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Dizajn by: RizL@ i sTrUdL@

Opis bloga

I don't worry about nothin' no
Cause worryin's a waste of my f****** time



*Bendovi koje slušam:

Blind Guardian
Grave Digger
Iron Maiden
Judas Priest
Lost Horizon
Power Quest
Savage Circus
Sonata Arctica

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The Wanderer-Elvenking

A slight call afar is tempting me
Like a whisper sweet or an awful scream
I cannot ignore what I've always been
I am leaving again - one last time?
Laid on the pale scythe of the Moon
I play with stars around me
The elvendom is now calling out my name
My fairy and I are wandering through times
And stories forgotten, some old fairytales
Of wizards of Oz, of lost keys and gardens
Hiding secret doors that lead to a dream
For those who believe there's always a door to get in

A slight call afar is tempting me
Like a whisper sweet or an awful scream
I cannot ignore what I've always been
I am leaving again - one last time?
In my little kingdom I can be what I really
Wanted to be - The wanderer
I'm hearing scratches at my door
Somebody wants me again
Some little creatures will be my fellows
My demon and I are playing
Some wicked games I should not play, not fair to be played
Don't tell anyone the place where I'm going
'cause they won't believe - This time I don't know
If I'll ever return, say goodbye for me to my home

A slight call afar is tempting me
Like a whisper sweet or an awful scream
I cannot ignore what I've always been
I am leaving again - one last time?
In my little kingdom I can be what I really
Wanted to be - The wanderer


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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

srijeda, 18.10.2006.


Bok ljudi....Ja sam v školi i baš je super....Sad imamo tehnički i svi smo na internetu....
Anja vas sve pozdravlja....Neznam kaj pisati....Kompjuter mi se pkvaričl i nebrem baš često postove pisati....Za Anu i Mateju i ostalo moje drzštvo...Ja i katarina smo 2 tjedna v kazni i nesmimo nikam samo v školu.....NI k najbolima frendicama nesmimo...=(Ali sve bu vredu....2 tjedna nebum vidla legiju očaja i legiju pobačaja ali nema veze....Bum hmirala doma od dosade i dosađivanja starci ali nema veze...
Bar duže morem slušati muziku....Nadam se da bu mi paulina našla dečka nekvoga jer Majdu moram pozabiti i to čim prije....Opče se nemogu koncentrirati na post jer mi tu vanč i ostali smetaju....ali je super pisati v školi bloga....Ana ne moraš mi ve pisati novoga posta jer bum ja...Mislim več sam počela....Ovo mi je najzanimljiviji sat tehničkoga do sad....Ovi polek mene su na chatu i nekši ima nadimka d_truper i več se iz nadimka vidi da je fejker...Dopisivala sam se s njim i nezna ni 5 pjesmi od Iron Maidena nabrojiti....ali ok....nek se pušta...boli me več k**** za takve pojzere i pojzerice kojih je puni grad i hrast....nek im bu....Neznam kaj več pisati...Danas budu moji starci pekli kestene....mmmmmmnjami
Dela bum pjesmu od Guardianci mada ih ne slušam ali su ljepi jako liriksi a zadnjih 3 tjedna sam samo o njima slušala jer su mi frendi išli v Sloveniju na njih....Evo jedna pjesma a možda i slika...
pozdrav ljudi....

"Save me your speeches
I know (They blinded us all)
What you want
You will take it away from me
Take it and I know for sure
The light she once brought in
Is gone forevermore"

Like sorrowful seaguls they sang
"(We're) lost in the deep shades
The misty cloud brought
(A wailing when beauty was gone
Come take a look at the sky)
Monstrous it covered the shore
Fearful into the unknown"
Quietly it crept in new horror
Insanity reigned
And spilled the first blood
When the old king was slain

Quietly crept in and changed us all
Quietly crept in and changed us all
Immortal land lies down in agony

"How long shall we
Mourn in the dark
the bliss and the beauty
Will not return
Say farewell to sadness and grief
Though long and hard the road may be"
But even in silence I heard the words
"An oath we shall swear
By the name of the one
Until the world's end
It can't be broken"

Just wondering how
I can still hear these voices inside

The doom of the Noldor drew near

The words of a banished king
"I swear revenge"
Filled with anger aflamed our hearts
Full of hate full of pride
We screamed for revenge


"Vala he is that's what you said
Then your oath's been sworn in vain
(But) freely you came and
You freely shall depart
(So) never trust the northern winds
Never turn your back on friends"

"Oh I'm heir of the high lord!"
"You better don't trust him"
The enemy of mine
Isn't he of your kind and
Finally you may follow me
He said


Back to where it all began

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

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