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utorak , 18.12.2018.

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Dugo smo dogovarali gdje ćemo krenuti a onda je ostala na kraju destinacija u Crnu Goru i to u Budvu. U masi ljudi ga tražim, znam da ću prepoznati taj neodoljivi osmeh, te tople oči.

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Savijala sam se igrajuci uz tehno muziku sto sam vise mogla. Imala je jednu dobru prijateljicu. Baba me je zamolila da odem i uberem par kukuruza kako bi nam skuvala za rucak.

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Prvi put, prvi sex - Ubrzo je i ona dosla iz kupatila i rekla mi da ce spavati sa mnom da bezveze ne iskuplja posteljinu u boravak kad ima mjesta za obadvoje. Nazivali su me raznim imenima:kurvo, droljo… Martin je sedeo na haubi od kola i smejao se.

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Moj prvi put desio se prije cetiri godine. Tada sam bio osmi razred, i kao vecina mojih vrsnjaka u to vrijeme sam ga znao izdrkati i po pet puta dnevno. Zivjeli smo u jednom malom mjestu. Moja mama je radila u fabrici. Imala je jednu dobru prijateljicu. Ta prijateljica je imala oko 25 godina ali je vec imala dvoje male djece. Dragana je bila mlada zena, sa velikim i lijepo oblikovanim guzovima i sa dobrim sisama. Vidjelo se da je zeljna kurca, muz joj je cesto bio na putu i znalo se desiti da ga nema i po mjesec dana. Cesto sam drkao na nju, zamisljajuci kako je jebem otpozadi, mijeseci joj sise. Ali to su samo bili snovi daleko od stvarnosti. Taj dan sam izdrkao pet puta misleci da cu se tako osigurati, da mi kurac nece biti dignut, dok je Dragana tu. Cim je usla pogled mi je pao na uske farmerice ispod kojih su se oslikavale tanga gacice, i velike sise lijepe bradavice. Kurac mi je stojao kao da nisam drkao citav zivot. Noc je brzo prolazila, djeca su joj zaspala, ja i ona smo sami ostali gledati satelitski program. Ubrzo na tv-u poslije ponoci poceli su sex clipovi u kojima jedna zenska uz muziku plese svlaceci sa sebe odjecu. Mislio sam da ce mi kurac eksplodirati. Ubrzo je prokomentarisala izgled zenske. Pitala me je da li mi se dize. Ja sam samo stidljivo klimnuo glavom. Rijeci su bile suvisne, odmah je pustila laganu muziku i polako se pocela skidati i uvijati kao prava profesionalka. Nisam svojim ocima mogao vjerovati sta se desava. Velike sise je mijesila, a drugom rukom zavukla ruku u gace i pocela drkati. Ja sam izvadio svog kuronju dugackog negdje 13 cm i poceo drkati. Kad je pogledala moj kurac osmjehnula se. Ubrzo sam svoju spermu prolio po sebi. Rekla mi je da se presvucem, i da idemo spavati. Legao sam na veliki bracni krevet. Ubrzo je i ona dosla iz kupatila i rekla mi da ce spavati sa mnom da bezveze ne iskuplja posteljinu u boravak kad ima mjesta za obadvoje. Legi smo ugasili svijetlo. Bila je samo u grudnjaku i tangicama. Nakon pet minuta, polako sam zavukao ruku ispod deke i pronasao njezinu pickicu, svjeze obrijanu. Pitao sam sta je bilo ono od maloprije. Rekla mi je da sam jos mlad za sex i da mi je htjela samo priustiti nezaboravno drkanje. Jako sam se zacrvenio ali sreca bio je mrak pa se nije vidjelo. Ona me je upitala da li sam siguran u to. Nisam nista odgovarao nego sam zavukao glavu ispod deke, skinuo joj gacice i zagnjurio joj jezik u picku. Pocela je lagano stenjati. Lizao sam joj picku. Legao sam na leda. Kurac mi je stojao ravan kao bandera. Polako je sjela na njega, pritom je zaposlila moje ruke. Gnjecio sam joj velike lijepe sise. Dok se ona nabadala na moj kurac. Pocela je jako stenjati sto me je posebno uzbudilo. Nabila je jak tempo brzo se spustajuci i nabijajuci na moj kurac. Poceo sam svrsavati kao lud vristaci kao zivotinja. Prolio sam po kile sperme u nju. Legla je kraj mene njezno me poljubila u prsa i pozeljela mi laku noc.

It is important for every website to open quick and be smooth while surfing. Ivane moram da ti kazem nesto, prosla noc je nesto najlepse u mom zivotu, imala sam svakojakih sex momenata, mnogo boljih i odbarenih od tebe ali ti, ti si nesto posebno. Cula sam samo reci koje je on govorio: - Dolazite,sad je nasa. Skontala sam da me jedan decko non-stop gleda vise od ostalih. Ubrzo je i ona dosla iz kupatila i rekla mi da ce spavati sa mnom da bezveze ne iskuplja posteljinu u boravak kad ima mjesta za obadvoje. Opirala sam se tome ali bili su suvise jaki. Sada imam 18 godina i majka sam dvoje dece. Nakon nekoliko godina, mama je upoznala tatu, rodila se ogromna ljubav izmedju njih i nije im trebalo dugo da rese da se vencaju.

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Hrvatski špijuni okupljeni su u Središnjoj obavještajnoj agenciji SOA koja na svojim internet stranicama javno poziva ljude da im se jave žele li se okušati u poslu obavještajca. Luckily you can have FREE 7 day access! The vast majority of modern services in the United States use numbers whereby clients can dial up to request a call with a particular performer using credit cards, systems, and a variety of other billing methods. Phone sex services will usually list all the local numbers on their websites.

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U svojim centrima diljem Republike Hrvatske SOA uglavnom zapošljava operativce, dok je radno mjesto analitičara i računalnih stručnjaka uglavnom u središnjici SOA-e. There are still some services that rely upon premium-rate telephone numbers e. The provider provided say 10 minutes of service, but got to keep all of the money say 20 minutes.

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Hrvatska špijunska agencija traži djelatnike na internetu, ako vas odaberu slijedi rigorozna provjera - With the progress of technology it became more practical, convenient, and economical for providers to work out of their homes.

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I malo tko nije tada poželio živjeti životom špijuna - voziti brze automobile, uživati u adrenalinu, ljubiti zanosne ljepotice, a sve to u plemenitu svrhu zaštite domovinske sigurnosti... Pa iako život pravih tajnih agenata nije ni blizu filmskog, ipak donosi mnoge prednosti. Hrvatski špijuni okupljeni su u Središnjoj obavještajnoj agenciji SOA koja na svojim internet stranicama javno poziva ljude da im se jave žele li se okušati u poslu obavještajca. Napominje se da sigurnosno-obavještajna djelatnost, unatoč tehnološkom napretku i korištenju moderne tehnologije, i dalje bitno ovisi o sposobnostima, znanjima i vještinama ljudi koji je obavljaju. Zato SOA svoj najvrjedniji resurs vidi upravo u svojim zaposlenicima. Obrazovna i stručna širina zaposlenika omogućuje SOA-i provedbu cijelog spektra potrebnih zadaća. U odabiru najboljih kandidata SOA provodi temeljit postupak prijma. Za prijam u SOA-u ne provodi se javni natječaj, a sve osobe zainteresirane za rad mogu se prijaviti putem. Kandidacijski postupak, između ostalog, uključuje sigurnosnu provjeru, razna testiranja znanja i vještina, psihološku procjenu i zdravstvene preglede. Postupak uključuje i poligrafsko ispitivanje kandidata. Kada je sigurnosna provjera u pitanju, želite li biti špijun na nju se morate pripremiti, jer je vrlo rigorozna. Ona uključuje čitav niz različitih provjera kojima će SOA, čak i ako ne dobijete posao, dobiti sve informacije o vama. Jednostavnim rječnikom, znat će više o vama nego vaša mama, a možda i vi sami. Zapili ste se jedne večeri i u teturavom putu kući nogom okrhnuli susjedovu žardinjeru? Ne brinite, SOA će to vrlo lako doznati, jer će njeni agenti, moguće vaši budući kolege s kojima ćete na piće nakon posla, porazgovarati sa svim vašim susjedima. To je, naposljetku, logično, jer nacionalna sigurnost nije mala stvar i služba se mora uvjeriti da za nju rade samo ljudi od najvećeg mogućeg povjerenja. Rad u SOA-i nije običan posao i zato SOA stalno poziva sve zainteresirane osobe da se jave za kandidacijski postupak. Radno iskustvo nije potrebno, ali nije ni prepreka prilikom zapošljavanja. Svi kandidati čija stručnost i kompetencije odgovaraju trenutnim potrebama SOA-e bit će pozvani na testiranje. U svojim centrima diljem Republike Hrvatske SOA uglavnom zapošljava operativce, dok je radno mjesto analitičara i računalnih stručnjaka uglavnom u središnjici SOA-e. Ako mislite da imate što je potrebno kako bi bili 'hrvatski James Bond', okušajte svoju sreću na stranicama.

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Trazim muskarca za druzenje mozda i vise do 40-god diskrecija i samo ozbiljni ja sam aktivan. Okoline Kikinde br tel. Trazim iskljucivo HETERO TIPA moze bisex ,koga cu oralno da zadovoljim. Moze uz moju malu nadoknadu. BG SMS 066 485 095 066 485 095 20. Okoline Kikinde br tel. Trazim iskljucivo HETERO TIPA moze bisex ,koga cu oralno da zadovoljim. Moze uz moju malu nadoknadu. ZELIO BI UPOZNATI LIJEPOG,AKTIVNOG GAY MUSKARCA ZA DRUZENJE. TRAZIM LIJEPOG,AKTIVNOG GAY MUSKARCA ZA UGODNA DRUZENJA. SMS: 061 13 21 772 Gay neko ok normalan od 28do 36god bg i okolina prema lazarevcu za vatacinu mazenje ljubljenjd oral sex ja bisex uni crn kraca kosa 179,85,16,31g! GAY AKO TI JE DOSTA FOLIRANJA TRAZIS NESTO OZBILJNO,DISKRETAN SI,IMAS OD 20-32 GOD. JAVI SE ZGODNOM OZBILJNOM SPORT BI TIPU IZ ZRENJANINA. Neko konkretan za druzenje? DECKO ZA OBOSTRANO PUSENJE-SEX VECERAS IZ NS IMAM SMESTAJ SA OK NORM. GOD,VAN GAY KRUGOVA SAMO NS I NORMALNI MOMCI SMARACI STO! Volim da dominiram,da mi lizete jaja i dlakavu guzu… Iz okoline sam Krusevca…Bracni parovi,devojke,zene ako vam odgovaraju moje zelje… Opisi te se,ime,godine,zanimanje,odakle ste,i sta sve volite u sexu??? Aktivnog decka do 25 god za upoznavanje zezanje. Samo oni koji znaju sta zele. Ne nize od 175cm. Sexi mi je tip u trenerci,patikama 064 49 860 94GAY NIS AKTIVAN MOMAK 33 GOD TRAZI MLADJE MOMKE OD 20 DO 30 GOD ZA DRUZENE I VEZU SAMO OZBILJNI USLOV DEBELI UOBRAZENI STOP PRVENSTVENO NIS JAVI TE SE 0611654545 NECE DA SE POKAJETE! GAY DVA DRUGA 21g. Moze i okolina Ue,Pozega 0640821048 24. Bez poziva, samo SMS. SAMO ISKRENI I OK. VALJEVO I OKOLINA 0611690390 GAY jel ima neki za druzenje veceras ili sutra uvece oglas vazi danas i sutra iz blaca kursumlije i prokuplja za seks ja sam miki 23god 0616512628 GAY Extra decko 32g. Samo ozbiljni MT: Vasa poruka ce biti objavljena na sajtu u roku 24 sata. MO: 100 sans Sarmantan uni vise pas g. Gay zelim da nekom ok decŤku popusim kurac dame tuca u njegovom autu ako zelis to javise akoti daljina nije bitna akosi iz ili u prolazu kroz ar topola kg palanka i okol javise ekstra pusim primam tel 0612800996 0612800986 diskretnost obavezna i samo ok momci 0612800996 GAY decko bi pasivan,guza tesna obrijana. Ima li nekog jebaca da mi malo prosiri rupicu volim svrsavanje u guzi volim i da pusim kurac. SAMO OZBILJNI I DISKRETNI,JA SAM 185 75 NEFEM,ZGODAN,DISKRETAN…061 64 72 301 SAMO KONKRETNI MOMCI SMS NA 061 64 72 301 19. Pasivan momak 29 godina lepog izgleda trazi aktivnog partnera za povremene susrete. VRANJE I BLIZA OKOLINA. SAMO VRANJE VRANJE VRANJE..! Inace sam pasiva 381640029784 Uni, zgodan momak, 35 184 90,nefem, depiliran, trazi ozbiljne normalne momke za vidjanje i dobro karanje. Iz Bg-a sam, blizu centra. Uni aktivan momak 35 god,iz Uzica,sportski izgled,trazi normalnog nefem decka,radi druzenja. Uzice,Zlatibor sms 0645484874 Gay trazim aktivne momke za seks vezu do 35godina kurate lepe depilirane momke zgodne kao manekeni sportisti teretana tetovirani misicavi momci pancevo beograd bliza okolina sms i mms celog tela obavezan 0640048512 Gay pasivni momci javite se ako ste za seks vezu momci do 35godina lepi depilirani zgodni volim muskarce sa definisanim telom kao manekeni sportisti mogu i lepi malo mrsaviji momci sa malim tesnim guzama pancevo beograd bliza okolina ko ima auto za seks da dodje do panceva i ko ima smestaj sms i mms celog tela molim vas i sms za dogovor 0638201686 28. SAMO OZBILJNI KOJI ZNAJU STA ZELE 063 720 64 61 Gay momak uni pas. Momka do 29 god. TRAZI MALJAVOG TIPA DISKRETNOG MOGU I STARIJI MUZEVNI. KRUPNI DEBLJI MALJAVI SAMO. PRVO SMS Gay PASIVAN 42-190-90 ZA AKTIVNOG SA PODRUCJA 021-024-025- GODINE NEBITNE-SMS-MMS-OPIS,GODINE I ODAKLE? Zeleo bih da upoznam nekog finog decka za povremena druzenja. SMS 0642329996 GAY KRUSEVAC Gay 25 godina. Zeleo bih da upoznam nekog finog decka za povremena druzenja. SMS 0642329996 Gay zgodan decko madjar iz beceja 22g tvrda guza ,zeli akt. GOD TRAZI AKTIVNOG ZA DRUZENJE,VEZU I NESTO VISE. VELIKA PLANA I OKOLINA. GAY NIS PASIVAN 42GOD TRAZIM AKTGEJ MLADE MOMKE OD25DO30GOD MOGU I RUZNI NEBITNA VERA NACIJA USLOV JE GAJBA,NIS NIS 0616167103 RUZNIJI ME VISE PALE0616167103 Gay upoznao bih mladog ok decka iz bg do 23 god radi druzenja sexa ok tip 42 g samo ok momci i koji znaju sta hoce sms i bgd 061-3020093 17. Trazim iskljucivo lepog poslusnog momka do 25 god, sitnije gradje koji radi sve uz nadoknadu. Samo ozbiljni, kulturni diskretni uz detaljan opis. Samo sms bez hota, zv GAY NOVI SAD TATA ZA TATU SREDNJIH GODINA. SAMO SMS NA TEL. GAY NOVI SAD 48G 177CM 85KG KITA 15CM PROSED KRATKA KOSA BI UNI OKOLINA NOVOG SADA, DISKRETAN ISKREN ZA MOMKE IZ NS, KOJIMA DALJINA I MOJE GODINE NISU PROBLEM SAMO OZBILJNI 0640283447 29. PAR ILI AKTIVNOG PRIJATELJA DO 40 god. MOZE I NEKO KO ZIVI U INOSTRANSTVO ,DA RADIM I DA SE DRUZIMO I UZIVAMO JOCA. NEKO KONKRETAN ZA PREPODNEVNI HOMOSEX DO 30G. GAY Neka se javi ok aktivan decko, mladji od 30g, koji bi u diskreciji da izdrka u usta I po licu jako lepom decku 29g…. Samo konkretni koji su za vidjanje…hoteri I smaraci stop…sad u tvojim kolima.. Pancevo 0600860089 GAY BEOGRAD 37G 180. Volim obostr oral,a u sexu sam aktivan. GAY DVA DRUGA 21. MI SMO ZAISTA DRUZELJUBIVI I DISKRETNI MOMCI,I NAJBITNIJI SU NAM DISKRECIJA I ZDRAVLJE. Nevin sam i neiskusan, ali i jako radoznao i voleo bih da probam nesto novo. Ako je neko konkretan i raspolozen za druzenje, nek salje sms. BG 063 385 186 GAY Dva ok momka aktivan i pas? Zagarantovan dobar provod i dobar sex. MITROVICA 064 05 27 113 GAY Rob,pasivan 22god iz Bgd…veoma sam poslusan i imam dosta iskustva. GAY DVA DRUGA 21. MI SMO ZAISTA DRUZELJUBIVI I DISKRETNI MOMCI,I NAJBITNIJI SU NAM DISKRECIJA I ZDRAVLJE. 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Montenegro Travel Guide

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Geometric chessboard-like patterns decorate the mosaic floor of the southern room, and beyond that there are a further two rooms with mosaics featuring geometric motifs and stylised sea life cuttlefish and squid. A day's rafting with Black Mountain 00 382 067 640 869; montenegroholidays. Offering something for everyone, skiers looking to hone their skills can make use of the dedicated ski room, whilst children are entertained in the colorful playroom.

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The old town is packed with wonderful 15th and 16th-century architecture with the Spanjola and Forte Mare fortresses — a must see. Of course, around Podgorica itself, there are many other smaller shops to explore. Our skipper provided some homemade vine that he made himself.

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Montenegro Travel Blogs - We made it back to Split in no time.

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The rapid Romanisation of Risinium began after the subjugation of the Illyrians under King Gentius in 167 BC. Risinium became a typical Roman town, surrounded by walls, with a town centre — a forum in the Carina fields. Ancient tombs — necropolises — were located outside the walls, and in the southern side of town there was a residential area containing the villas of rich Risan landowners and traders. The remains of the eastern portion of a Roman urban villa were found in the early 20th century. Between 1956 and 1962 the mosaic flooring in four rooms of the villa was fully restored and conserved, and the first protective awning built. Another mosaic floor was discovered in 1972, on which conservation work was also done and a roof added. Roman mosaics decorate the floors of four of the five rooms in the eastern part of the villa, as well as two rooms in the western part. There are only traces of mosaic flooring in the remaining rooms. The technique used was one of large cubes of local grey and black stone, with motifs of the labrys — a double-bitted battleaxe originating from Crete. In the eastern wing of the villa a mosaic was laid displaying plant motifs, using stone cubes of varying size and colour red, yellow, green, blue, black and white. In the middle there is a circular medallion depicting the Greek god of sleep, Hypnos, in the form of a winged boy leaning on the head of the bed. Geometric chessboard-like patterns decorate the mosaic floor of the southern room, and beyond that there are a further two rooms with mosaics featuring geometric motifs and stylised sea life cuttlefish and squid. It is thought that one of the corner rooms that do not have mosaics was the dining room triclinium , with typical Roman couches. Photo by TOKO On board the ultimate world class cruising yacht, a Discovery 55, the Montenegro Dolphin Project will be guiding you in an adrenaline filled search and a lifetime opportunity to meet these magnificent creatures up close. Take part in something extraordinary — set sail on a 4-day eco-tourism voyage on board the ultimate world class cruising yacht, a Discovery 55. Unlike many Adriatic countries, Montenegro lacks annual cetacean survey efforts. Dedicated and systematic research is needed to collect important data on cetacean species for their subsequent conservation. Further, the Montenegro Dolphin Project employes scientific outreach techniques to raise marine environmental awareness within the local community. For more information about 8 hours Sailing Tour with Wild Dolphins and Marine Wildlife Expedition please contact us on. Thank you for your support! If you love wine and want a unique holiday then you should not miss going on one of the wine tours on offer in Montenegro. It is not widely known that Montenegro, apart from its beautiful seaside and mountain villages, also boasts regions that are famed for producing exceptional and world-renowned wine varieties. France, Italy and Portugal have for many years been building credibility as top tourist destinations thanks to wine tourism. The many scenic regions of our country are perfect for enjoying this type of tourism. The mild Mediterranean climate, the composition of the soil and the favorable location provide ideal conditions for cultivating vineyards and growing grapes. The best-known grape-growing areas are Crmnica, Nahije, Komani, Bjelopavlici and other wine-producing villages around Lake Skadar. Montenegrin wines are produced from various types of grape, including KrstacŤ, Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay and Vranac. A tourist map of the wine tours can be picked up in local tourist offices in any town in Montenegro, at hotel receptions and in travel agencies. If you like an active holiday, the Wine Roads offer you a chance to visit wine cellars, taste wines, walk through the vineyards and even take part in grape-picking. Wine can be tested, tried and purchased in wine cellars, while some wineries also offer accommodation, so visitors can get the complete experience, learn about the history of the winery, see wine being made and of course enjoy the finished product. The vision of the developer and architects was to create a contemporary eco-resort, developed by the principles of sustainability and environmental protection that at the same time offered a high level of luxury with breath-taking views of Durmitor peaks and green pine forest. The guests should enjoy a range of healthy lifestyle activities and programs irrespective of the season and climate conditions throughout the whole year. Lago di Monte is a perfect meditation spot surrounded by raw, untouched nature, offering complete silence and endless panoramic views of tall, snow-covered mountain peaks, grass fields and emerald forests. The potentials of the location itself represent an important catalyst of economic and social development of the entire area. Besides being a sustainable luxury destination, the project itself is designed to contribute to the local community by engaging 100% local resources. The sustainability concept behind the project entails a healthy lifestyle with local organic production sourced from the area. The entire program has been carefully planned according to the natural characteristics and potentials of the location. Therefore, new structures and their shapes are implemented in synchronicity with the existing terrain. The content positioning is done in accordance with natural and geographical features of the location, so the spatial experience mostly depends of the directed vistas and open spaces. Necessary contents imply accommodation capacities, hotels and villas, spa centre and congress centre, and some additional contents such as sport facilities, restaurant, equestrian club, playgrounds. Lago di Monte is a complete getaway, perfect for everything from romantic trips , to family vacations, adventurous voyages, corporate retreats and destination weddings. The micro-location chosen for a perfect getaway called Lago di Monte is set on the shore if a very small and famous lake called Poscensko jezoro at 1487m above the sea level. Its depth is maximum 3. The lake is characterized by relatively low temperatures, sometimes reaching up to 20 degrees in the summer season. During the winter, the surface of the lake tends to freeze and the ice cover retains over 60 days which makes this place an idyllic and perfect winter setting. One of its characteristics is high level of water transparency. The resort has a tranquil backdrop of dark emerald pine forests radiating aromatic scents. Lago di Monte is a 6 acres estate with lake, forests and green grass fields perfect for all season relaxation and adventure. The resort has a good geographical position and sees plenty of sun due to its south-west orientation. All the main popular activities of Durmitor region are within an immediate reach — hiking, climbing, cycling, skiing, and other including touring of famous cultural heritage sites. The project has been designed by DVARP from Podgorica based on several research studies done over couple of years. It is created with extremely low carbon print and with great consideration for the environment and vistas thus with very low visual impact, blending into surroundings. There are 105 hotel units in a hotel and 8 villas with total of 300 beds. The spa centre, appropriate for the capacity, extends from the inside out, facing the forest. The conference centre offers space for events for about 300 people and the restaurant capacity with large outdoor terrace extends beyond that which makes it perfect for events — corporate of weddings. During the design process the imperative has been to create a unique destination, an unforgettable escape in the middle of pristine nature. This type of resort means not only well planned accommodation with suitable program, but also requires ecological and sustainable design in dialogue with the environment supported by high-ed technology. Except for the very low carbon footprint the resort is designed with a renewable energy system in place and highly controlled water usage and waste management. The lake, the nearby surroundings, and precious forest mad it an imperative to preserve and enhance the given natural resources. We have been inspired by the land, astonished by culture and gastronomy while revered by the Durmitor inhabitants of centuries past. We wish the same for our guests and investors. As one of the largest cities in the U. This is a city nationally recognized for historical Space Center, fantastic and growing art scene, and family-friendly outdoor attractions. Be sure to check out this to ensure that you are staying at one of the best hotels in Houston as you plan your trip. NASA Space Center Image via by Vlad Busuioc How many cities across the nation can brag that they have the NASA Space flight and space centers? Only a rare few. Houston became synonymous with National Aeronautics due to its Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center and. At the same time, visiting Space Center Houston is an opportunity of a lifetime, not only to experience but also to learn about all wonders of space from real NASA astronauts and simulations of their missions. Visit the shuttle replica, Independence, seated on top of the historic and original NASA 905 shuttle carrier aircraft, or start the journey with Mission Mars virtual tour and exhibit. The place consists of 19 museums and more than 65,000 displayed works of art, representing different cultures and art collections from ancient to modern art, and presumably everything in between. In addition to the permanent collections they accompany, some of the interesting touring exhibits are The Glamour and Romance of Oscar de la Renta, Pixel Forest, Paint the Revolution: Mexican Modernism 1910—1950, and many other worthy of your time. So keep an eye on the promos of this fascinating place. The Cockrell Butterfly Center Image via by urban. Learn about amazing bug species and butterfly life-cycle. Kids love doing interactive games and quizzes offered at the center. Also, at the Cockrell Butterfly Center is a simulated tropical rain forest where you can enter three-story glass structure built around a 50-foot waterfall. Plenty of exotic plants and hundreds of gorgeous live butterflies imported from around the world, found their home here. Houston Street Art Image via by dandeluca City of Houston is heaven for the. Each corner of the city, even the smallest neighborhoods, has its own recognizable artistic style and a unique story. There are giant murals, colorful mini murals, and striking culture graffiti. Some of these vibrant works of street art are permanent, and you can see them at any time, but others may be replaced tomorrow, so check them out right the way. It would take a plethora of time to get around all buildings, stairwells, train car,s and bridges decorated with public art. Spend a day taking some awesome shots and getting to know artists of the murals in Montrose, The Heights, East Downtown, and Midtown. Houston adventures offer something new each time making tourists come back for more unforgettable moments. Montenegro has a tradition of art going back to prehistory, as testified to by the archaeological finds of paintings by prehistoric man in Lipci near Risan dating to the 8th century BC. The drawing represents a deer hunt, and also features a symbol of the rising sun and others. Another drawing has been discovered on a stone tablet in the Prokletije mountains in the north of Montenegro, depicting a prehistoric man and a wolf. The Crvena Stijena Red Rock site in Petrovići is around 30km from Nikšić and is considered one of the most important archaeological sites in Europe. Remains from the Middle Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic and Bronze ages have been found here, and are highly significant, testifying to the beginnings of life not just in this part of Montenegro but on the planet as a whole. For many years, local and foreign expeditions have been coming to this unique and internationally significant site. More than 26,000 items from the time of prehistoric man have been excavated here. A great many items used in everyday life have been discovered, such as for the procurement and preparation of food, but also non-utilitarian items. These include handmade stone items, snails and shells, as well as ceramic vessels. The numerous medieval fortresses in Montenegro are an art-form in their own right. They feature Byzantine, Romanic, Gothic and Baroque construction styles, as well as stone forms and paintings. Through the ages these fortresses have played a military and feudal role, or were built as town fortifications. They are built of stone and feature surrounding walls and towers. These fascinating structures were raised in numerous coastal towns, where Illyrian, Austro-Hungarian, Turkish and Spanish influences predominate, such as in Bar, Ulcinj, Herceg Novi, Budva, Kotor, Risan, Perast, as well as in the north of Montenegro: Rijeka Crnojevića, Podgorica and the Lake Skadar area. The National Museum houses collections of weapons, medals, flags, crests, stamps, photographs, as well as archaeological, numismatic, ethnographic and applied art collections. There are also the residence and the chapel raised in honour of the secular and spiritual leader, poet and philosopher Petar II Petrović Njegoš. During the 1970s the Montenegro Art Museum was known as the Art Gallery, and houses some 3,000 exhibits, including some of the most important works in contemporary Yugoslav and Montenegrin fine art. If you are interested in how caves come to be and develop, and if you love to have fun exploring, then a visit to the Lipska Cave is just the activity for you. It is located only 5km from Cetinje, and is a chance to enjoy an array of channels, and geological, structural and water features. The system of 2. Due to the river that flows through the cave, the dripping of water and the deposition of CaCO3, this cave is rich in many different types of cave formations, including stalactites and stalagmites, which make for a visually impressive experience. The tour also includes a train ride. In any case the most surreal moment is when you step off the main path and into the deepest part of the cave, where the cave is completely dark, and only lamps illuminate your path. The Cave Adventure tour includes a train ride and lasts a total of 100 minutes. Do you want to prove yourself as a true explorer? Are you the bold type, who loves physical activity? Then you have chosen the right tour for you. The Cave Expedition can be tailored to your wants and needs descend into the cave by rope from the ceiling like a true explorer, and, together with a professional guide, visit every corner and lake and investigate them thoroughly. Setting off in search of a hidden trove of gold coins in the heart of the Lipska Cave is a truly unique feeling. The Cave Expedition tour lasts 2-3 hours, and can be adapted to suit the needs of families with children. Cave opening hours: OCTOBER — NOVEMBER Yellow, red and golden colors predominate in autumn, and why miss this magical time of year in Montenegro when it is perfect for experiencing adventure? The best time to travel is often said to be between September and November, and it is not different in Montenegro. The beautiful weather, the sunny days and the cool but still-mild evenings are perfect for 4×4 safaris, photo safaris, mountaineering or simply hiking the mountain trails, visiting cultural and historical sites with our tour guides or exploring bays and concealed beaches. Here you can bathe since the average temperature of the Adriatic Sea is still 23°C in October. For visitors who want to spend their days in complete relaxation of body and soul, we can recommend one of the spa and wellness hotels offering a variety of treatments, massages, saunas, refreshing pools or relaxation in a whirlpool bath in beautiful mountain or seaside surroundings. What are the advantages to traveling to Montenegro in autumn? Prices of flights and accommodation are lower. Roads, cafes and restaurants are significantly less busy. You can visit one of the numerous festivals and other cultural events in Montenegro. You can tour several destinations, towns and visitor attractions when there are no crowds. You can travel and spend time outside in light clothing, without the summer heat. You can enjoy autumn foods and the fruits of the harvest. You can best experience daily life and authentic local culture. Central Park Image via by m01229 The history of dates back to 1871, when landscape designer Frederick Law Olmsted and architect Calvert Vaux created this iconic 843-acre gem. Brooklyn Bridge Park Image via by dumbonyc Nestled along the East River in Brooklyn, is an 85-acre green oasis where you can play sports, have a picnic on the grass, roller skate, or have a nice walk along the waterfront trails. Every year, this park offers something new to the many visitors from around the world. Some possibilities include boating, fitness classes, basketball clinics, stargazing, history tours, movies, concerts, and author talks. You can also explore two historic sites, the Civil War-era Empire Stores and the Tobacco Warehouse. The iconic Unisphere is an unbelievably large globe and a great photo opportunity. Situated next to it is a lovely cultural escape, the Queens Museum of Art. Open tennis tournament, and Citi Field, the home of New York Mets baseball team. Prospect Park Image via by Mon Ril is to Brooklyn as Central Park is to Manhattan. The two parks even share the same landscape architect, Frederick Law Olmsted. In Prospect Park, you can barbecue and picnic, play baseball and softball, take one of the cultural or historical tours, or visit the Lefferts Historic House and the Brooklyn Botanic Garden. You can also complete your day with bird-watching or boating to enjoy the 585 acres of nature to the fullest. There are so many amazing parks in New York that attract millions of visitors every year. Vila Perast is an exceptional 4-level house which is strikingly beautiful, absolutely charming and will tickle your fancy. The exterior walls are bonded exclusively with blunt and sharp corners because it is believed that this keeps evil spirits from entering. The contemporary and pleasant interior details of this Vila are a mix of stone and wood. It is a Mali hotel with the warmth and charm of a bed-and-breakfast. It is a heaven of tranquility caught somewhere between the sea and sky. The ground floor is comprised of a magnificent entrance opening onto a spacious living area consisting of a contemporary kitchen fully equipped with modern appliances and a dining area spacious enough to fit a large dining table. Vila has a state-of-the-art entertainment system and this floor is also easily transformed into a beautiful, spacious entertainment room dedicated to art where you can find a trendy ambience and enjoy the special night. It is open to non-hotel guests as well. In front of the Vila there is a terrace, which has preserved the charm of the time period when it was originally built. The hotel has 19 different rooms, most of which have a sea view. On the second floor there is also a shady, stone-clad terrace perfect for lounging during hot summer days. A few steps away there is a staircase leading one more floor up to the rooftop, where there are two hidden attics and a laundry room. Vila Perast allows you to feel the peace of this amazing, petite city, which excels in pride and dignity, and the architectural perfection of its Baroque palaces. It can allow you to feel its silence, calmness and simplicity. This is the perfect place where a caress of wind through the window, the smell of the sea and the sound of waves can awaken you. It may impress you so much that you forget about the hours, days, months, and other rags of time.

Summer in Montenegro
In summer, the whole scene is bathed in the scent of wild herbs, conifers and Mediterranean blossoms. Vila has a state-of-the-art entertainment system and this floor is also easily transformed into a beautiful, spacious entertainment room dedicated to art where you can find a trendy ambience and enjoy the special night. Among the best fast foods are the Balkan favourites, the burek a filo-pastry pasty and cevapi kebabs. We started the famous Great Montenegro Tour from the office of. Ancient tombs — necropolises — were located outside the walls, and in the southern side of town there was a residential area containing the villas of rich Risan landowners and traders. It is a Mali hotel with the warmth and charm of a bed-and-breakfast. The capital of Montenegro is Podgorica, a vibrant city and serves as an ideal starting point for exploring the country. A few steps away there is a staircase leading one more floor up to the rooftop, where there are two hidden attics and a laundry room.

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