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Billy Talent - Surrender Lyrics

Billy Talent - Surrender

She reads a book from across the street
Waiting for someone that she'll never meet
Talk over coffee for an hour or two
She wonders why I'm always in a good mood

Killing time before she struts her stuff
She needs support and I've become the crutch
She'll never know how much she means to me
I'd play the game but I'm the referee

Every word, every thought, every sound
Every touch, every smile, every frown
All the pain we've endured until now
All the hope that I lost you have found
(Surrender) Yourself to me
Even though I know what I'm looking for
She's got a brick wall behind her door
I'd travel time and confess to her
But I'm afraid she'd shoot the messenger


I think I found a flower in a field of weeds
I think I found a flower in a field of weeds
Searching until my hands bleed
This flower don't belong to me
I think I found a flower in a field of weeds
I think I found a flower in a field of weeds
Searching until my hands bleed
This flower don't belong to me
This flower don't belong to me
Why can't she belong to me?

Every word, every thought, every sound

Every touch, every smile, every frown
All the pain we've endured until now
All the hope that I lost, you have found

I never had the nerve to ask
Has my moment come and passed?
I never had the nerve to ask
Has my moment come and passed?
I never had the nerve to ask
Has my moment come and passed?
I never had the nerve to ask

cool stuff

x...Objavljeno: četvrtak, 25.05.2006....x


Evo ljudi, dobit ćete novi postić! Sami ste ga tražili! Kao prvo zahvaljujem se svima koji su me posjetili i ostavljali svoje komentare! HVALA, HVALA rofl thumbup yes wink ! Danas mi je uškoli bilo katastrofa (kao i svaki put)! Prva dva sata povijest! Pito me headbang mad burninmad puknucu!! Ali dobila sam pet! Jupiiiiiiii rofl thumbup nut zujo smijeh party! I još sam napravila referat, a kad pročitaš referat dobiješ još jednu peticu! Nije mi dao da pročitam referat i onda sam dobila samo jednu peticu, a trebaju mi još dvije petice ako želim imati pet!! burninmad headbang mad blabla!! Treči sat vjeronauk! Četvrti sat zemljopis! Neki iz razreda su prezentirali svoje plakate... Bilo je baš booooring... zijev zaliven zujo nut nono! Najavila nam je da veliki test iz zemljopisa pišemo 01.06., a ja tada baš idem u Metković!! Hi,hi,hi neću pisati test!! Jupiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii thumbup rofl smijeh party !! Peti i šesti sat hrvatski! Majko Mila pisali smo test! Ništa nisam znala!! Sve sam prepisala od Antee(Antea)!! Dobit ću dva ili tri, a trebala mi je petica ako želim imati pet! A kaj češ sad je gotovo! Poslije škole nam je naš profesor mislići da su to neke vježbe kopirao cijelom razredu testove iz kemije!! Sad moram raditi šalić, pa na brzinu pišem ovaj postić (tj. postanac, jako je big)!! U 15.50 imam glupu informatiku! Nebiiiiiiii, još moram raditi projekt tj. prezentaciju! Majko Mila!! Poslje informatike trening! dead eek nut zijev bang ! Joj ja ću danas dead dead!! Hvala još jednom svima na puno komentara! Sad moram ići! PUSSA mah wave cerek

- 13:44 - x...Izjavi Koju Pametnu...x [ Komentari---> 79 ] - x...Troši Boju...x - #

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