...One, two, Freddy's coming for you...Three, four, better lock your door...Five, six, grab your crucifix...Seven, eight, gonna stay up late...Nine, ten, never sleep again. I dressed you in her clothes...Now drive me far...Away... - crn u dusi - Blog.hr

Welcome To Prime Time,Bitch...

14.04.2006., petak

I dressed you in her clothes...Now drive me far...Away...

Pa ljudi me tjeraju da pisem nove postove a ja nemam inspiracije...
Danas sam gledo neki ok film u kinu...Zove se When A Stranger Calls...
Sounds scary,huh?Pa mislim film je dosta napet i nije krvolocan nego onakav kakav horror-triler treba bit...
Danas se rade samo glupi horrori puni krvi a bez smisla...To je tako sranje...(npr.Hostel,nisam gledo ali sam cuo da je film bezveze i da je jakooooo nisko budzetan...)
Trebaju nam vremena kad se snimao prvi Halloween,Dawn Of The Dead,A Nightmare On The Elm Street itd...

Hehehehe...Michael...Definitivno top 5 the most scariest slashera...
Vidio sam da ljudi stavljaju lyricse pa reko...
Evo jedne malo morbidne ali ujedno genijalne pjesme(dobro,ne bas ali...)


Fuck, I'm drunk
But I'm on my knees
The police stopped chasing I'm her
New, cool meat
She pops the
Trunk, and she removes me
The machine takes pictures of us
And my jaw and my teeth hurt
I'm choking from gnawing on the ball
And just before I come to,
Move to the back of the car
She made me touch the machine
Fuck 'em
First untie me
Untie me for now
You said you would right? And you were right
(Soon I'll let you go, soon I'll let you go)
(Soon I'll let you go, soon I'll let you go)
Soon this'll be all over, well I hope soon
She'd say, soon this'll be all over, well I hope soon
So she sang
(Soon I'll let you go, soon I'll let you go)
(Soon I'll let you go, soon I'll let you go)
So she sang
(Soon I'll let you go, soon I'll let you go)
(Soon I'll let you go, soon I'll let you go).....

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