DeeJay dance music blog, House music, Makedonija, muzika, DJ Macedonia


četvrtak, 09.07.2009.

How to Make Money Online: Earn Money from Blog Using Internet

How to Make Money Online - Earn Money from Blog Using Internet

How to Make Money Online - Earn Money from Blog Using Internet There are many different ways to make money online.
During my presence at Internet (starting the end of the 90's) I've experienced lot of good, but also bad ways to earn money.
In all this years I've convinced myself that there are BIG MONEY in the virtual world.
I made a good profit from some of the online services. Mostly of the money I've earned were through my blogs.

This online money are not so easy to get. But, remember... The opportunity is just at the corner.
If you invest some of your time - the results will come.

How To Make Money Online - Earn Money from Blog Using Internet

As I mentioned above, I run several blogs.
These are the programs/methods and services I use to make money from my blogs using Internet:

I. Make Money With Twitter (Twittering) - BEST

1. SponsoredTweets
Make Money with Twitter - SponsoredTweets (Twittering) Make Money with Twitter

Sponsored Tweets is a Twitter advertising platform that connects advertisers with tweeters.
Advertisers can create sponsored conversations on Twitter. Tweeters can earn money for spreading the word.

2. MyLikes

MyLikes is a word-of-mouth advertising platform.
Their mission is to connect advertisers of every kind with the social publishers best positioned to spread their message.

3. - Make Money With Twitter (Twittering)

If you have Twitter account and nice amount of followers you can make money with . - In-Stream Advertising.

4. TwtMob
Earn money every single time you tweet some cool content to your Twitter followers.
Share news about music videos, movie trailers, merchandise trends, and more.

II. Text Link Advertising/Sponsored Reviews

1. Sponsored Reviews
Sponsored Reviews

With Sponsored Reviews I earned most money when we talk about doing reviews.
It is a service that connects bloggers with advertisers and marketers looking to build traffic, buzz and links.
You earn cash by writing honest reviews about the advertiser's products and services. Write reviews in your own tone and style, and gear them to your audience's interest. - Bloggers Earn Cash, Advertisers Build Buzz!

2. Review Me
Review Me

Similar service to Sponsored Reviews. I also generated great revenue with ReviewMe, by reviewing and promoting products I found interesting.
Enter the ReviewMe marketplace, and its clients will purchase reviews from you. You will be paid $20 to $200 for each completed review that you post on your website. - Advertisers: Get Traffic and Buzz! - Bloggers: Earn cash blogging!

3. Buy Blog Reviews
Buy Blog Reviews

This service is like Sponsored Reviews and ReviewMe.
Blog on your favorite subject and get paid.
You get paid per post. So, the more you post - the more money you make.
Register your blogs for FREE, and start earning money with Buy Blog Reviews! - The best way to monetize your blog by writing reviews about other websites.

III. Make Money Uploading Files / File Hosting

1. ShareCash
ShareCash - Make Money Uploading Files
ShareCash is a revolutionary, next-generation upload site, where you get paid CASH for every download you get.

2. Hotfile is free one-click file hosting. With them you can share big files easily and securely.
Choose a file, click the "Upload" button, and send the download link to your friends and anyone you know.

IV. Micro Works / Micro Jobs

1. MicroWorkers

Work and earn or offer a micro job - MicroWorkers.
Sign up now and get $1.00 bonus!

V. Advertising Programs / Pay Per Click

1. Google AdSense
Google AdSense

Google AdSense is a free program that enables website publishers of all sizes to display relevant Google ads and earn.
You can choose from AdSense for content, mobile, search and feed.
All this years, the biggest money I've made online were with AdSense.
Google AdSense - Maximize revenue from your online content.

2. BidVertiser

BidVertiser is service open for Publishers and Advertisers.
Publishers: Make money from your website or blog. Display the BidVertiser text ads on your website/blog, and get paid for every click.
Advertisers: Advertise across thousands of websites on a pay per click basis. Browse the categorized directory of websites, select the appropriate ones for your business, set your pay per click bids, and your ads are up and running!
BidVertiser - Site-Targeted Marketplace. - Get $20 in FREE Clicks!

VI. Affiliate Programs

1. Amazon Associates
Amazon Associates

Make money advertising Amazon products and earn up to 15% in referrals.
Three easy steps:
- Advertise products on your web page
- People follow the links to Amazon
- Earn up to 15% when they buy Associates - The web's most popular and successful Affiliate Program.

VII. Shorten Links

1. - shorten links and earn money! Get paid to share your links!

Shorten links and earn money! Get paid to share your links!
Check out -!

VIII. Website Banners / Blog Ads

1. Project Wonderful
Project Wonderful - Make money by displaying banners/ads at your website or blog

Make money by displaying banners/ads at your website or blog.
Try Project Wonderful now!

Dear friends, I make money with these programs. If I can do it, you can, too!
This are the programs that really works, not scam/fraud stuff.

Every day, I am exploring and trying new ways to make money at Internet.
When I find new interesting and valuable service - I'll add it to this list.
And now, go ahead, earn some money using the programs mentioned above. ;)

Oznake: Make Money, make money online, Internet zarabotka, Internet zarabotuvacka, online zarabotka, online zarabotuvacka, INTERNET ZARADA

- 04:30 - by Sase Antic - Comments (13) - Print - # Link - Top ^ --- Bookmark and Share
  • I also have good experience with (Tanya 11.07.2009. 08:03)
  • need to try (phil 09.02.2010. 07:40)
  • SponsoredTweets works fine for me. (Leena 24.07.2010. 14:19)
  • yup, sponsored tweets are the real deal (clara, mi 04.11.2011. 02:37)
  • great tips on how to make money online in macedonia pal
    thnx (denis 18.12.2011. 18:08)
  • sum probal po nekoj od nacinivve za internet zarabotka vo makedonija. nekoi rabotata nekoi ne.taka taka. pari pari pari.... :))) (mirce 11.02.2012. 06:28)
  • dobri nachini za online internet zarabotka vo mk !! (mc 05.05.2013. 16:36)
  • Internet zarada u 2013 nudi sve vece mogucnosti.Sky is the limit..
    Internet zarada je prava stvar!!! (Dragan 05.05.2013. 16:48)
  • for me the best are ---- SponsoredTweets (online money 04.06.2013. 13:30)
  • dobri strani za onlajn zarabotka
    mikro works e ok za mene (dejan 10.06.2013. 21:49)
  • fala za informaciite . doznav dosta za kako da zarabotam preku internet
    pozz (nikola 12.07.2013. 00:45)
  • nice money making programs
    some are old (stevie 01.01.2015. 22:25)
  • thanks for ideas about online money making !!!! (bruce 15.08.2019. 17:10)

  • --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Make Money with Twitter


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