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Billy Talent - Surrender Lyrics

Billy Talent - Surrender

She reads a book from across the street
Waiting for someone that she'll never meet
Talk over coffee for an hour or two
She wonders why I'm always in a good mood

Killing time before she struts her stuff
She needs support and I've become the crutch
She'll never know how much she means to me
I'd play the game but I'm the referee

Every word, every thought, every sound
Every touch, every smile, every frown
All the pain we've endured until now
All the hope that I lost you have found
(Surrender) Yourself to me
Even though I know what I'm looking for
She's got a brick wall behind her door
I'd travel time and confess to her
But I'm afraid she'd shoot the messenger


I think I found a flower in a field of weeds
I think I found a flower in a field of weeds
Searching until my hands bleed
This flower don't belong to me
I think I found a flower in a field of weeds
I think I found a flower in a field of weeds
Searching until my hands bleed
This flower don't belong to me
This flower don't belong to me
Why can't she belong to me?

Every word, every thought, every sound

Every touch, every smile, every frown
All the pain we've endured until now
All the hope that I lost, you have found

I never had the nerve to ask
Has my moment come and passed?
I never had the nerve to ask
Has my moment come and passed?
I never had the nerve to ask
Has my moment come and passed?
I never had the nerve to ask

cool stuff

x...Objavljeno: nedjelja, 28.05.2006....x


Hello... Sorry ljudi kaj se nisam dugo javljala! Bila sam prezauzeta, znate kako je škola, treninzi, učenje (mučenje :-(( )... Ali sad sam se odlučila javiti! thumbup wave wink party smijeh !! U petak smo pisali kemiju!! Majko mila!! Dobit ću 2 ili 3! Ode moja četvorka burninmad headbang mad blabla puknucu bang ! Jučer sam imala ipak dvije utakmice, ali trebali smo imati tri! Sva sreća da je Jamnica otkazala, jer nismo imali više snage za još jednu utakmicu! Pobijedili smo Slogu i Zagreb! Jupiiiiiiiiiiiii thumbup wink rofl smijeh ! Slogu smo pobijedili sa 8 razlike, a Zagreb 2 ili tri gola razlike. I TAKO... Kaj još reči... E, da jučer sam bila vani u svojoj ulici do 12 sati navečer, ja i moje frendice smo se šetale i promatrale dečkiće koji su došli na susjedno krštenje, htijeli smo igrati nogomet protiv njih (girl power), ali nas je bilo sram pitati ih! namcor no zaliven! Danas sam bila na misi u devet i trideset i bilo je baš dosadno, ali kaj češ! Brzo je vrijeme prošlo! Danas moram učiti fiziku (sutra pišemo headbang mad blabla puknucu ) i raditi Power Point Prezentaciju o Makedoniji i Rukometu! Ja ću dead dead! U Metković idemo u četvrtak, jedva čekam!! Jojjjjj... Tako sam happy! O.k. sad se polako gibam! Ajde, ciao! wave mah


- 14:39 - x...Izjavi Koju Pametnu...x [ Komentari---> 64 ] - x...Troši Boju...x - #

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