord?
Can God really be so bored?

We waste our lives destroying, hating,
while beneath our flesh a skull lies waiting
Blind to beauty blind to love,
we fear of our loving Lord above
Some live their lives to play their games,
some live as victims, the insane
Your experiment oh Lord has failed
and I trust that when we meet you will forgive us

It's futile so I'll end this note
and find a knife and slit my throat
and come to track you down oh Lord
you better watch your back,
be sure that when we meet you'll be surprised
no loving praise, no glee filled cries
Just pain and hate and tear filled sighs
and the question in the end is "Why?"

Caressing the marble and stone
Love that was special for one
The waste and the fever and hate
How I wish you were here with me now
The body that kills and hides
Matches an awful delight
Warm like a dog `round your feet
How I wish you were here with me now
The hangman looks `round as he waits
Gullet stretches tight and it breaks
Someday we will die in your dreams
How I wish we were here with you now

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Long after midnight, on a night like this
I'd sit by my blacklight and dream of your kiss
pulsating music filled my room and my head
and I dreamed what it'd be like to have you in my bed

I'm your best nightmare

And then it happened, you were in my arms
your lips on my throat- your hands on my, on my...
two bodies together the intimate sin
the pain and the pleasure could do mortals in
how could you know what I'm thinking of
to me lust can be as beautiful as love
here tonight, your pure heart and soul
untainted passion should have no control

She asked me if I...
I told her the truth
I said "I'm sorry it takes me longer than you"
she smiled and blushed and continued to grind
and promised to make me go out of my mind

returning her promise she came to a halt
licking my lips I tasted her salt
then she sat up and gasped and clutched at her breast
I thought she was coming- I'd never have guessed that
as she grew pale, as white as a flower
she collapsed to the floor and was dead in an hour.

I'm your best nightmare

What on earth went wrong
just tell me what went wrong
can't understand just how you feel

I know the end is near
but I no longer fear
that what we had was so unreal

why can't you feel it?
you had to know
how could you steal it?
let me break you

you made it all so mad
love or control gone bad
it seems to me you don't play fair
I've come to know your kind
through innocence then blind
believed in something that was never there...

Spider And The Fly

Empty hearts I can hear them talking
I close my eyes and I keep on stalking
my love
my love

no one's aware of the hunger I feel
it's something you or time cannot heal
I need someone to help me rise above

Eternal bliss is something I can show you
spread your arms and let my wings enfold you
my love

In the darkness shades of crimson rapture
the world is ours alone to capture
my love

Come over here and let me tell you something
nothing ever comes of nothing
we pay a price for all our choices made

come along now and take my hand
I'll lead you to a promised land
the morning after may never be the same,
it may never come again...

This Paradise

I could take your breath away,
I could make this feel so right
out of the blackest shadows
into your burning light

your touch would enthrall my heart,
my touch could release your soul
lying warm and dark in your arms,
come close to me now and take control
riding through endless nights,
bury the nameless dead
the stars will rain down in the night
cast out of Heaven by jealous angels of death

together we'll rule our world
together we'll rule theirs too
lightning and thunder collide
at the edge of the world for me and you

In this Paradise you'll find just what your looking for,
beauty right before you eyes,
how could you ask for more?
Here behind these eyes,
here inside my soul
hear the screams of a crucifixion ring through the dark,
ring through the cold
reach up and pull me down
into your hallowed ground
I'll lead you into temptation,
buried in passion I'll lead you down...

A Suburb To Hell

Death is near
Need the drugs
Poisoned blood
Transfuse death
Transfix the veins

By a shot
Makes you dead
A funeral
When no one cries
You're left alone

Land of the dead
Has taken your soul
Your moribund fate

Exonerate your head
Start to live a life
Erroneus erudition
Is left behind

Purgatorial blood in the chest
The epitaph describes a natural death
The trepidation stopped long ago
Got a real job forgot the past

Drugs can change a life
To an inner devastation
Drugs can make you high
But also make you dead

Death is near
Need the drugs
Poisoned blood
Transfuse death
Transfix the veins

By a shot
Makes you dead
A funeral
When no one cries
You're left alone

Land of the dead
Has taken your soul
Your moribund fate

Children Of The Damned

He's walking like a small child
But watch his eyes burn you away
Black holes in his golden stare
God knows he wants to go home

Children of the damned
Children of the damned
Children of the damned

He's walking like a dead man
If he had lived he would have crucified us all
Now he's standing on the last step
He thought oblivion well it beckons us all

Children of the damned
Children of the damned
Children of the damned

Now it's burning his hands he's turning to laugh
Smiles as the flame sears his flesh
Melting his face screaming in pain
Peeling the skin from his eyes
Watch him die according to plan
He's dust on ground what did we leam

You're children of the damned
Your back's against the wall
You turn into the light
You're children of the damned
Like candles watch them burn
Burning in the light
You'll burn again tonight
You're children of the damned

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Here Come The Tears

Once I dream love would coming sweetly of away
Now it seems like pass me by I still long to the way
Here come the tears
Looks like you're always be the same
No one hear you come with me
Here come the tears
All alone no one care
So much you give do you all like that
Take me now in your arms
Let me rest safe from harm
I want to be loved
I need to be loved
Oh somebody else
Here come here come the tears...