NLO-i iznad Turske (Istanbul/Kumburgaz) 2007-2008

22 listopad 2008

Video je snimio noćni čuvar Yalcin Yalman iz Turske dok je bio na dužnosti.

Yalcin kao i veći broj lokalnog stanovništva, tvrde da su se NLO-i mogli vidjeti tijekom perioda od četiri mjeseca, od svibnja do rujna u okolici Istanbula.

Skoro dva i pol sata materijala sadrži snimke letećih objekata u obliku tanjura pa do neobičnih svjetla na nebu.

Poznati NLO istraživač Haktan Akdogan kaže: 'Na ovim fascinantnim snimkama može se vidjeti fizički oblik tih letjelica kao i njihova metalna struktura.'

'Nakon što smo podvrgli analizi sve materijale zaključili smo da su 100% autentični.'

'Snimljeni objekti nisu rezultat pogrešne identifikacije, prirodnih utjecaja ili astronomskih pojava. Također nisu rezultat kompjuterske animacije. Smatram da je sada vrijeme da vlade diljem svijeta napokon priznaju postojanje i prisutnost NLO-a na našem planetu', dodao je Akdogan.

8. lipnja 2008.

(National Science and Technology Research Board of Turkey)
The UFOs, sighted at Kumburgaz, caused great shock waves around the world and were part of the written and visual media from China to Russia and Brazil to Switzerland and will go down in the World UFO literature as one of the most significant UFO sightings. Nearly a dozen of residents at the Yeni Kent compound witnessed these sightings filmed by the night watchman named Yalc1n Yalman. First of all, the Sirius UFO Space Sciences Research Center studied the footage in great detail for ten days, and as a result of the study the Sirius UFO Space Sciences Research Center concluded that the UFO sightings were geniniue and not a hoax. On January 17, 2008 the Sirius UFO Space Sciences Research held a press conference at the Dedeman Hotel flocked by the high number of attendees. The incident was announced to the public at this press conference and the aforementioned sightings were part of the news covered in both local and foreign media, TV, and newspapers as well as Internet portals.
Following these developments some parties who appeared on various TV shows, starting with Prof. Adnan Öktem from the Istanbul University Department of Astronomy Sciences, Prof. Mehmet Emin Ozel from the18 March University Department of Physics and Prof. Kerem Doksat from the Istanbul University Department of Psychiatry claimed with great prejudice that the footages taken in Kumburgaz were a hoax made up by a mockup or computer animation without
having conducted an analysis or any kind of study.Upon these developments the Sirius UFO Space Sciences Center CEO Haktan Akdogan took part in a National TV show and stated live in
front of the cameras, that he would give the film to Prof. Adnan Oktem who wanted to have the original film of the sightings in order to have it studied at a Scientific Institution owned by the state that is highly reliable and influential, called TUBITAK The Science and Technology Research Board of Turkey. Prof. Oktem stated that he wanted the film to be analyzed at TUBITAKs National Observatory Center in Antalya this way the truth would be revealed. Afterwards both parties decided to go to TUBITAKs National Observatory Center in Antalya, accompanied by the host of the aforementioned TV show and the TV cameramen. When they got there, Haktan Akdogan handed over the original film to Prof. Oktem, who submitted the film for analysis to the scientists on duty at TUBITAK. TUBITAK, as a result of the thorough analysis it conducted it prepared an official report that stated: "The objects sighted in the aforementioned footage that have a structure that is made of specific material are definitely not made up by any kind of computer animation nor are they any form of special effects used for simulation in a studio or for a video effect therefore in conclusion it was decided that the sightings were neither a mockup or hoax. "Furthermore in the last part of the report, it was concluded that these objects in the sightings that have physical and material structures do not belong in any category (such as; planes, helicopters, meteors, Venus, Mars, satellites, fire balls, Chinese lantern
etc.) and but rather fall into the category of UFOs.For TUBITAK National Observatory Report and details of the incident go to

One of the most significant UFO videos of all time that also cover two extraterrestrials were caught on tape in Istanbul This extraordinary incident took place in a compound in Kumburgaz/Istanbul was witnessed by nearly a dozen of residents and filmed by a night guard in several different times. The images captured are expected to have a emendous impact throughout the world and be listed as the most important UFO/extraterrestrial images ever filmed. As is well known, UFOs and proof of extraterrestrial life have been frequently witnessed by both government officials and civilians in our country as well as throughout the world. In several cases, these observations were captured on tape by amateur cameras.

(Ako se nekome da prevest ovaj tekst nek to napravi i pošalje mi ga na mail pa ću staviti i hrvatsku verziju.)

30. srpnja 2007., 1. kolovoza 2007., 2. kolovoza 2007., 7. kolovoza 2007., 10. kolovoza 2007., 12. kolovoza 2007., 24. kolovoza 2007.

23. svibnja 2008., 27. svibnja 2008., 29. svibnja 2008., 6. lipnja 2008., 8. lipnja 2008., 11. lipnja 2008., 12. lipnja 2008., 2. srpnja 2008., 4. srpnja 2008., 28. rujna 2008.

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