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  svibanj, 2008 >
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Kolovoz 2008 (3)
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Lipanj 2008 (2)
Svibanj 2008 (22)


Moje stvari...

kiss emo icon hehe mislim da i ja želim nekoga poljubit ali ga nećemo imenovat. lol ;)kiss Emo Icon awie tako slatko. Baš mi se sviđa ova ikonica. rabiteen ah što volim emo slike. Nemojte mi zamjeriti.sretan

Evo neke slike...

emo iconEmo puppetPhotobucket Photobucket Photobucket emo





fonts • x x

31.05.2008. - 10:11

Ej ljudovi. Kak ste vi meni? Imam nešto samo za moje čitatelje i čitateljice. No da ne odužujemo prelazim na stvar. Evo nekih ZAKON stvari samo za vas.




















Evo 20 lijepih stvari. Sada odlučite koja je najbolja. I da hvala vam lijepo što ste mi davali savjete. Imate pravo.To što me stif mrzi ne znači da me svi mrze. Samo mi nastavite komat. Ajde pozz do sljedečeg post. Kzza

• 27 • KomentariPrint¤

Otkrivene tajne...
29.05.2008. - 22:25

Ljudi ne skrivajte mi više sa riječima '' moraš naći bolju stranu...'';'' budi snažna..''... i ta sranja. Znam koliko me mrzite. Evo danas mi je Stif rekao lijepo i izražajno na chatu kako ga nije niti malo briga što se režem. Baš lijepo. Pa da li opče možete zamislit kako mi je?! Sad kad znam da sam toliko mržena da nije nikog niti briga što sam se rezala...
Evo pjesma:

Razor is going truth my wrist.
Pain is big,
But when I think about it
It is not so bi pain
As pain when you say
How u hate me
And how you don't care
Am I dead or not.

My wrist starts bleeding.
My tears are wispering all
Pain what u gave to me.

I started breath hard
And my heart is
Stoping beating.

I feel how my soul
Is going on other world.
Where I will have no peace
But I will leave you
With your new girlfriend.

I will be forgotten...
I all ready am...


Ljudi ja mrzim svoj život. cry Kaj da radim? On me mrzi... Svi me mrze... JA ŽELIM UMRIJETI!!!bang UBITE ME!!!dead
Ajd puno mi komajte. Volim vas. Ostavljajte mi savjete. Pomozite mi. Molim vas... Pozdravlja vas tužna i depresivna Emo Gittacrytuzan

• 23 • KomentariPrint¤

Novo kod posta...
28.05.2008. - 12:38


Ej ljudi malo da vam se javim. Evo mene. Ja vam mjenjam malo kako ću slati postove. Na početku i na kraju ću vam uvijek nešto staviti. Ja se nadam da će vam se svidjeti. Evo jedne pjesme. Ja se nadam da vam se sviđa.

I keep my paintbrush with me where ever I go
In case I need to cover up,
so the real me doesn't show.
I'm afraid to show you me
Afraid of what you'll do
That you might laugh or say mean things.
I'm afraid that i might lose you.

I'd like to remove all my paint coats
To show you the real, true me,
But I want you to try and understand
I need you to accept what you see
So if you'll be patient and close your eyes,
I'll strip off all my coats real slow.
Please understand how much it hurts
To let the real me show

Now my coats are all stripped off
I feel naked, bare and cold,
And if you still love me with all that you see,
You are my friend, pure as gold
I need to save my paint brush, though,
And hold it in my hand
I want to keep it handy
In case somebody doesn't understand.
So please protect me my dear friend,
And thanks for loving me true,
But please let me keep my paintbrush with me
Until I love me too

Malo mi komajte tu pjesmicu. Ali to nije sve za komanje. Evo stavit ću neke slike pa mi malo komajte mislim OBAVEZNO mi komajte.


emo skull

emo punk graphic

emo graphic

emo love

i e you





Ok odoh ja. Samo nastavite onako dobro komat. Baš ste zakon. You rocks. Ajd zzop komajte mi puno bye.mahwave


• 9 • KomentariPrint¤

24.05.2008. - 08:35

Danas baš nisam imala inspiracije pa sam napisala samo jednu pjesmu. Evo to vam je napisana:

How could this happened to me?
I wanted that
I never fall in love again.

But now, again that
Strange feeling.

Is that one mistake?
Am I making mistake again?

I feel more happy
And I feel loved.

Am i getting crazy?

A dobro. Kad vam nemam nikakve pjesmice za dat onda ću stavit neke slike pa malo glasujte koja je od njih najbolja.











emo boy


emo boy



Ok to je to. Sad je na vama da odlučite. Je da je meni najslađi priv dečko ali nema veze. Samo vi meni komajte. Ajd pozdravlja vas Emo Gitta. wavemah

• 197 • KomentariPrint¤

Malo pjesmica...
23.05.2008. - 20:57

PrVa PjEsMa:

My dear...
Today I am not crying...
I can't cry.
I see him on real way.

He is kissing other girl
In front of my
Cold heart.

I am watching.
Something is getting broken.

I hear my hear
How it is crying.

My pain is so big,
I can't control it.

I wanna die
I wanna desepear.

You are my
Quiet pain.

You are
Razor in my
Poor and empty heart.

You are tatoo
What will stay

DrUgA pJeSmA:

I am dancing
My dance.
So easy
And so beautiful.

I feel how
I am getting weeker
And weeker.

I can't breat.

I am falling on floor
Without breath,
Without smile,
Without love.

You think that
I am sleeping.

You are trying to
Wake me up.
I am still sleeping.

Now i am dancing
New dance.

I am dancing
Dance in


Malo pjesama mi je dobro došlo nakon ružnih uspomena. Sanjala sam sve što nisam htjela danas popodne. Sve ono što sam ostavila iza sebe se opet vrača. Ajd malo mi momajte. evo tu moja najdraža slika. Bye

• 39 • KomentariPrint¤

23.05.2008. - 08:18


How to love someone
Who you don't know?

My heart is broken,
And my love is going away.

Help me
And take me away
From here,
From this sorrow.

Take me on place
Where none know
The way to come...

Let us be together forever
And ever!


Don't say to me
Love words
That kills me.

Every time you say
''I love you''
I remember him
And his words.

Please don't say it!
I just can't take that anymore.

Little words
Can kill
Big man.


World is so cruel.
It don't give to us
That we be together.

Let us escape to happiness.
Maybe that is just
A big dream.

We need to escape,
We need to be
Together forever.


Felling what I don't know
How to show.

It makes my room
Darker and darker...

They are falling from my eye
To cold and big ground.

When will it stop?
When will I be happy again?

I am sick of pain.
I am tired of sorrow.

Tears are making lake.

I can't take it anymore!
I wanna be free!

Is the only way death?

Malo texta:
Evp ljudovi sad mi malo komajte. Pjesme sam izmislila danas ujutro. Malo komova bi mi dobro došlo... Zzop... Pozdravlja vas Emo Gitta.

• 31 • KomentariPrint¤

22.05.2008. - 20:44


I am laying here
On my bad,
In my dark room...

All lights are off,
You don't hear my breath.

In the air
Are still your lies.

You turn on lights.

You see my dead body
On my bloody bad.
Around me black roses
And your letters.

My ghost is walking
In my room.
You feel guilt.
You feel sadness.

In my hands you still see
Bloody knife.

Your tears are falling
On my cold body.

You know now
What you done.


I wanna
That i die
In fromt of open window.

I wanna
That before I die
You come,
And hug me...

I wanna
That you be here
In time of my death.

Stay with me...
Speak to me
Words what you never
Told me...

Say to me
That you love me...

Whisper on my ear
How much you love me...

I know,
It is just a dream...

I know i will die
Without love
And without hope...

dead anime


• 8 • KomentariPrint¤

emo dečki...
22.05.2008. - 11:43


1.binx k.
2.binx k.
3.matthew dawson
4.binx k.
5.binx k.
6.binx k.
7.binx k.
8.binx k.


• 19 • KomentariPrint¤

21.05.2008. - 20:34


I see you
And my heart
Starts beats faster
And happier.

I see you
And on my lips
Is coming
Big and warm smile.

I see you
And I starts getting

But then
Some other girl
Comes to you.
She kisses you.

My heart stops beating,
My eyes starts be dark,
My smile is gone.

Can you kiss me
And that
I feel that happiness
Forever and ever?

Malo texta:

Da to je tako. To se meni dešava. Pjesma kaže sve. Joj kak sam žalosna i depresivna. Želim se zaljubit u nekog drugog u nekog boljeg. Dajte pa to nije fer. Zar sam ja nešto bogu skrivila? Pa to je totalno nepravedno. Svi nađu nekoga a vidi mene. Stojim na jednom mjestu mjesec dana. HELP ME!!!!

• 21 • KomentariPrint¤

21.05.2008. - 17:40


I would like to play
With shodow
Of death.

In my life
So much shadows
That my life is black.

Tomorrow is all my life.
I will not play with shadow...
Shadow will play with me.

Tomorrow is all my life.
Say goodbye today,
And tomorrow say to me
Goodnight forever.

Ajoj ljudi zaribala sam. Malo po malo i sjebala a cijeli tijek radnje. Ja se nadam da će zaista sutra se sijena smrti poigrati s menom pa ću i ja napustit ovaj svijet. Ajoj jako sam zabrljala. Ne znam šta da radim...

• 7 • KomentariPrint¤

21.05.2008. - 13:39

Hej ljudi. Vratila sam se iz škole. Bilo je onak srednja žalost. U jednom trenutku me depresija uhvatila pa sam morala nešt smislit. Evo 3 pjesme koje sam smislila. I daj malo više komentara...


Pain is in my heart
Slowly killing me.

Sorow is getting
In my soul.

Hate is all around me,
And it is taking my breath away.

Sadness is so strong
And it is making me
To sleep away forever.

I need my saver...
I need a person who will take sorow and hate
Far away from me.

I need someone
Who will care about me,
Who will never leave me.

Save me...
Take me away...
Help me...

Give to me love
Love what will
Sve me
From bloody


Eveyone have some one.
Why I haven't anyone?

I am crying in night
In dark, scary night.

Get me out of here.
Give to me love.

Care about me
Like you would care
About lil baby.

Save me
From this dark,
Be mine...


In this dark room,
I am sitting
In pool of blood
And I am taking
Last breath.

I don't hear my heart...
I know...
It is over.

In my hands
Is still bloody knife.

In my eyes
Are still cold tears.

In my heart...
Are still you.

You will never
Gone from my heart.

Where my soul is
There is my heart.

You are forever with me...
My love for you is forever here,
In my heart.


OK ljudi situacija je teža. Više mi se ne sviđa samo jedna osoba. Sada mi se sviđaju 2 osobe. Ne znam koga više volim. Sad mi stvarno trebaju savjeti. I jedan i drugi su dragi i slatki... Ne znam što da radim. Postala sam opsesivna s njima. Trebam vašu pomoć. Help me.cry Zar se to mora dešavat?crycry Tako sam ljuta na sebe i svoje osječaje.headbangburninmad Mislim da sad zaista postajem luda...nutludzujoeek Naj radije bi umrladead ili samo nestala. lud Zaista sam poludila. Ajd pozz komentirajte mi puno i puno mi dajte savjeta hvala Pozdravlja vas sve Gitta.mahwave

• 5 • KomentariPrint¤

20.05.2008. - 21:20

Lilium je djevojčica koja je dala sve sjeni ili vragu. Ona shvaća na kraju što je napravila i želi sve nazad. Ona je moj najdraži lik od svih crtiča koje sam gledala. Lilium 1 Lilium 3 Lilium 4 My Favorite

• 4 • KomentariPrint¤

20.05.2008. - 20:25


Joj ova slika mi je tako lijepa. Ako ne vidite to prikazuje što ljubav može napravit. Guns kao smrt srce kao ljubav. Awie mene osoba koju ja volim ona mene ne voli. Da li je pametno poslušati tu slku i oduzet si život? Odgovorite mi moim vas

• 3 • KomentariPrint¤

Malo pjesme, malo teksta i tako...
20.05.2008. - 19:42


Sky is blue,
Sun is yellow,
Trees are green
And my heart is black....

So much colors.
Why my heart is
So dark
Why is it
Always so cold?

Sky is blue,
Sun is yellow,
Trees are green
And my soul is black....

Ajoj ljudi... Stalno mi se plače. Mislim da mrzim to što sam živa. Joj. Teško mi je disat kad vidim nečiju sliku. NEčemo imenovat tu osobu. Ok idemo nać neku vedriju temu. Što mislite o mom novom izgledu bloga? Jelda da je super? Heheheh... sretan Ajd gladna sam idemnjami kad vidim ovaj smajlić fino odma ogladnim. hehe... luda ja ludzujo Ah ta ljubav radi svaštacerek Čk mi dođe i da se ubijem zbog njedeadbang OMG kaj je meni?eek Jesam ja možda luda?nut Ajoj ajd pozz vas sve pusa. Budite pametni. Pozdravlja vas vaša gitta wavemah

• 4 • KomentariPrint¤

Evo još pjesama...
20.05.2008. - 14:01


I am sitting here
In dark hole,
Where darkness
Have no end.

Voices are gone...

My body is getting cold,
And my heart is stoping...

Dear friend,
I am dead...


Dark is eating
All happy
What i had.

Shadow is making me
That i cry in pain.

I would like play, dance and lought
All day and night
And feel happy
In friend arms
What would make me
Feel loved.

Be my friend...

Help me...


Tears are falling
On cold earth.
My eyes are open
And i don't see nothing.
I feel lonley.
From somewhere
Are comming voices
But dark is everywhere,
I can't see anything.
Give to me you hand
And pull me out
Of this sad life
And bad world.

Ovo su pjesme koje sam danas izmislila u školi. Malo me depresija navela da razmišljam. Hvala svima koji misle da su moje pjesme lijepe.

• 3 • KomentariPrint¤

Jedna pjesma i malo moje priče...
20.05.2008. - 06:58

Evo pjesma je ova...

Let me go,
Let me somewhere
Where is always dark,
Where sun of happyness
Never come.

Leave me there alone
That I find real me,
That I find all what I am,
And what I was...

My pain will always
Stay in my heart,
It will killing me
Day, mounths, years...

My death is now.
Maybe you see me alive
But you don't see me inside.
You don't see my soul and heart.

You says how you
Will never left me
Or forget me.
And look now.
You don't know
Who I am...

My pain is killing me,
And it will always.
It will kill me
Days, months, years...

Da, da, da znam dugačka je ali šta bi ja? Ajoj... Ludi ja ne znam šta da radim... Sviđa mi se jedan dečko, ali ja mu to sigurno nikad neču priznat. Previše me nekak strah. Ne znam šta da radim. Daj molim vas komentirajte mi i dajte mi savjete. Razlog zašto sam otvorila blog je da pokažem svoje pjesme i da nađem utjehu. Malo sam umorna i polagano odustajem od života. Ali neki ljudi me jako trebaju. Moram, ak ne za sebe, makar za njih živit. Joj... Puno mi fali dani kad nisam znala istinu što se meni desilo...Ajoj... Bilo je baš lijepo. Jučer mi je jedan dečko rekao preko msn-a da on ne vidi razlog zašto biti emo. Da ima puno ljudi kao ja pa ne mrze svoj život. E da on zna šta se sve desilo nebi tako razmišljao. Niti ja ne razumijem pinki cure. Pink je ružna boja. Kad sam bila mala morala sam je nosit grrrrrr. Ali hvala Bogu sad mogu sama birat šta ću nosit. Ovi debili iz škole me stvarno stvaraju depresivnom. Nisam ja kriva šta nisam lijepa i što nisam sretna i zadovoljna sa svojim životom. Pa šta? Šta se njih tiče oču ja biti sretna, oču ja biti ružna ili ću ja biti tužna. Sad da malo skrenemo pozornost. Daj ljudi molim vas malo mi komajte. Niste fer. Daj PLZ mi komajte. Volim čitat komentare. Pogotovo kad su šaljivi. Ajd idem ja. Bok. Gitta vas sve pozdravlja.

• 11 • KomentariPrint¤

Još malo pjesama...
19.05.2008. - 19:25


I think about you long time...
I can't stop thingking about you
Every time when i think that i miss you...
When I stop thinking bout everything
I got the real feeling.
I hate you.
You hurted me so bad
That I forgot what feeling is love...
I tooked poison of hate..
It is going truth my blood,
My heart is dark
And it can't love...
My love is dead...


Tears are falling from my eyes,
Rain is falling,
I am afraid...
Take my hand
And don't leave me.
I wanna you here,
Memories are my favorite,
When I come on place
Where we met
I wanna cry.
I just wanna wake up
There where you are.
It hurts so much
To love you
The way I do,
And then look at you
And realize how much
You don't care.
I don't wanna any other
Beautiful face beside me
I don't wanna hold someone else
I wanna just your beauty
And your hugs.
I falled in hell
Get me beck in heaven
You are angel
So i beg you
That you save me
From this ugly
And scary place...


Why do you care?
Why do I live?
Why life is so fucking hard...
Pain is killing me.
Let me go in hell...
You have to understand
That I was depressed,
I am so sorry...
I loved you and
I still do...


Who wants me?
The world have seems stopped.
No body who wants love me.
I am just uselest toy
Who is on this world one
Little nothing.
My pain is so unknowed...
I feel hate,
I feel lonely,
I feel that I need to die...
Oh how i wish
To come to sun
Of happynes and love,
To light what will always
Keep my heart warm.
I wanna come to person
Who will love me
More then anything.
I wish have someone
Who will love me
Who will think about me
Every secon...
I want to die,
But there is no death,
No life,
Just eternety...


You hurted me
And left me
Like some thing
What is uselles.
You said you love me
Till your death
And you cheated,
You was kissing other girls lips...
So much about love...


My blood is all around me...
Razor is in my arm...
It hurts...
Pain is making me happy...
My love is gone...
Hate is eating me...
Eating my mind
And soul...
Nobody loves me..
I am hated...
Who I belong to?

• 2 • KomentariPrint¤

19.05.2008. - 15:54

Svi u školi me jebu u zdrav mozak. stalno mi govore šta da radim. Halo ljudi nisam ja marijoneta pa de me na končičima držiš pod staklenim zvonom. Onak... Ja nekad stvarno ne razumijem neke ljude... Osječam se previše drukčija. Dok cure vole kupovati i ta sranja meni je draže se rolati i neke malo glupe stvari... Onak ljudi... Kaj da radim... Ne znam niti kak da započnem život... Kaj da radim?! Daj nek mi netko da savjet... Molim vas... U bit ću se...
_...|..____________________, ,
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Ovaj pištolj predstavlja koliko sam jadna od svih munjenih prigovora i pokušavanja nekom pomoći... Ja pušem u prazno... Pokušavam biti frendly ali me mnogi ljudi tjeraju da napravim nešto jako ružno... Puseko


• 2 • KomentariPrint¤

5 novih pjesama...
19.05.2008. - 13:52

Evo prve pjesme!!!

You are angel
I am devil.
You are in heaven
I am in hell.
Give to me wings
That I fly away
To heaven,
To be free,
To feel nice...
I wanna live
The way
You live...
Make me
Make me feel

Give to me
All your love
And i will get wings
I will fly away
From this hell
I will come to you
In heaven
And be with you
Forever and ever.

Evo druge pjesme!!!

What is happening around me?
Where do we live?
I am sick of this,
I wanna go away
I wanna gone...
I am trying to scream
But this sarow air is killing me...
I am trying to breath
But you with your ugly words
Is taking my breath
And i am dying,
Slowly and full of pain.
Help me...
Save me...
Hear me...

Evo treče pjesme!!!

Look at me,
Love is killing me again,
This time faster and stronger.
Make this go away
And kiss me,
Hug me and don't let me go.
I wanna stay in your heart forever,
I wanna feel love
And be loved.
Just don't let me go...

Evo četvrte pjesme!!!

I am still here,
On place where you left me,
In dark and pain.
Everywhere silence
Snd deep pain.

My poison is slowly
Killing my heart and my soul.

Poison, what kill,
Poison, what hurt so strong,
Poison, what is always in my blood.

My poison is strong,
My poison is deadly,
My poison is you.

Evo pete pjesme!!!

You say you miss me,
And I know you think about
Some better girl,
Some nicer girl.

Why are you taking your time
With me when
We are not in love,
When you can't kiss me
Or hug me...

My feelings for you are big,
But you don't feel any feeling
For me...
For girl who is hated
And leaved in sadness,
In pain...

• 5 • KomentariPrint¤

Ummm... odlučila sam se za još nekoliko pjesama...
19.05.2008. - 07:02

Evo prve pjesme:

Who wanna me?
No one.
Who loves me?
No one.
Who miss me?
No one.

I am just forgotten,
Lonley and hurted person,
Without hope,
And without love.

World made me
That I cry
Every day.

Today sky is crying,
And i am,
My dear,
With smile on my face,
Laying dead.

My clothes is
Full of blood,
And my soul,
Is somewhere,
Where no one
Knows the way.

Where all doors
Are closed

Word to word
And we comed to
The end of our love.

Breath to breath
We leaved all
What we have.

Hope, love and happyness
Leaved us,

You have new girlfriend,
And me...
I am dying in sarow.

My heart is crying
Bloody tears,
And it hurts.

My hear is broken,
No one can fix it,
No one can.

You have smile on ur face,
I have tears on my face.

Your heart is warm,
And it burns like fire.
My heart is cold,
And when you touch me inside my soul,
You feel cold and lonley.

What love can do...

Druga pjesma:

I am sitting here,
Alone and sad...

I think now
About you
And about
How you hate me...

I am little animal
Who every one wanna
To kill...

Why you hate me?

Treča pjesma:

I am the kind of girl,
What no one would never miss,
And no one would care if i die.

Forget what you heard
Forget what you see
Rumorz are spread
This is the real me


Always will be forgotten.

Četvrta pjesma:

I'd be merely a piece of flesh

without eyes to watch you as

you think your deep sunken thoughts.

Without lips to feel your warmth

that soothes me every time.

without arms to wrap around you

and feel the safety lock around the small bundle that is us

without warm legs that search for yours

between the white sea of soft sheets

that know of passion only exchanged in a

secret language of two tender souls

without hands that fit in yours like

a small bird in a big nest of familiarity.

I'd be merely a piece of flesh without

all that and a thousand things more

If I'd not be able to see or feel you again

Peta pjesma:

I find safety in the silence
And comfort in the night
But dawn keeps creeping forward
And pulls me to the light
I try to grab your cold hands
But they keep slipping away
And all the imperfections are crystal clear
In the brightness of the day
I don't want to leave you
I want to taste your lips again
But then I fall into the darkness of your arms
Back in the safety of 4 AM

Šesta pjesma:

Please call me names
so i know Im not nameless
Please hate me
so i know Im not invisible
Please cut me
so i wont feel numb
and to feel that Ive lived
let me do that one myself

Sedma pjesma:

You say you miss me,
And I know you think about
Some better girl,
Some nicer girl.

Why are you taking your time
With me when
We are not in love,
When you can't kiss me
Or hug me...

My feelings for you are big,
But you don't feel any feeling
For me...
For girl who is hated
And leaved in sadness,
In pain...


• 15 • KomentariPrint¤

Prvih 5 pjesama.
19.05.2008. - 06:58

Evo prva pjesma:

My dead friend.
Why you never woke up out of your dreams,
Why you close your eyes when it is hard,
Why you escape sadness?

Everytime your dreams making my life nightmare,
When it is hard you close your eyes and leave me alone,
Everytime you are in happyness and I am crying in sadnes.

What are you trying to do?

One time i will walk away in shadow,
And dream my dreams,
Have the easyest time of my life
And be in happyness forever.

You will dying of crying,
Be sick of trying to wake me up,
You will never smiling.

Evo druge pjesme:

Hiding in my room safe within my home
I touch no one and no one touches me.
I am a rock
I am an island.
And a rock feels no pain
And and this island never cries.

Evo treče pjesme:

The pain rushes through my veins like blood,
blackening my soul.
I don't know what to do now,
it is getting very cold.
My skin is getting paler,
my heart, it is not there.
My eyes are not controlled anymore,
they have gone into a blank stare.
My pulse begins to slow,
and now I cannot breathe.
Oh, my sweet dear love,
you have takin' my heart from me.

Evo i četvrte pjesme:

The pain rushes through my veins like blood,
blackening my soul.
I don't know what to do now,
it is getting very cold.
My skin is getting paler,
my heart, it is not there.
My eyes are not controlled anymore,
they have gone into a blank stare.
My pulse begins to slow,
and now I cannot breathe.
Oh, my sweet dear love,
you have takin' my heart from me.

I posljednja pjesma:

Dark is eating my heart.
Sarow is taking my soul.
Pain is killing my mind.
My heart is cold,
No nice words for u,
Just cold and empty words
Without scence are coming to ur ear.
You are trying to understand
But it is so painful
That you can't think.

I stoped talking.
Silance is hiding my words,
I hear lies,
Just lies...

You are saying that
You love me,
But i know
You are thinking
About some other,
Some more beautiful...

Now I know,
That my heart is empty...
No love,
No dreams,
No hope...


• 36 • KomentariPrint¤

19.05.2008. - 06:54

Da se prvo upoznamo s dva jedina pravila na mom blogu: 1. Ne seri po mojim pjesmama
2. Komentiraj!!!

I bilo bi poželjno da mi ne dođu nikakvi emo hateri koji će pljuvat po mojim stvarima.


• 11 • KomentariPrint¤

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