Blacked Nuke i Trilogija

02 kolovoz 2007

Blacked Nuke se spominje na ovom sajtu ----> Professors' Spring Break.
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Abstract Overview


During a Spring Break in our current era, four bright university laboratory researchers venture-out one night to find happiness among the unknown technologies: Their obstacles begin with highways and mundane fences, and jump right into submarine and nuclear sciences, mathematics, celestial mechanics, astrophysics, cosmology, demanding progressively more intellect and skills till they have achieved the seemingly impossible and left the entire cosmos itself!- But the outside view, looking inward on our cosmos, poses thoughtful dangers too, and they return home under a barrage of reluctance, disagreement, resistance, opposition, and ultimately, new impossibilities and the threat of being exposed under immanent alien law!


Mere days later, still Spring, they're being sought in connection with the UFO sitting in Area 51, and, better-now-than-never they return to their outward-bound curriculae again ... But as they've also already been discovered by a sister newly extant, they take her along as to replace their one wayward team-member; And the new foursome retraces the previous route with redoubled intellectual vantage, looking at those once-learned lessons from a new perspective of cross-expectancy and revised learning twice ... When they reach the top this time they keep going all the way, never to return,-- And learn that even the very infinite has relative finities countless!


Meanwhile back on the strangely similar alien Earth, the fiancé of the sister follows her lead and gives chase, taking his university nuclear chemistry class and grad-friends with him:-- Opening at her home cordoned-off by police, he discovers a vase with an atom of viable antimatter, and presents this as a tabletop experiment for his evening class. The grads rush to the desert as an A-I-Response team, rent two helicopters to the UFO-landing site where the USArmy investigates, start-up the crashed galaxy ship, pick-up hundreds of undergrads, under a barrage of missiles, and fly to the moon backside, encounter a barrage of SafeGuard missiles like a video-game, discover caverns of starships and muse and launch tens, and the golden flagship for fleet exercises, chase and protect his fiancee's starship when they eventually arrive (they took the longer route), leaving the moon for planets, the deep-space swing-point, the aether-slipstream, the galaxy center black-hole metal-ring-city, where they nuclear-battle space-aliens in galaxy ships, leave the fiancé in the ring-city cosmic elevator, race back to join the fleet already battling the alien invasion nearing Earth, win, and meet the alien survivors, who escape, video-link conference with the President of the USA, and leave forever: The ring-city has been destroyed .... They pick-up a stranded team of supercosmosian data analysts and head-out across the cosmos to see a new merging cosmos.


Their sets and settings include, a USNavy dockyard at night, open ocean travel at elevated speeds, a confrontation with battleships, the South Pole glacial-ice-flow and an under-ice research complex, whole stuffed dinosaurs and un-Earthly animals, a variety of moon-rockets for escape to the backside of the moon, immense underground space-port-caverns full of starships for interstellar travel, galaxy ships, passing Jupiter and Neptune and strange-Jupiter-star, accelerating to the speed-of-light and redirection swing-rounds at mass-points-in-the-space-map, aether-slipstream travel at super-light speed, astronomically large metal-ring-cities orbiting the event-horizons of galaxy-center mega-black-gravity-holes, cosmic-elevators; and outside our cosmos, a garden landing, curious animals, golden-hued fruits, sunless day, a focus-blinding bright trillion-star monster amid sharp-edged counter-night and a sky telescopically speckled with Olber's-paradox-infinitely-many not-so-black gravity-hole stars, a river edging the garden, a distant city and cosmic spaceliners launching, reached by a golden yellow uranium-cake brick road, the supercosmosian domed city, its garden-scaped interior and observatory, and the supercosmosians ... And also, their faces and hands glow in the dark, a two-shuttlecraft dive into the light-warping depths of the ring-city's host black-gravity-hole, a barrage of out-coming SafeGuard missiles from the moon, missiles from Earth, a skirmish with jetfighters, crash-landing a galaxy ship in the desert, a hitchhike ride with a sci-fi-famous driver, and home in a quiet footlighted neighborhood.

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