Territory Of Metal & Hard Rock

srijeda, 12.04.2006.


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Priča o Iron Maidenu počinje 1971. godine kada je petnaestogodišnji Steve Harris , inspiriran grupama kao što su Wishbone Ashes, Jethro Tull i možda ranim Genesisom, kupio kopiju telecastera basa. Steve je za svoju budućnost planirao da će igrati za West Ham i iako je bio potpisan za njih, onda je bilo malo talentiranih nogometaša, tako da su samo neke uzimali. Nastavljanje treniranja značilo je da se mladi Harris ne može pridružiti svojim vršnjacima u opijanju, slušanju glazbe i potražnjom za curama. Nakon teškog i dugačkog razmišljanja odbacio je nogomet i razvio veliko znanje o rock'n'rollu.
Razmišljao je kako bi mogao svirati svoje omiljene pjesme i skakati sa prijateljima. Ovo je dovelo do osnivanja benda Influence, koji su kasnije promijenili ime u Gypsy's Kiss. Oni su napravili svoj debi kad su nastupali šest puta u jednom danu. Steve se bio zakačio sa bendom Smilar. Ostali članovi benda bili su nekoliko godina stariji od njega. Steve je pokupio još nešto iskustva, ali još se osjećao nezadovoljno. Međutim, likovima iz ovog benda je trebao basista a ne tekstopisac i mozak benda u tom basisti.
Stoga je Steve napokon uočio da je jedini način da radi što želi, da osnuje svoj bend i na kraju 1975. godine čelična djevica je rođena. Steve je ime Iron Maiden zapazio u filmu The Man in The Iron Mask. To je bio metalni lijes (kovčeg, op. webmastera) sa bodljama unutra i žrtve su bile stavljene u njega - šta se dalje dešavalo sa njima, možete i pretpostaviti. U proljeće 1976. godine, bend je dobio mjesto za stanovanje u kafiću the Cart and Horses u Stratfordu, istočnom dijelu Londona. Prvih nekoliko koncerata dobro je prošlo, ali Steve je opet osjećao da nešto fali. Vokalist Paul Day je bio zamijenjen sa Denis Wilcock (ex - Smilar) i on je za gitaristu predložio mladog talentiranog Dave Murraya. Ovo je dovelo do pomoći gitarista Terry Rancea i Paul Sullivana. Bob Sawyer koji je koristio ime Bob D'Angelo je bio drugi gitarist, a Ron Rebel je bio bubnjar. To je bila prva postava Iron Maidena. Bend je svirao u The Cart and Horses i dobivao ponude za sviranje po istočnom Londonu. Nakon šest mjeseci postava se opet promijenila. Bob je otišao iz benda zato što je bio mnogo lošiji od Davea. Onda, nakon svirke u Bridgehousu Dennis je otpustio Davea koji se pridružio grupi Urchin, koju je vodio njegov stari prijatelj Adrian Smith. Sa svom ljutnjom bend je morao da odbaci dvije gitare i uzeo novog solo gitaristu Terry Waprama i novog klavijaturistu Tony Moorea. Ron Rebel je otišao jer nije mogao podnjeti pritisak i zamijenjen je Barry Purkisom, koji će se kasnije zvati Thunderstick. Nova postava je odsvirala jedan koncert u Bridgehouseu i bilo je sigurno da klavijature nisu odgovor na probleme. Izlazak Moorea je rezultirao izlaskom Waprama koji je rekao da ne može bez klavijatura. Steve jo otišao na koncert Urchina i zamolio Davea da se vrati u bend. Dennis je otišao iz benda prije koncerta u južnom Londonu, a kad je i Thunderstick otišao stvari su izgledale jadno i klimavo. Steve je uzeo Doug Sampsona za bubnjara (ex - Smilar) i dok se porodično stablo raširivalo, Steve je tragao za pjevačem. To je bio na preporuku Stevea Paul Di'Anno. Paul je prošao audiciju i postava je opet bila na nogama. Stvari su bile drugačije u 1977. godini, kada je glavni bio Punk/New wave pokret i teško je bilo dobiti nastup u nekom od klubova. Isto je bilo i sa izdavačkim kućama. Bend je dobio ponude da ošišaju kosu i da postanu punkeri. Harris je naravno to odbio. U kasnoj 1978, situacija se promijenila i bend je opet počeo da svira. Zaključili da treba izdati demo pa su tako na novu godinu bili u Spaceward studios blizu Cambridgea te snimili Prowler, Strange World, Invasion i Iron Maiden.
Zbog male količine novca koju su posjedovali, nisu mogli da naprave vrhunsku kazetu. Kad su otišli natrag za nekoliko tjedana kazeta je bila izbrisana, ostavljajući ih sa neizmixsanim trakama. Dave je dao svoju kopiju DJu koji je je imao strastvenu ljubav za rokom i imao je regularne noći puštanja rock glazbe u Soundhauseu, te ih je prebacio u Bandwagon u sjevernom Londonu. Bend je sada dobivao više ponuda za sviranje i dobio mjesto za sviranje u Ruskin armsu u Manor parku. Neal je ubacio jednom traku u jednoj od svojih noći i bio je zapanjen reakcijama. Bila je to najtraženija kazeta i Maideni su počeli svirati. Kazetu je zapazio i Rod Smallwood, koji je radio sa Steveom, koji je nakon što je poslušao kazetu i bend kako svira ponudio da im bude menadžer. Rod je organizirao koncerte po cijeloj državi kako bi proslavio bend i organizirao je svirke za diskografske kuće. Jedan takav koncert je bio u Marqueeu 13. oktobra. John Darnley je došao iz EMI da vidi da Maideni imaju sporazum sa vlasnikom Marqueea da će se dvorana rasprodati do sedam sati. Maideni su pobijedi i bili potpisani za EMI sljedeći mijesec. Na ljeto su gostovali u časopisu Sounds. To je značilo u budućnosti da će Geoff Barton naći Kerrang! i napraviti veliki naslov novog talas britanskog metala. Maideni su se još jednom predstavili na Music Machineu u Camdenu kao specijalni gosti Motorheadu koji su se tada zvali Iron Fist and Hordes from Hell. Prije nego što se godina završila bend je još dvaput nastupo u Music Machineu - ali ovoga puta kao glavna grupa. U međuvremenu bend je bio zatrpan molbama da se napravi još demo kazeta pa su momci odlučili da naprave svoju Rock Hard kuću. Sedmoinčni EP je bio nazvan the Soundhouse Tapes i bio je prodavan samo na koncertima i putem pošte. 6000 kopija bilo je prodano i tako je to postalo najvrijedniji demo IMa. Neke su kuće tražile da izdaju svoj prvi album, ali oni su htjeli da to bude iznenađenje za fanove. Između koncerata grupa je otišla u EMIjev Manchester Square Studios da snime pjesme Santcuary i Wrathchild, za kompilaciju koja se zove Methal for muthas. Takođe su snimili četiri pjesme za Radio jedan i njihov show Friday rock. Gitarist Tony Parsons došao je kao drugi gitarist kako bi bend opet bio petočlan. Tijekom božićnog razdoblja došlo je do još nekoliko promjena postave. Doug Sampson je morao da ode zbog zdrastvenih problema i Parson je otišao jer mu je bilo dosadno svirati. Clive Burr i Dennis Stratton su došli na bubnjeve odnosno gitaru. Bend je otišao na prvo snimanje albuma sa Will Maloneom u producerskoj stolici. U februaru 1980. godine, bend je otišao na turneju Methal for muthas da promovira kompilaciju, i njihov prvi singl Running Free je izdan. Totalno je iznenadio diskografsku kuću uletivši na 44. mjesto i pojavljivanje na emisiji Top of the Pops.14. aprila bend izdaje svoj prvi album nazvan Iron Maiden koji je uletio na 4. mjesto top liste.. Maideni koji su bili na turneji Methal for muthas, gostovali su na turneji Judas Priesta - British Steel, zatim su počeli sami svoju turneju svirajući 40 koncerata u 2 mjeseca. Ponovo su se pojavili u Marqueeu, uključujući 4 zaredom rasprodane noći. U avgustu bend je pozvan od strane američkog popularnog benda Kiss da idu zajedno na europsku turneju i da budu na Reading to Saturday kao specijalni gosti grupi UFO, davajući Steveu priliku da svira na istom mjestu gdje i UFOov Pete Way, jedan od njegovih najvećih heroja. Sa KISS-om njihova popularnost je narasla preko cijelog kontinenta. Maideni nisu svirali neke engleske turneje jer su se odmarali u Italiji. Kad su se vratili sa Kiss-ove turneje Dennis je izašao iz benda zbog neslaganja u pravcima glazbe . Maideni nisu dugo tražili zamjenu, brzo je uskočio Adrian Smith. Mala engleska turneja je napravljena da bi se Adrian uveo u stroj.
Onda su počeli raditi na novom albumu sa Martinom Birchom kao producerom. Otišli su sa snimanja kako bi nastupili na Chrismas koncertu u londonskom Rainbow kazalištu, koji je snimljen za budući izlazak. Brdo publike bilo je dar za Božić kad je drugi dio koncerta bio ometen zbog tehničkih problema. Niko nije otišao ranije! Album Killers je izašao u februaru 1981. godine, i bend je otišao na prvu svjetsku turneju, ne znajući vjerovatno da će njihove turneje kasnije uglavnom i biti samo svjetske jer su postali cijenjeni širom svijeta sa kasnijim albumima. Album je ušao na 12. mjesto i bend je dobio gold diskove u nekoliko zemalja. Kao Europa, turnejom su prvi put posijećeni SAD, Kanada i Japan. EP uživo snimljen u Japanu a nazvan je Maiden Japan. U martu izašao je video koncert iz Rainbow kazališta. Kako se turneja Killers približavala kraju, tako su se i Paul Di'Annu dani odbrojavali. On je živio puni Rock'n'Roll život odbijajući upozorenja od benda, Roda i doktora - oštećivao je svoj glas i zdravlje. Također se i udaljavao od Maiden stila sviranja i više vukao na Whitesnake stil. Još jedna zamijena je napravljena... vjerovatno zamjena koja će učiniti da IM postane najcjenjeniji metal bend u istoriji..
Bruce Bruce iz engleskog benda Samson je htio svirati neku vrstu muzike kakvu su imali Maideni i tako se prijavio na audiciju, vrativši svoje prezime Dickinson. Nekoliko turneja je napravljeno u Italiji za zagrijavanje, a glavni je nastup bio u kazalištu Rainbow gdje je bend dobio priliku da svira i neke nove pjesme. Brucea su fanovi prozvali the air ride siren zbog njegovih jakih, neobičnih za heavy metal glasova. Godina je završila povratkom Maidena u Ruskin arms pod maskotom alter ega Gengis-khana za Dave Murrayev rođendan.
Ako je 1981 bila popularna za Maidene, onda je 1982 ispunila sve njihove želje. Bend je već rasprodao turneju Beast on the Road kad je singl s novog albuma - Run to the Hills zauzeo 7. mjesto top-liste. Novi album pod imenom The Number of the Beast razneo je konkurenciju i uletio na 1. mjesto liste u Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu, a otišao je i među prvih 10 u većini država. Turneja je bila uspješna što dokazuje da je bend napravio 180 koncerata u 8 mjeseci!!! Bend je po prvi put nastupio u Australiji i na Novom Zelandu i svirali su prvi rasprodani koncert u Americi u New York Palladium. U osmom mjesecu završili su sa američkom turnejom i vratili se u Englesku kako bi nastupili na Reading festival pred 35.000 gledatelja! Vjerovatno nisu ni pretpostavljali da će ih ovakva i veća posjećenosti koncerata pratiti dok sviraju. Na kraju turneje Clive Burr je izašao iz benda.
Nekoliko osobnih problema i poremećenih datuma koncerata navelo je bend da ode u Nassau da snimi album sa Nicko McBrainom za bubnjevima. Bend je upoznao Nicka za vrijeme Killers turneje kada je svirao sa francuskim rokerima Trust koji su podržavali Maidene tijekom turneje. U Americi bend je proglašen za sotoniste i mali bend sa retardiranim članovima koji su totalno promašili bit sviranja - klasična američka priča, stoga nisu ni zaslužili bolje od Limp Bizkita danas. To je naravno bio netočno pa je bend dobio više pozornosti. Novi bubnjar, Nicko dokazao se kao vrsan bubnjar na novom albumu Piece of Mind. Bend je otišao na mali odmor da snimi promo video za prvi singl Flight of Icarus, a scenario je govorio o čovjeku koji je obučen u plavi ogrtač. U maju album je upao na 3. mjesto i bend je počeo World Piece Tour u Hull City hall.Turneja je ponovo bila rasprodana, a bend je potvrdio svoj status u svijetu. U Americi su svirali na sve većim i većim koncertima i prodavali onoliko albuma koliko se zapravo moglo proizvesti u tako kratkom vremenskom periodu. Turneja se završila u centru Europe pred TV publikom u Dortmundu. Kao vrhunac showa bend je napao svoju maskotu, hodajućeg Eddia. Bend je razmišljao o tome da makne Eddia sa omotnica, ali zahtijevi fanova bili su veliki pa je on vraćen na sljedeći album. Potom su ušli u novu godinu sa standardnom postavom spremajući se za svoju najzauzetiju godinu.Orvelovske 1984. godine, Maideni imaju tri sedmice da se odmore prije rada na novom albumu. Napravljen je u Jersiju i opet sniman u Nassau. Za to vrijeme Powerslave je izašao na ulice u septembru mjesecu, a bend je već bio tri tjedna na World Slavery Touru. Turneja je otvorena u Poljskoj - prvi put da je bend počeo u kaubojskom izdanju. Prvi put su posjetili Mađarsku i Jugoslaviju. Probijajuća turneja Iron Maiden Behind the Iron Curtain izazvala je zaintersiranost svjetskih medija. Ta turneja je bila pravi hit tako da je zabilježena i na videu. Iz istočne Europe kroz Italiju bend se vratio u Englesku gdje je Powerslave dosegao 2. mjesto po prodaji albuma. Album je sadržavao dosad neviđene artove i crteže i masivni nastupi su izgledali kao albumska umjetnost. Maideni su svirali 4 noći zaredom u Hammersmith Odeonu, uključujući jednu noć sa rockerima Bad News za besplatno. Eddie je bio sada 20 metara visok i pojavio se na kraju pijesme Iron Maiden. Turneja je bila vrlo uspješna, bend je bio na vrhuncu slave, a produkti grupe bili su rasprodani.Bend je prvi put posjetio južnu Ameriku kada su pred 200.000 gledatelja nastupili na Rock in Rio festivalu. Vrhunac američke turneje je bio nastup u Long Beach areni u kojoj su Maideni postali prvi bend koji je rasprodao 4 noći zaredom na kojoj je bio ukupno 52.000 gledatelja. Taj show je snimljen za budući video koncert i za novi budući live album. Turneja je došla do iscrpljujućeg kraja u julu 1985. Sa dvostrukim live albumom i live video kazetom koji su trebali izaći na jesen, bend je dobio nakon 5 godina pravi i zasluženi odmor. Live album i video koji su se zvali Live After Death izašli su u desetom mjesecu, album je ušao na drugo mjesto, a video je mjesecima bio među vodećim.Novi album Somewhere in Time snimljen je u Nassau i Minchenu i izašao je u septembru 1986. godine. Uletio je na 3. mjesto i postao gold ili platinum u svakoj većoj zemlji. Da bi promovirao album, bend je otišao na Somewhere on Tour turneju. Imidž benda se promijenio na nekim pijesmama u kojima se koristio sintisajzer. Bilo kako bilo, svaki fan koji je mislio da će to promijeniti stil Maidena, trebao je samo da posluša pjesme Heaven Can Wait i Alexander the Great i uvjerio bi se da je pogrešno mislio. Turneja je još jednom počela posjetom Behind the Curtain dolazeći u Beograd i za 8 mjeseci je bila završena u Osaki. Show je još jednom bio spektakularan, Eddie je bio pretvoren u golemog robota i cijeli bend je bio podignut u zrak kada se pojavila Eddijeva ruka. Bend je bio također usnimljen i intervjuiran za video dokumentarac koji je izašao kasnije 1987. godine, a nazvan je Twelve Wasted Years - bendova kronologija od početka do uspijeha uključujući i nepoznate snimke i intervjue sa glavnim ljudima koji su umiješani u uspijeh Maidena. Kada je turneja završila bilo je vrijeme da se misli na novi album.
Seventh Son of a Seventh Son je prvi i jedini od Maidena sa drugačijom zamisli. To i nije bila prava zamisao, ali dok je bend snimao i pisao pijesme, činilo se da su one uvijek bile nekako povezane tj. da su njihovi albumi bili priče. Omotnica je isto pokazala novi dizajn, mnogo bolja i čudnija nego prije. Seventh tour of a Seventh Tour turneja je takođe imala onu Maiden-tradiciju počinjući u Americi sa kombinacijom koncerata u dvoranama i na festivalima. Glavno središte turneje je bilo u avgustu kada su Maideni bili glavna grupa na legendarnom Monsters of Rock Festivalu u Doningtonu. Sve legende su bile na jednom mijestu (Kiss, David Lee Roth, Megadeth, Guns'n'Roses, Helloween). Bend je svirao pred 102,000 ljudi!112 Maideni su imali super koncert i pozornica je bila fantastična sa veličanstvenim vatrometom. Bend je onda poveo Monster ? u Europu, a prije nego što su završili turneju došli su u Englesku i imali nekoliko dvoranskih koncerata - prvi put da je bend svirao velike koncerte u dvoranama. Dvije noći u Birminghamovom NEC-u - najbolji show sa turneje koji nije bio na nekom festivalu bio je snimljen za novi uživo video koji će biti direktiran od strane Steve Harrisa. Turneja je završila 12. decmbra natrag u Hammersmithu - scena sa puno Maidenovih predstava. Nijedan album nije izašao 1989. godine, bend je dobio vremena da misli o novom albumu, da napuni baterije i da provede vremena sa obitelji. EMI i Sanctuary napravili su zabavu za Englesku, dvorana je bila ispunjena sa Union jacks i sa predstavnicima svijetskih medija koji su jeli ribu i chips i pili pivo, dok je bend bio slikan i intervjuisan. Maiden England je još jednom bio jedan od najboljih videa. U januaru 1990. godine, bend je otišao do Stevea da počnu raditi na novom albumu No Prayer for the Dying.Rad je počeo, kad je nakon sedam godina došlo do promijene postave. Adrian svijež sa svojeg solo albuma, nije bio siguran da će moći još uvijek sve svirati od Maidena, pa je zato otišao. Nažalost još jednom je došlo do stanke. Janick Gers koji je bio dobro poznat bendu, jer je svirao sa Gillianom i radio je sa Bruceom na solo albumu, pozvan je da svira sa bendom. Snimanje albuma se nastavilo. Po prvi put još od Beast ere, bend je snimao album kod kuće u Steveovom studiju. Sadržaj albuma postajao je sve više i više ozbiljan, dok su tekstovi imali za temu raspravu o stvarnosti. Naslovnica albuma i njezin sadržaj bili su užasan prizor za civile. Album je izdan 1. oktobra 1990., i uskočio je na drugo mjesto na britanskoj ljestvici. Nakon što nisu dvije godine išli nigdje, bend je opet odlučio vratiti se na stare staze i krenuo na turneju. No Prayer on the Road turneja počela je tajnim koncertom u Milton Keynesu 19. septembra 1990. godine. Nakon goleme prošle turneje, krenuli su ponovo sve ispočetka sa minimalnom rasvjetom i pozornicom. Maideni su time dokazali da nemoraju imati velike pozornice i vatromete da bi im koncert uspio. Janick je isto napravio veliku promjenu u njihovim nastupima, njegova velika energija i razne akrobacije sa gitarom zapanjile su sve, osobito Davea. Band i fanovi su opet bili sretni zato što su zajedno. Turneja je završila u Salt Lake Cityu, marta 1991. godine. U planu je bilo da budu posjećeni Japan i Australija, ali su ti koncerti otkazani zbog raznih problema. Kad je došlo vrijeme da se misli na novi album, bend i menadžerstvo su zaključili da Eddie treba novi izgled za 'devedesete. Umjesto kao junak horor stripa, odlučeno je da bi Eddie trebao izgledati još strašnije i zbog toga su Derek Riggs (jedan od najpoznatijih umjetnika za cover artove.. proslavio se sa Eddiem i coverima za albume IMa) i još nekoliko o autora pozvani da nacrtaju novog Eddiea i rad Melvyn Granta je bio izabran.Novi album Fear of the Dark je izdan u maju 1992, kada je bend otvorio turneju u Skandinaviji. Album im je dao njihov treći broj jedan na ljestvici. Iron Maiden su još jednom pitani da sviraju u Doningtonu u avgustu. Bend je svirao još jači show nego onaj iz '88. Znali su šta će biti ovaj put pa su bili manje nervozni zbog jednog tako velikog događaja. Cijeli show je snimljen za izlazak live videa koji bi trebao izaći sljedeće godine. Nekoliko koncerata su snimljeni za budući live album. Show na sceni je bio savršen, ali ništa više nego onaj u '88, osim što se Eddie pojavio kao golemo drvo kao i na omotnici albuma, uostalom. Turneja se završila četvrtog novembra kada su se vratili iz Japana.Bruce je počeo razmišljati kako bi bilo bolje da napusti Maidene na neko vrijeme. On je uvijek bio ovisan o radu, htio je da obavi neke projekte i da ostane sa obitelji. Imao je neki osjećaj da je bio previše u bendu. Zaključeno je da će izdati dupli live album kao što je bio Live after Death samo što će albumi biti odvojeni. Prvi će imati materijal iz razdoblja poslije Live after Deatha, a drugi prije njega. Fanovi su onda dobili mogućnost biranja kupnje: da li će uzeti oba dva ili samo onaj iz jedne ere. Zbog prvog live albuma A Real Live One bend je odlučio otići na novu turneju Real Live Tour tražeći zamijenu za Brucea "vrištećeg". U međuvremenu bend je posjetio i Moskvu gdje je bio nevjerovatno prihvaćen od strane uspaljenih Rusa.Kada je turneja bila gotova bilo je vrijeme da se nađe novi pjevač. Na kraju je ispostavljeno da će novi pijevač biti Blaze Bayley iz Wolfsbana. Wolfsban je podržavao Iron Maiden tijekom turneje u '90. Blaze je bio omiljen od početka i kad je bend poslušao sve pjesme i držanja audicija bilo je jasno da je Blaze pravi izbor za Maidene. Kada je Blaze privikao na novo okruženje, bend je počeo svirati probe kako bi mogao početi raditi na novom albumu. Ne samo da je bend imao novog pjevača nego je i imao novog producera. Po prvi put nakon 1980. godine Maidenov album neće biti produciran od strane Martin Bircha. Od sredine osamdesetih Martin se počeo polako odmarati i prestajati raditi za maidene. Novi producer je bio Nigel Green. Nigel je bio samo snimač kazeta na Killers i na the Number of the Beast albumima, a sada je postao pravi producer. Dok su završili novi album, trebalo im je više od godinu dana. Značaj ovog albuma je bio ogroman, pa se sve usavršavalo do najsitnijih detalja.Novi album je nazvan The X Factor. Napokon je izašao u oktobru 1995. Turneja za ovaj album je počela u Izraelu i južnoj Africi - to je bio prvi posjet tim zemljama. Trebali su i svirati u Bejrutu ali Libijski političari nisu to dopustili. Bend se vratio u Europu da snimi MTV show Most wanted. Onda su otišli u Rumunjsku iza Iron Curtaina kako bi prvi puta posijetili zemlje istočne Europe (osim bivše SFRJ). Sve sumnje u vezi Blazeovih sposobnosti bile su tada otklonjene. Bend se još jednom vratio u Englesku i napravio veliki show u Brixtonu. U susret Božiću bend je odsvirao još neke koncerte u zapadnoj Europi prije nego što su otišli u Ameriku, Kanadu i Japan. Na ljeto su počeli sa koncertima u zapadnoevropskim zemljama a potom su otišli u južnu Ameriku gdje su predvodili Monsters of Rock fest u Sao Paulu pred 50,000 gledatelja. Bend zatim kreće na veliki odmor i izdaje prvu kompilaciju najvećih hitova Best of the Beast koja je imala novu stvar Virus. Bend počinje raditi na novom albumu i izdaje drugi album sa Blazeom koji se zove Virtual XI. Nakon njega iz benda izlazi Blaze jer bendu popularnost jako pada. Dolaze ponovo dobra vremena jer se u bend vraćaju dvije izgubljene duše: Bruce i Adrian. U međuvremenu je Bruce Dickinson imao poprilično uspješnu solo karijeru, koja je djelimično izgrađena i na slavi koju je stekao sa Maidenima. Njegovim povratkom u bend postalo je jasno da Iron Maiden bez Brucea nije ono što bi trebao da bude. Slava ostalim vokalima IMa, ali Bruce je zaista nešto posebno..
Počinje rad na novom albumu koji izlazi 2000. i na njemu bend ima tri gitare: Dave, Adrian i Janick. Album je nazvan Brave New World, i to po uzoru na istoimeni roman engleskog utopiste Aldousa Huxleya. Potom počinje ogromna svjetska turneja u koju je između ostalih bila uključena i Slovenija, ali i veliki festival Rock in Rio gdje je bend svirao pred 250,000 gledatelja. Taj koncert je snimljen i kasnije izdan kao live DVD i kao live album. U 2002. godini izašao je zadnji best album Edward the Great, a sada se očekuje novi studijski album, kao i početak turneje koja se zove GIVE ME ED... TIL I'M DEAD! Budući da im je ovo vjerovatno zadnja turneja, i da je u nju uključen i Zagreb.Nakraju turneje napravili su jos jedan novi album malo drukciji od ostalih Dance of Death.Pritom sjedila jos jedna turneja po svijetu.I sad je iza novi live album Death On The Road kojega morate kupiti!

12.04.2006. u 10:06 • 2 KomentaraPrint#

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KoRn-Comming Undone (video)


Marilyn Manson
System Of A Down
Sonata Artica
Dimmu Borgir
Cradle Of Filth
Black Sabbath
Children Of Bodom
Judas Priest
Guns N' Roses
Def Leppard
Gamma Ray
Iron Maiden
Napalm Death
Morbid Angel
Electric Six
Dream Theater


everlasting night
The Darkness











Since day one I've been crass and far beyond.
I couldn't laugh, I couldn't cry ...
Before you judge me, take a look at yourself.
Condescending, outlivin' in a lie..

Despite all the pain in my heart grinding through,
it ain't due that you hate what I hate what you do

Despite all the piety you've been consuming thus far,
a backstabbing motherfucker to the bone is what you are

And everyday when the knife in my back starts to twinge n' turn,
My eyes are catching fire and my heart starts to burn.
A foot away from you is like a bit closer to heaven,
Then again it's like being needled 24/7

You look down to me to see the scum of the earth to be.
Fuck yeah, that's me, vile and obscene.
I ain't happy about it but at least I don't judge and decree
to be better than another human being.

Everyday when the knife in my back starts to twinge n' turn,
My eyes are catching fire and my heart starts to burn.
A foot away from you is like a bit closer to heaven,
Then again it's like being needled 24/7

Despite all the piety you've been consuming thus far,
Can anyone, somebody tell me what the fuck is going on?

Everyday when the knife in my back starts to twinge n' turn,
My eyes are catching fire and my heart starts to burn.
A foot away from you is like a bit closer to heaven,
Then again it's like being needled 24/7

Can you say what you can't do
In darkness of the eyes
The wrecking voice stain mirror
Awaiting the first sixpounder

I'm gonna show you battle
That's how the pain really is
A little piss to free you down
Like a spark resist you

I refuse to be brought down by you
Praise is far away from what you do
Not only are you cranking up my brain
I'm meant to blow you away...666 (...pounder)

Hey, what you said, that darkest time
I try to live all right
Little bits away for you
That you try to persuade me by

Louder sixpounder!

Can you say what you can't do?
In darkness of the eyes
A little piss, to free you down
Like a spark resist you

Don't hear, don't deem
Drown in before you dive
Don't care, commit to your self-destruction drive

I kiss the ground with love beyond forever
Flip off the sky with bleeding fingers till I die

Enemy, take a one good look at me
Eradicate what you'll always be
Your tainted flesh, polluted soul
Through a mirror I behold
Throw a punch, shards bleed on the floor
Tearing me apart but I don't care anymore
Should I regret or ask myself
Are you dead yet?

Wake up, don't cry
Regenerate to deny the truth
The fiction you live in blindfold your eyes
Disclosure, self-loathing
This time you've gone too far
Or could it be, my nemesis that you're me?

Enemy, take a one good look at me
Eradicate what you'll always be
Your tainted flesh, polluted soul
Through a mirror I behold
Throw a punch, shards bleed on the floor
Tearing me apart but I don't care anymore
Should I regret or ask myself
Are you dead yet?

Are you dead yet?

Once again waiting for the darkness
Beat up spun and scarred
Preparing for another war
Day by day we decay
Sunlight, get out of my way
Dig up yourself from your grave

Bad to the bone, raised in the gutter
Not exactly a muthafucking role model
To you looking down on me
(Fuck you bitch!)
Ain't got time for the future or past
Live for the moment, make it last

As long as the twilight veils
The decadence we embrace
More than the ones we love
We're ardent, we're burning down

Not afraid of crying, sorrow and foe
Not afraid of falling down below
To the night, recklessly we fly
Like living dead we'll never die

Stalling the sand man, fighting back
Drinking like a madman
Run away from the light to come
(Shit falls down!)
Sun comes up high shining bright
Time to close your eyes

Not afraid of crying, sorrow and foe
Not afraid of falling down below
To the night, recklessly we fly
Like living dead we'll never die

As long as the twilight veils
The decadence we embrace
More than the ones we love
We're ardent, we're burning down

Not afraid of crying, sorrow and foe
Not afraid of falling down below
To the night, recklessly we fly
Like living dead we'll never die

From the reign I’ve built
Of shame and guilt
I go back and take a look,
At myself and what
I have done so far
At the bridge he’s lying waiting till light.

No Choice to go
Backward, Inward
Okay generous
You’re to cross the chamber.

Going down I walk, my way till now
Deep to the obscurity
Obliterating you in every way
With my life’s insanity

Battered up again
I’m going right inside
Curled up on the floor
Wonder ways to kill the pain and
What doesn’t kill you will only make you pissed off

Sweep back to kill
You can't make it go away
So let's, take a shot at me
Just when you punch me, I bleed

Going down I walk, my way till now
Deep to the obscurity
Obliterating you in every way
With my life’s insanity

No Choice to go
Backward, Inwards
Okay generous
You’re to cross the chamber

Going down I walk, my way till now
Deep to the obscurity
Obliterating you in every way
With my life’s insanity

Conflict, terror, hear the noise
You're in the edge of the nerve-racking force
But oh my god, you're so fine
Never seige, never riot rustify

When you look at me, what do you see, another trophy like a fucking dead beat
Close your eyes, take a discriminate, guess what i took your life
Insanity and normality is not what you call reality
What you will, always want, it was the day that you should die

I don't give a flying fuck motherfucker
I don't give a flying fuck motherfucker
I don't give a flying, I don't give a flying, I don't give a flying fuck

I'll never wait for the pain of this
With a bullet in my gun dont fuck over my shit
Can you hold my crazy as i do
So fuck hypocrisy and fuck you too


Say one more word, i double-dare you, bring it on
It's my world your in, it'll take you down in a minute
You can alter your look, and i'll crusify your rage
But the truth seems like, a fist mark in your face

When you look at me, what do you see, another trophy like a fucking dead beat
Close your eyes, take a discriminate, guess what i took your life
Insanity and normality is not what you call reality
What you will, always want, it was the day that you should die

I don't give a flying fuck motherfucker
I don't give a flying fuck motherfucker
I don't give a flying, I don't give a flying, I don't give a flying fuck


Say one more word, i double-dare you, bring it on
It's my world your in, it'll take you down in a minute
You can alter your look, and i'll crusify your rage
But the truth seems like, a fist mark in your face


What you mean for the ? question of you
Trying to be kicking ass to help me ? after you know I never to go
Before I go high, I'm very down
You know I'm strong enough to get it again

You try to be on the way, not be trashed, lost and strungout
When together try something drug and you question me what's to coming out
Before I go high, I'm very down
You know I'm strong enough to get it again

Come on!

Maybe I ? fucking more, I turn to you
And trashed people asking my ? tell me where to fuck to go

Whatever getting to the point where cracking it you, nothing hard
trying to be some out of you
Let me down where you down below, to the ? you may go
Well, let me in, I raise my slavery well, for the not by your reflection
Forever I saw kiss you goodbye, so kill my soul and diction

Before I blow my needle ground
You me poor, I never return
Up and next you tell me what to go
And you know I'm strong enough to get it again

Whatever getting to the point where cracking it you, nothing hard
trying to be some out of you
Let me down where you down below, to the ? you may go
Well, let me in, I raise my slavery well, for the not by your reflection
Forever I saw kiss you goodbye, so kill my soul and diction

I was born in ashes of molten hatred
Raised by demons in abodes of the end
The reaper's scythe I fall upon to light my path
Wrecked by mangled wounds of life
I have become become the resurrection of the evil one
'Yknow that I don't fucking care If I live or die

I need a bishop preaching fire to get away with my sins
I despise everything I see so I don't give a fuck if ya hate me

Ain't got respect for humanity
Never lived or wanted immortality
The reaper's shadow I fall upon to obscure my path
Every day I'm being battered up until I bleed
You motherfuckas just leave me be
Ya could never give me cure for the pain I feel inside

Led by the reaper I walk in the night
Show me the way to yer kingdom come

I believe in armageddon, I've been baptised in alcohol
I'm embodyment of antichrist
I'm living for my own demise

Hell-hound, hot leather on your legs
That smokin powder keg
You're riding on is hell-bound
And you're the one they claim
It's going down in flames
You're riding Hades' rails (Hellion)

Hellion -The devil's Hellion child
Hellion -will never have to die

Well child, you're sweatin' and you're stoned
That alcohol you downed
Makes you crazy- All night, you damn the hurt and pain
And drink the devils rain
It's screaming out your name

Hellion -The devil's Hellion child
Hellion -will never have to die

The Gods you worship are steel
At the altar of rock 'n' roll you kneel
A slave who forever rocks
Is chained in the devil's locks
And slain by the bloody axe I wail

Hellion -The devil's Hellion child
Hellion -will never have to die

From: W.A.S.P. "Winged Assassins'

Hey! Don't tell us what you want,
cuz we don't give a fuck about you and your kind.
You! You better take a step back where ever the fuck you came from.
No! You ain't one of us and to be tag along you're too ugly and blunt.
Why?! Is it so hard to get that we don't need you, stupid cunt!

If you don't know how to resent one another,
to gain the new way of power,
it'll get to the point where no one gives a fuck
what you may think of us or what you may not.

Stop! Are you ever gonna stop tryin' to be on the way that we wanna go?
Fuck! It's pissing the fuck out of us when you don't understand the word
'no' !
Now, you're tellin' that you'll win the war that's only battled cuz you're
too dumb to die. That's right! You can take your war and shove it up your
ass, then close your eyes and say goodbye.

If you don't know how to resent one another,
to gain the new way of power,
it'll get to the point where no one gives a fuck
what you may think of us or what you may not.

We're hate crew, we stand and we won't fall...
We're all for none and none for all.
Fuck you! We'll fight til' the last hit
And we sure as hell ain't taking no shit

(Death be not proud, though somehave called
thee mighty and dreadful, art not so)

Loosing the war I'm feining to win
though I never tried to to strive deep
from within. Life could be beautiful
for anybody it's for, but I'd swear this
mothafuckin' shit is rotten to the core.

The portal has been past and it's
time to make a turn, to follow the reaper
until the point of no return.

When your blindly death-raying blade
sweeps the griefs and fears away.
I cross my heart and hope to die thy freedom
will be mine.

Sinking down in the ocean of severe emotions.
Grab a bottle to drink up the pain-reliefing potion.
But after all, that got boring too, so no matter
what happens, I couldn't give a damn or too.

The portal has been past 'til the
point of no return. No more lines to cross,
no bridges to burn.

Now when your blindly death-raying blade
swept my griefs and tears away. I'd never go back
to cross that line.
I cross my heart and hope to die *die die die die*

The faint blaze of the candle of my life,
slowly dying like a fire in a pouring rain.
No sparks of hope inside,
no shooting stars on my sky.
On broken wings, no flying height...

Another night, another demise,
Cadaverous wind blowing cold as ice...
I`ll let the wind blow out the light
cuz its gets more painful every time i die.

Out of strenght to fight.
I cannot take another night.
I cannot take it no more.
Lust of light slips through my fingers
like blood on my arms.
Black candle wax has buried me...

Another night, another demise,
Cadaverous wind blowing cold as ice...
I`ll let the wind blow out the light
cuz it gets more painful every time i die.

Before the Daylight falls to rest,
into shadows,
Soon I'll be on a black-night trip,
I'll fly across the sky.

It's not a lonely flight,
This one'll be black,
The death lies always in the sky,
It reflect hatred in my eyes.

**Keyboard stuff**

If the daylight dies, the Shadow's are falling on me.
Then I'll be at your side, <-?? (Maybe "Then I'll becomingwild")
Always in the moonlight shadow,
I can't get out,
lost in time for eternity.

**Lead part**

You're the guard of the dead ones,
In the night I'll find you to drink your blood,
You're the Dead night's fresh meat in my arms,
The dead by night's close by!

Don't wake it up, call my name, it's death!
Set them all on a trip of pain,
I can't wait!

**Kick ass solo!***

(After solo this part comes again)

It's such a lonely flight,
This one'll be black,
The death lies always in the sky,
It reflect hatred in my eyes.

It is such a pain to allow, <-???
being hard to wound, <-???
Always in the moonlight shadow (echo: shadow),
I can't get out!

The night of timeless fire is drawing near
I flee... Throughout the years of throe
Watching through a mirror, as I fall apart
I see a wreck, I'm burning

I see angels burning, falling down in ruins
Looking down I see me, I'm my own enemy

Watching myself decaying, falling from high spirits
I flee... Throughout the ruins of me
Longing for finding my way out
Leaving myself, there's nothing left for me
The ruins are about to crumble down.

The flame is dying by shivery winds of jet black skies
It reflects hatred in my eyes

I see angels burning, falling down in ruins
Looking down I see my ashes scattered around my grave

Angels whispering fire, no longer I'm alive
Settled down I'm done with the trip to my kingdom come

I see the candle light burning in your
eyes, flareing up my eyes in flames
On this pitch-black summer night...
of passion and pain

The razor caressed my flesh and my arms turned red, I feel a vastdesire
Years of pain are flowing down my arms. Sweet, red, warm streamyou drink, make me released
Give me your hand, let me make you feel the ease, in the bed ofrazors we bleed together...

I feel the fire burning in my heart, I see it sparkling in youreyes
The blaze you're feeding more and more

The razor caressed your flesh and your arms turned red. I feelyour vast desire
Tearing pain is flowing down your arms. Sweet, red, warm stream Idrink to make you released
Holding your arms, cherish this composure, in the bed of razorswe sleep together, forever...

Get me some divison,
I called the dead by night to the god!
Allay the chaos!
Chains to my last victim!

Set up the lights on the way to the skies
Raising my sword to the lord!
calling your death in a black obsession,
the only way WOW!

So wait for salvation
Coming to me!
Life to the saint,
Life for me!

Your lord,
who smashed this bloody god on earth,
is tonight by my side,
take me to the place to die for you,
and give me life in flames!

It's black after light,
An Odysee of the end,
A lord of chaos to be,
Searching my dreams of the lifes in my vision
It's a night of war, YEAH!

The son of the night was,
left to destroy
I wait now to destroy...


why this bloody god on earth,
is always by my side,
Take me to the place where I die for you.

The last song of hate
Is a song of my heart
tonight's gonna be,- yeah!
something wild!










Lightning and thunder
Fear and wonder
Murder and murder
Chaos, disorder
Hate and pain
Will rise again
Nothing remains
Bring it on again

On and on and on and on
On and on and on and on
Inna babylon

Hell on earth
Like a curse
War is hell
Time will tell
Apocalypse meets
The final disease
Death now creeps
The enemy within

On and on and on and on
On and on and on and on
Inna babylon

United nations
Divided tensions
Body count rises
While leaders lie


On and on and on and on
On and on and on and on
Inna babylon

Murder nation
Too much tension

On and on and on and on
On and on and on and on
Inna babylon

I see the Red Sea part in front of me
I see the desert clouds bleed above me
I'm with the prophets on the final destiny
We'll fight the heathens and the ghost enemy

This is the prophecy
This is the prophecy

I see the money beggars on the last temptation
We're marching now through the devastation
I'm with the prophets on a mission of salvation
Cities falling, nations falling nations

This is the prophecy
This is the prophecy

I see the new millennium tribal warfare
I see them blind sheep going nowhere
The new exodus, just like they said
I see the crown of thorns, you know I was there

This is the prophecy
This is the prophecy

I see the times in this armaggideon
I see the flag of the conquering lion
I must reach the mountains of Zion
I'm with the prophets and the prophecy goes on

This is the prophecy
This is the prophecy

New millennium tribal war
New millennium tribal war
New millennium tribal war
New millennium tribal war

Every time I think about how you act
You got no life, you got no respect
Yeah every time I think about how you act
You got nothing, nothing left...

Leeches and hypocrites
They even steal the air we breathe
Pretending and faking it
To be something they cannot be...

You come around when you know you need something
Stick around and try to get anything
But I know who's really down with me
Back tha fuck up you bumbklaatt enemy...


Happiness is to give back
Love one another, have respect
Give more to receive less
Give life, soul and fire

Using people like they are tools
Treating them like they're just fools
Always quiet but I know what you do
God knows and you will too...

Fuck you, you fuckin' disgrace
And then you act like everything's the same
I don't dig it, I don't play mind games
Don't fuck with me and my friends

Give more to receive more
Give life, soul and fire

Keep an eye in the sky
Night after night
Sign after sign
Don't fall behind
Land of the sun
Empires will burn
Can't trust no one
No return...

Live on the edge
No man's land
Blood on the sand
End of all things
Killing edge
Khyber pass
City of God
Dreader than dread

This corrosion creeps
And it's crawling too deep
This corrosion creeps
And it's making you sick

Life after life
Ragin inside
Sign after sign
Thorn on your side
Curse undone
Burn as one
Trust no soul
You're on your own

This corrosion creeps
And it's crawling too deep
This corrosion creeps
And it's making you sick

This corrosion
This corrosion...

Emptiness, fearless
It's not for you to understand
Self-destruct, don't give a fuck
Cut-throat, you can't tame my soul
Suicidal, schizophrenic
Killing like a feeding frenzy
Wicked, brutal
Cut you down like a thousand swords

This corrosion creeps
And it's crawling too deep
This corrosion creeps
And it's making you sick

This corrosion
This corrosion
This corrosion
This corrosion...

Keep an eye in the sky
The sky is falling tonight
It's not so far
Babylon is not far

A thousand feet high
At the mercy of the skies
As the souls dive
The new millenium is crucified

Fighting for your soul
Defending what is yours
Arm in arms, I and I and All
Fire is within
Bleed for your belief
Come on and bleed with me

Chuan-Tzu" Rules of war
A warrior is reborn
3,000 years before
Not, we won't give up
Not, we won't back up
And we'll never let go

Destroy'em down
Destroy'em all

Fighting for your soul
Defending what is yours
Arm in arms, I and I and all
Fire is within
Bleed for your belief
Come on and bleed with me

Destroy'em down
Destroy'em all


Murderer - covered in sangre
Murderer - blood on your shoulders

Karma - how does it feel?
Karma - to take a life
Wailin*- wailin* in vein
Wailin* - you*ll reap what you sow!!

Thou shalt not kill
Thou shalt not kill
Thou shalt not kill
Thou shalt not kill

Lie to yourself - lie to your friends
Now lay and wait you fucking
Rapist - you*ll have no redemption
Burn - Burn - Burn muthafuckas

*I might just come after you
I just might come after... but you*ll never know...
Broke the first commandment*

Thou shalt not kill
Thou shalt not kill
Thou shalt not kill
Thou... face your judgement

Pressure building on my soul
I ask God to take control
Guide me through this fucked up world

Conquer this fear spiritually
Forever let it be
Into infinity

Against all odds we carry on
Like we always did before
Soulmate forever more

I feel your presence every day
It's so real in every way
Give God thanks and praise!

Just let my soul fly free
And let me be the one God wants me to be
Just let my soul fly free
And let me see everything I'm
supposed to see

Just let my soul fly
Just let my soul fly
Just let my soul fly free!!!

Pressure building on my soul
I ask God to take control
Give me guidance in this world

Conquer this fear spiritually
Forever let it be
Into infinity

I don't give a fuck
You don't give a fuck
They don't give a fuck
Get back in the front

I don't give a fuck
You don't give a fuck
We don't give a fuck
Get back to the front

No one to trust
Just blood in the dust
Things just getting worse
Worse, worse, and worse

You kill - no remorse
You die - for what cause
They kill - no remorse
They die - for what cause

Back to the
Back to the
Back to the frontlines
Back to the
Back to the
Back to the frontlines

I don't give a fuck
You don't give a fuck
They don't give a fuck
Get back in the front

I don't give a fuck
You don't give a fuck
We don't give a fuck
Get back to the front

At war, once more
Peace is another sign that falls
I didn't want to be in war
But it follows me once more

For what, I don't know
I don't understand
Can you tell me who has won?
When nothing remains

Back to the
Back to the
Back to the frontlines
Back to the
Back to the
Back to the frontlines

Back da fuck up now
Shut da fuck up now
Back to da front now
Back to the frontlines

Fuel this hate
And you'll never be the same again
Now I'm feeling again and again
Fuel this hate
And you're living on the edge again
Just like we felt back then
Fuel this hate
And you'll never be the same again
When you just don't give a damn
Fuel this hate
And you're living on the edge again
I don't give a damn...

Fuel the hate

Fuel this hate
And you'll never be the same again
Now I'm feeling again and again and again
Fuel this hate
And you're living on the edge again
Just like we felt back then
Fuel this hate
And you'll never be the same again
When you just don't give a damn
Fuel this hate
And I'm living on the edge again
I don't give a damn

Fuel the hate

Sometimes - suicide - genocide - suicide
I don't give a fuck if I live or die
Sometimes - suicide - genocide - suicide
I don't give a fuck if you live or die
Sometimes - crucified - terrorize - crucified
I don't care about this fucked up life
Sometimes - crucified - terrorize - crucified
I don't care about your fucked up life
Sometimes - suicide - genocide - suicide
I don't give a fuck if I live or die
Sometimes - suicide - genocide - suicide
I don't give a fuck if you live or die
Sometimes - agonize - open arms - agonize
Let the world burn tonight
Sometimes - agonize - sacrifice - agonzie
If it's up to me - sacrifice

Fuel this hate
And you'll never be the same again
Just like we felt back then
Fuel this hate
And you're living on the edge again
Happiness, I don't understand
Fuel this hate
And you'll never be the same again
There is no other way
Fuel this hate
And I'm living on the edge again
Let them feel the pain

Um, Dois, Tręs, Quatro...
Past the point of no return..
Past the point of no return...

"Vocę mata porque já nasceu morto
Sangue morto, amaldiçoado
Vocę mata porque já nasceu morto
Sangue morto, amaldiçoado..."

Clean the sins - be blessed within
Look upon - St. Michael's wings

Can you feel?
That this armmagideon is near
Can you feel?
The ancient prophecy ago reveal

Soldier of God - like it was before
2,000 years - the lion roar

Can you feel?
The final armmagideon is near
Can you feel?
The ancient prophecy ago reveal

Inner Spirit
Inner Spirit
Inner Spirit

Wealth of their world
Have no meaning if what's coming after
Things of this world
Have no meaning
Things of this world
Have no meaning in what's coming after
Things of this world
Have no meaning...

Muthafucka you don't understand all my hate!
Muthafucka you don't understand all my rage!
Muthafucka you don't understand all my pain!
Muthafucka you don't understand......

You seem to sever all my frequencies
I'm tethered to your energies
And everything turns inside out
I can't be killed but I'm not too proud.....
Maybe you would like to peak through the curtain
At the same mistake you know you always make, but...
All I really wanna know is
Are you gonna lay the fuck back down
Or jumpdafuckup?

Walking in the streets and looking at all this shit
I'm full of hate, don't fuck with me
Walking in the streets and looking at all this shit
Open up your eyes and fucking see
We got the tribe against society
We got to fight the real enemy
Get the fuck up, stand the fuck up, back the fuck up!

All this is making things a bit insane
And I don't care who stares or stays
The only thing that matters is
Will you reach out if you can't resist?
Maybe you don't give a shit for the rest of us
But if you do the time is now, if it ever was
If you're gonna fight, whatcha gonna do?......

Muthafucka you don't understand all my hate!
Muthafucka you don't understand all my rage!
Muthafucka you don't understand all my pain!
Muthafucka you don't understand......

How dare you single out my honesty?
Compare me to your travesties?
I only wanna see you fight
The darkness you wanna live your life by......
And if you're gonna quit
I don't give a shit
What the fuck? I'm a Mack truck
Are you gonna give up like a bitch
Or jumpdafuckup?

Walking in the streets and looking at all this shit
I'm full of hate, don't fuck with me
Walking in the streets and looking at all this shit
Open up your eyes and fucking see
We got the tribe against society
We got to fight the real enemy
Get the fuck up, stand the fuck up

I'm a self-destructive piece of shit
Smear me in
I don't owe you a goddam thing
This life never had the swing
I don't wanna be immortal or legend or anything
Cause the longer I'm alive, the better of you'll be
Get ready for epitome... come on and pity me...
Will you kill me if I say please?

I'm the same old reason not to try
What the hell?
Beat to death with a shovel and a new smell
Come and get me; Mom would never let me do it
I'm ruined, I don't want anything from you
Cause I've got nothing left to prove, come on
My time, everything feels fine, goodbye
Killing from the inside!

Come around, come around
Predatory jungle law
Come around, come around
Predatory jungle law

One soul
One heart
One man
ONe truth
One tribe
One life
One god

Come around, come around
Predatory jungle law
Come around, come around
Predatory jungle law

Embrace one feeling left inside
The more we breathe
The more it takes my breath away
Everything you do
Everything in you
Everything you do and say
Doesn't wash it all away

Come around, come around
Predatory jungle law
Come around, come around
Prdatory jungle law

One fate
One rise
One sky
One breed
One pain
One Light
One fire

Come around, come around
Predatory jungle law
Come around, come around
Prdatory jungle law

Embrace one feeling left inside
The more we breathe
The more it takes my breath away
Everything you do
Everything in you
Everything you do and say
Doesn't wash it all away

Come around, come around
Predatory jungle law
Come around, come around
Prdatory jungle law


Speak up - you know what is up
Code of silence?! Who set you up?!
Some shit so wrong in this world
It's all fucked up now you're gone
Speak up - you know what went on
How could you let it go?
It's murder you covered up
Stained blood on your soul

Down on my knees
Hands stretched to heaven above
Christ this pain is hard to live with
Don't fill my heart with love
Engulf my heart with vengeance
You need to see our pain
Don't fill this heart with love
The truth needs to be told

You can't mask
My pain
Our Pain
You can't mask
My pain
Our pain

"Fuck you...
Friday I was freaking out"
(sample: Dana's voice)

Here we go...Another day, another strike
Here we go...It's the living sacrifice
Here we go...Against your bullshit ways
Here we go...Against your false pretend
Here we go...Another day, another hour
Here we go...Take back the power
Here we go...I'd rather die on my feet
Here we go...Than keep living on my knees

Here we go...Another day, another strike
Here we go...Jumpdafuckup and fight
Here we go...Another place, another tribe
Here we go...No, we won't take your bribe
Here we go...Another day, another night
Here we go...With this music unite
Here we go...Another freedom fight
Here we go...God bless me inside

Seek 'N' Strike
Seek 'N' Strike

Here we go...Another day, another strike
Here we go...It's the living sacrifice
Here we go...Against your bullshit ways
Here we go...Against your false pretend
Here we go...Another day, another hour
Here we go...Take back the power
Here we go...I'd rather die on my feet
Here we go...Than keep living on my knees

Here we go...Another day, another strike
Here we go...It's time to react
Here we go...Yeah we come full effect
Here we go...Attitude and respect
Here we go...Another day, another Night
Here we go...Protest and survive
Here we go...Yeah soulfly tribe
Here we go...It's time to arise

Seek 'N' Strike
Seek 'N' Strike

Sometimes I don't
want to face life
Sometimes I feel empty inside
But every moment is precious
And everyone will turn to dust

Dust myself up
and I scream at the sky
It's been so hard
but I can't let it die
Turn my head up,
looking at the stars
So many years,
I still wonder where you are?
Dust myself up
and I scream at the sky
It's been so hard
and I ask myself why
Turn my head up,
looking at the sun
Waited so long,
it's time to move on

Look at the sun,
look at the sky
Another day, another sign
And every moment is precious
And everything will turn to dust

Dust my self
and I scream at the sky
It's been so hard
but I can't let it die
Turn my head up,
looking at the stars
So many years,
I still wonder where you are?
Dust myself up
and I scream at the sky
Every day I ask myself why?
So much pain pouring
from inside
Above me I feel the spirit of fly

"fuck you...
Friday I was freaking out"

Material things can't conquer me
Matter nothing to me, only your soul can be free
When we connect, spiritually
I feel you never went away from me
Waking up and I freak

Now it's so hard to breathe
Blood, sweat, and my tears
Make the fear disappear

Now that you are gone
I try staying strong

All these painful years
All these fallin' tears
Will never bring you back
Bring you back to me

I know one day I'll see you again
I know this can't be the end
I know you'll be there waiting for me
Waiting for me

Carry on
Stay strong
Carry on...

Now that you are gone
All these painful things
That make us bleed inside
I try staying strong
I just want to see you
I just want to see you
Watch me
Watch me

Oh God, take the pain away
I'll give you my life instead
Oh God, take the pain away
For you, my life I'll trade
Waking up and I freak
Now it's so hard to breathe
Blood, sweat, and my tears
Make the fear disappear

Now that you are gone
I try staying strong

Carry on
Stay strong
Carry on...

Spreading terrorism through the music
Rebelling against all this bullshit
Fire is the heat that burns deep inside
Raging and out of control

Spreading terrorism through the music
Rebelling against all this shit
Energy in the purest form
Controlled chaos, bring it on...

Confront and destroy / Confront and destroy
Confront and destroy / Confront and destroy

Spreading terrorism through the music
Rebelling against all this bullshit
Urban guerillas on the front line
Arm in arms, bring it on...

Rise, rise, rise
Above this bullshit
Rise, rise, rise
Above this bullshit

"Night will come and I will follow
For my victims no tomorrow"
"Non-conformity in my inner self
Only I guide my inner self"

Bring da pain to tha muthafuckin' pit - Kill
Bring da rage to tha muthafuckin' pit - Kill
Bring da shit to tha muthafuckin' pit - Kill
Bring da pain to tha muthafuckin' pit - Kill

My pain is as deep as my roots
The yearning, the Hurting
What am I to do?
Indeed I plant seeds for the path I wald
And my voice helps them grow like water
When I talk but i'm hurting y'all
You didn't die in vain, your thought
With me remains and your soul gives me
Strength to face another day
Without you

In this tree of pain
In this tree of pain
In this tree of pain
Till the day I see you again...

Under this tree of pain
Where we carved our names
Forever to remain

This pain
No one can understand
You know we can't pretend
That everything's ok


I touch your grave
I kiss your face
This pain is more than I can take
I punch your grave
I call your name
This pain is more than I can take

I find myself again
Under the tree of pain
Where we carved our names

Why then
Leace without goodbye
Just tears in my eyes
And the love you left inside


I touch your grave
I kiss your face
This pain is more than I can take
I punch your grave
I call you name
This pain is more than I can take

For D-Low

Everyday that I pray
Why'd they take his life away?
This pain, it hurts me so bad
All the days that I never had
All I have, my god
Is this tree of pain
All I have, my god
Is this tree of pain
Carved my name, my god
In this tree of pain
Carved my name, my god
In this tree of pain
Dana...One minute's all I need
Dana...To heal the things that bleed
Dana...Why god why?

Umbabarauma homen gol
Umbabarauma homen gol

Joga bola joga bola jogador
Joga bola quero jogar bola jogador
Pula, pula, cai, levanta, sobe e desce
Corre, chuta, abre espaco, vibra e agradece
Olha que a cidade toda ficou vazia
Nessa tarde bonita pra te ver jogar

Joga bola jogador
Joga bola corocondo
Favela Pelada Favela Pelada
Futebol Futebol Futebol Futebol...

*Eis ai a historia de Umbabarauma
Um ponta de lanca Africano
Um ponta de lanca decidido


Umbabarauma goal man
Umbabarauma goal man

Play ball play ball ball player
Play ball I want to play ball ball player
Jump, jump, fall, get up, go up and get down
Run, kick, find a hole, thrill and give thanks
See how the whole city empties out
On this beautiful afternoon to watch you play

Play ball ball player
Play ball corocondo

Slum Street Soccer Slum Street Soccer

Soccer Soccer Soccer Soccer...
*This is the story of Umbabarauma
An African point man
A point man whose mind is made up

