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Dizajn by: RizL@ i sTrUdL@

Opis bloga

I don't worry about nothin' no
Cause worryin's a waste of my f****** time



*Bendovi koje slušam:

Blind Guardian
Grave Digger
Iron Maiden
Judas Priest
Lost Horizon
Power Quest
Savage Circus
Sonata Arctica

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The Wanderer-Elvenking

A slight call afar is tempting me
Like a whisper sweet or an awful scream
I cannot ignore what I've always been
I am leaving again - one last time?
Laid on the pale scythe of the Moon
I play with stars around me
The elvendom is now calling out my name
My fairy and I are wandering through times
And stories forgotten, some old fairytales
Of wizards of Oz, of lost keys and gardens
Hiding secret doors that lead to a dream
For those who believe there's always a door to get in

A slight call afar is tempting me
Like a whisper sweet or an awful scream
I cannot ignore what I've always been
I am leaving again - one last time?
In my little kingdom I can be what I really
Wanted to be - The wanderer
I'm hearing scratches at my door
Somebody wants me again
Some little creatures will be my fellows
My demon and I are playing
Some wicked games I should not play, not fair to be played
Don't tell anyone the place where I'm going
'cause they won't believe - This time I don't know
If I'll ever return, say goodbye for me to my home

A slight call afar is tempting me
Like a whisper sweet or an awful scream
I cannot ignore what I've always been
I am leaving again - one last time?
In my little kingdom I can be what I really
Wanted to be - The wanderer


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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

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srijeda, 17.01.2007.

Pazi ovo!!

Bok ljudi.....Moram napisati novi post samo zato kaj i je tak LiLi rekla...Bok Lili....Evo
bum ga napisala....I tak...Ve bum vam ja napisala kak smo svi mi iz mog društva
opsjednuti v zadlnje vreme s Lord of the rings-ima ili ti ga Gospaodar prstenova...
I tak.Mi njih svi jako volimo jer su zakon i kull...I ja sam si nacrtala ono kaj piše
na prstenu na veliki papir i baš je lepo....Kiki mi je dal papira de je njemu
nekvi dal to i ja sam si precrtala...Baš su zakon ta slova....
I tak.Kiki si bu kupil toga prstena za 800 kuna,a Deda si ga je kupil na
početku toga svega i platil ga je 2000 kuna....Baš zakon..I ja ve več neznam kaj
pisati pak idem..Papa

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evo prsten...

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Lord of the rings-Blind guardian(btw:slušajte pjesmu jer je predivna)

There are signs on the ring
which make me feel so down
there's one to enslave all rings
to find them all in time
and drive them into darkness
forever they'll be bound
Three for the Kings
of the elves high in light
nine to the mortal
which cry
[solo: Markus]
[Ref:] Slow down and I sail on the river
Slow down and I walk to the hill
and there's no way out
dark land under Sauron's spell
threatened a long time
threatened a long time
Seven rings to the gnomes
in their halls made of stone
into the valley
I feel down
One ring for the dark lord's hand
sitting on his throne
in the land so dark
where I've to go
[solo: Markus]
[Ref:] Slow down and I sail on the river
Slow down and I walk to the hill
Lord of the rings

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