Povijest: MJ12 i dokumenti

28 srpanj 2008


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Neki spaljeni dokumenti MJ12 (oko 1961. godine)

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IPU Izvješće (1947.)

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First Annual Report (oko 1952. godine)

CIA, JOIA - 1949.

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JOIA 902 Memo - 1948.

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Bowen Draft Doc, Showing The MAJIC Caveat - 1960.


IPU Unit Summary - 1947.


Mj12, Master List, Bob, Ryan W.


American Security Council Strategy Board 1984.
(ASC ured je u 916 Pennsylvania Avenue SE, Washington DC 20003, Tel: 202-484-1676.)

Ovo je lista Strategy Board-a Američkog Security Council Foundation i Odbora nacionalne strategije Američkog sigurnosnog koncila. ASCF je oslobođen od poreza za prikupljanje sredstava i obrazovanje ASC-a (65 milja jugozapadno od Washington-a). 1978., ASCF i ASC su formirali Coalition for Peace Through Strength kao lobi za borbu protiv Komunizma, posebno kao SALT prijetnju. ASC i ASCF su pohvalili nekoliko generala, profesora, korporativnih rukovoditelja, bivših ambasadora i obavještajnih profesionalaca.
Izvorno osnovan u Chicago-u 1955., kao Mid-American Research Library, ASC-ovo funkcijsko djelovanje je bilo podnošenje zahtjeva za 1500 zaposlenika koji su bili zabrinu za zapošljavanje sumnjivih Komunista.
1972. godine su prebacili fokus na međunarodnu sigurnost i nuklearnu strategiju. Osobni podaci, koji pokreću više od 6 milijuna kartica, sada prikupljaju prašinu u Virginiji, u Knjižnici Sol Feinstone za Opstanak Slobode (Survival of Freedom).

- The Honorable Elbridge Durbrow, Former Ambassador
- Major General Robert E. L. Eaton, USAF (Ret.)
- Mr. Robert W. Galvin, Chainman of the Board, Motorola, Incorporated
- General Bruce K. Holloway, USAF (Ret.), Former Commander-in-Chief, Strategic Air Command
- General Lyman L. Lemnitzer, USA (Ret.), Former Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff
- Admiral Thomas H. Moorer, USN (Ret.), Former Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff
- Maj. General Milnor Roberts, AUS (Ret.), Former Executive Director, Reserve Officers Association
- General Bernard A. Schriever, USAF (Ret.), Former Commanding General, Air Force Systems Command
- Dr. William R. Van Cleave, Director, Strategic and Security Studies Program, University of Southern California


- Mr. James Angleton, Former Chief of Counterintelligence, CIA
- Dr. James D. Atkinson, Department of Government, Georgetown University
- Mr. G. Duncan Bauman, Former Publisher, St. Louis Globe-Democrat
- Brig. General Edwin F. Black, USA, (Ret.), Director, Pacific & Asian Affairs Council, Honolulu
- Mr. Gus A. Buder, Jr., Attorney
- Mr. Francis B. Burch, Attorney, and Green
- Dr. Stephen P. Gibert, Director, National Security Studies Program, Georgetown University
- Lt. General Gordon M. Graham, Vice President, Washington Office, McDonnell Douglas Corporation
- General Paul D. Harkins, USA, (Ret.), Former Commanding General, U.S. Military Assistance Command, Vietnam
- Dr. Montgomery H. Johnson
- General Leon W. Johnson, USAF, (Ret.)
- Hon. William R. Kintner, Professor of Political Science, University of Pennsylvania
- Vice Admiral Fitzhugh Lee, USN, (Ret.), Former Commandant of the National War College
- General Curtis E. Lemay, USAF, (Ret.), Former Chief of Staff, U.S. Air Force
- Maj. General Vernon B. Lewis, Jr., USA, (Ret.)
- The Honorable John Davis Lodge, Former U.S. Ambassador
- The Honorable Clare Boothe Luce, Former U.S. Ambassador
- Mr. A. B. McKee, Jr., President, Forest Lumber Company and Imperial Valley Lumber Company
- General Theodore Ross Milton, USAF (Ret.), Board of Directors, U.S. Strategic Institute
- Dr. Robert Morris, Former President, University of Plato
- Mr. Charles J. V. Murphy, Retired Senior Editor, Fortune
- Mr. Asa E. Phillips, Jr., President Emeritus, American Coalition of Patriotic Societies
- Dr. Stefan T. Possony, Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University
- Mr. Ira G. Ross
- Major General John K. Singlaub, USA (Ret.), Former Chief of Staff, UN Command-U.S. Forces in Korea
- Colonel Raymond S. Sleeper, USAF, (Ret.), Vice President, National Security Division Leadership Foundation, Inc.
- Major General Dale O. Smith, USAF, (Ret.), Former Senior Military Member of OCB
- Mr. Harvey E. Stoehr
- Dr. A. B. Suttle
- Dr. Edward Teller, Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution
- General Lewis W. Walt, USMC Ret., Former Assistant Commandant, United States Marine Corps
- Dr. Kenneth M. Watson, Physicist
- General Albert C. Wedemeyer, USA, (Ret.), Chief U.S. Strategist, World War II
- General I. D. White, USA, (Ret.)
- Dr. Eugene P. Wigner, Physicist, Princeton University
- Mr. Harvey Williams, International Management Consultant

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