petak, 11.11.2011.


Infrared Heater Lamp : Electric Fan Heater Running Costs.

Infrared Heater Lamp

infrared heater lamp

    infrared heater
  • An infrared or radiant furnace is one that uses infrared lamps, electric heating elements, flames, or radiant tubes to heat the product.  Although the heaters may also heat the furnace gasses, the primary heat source is radiant heating.  See Infrared Heaters below.

  • An infrared heater is a body with a higher temperature which transfers energy to a body with a lower temperature through electromagnetic radiation. Depending on the temperature of the emitting body, the wavelength of the infrared radiation ranges from 780 nm to 1 mm.

  • A source of heat-producing wavelengths, longer than visible light, which do not heat the air through which they pass, but only those objects in the line of sight.

  • a piece of furniture holding one or more electric light bulbs

  • A source of spiritual or intellectual inspiration

  • A device for giving light, either one consisting of an electric bulb together with its holder and shade or cover, or one burning gas or a liquid fuel and consisting of a wick or mantle and a glass shade

  • An electrical device producing ultraviolet, infrared, or other radiation, used for therapeutic purposes

  • Lamp is a television and cinema advertisement released in September 2002 to promote the IKEA chain of furniture stores in the United States.

  • an artificial source of visible illumination

No ordinary lamp

No ordinary lamp

"- This is no ordinary lamp. It once changed the course of a young man's life. A young man, who, like this lamp, was more than what he seemed." (Aladdin - 1992)

Setup By Lava Lamp

Setup By Lava Lamp

So this is my first shot for 2011. Highlighting My Desk area illuminated by my Lava Lamp.

What do you all think I should add to it?

infrared heater lamp

See also:

halogen heater efficiency

hills solar water heater

kerosene heaters safe indoors

low energy panel heaters

hot water heater 75 gallon

wall electric heater

black hose pool heater

oil filled radiator heater reviews

alternative to storage heaters

floor radiant heaters

- 01:22 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Pool heater for above ground pool. Shower head hot water heater

Pool Heater For Above Ground Pool

pool heater for above ground pool

    above ground
  • alive; not dead: e.g., Any day above ground is a good day.

  • Term applied to any utility that is brought into a property situated or taking place on or above the surface of the ground.

    pool heater
  • Heater designed to heat water in a residential swimming pool (Aero Series).

  • An affordable way to heat your pool.

Plastica 4m Wooden Premium Above Ground Pool

Plastica 4m Wooden Premium Above Ground Pool

Plastica Wooden Swimming Pools can be assembled above ground on a suitable base, or semi, fully installed into the ground.

All Plastica Wooden Pools supplied by Fun Fantastic have a ten year warranty on the pools wooden walls.

Plastica Wooden Above Ground Pool 8.1m x 4.6m

Plastica Wooden Above Ground Pool 8.1m x 4.6m

Plastica 8.1m x 4.6m Westminster Above Ground Wooden Pool installation by Fun Fantastic (UK) Ltd in August 2011.

Plastica Wooden Pool storyboard working pictures

pool heater for above ground pool

See also:

instant water heaters

inline water heater

buy hot water heaters

on demand water heaters canada

can kerosene heaters be used indoors

tank water heater vs tankless water heater

instant home hot water heater

- 01:21 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Truck Heater Core - Ambirad Radiant Heaters - Shower Head Hot Water Heater.

Truck Heater Core

truck heater core

    heater core
  • The heater core is a miniature radiator that sits in the dashboard area. When the heater is turned on, it opens the heater valve which lets hot coolant into the heater core, which then warms the air coming into the vehicle's interior.

  • A heater core is a radiator-like device used in heating the cabin of a vehicle. Hot coolant from the vehicle's engine is passed through a winding tube of the core, a heat exchanger between coolant and cabin air.

  • A finned unit located in the passenger compartment and through which coolant from the engine flows to heat the unit. A fan blows air over the unit to heat the passenger compartment

  • hand truck: a handcart that has a frame with two low wheels and a ledge at the bottom and handles at the top; used to move crates or other heavy objects

  • Barter or exchange

  • an automotive vehicle suitable for hauling

  • convey (goods etc.) by truck; "truck fresh vegetables across the mountains"

Passenger Firewall 004

Passenger Firewall 004

Closer look at all the "Holes". These were a result of a prior owner trying to adapt a heater core that was not made for this truck. They punched holes EVERYWHERE.

Not My Project, Thank God

Not My Project, Thank God

Heater core had to be replaced in the truck. I am so glad some else is doing this. A $50.00 part and $800.00 Labor. They put the damn thing under the Dash!!!

truck heater core

See also:

propane fired space heater

convection heaters nz

integrated solar water heater

modern storage heaters

infinity glo patio heater

tankless water heater calculator

pool solar heater diy

water heater installation codes

portable diesel heaters

hot tube heaters

- 01:21 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #



Consort Plinth Heater

consort plinth heater

  • the husband or wife of a reigning monarch

  • keep company with; hang out with; "He associates with strange people"; "She affiliates with her colleagues"

  • choir: a family of similar musical instrument playing together

  • A ship sailing in company with another

  • A wife, husband, or companion, in particular the spouse of a reigning monarch

  • pedestal: an architectural support or base (as for a column or statue)

  • A heavy base supporting a statue or vase

  • The lower square slab at the base of a column

  • In architecture, a plinth is the base or platform upon which a column, pedestal, statue, monument or structure rests. Gottfried Semper's The Four Elements of Architecture (1851) posited that the plinth, the hearth, the roof, and the wall make up all of architectural theory.

  • The Ancient Egyptian Plinth-(shaped) hieroglyph is Gardiner sign listed no. Aa15 for the shape of a plinth, side view.

  • A conductor used for indirect heating of the cathode of a thermionic tube

  • device that heats water or supplies warmth to a room

  • fastball: (baseball) a pitch thrown with maximum velocity; "he swung late on the fastball"; "he showed batters nothing but smoke"

  • A heater is object that emits heat or causes another body to achieve a higher temperature. In a household or domestic setting, heaters are usually appliances whose purpose is to generate heating (i.e. warmth). Heaters exists for all states of matter, including solids, liquids and gases.

  • A fastball

  • A person or thing that heats, in particular a device for warming the air or water

Vajrasattva and Consort

Vajrasattva and Consort

Vajrasattva is the esoteric Buddhist name of the bodhisattva Samantabhadra. In esoteric Vajrayana Buddhism, many Buddhist figures assume different identities to signify their esoteric, as opposed to exoteric, form. Vajrasattva is an important figure in two esoteric Buddhist sutras, the Mahavairocana Sutra and the Vajrasekhara Sutra. In both sutras, Vajrasattva plays the role of the student, who learns the Dharma from Mahavairocana Buddha, and is taught the esoteric rituals to help actualize the Dharma.
In esoteric Buddhist rituals, the initiate re-enacts the role of Vajrasattva and recites mantra and dialogue from the sutras, while the teacher enacts the role of Mahavairocana Buddha bestowing wisdom.

Vajrasattva (Vajra Hero, Tib. dorje sempa) "Dorsem" is the buddha of purification. As the "action" or karma protector, he also manifests the energies of all Buddhas.

Kagyu tantric practitioners focus upon Vajrasattva, in the form as 'Solitary Universal Ruler.' Here the deity is an aspect of buddha Vajradhara. The lions that appear in some representations at the base of the deity's seat show he shares the essential nature of Shakyamuni buddha.

According to Ven. Bardor Tulku, Mahapandita Naropa was an embodiment of Vajrasattva.

Vajrasattva (Japanese: Kongosatta) is white, with one face and two hands and resembles a youth of 16. Half of his long wavy black hair is gathered on top of his head, the rest curls down his back and around his shoulders. He is seated on a moon disc on a white lotus with his torso gracefully curved to our left in the dancer's pose. His legs are crossed in the vajra position. In his right hand he holds a gold vajra to his heart and in his left, at his hip he holds a silent, ie. upturned, bell. He is lavishly dressed in fine green and red silk garments and is richly adorned with gold and jewels as befits a prince -- with crown, hair ornaments, earrings, bracelets, 3 necklaces, anklets, etc.

His face is gentle, and luminescent. The whole radiates as a rainbow.

With consort, Vajragharvi (Tib. Yum Dorje Nyemma Karmo) 19th-century Nyingma.

100-Syllable Mantra of Vajrasattva
Nam Cho Version
Om Benza Sato Samaya, Manu Palaya

Benza Sato Tei No Pa, Tisthira Dridho Me Bawa

Suto Khayo Mei Ba Wa, Anu Rakto Me Ba Wa, Su Po Khayo Mei Ba Wa

Sar Wa Siddhi Mei Pra Yatsa, Sarwa Karma Sutsa Me,

Tsi Tam Shri Yam Kuru Hung, Ha Ha Ha Ha Ho Bagawan

Sarwa Tathagata Hri Daya, Benza Ma Mei Muntsa

Benzi Bhawa Maha Samaya Sato Ah

As with any mantra there are many levels to the meaning of the 100 Syllable Mantra.
As a result, one should not become fixated upon any one translation of the mantra. For example,
each of the syllables in the 100-Syllable Mantra also represents the One Hundred Peaceful
and Wrathful Deities resident in one's own body and encountered in the Bardo State after death.
By practicing with an open mind, the deeper levels of the mantra will be revealed.

The approximate meaning of the mantra: You, Vajrasattva, have generated the holy mind
(bodhicitta) according to your pledge (samaya). Your holy mind is enriched with the simultaneous holy
actions of releasing transmigratory beings from samsara (the circling, suffering aggregates). Whatever
happens in my life-happiness or suffering, good or bad-with a pleased, holy mind, never give up but
please guide me. Please stabilize all happiness, including the happiness of the upper realms, actualize
all actions and sublime and common realizations, and please make the glory of the five wisdoms abide in my heart.

Consort: Red and White

Consort: Red and White

I'm in the process of closing down my old Chameleon's Cabinet website. This is one of the "Chameleon's Consort" images featuring my better half, Charles.

The images in this design were made one New Year's Day, oh, sometime back in the last century, when Charles agreed to submit to paintbrush and camera.

consort plinth heater

See also:

tube heater electric

nobo panel heaters price

solar water heater in hyderabad

oil filled radiant heater

patio heaters propane

arctic products propane pole patio heater

lasko ceramic heater model

buddy portable heater

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- 01:19 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Electric panel wall heater : Car heater 12v.

Electric Panel Wall Heater

electric panel wall heater

    electric panel
  • An electrical distribution board that houses electrical circuit breakers. It is the main point at which electricity is distributed throughout a building. It is otherwise known as a breaker box or electrical cabinet.

  • A heater is object that emits heat or causes another body to achieve a higher temperature. In a household or domestic setting, heaters are usually appliances whose purpose is to generate heating (i.e. warmth). Heaters exists for all states of matter, including solids, liquids and gases.

  • A person or thing that heats, in particular a device for warming the air or water

  • A fastball

  • A conductor used for indirect heating of the cathode of a thermionic tube

  • device that heats water or supplies warmth to a room

  • fastball: (baseball) a pitch thrown with maximum velocity; "he swung late on the fastball"; "he showed batters nothing but smoke"

  • Any high vertical surface or facade, esp. one that is imposing in scale

  • an architectural partition with a height and length greater than its thickness; used to divide or enclose an area or to support another structure; "the south wall had a small window"; "the walls were covered with pictures"

  • A continuous vertical brick or stone structure that encloses or divides an area of land

  • surround with a wall in order to fortify

  • A side of a building or room, typically forming part of the building's structure

  • anything that suggests a wall in structure or function or effect; "a wall of water"; "a wall of smoke"; "a wall of prejudice"; "negotiations ran into a brick wall"

Trip to see Heritage Explorer

Trip to see Heritage Explorer

Electric panel again from a different angle on Heritage Explorer

Electric Panel

Electric Panel

This one controlled the operation of the ventilators

electric panel wall heater

See also:

sunjoy industries patio heater

bosch water heater manual

portable fan heaters

floor radiant heaters

how to replace a heater core

portable car heater by roadworthy

covers for baseboard heaters

ge water heater specs

- 01:18 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #



Ez Heat Engine Heater

ez heat engine heater

    heat engine
  • (Heat engines) have been known since antiquity but were only made into useful devices at the time of the industrial revolution in the eighteenth century. They continue to be developed today.

  • A device for producing motive power from heat, such as a gasoline engine or steam engine

  • any engine that makes use of heat to do work

  • In thermodynamics, a heat engine performs the conversion of heat energy to mechanical work by exploiting the temperature gradient between a hot "source" and a cold "sink".

  • (Einfachzucht) One parent has a schutzhund title (white papered)

  • Usually means easy (ez under 30 secs). Can also mean possible.

  • (Einfache Zucht) - Simple Breeding. Only one parent has a working degree.

ez heat engine heater - Kat's 1160

Kat's 1160 300 Watt Magnum Handi-Heat Magnetic Heater

Kat's 1160 300 Watt Magnum Handi-Heat Magnetic Heater

A magnetic heater is an electric heater that heats the engine or transmission of a vehicle to give quicker starts and protects your engine from damage that can occur during cold weather starts. Warmed engines also deliver better fuel economy, plus improves oil flow to provide better lubrication to the engine, which reduces wear and increases engine life. Oil and transmission fluids thicken and do not circulate well at cold temperatures. Magnetic heaters transmit heat continuously to keep oils fluid, giving you instant lubrication when starting your engine. The Magnum is an upscale version of the magnetic heaters. It features two powerful magnets and expanding heating surface. Its larger size makes it ideal for use on trucks, diesels, and farm machinery.

81% (19)

SH Engine Over-heating Problems

SH Engine Over-heating Problems

Unfortunately, many bear the misconception that SH engines run very hot and thus wear out faster. The truth is that these are incredibly powerful and reliable engines. In fact, they are currently the largest exposures of RC on road, off road and competition engines in Asia, displacing the previously popular Toki and Team Infinity branded engines. However, to the inexperienced hobbyist, they may experience overheating problems with their SH engine. This is because the factory needle settings may be incorrect. Apparently, the default needle settings for the SH .21 and .28 engines are 4.75 turns out for HSN and 3 turns out for LSN - both from a fully closed position. My SH engine arrived with a very lean LSN setting. Consequently, I experienced problems starting the engine, as well as difficulty getting the engine to idle. If I did not adjust the trim or hold the throttle, the engine would shut off. I did a check on the exhaust and found that the fumes were grey or transparent and did not splutter unburnt fuel. The engine also hit temps of over 270 f. I proceeded to richen LSN in gradual increments and I hit the right tune after richening about .45 turn. I just finished my 5th tank and temperature does not exceed 225 f, like any other big brand engine described in RC car engine break in instructions found online. If you own a SH engine that is running hot, do try the tips I described in this post. If you have a question or feedback on SH engines, do leave me a comment on this post. Cheers!

TAC Engine hot heat exchanger closeup

TAC Engine hot heat exchanger closeup

Plexiglass with bolts pinch together the various pieces and rubber washers ensure a good seal. Copper, being very thermally conductive makes a good choice to exchange heat into and out of the working gas (air) inside.

ez heat engine heater

ez heat engine heater

Modeling Engine Spray and Combustion Processes (Heat and Mass Transfer)

The book covers the various approaches to modeling the in-cylinder processes such as mixture formation, combustion and formation of exhaust emissions in diesel and gasoline engines. Due to their complexity, emphasis is put on multi-dimensional spray, combustion and emission formation models. However, phenomenological as well as zero-dimensional thermodynamic models, which are still widely used in engine development because of their computational efficiency, are addressed as well. Example calculations of each model type are compared with corresponding experimental data – represented in diagrams as well as in images resulting from modern optical measuring techniques – in order to discuss the capabilities of today's simulation models and the shortcomings that still exist either because of oversimplifying assumptions or insufficient knowledge. Readers achieve an overview of the most important simulation models describing the in-cylinder processes of internal combustion engines and gain insights into which modeling approach is appropriate for a specific problem.

The book covers the various approaches to modeling the in-cylinder processes such as mixture formation, combustion and formation of exhaust emissions in diesel and gasoline engines. Due to their complexity, emphasis is put on multi-dimensional spray, combustion and emission formation models. However, phenomenological as well as zero-dimensional thermodynamic models, which are still widely used in engine development because of their computational efficiency, are addressed as well. Example calculations of each model type are compared with corresponding experimental data – represented in diagrams as well as in images resulting from modern optical measuring techniques – in order to discuss the capabilities of today's simulation models and the shortcomings that still exist either because of oversimplifying assumptions or insufficient knowledge. Readers achieve an overview of the most important simulation models describing the in-cylinder processes of internal combustion engines and gain insights into which modeling approach is appropriate for a specific problem.

See also:

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solar water heaters in india

wall heater guards

water heater insulation blankets

buy water heater

solar garage heater

geyser heat pump water heater review

household electric water heater

mothers waste oil heater

- 01:18 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #



Fan Heaters Bathroom

fan heaters bathroom

    fan heaters
  • (Fan heater) A fan heater is a heater that works by using a fan to pass air over a heating element. This heats up the air, which then leaves the heater, warming up the surrounding area. They can provide very rapid heating of a room, however may be relatively noisy in operation.

  • A room containing a bathtub or a shower and usually also a washbasin and a toilet

  • A set of matching units to be fitted in such a room, esp. as sold together

  • toilet: a room or building equipped with one or more toilets

  • A room containing a toilet

  • a room (as in a residence) containing a bathtub or shower and usually a washbasin and toilet

  • A bathroom is a room that may have different functions depending on the culturalist context. In the most literal sense, the word bathroom means "a room with a bath".

fan heaters bathroom - Boston Ceramic

Boston Ceramic Space Heater with Fan, Black (25962)

Boston Ceramic Space Heater with Fan, Black (25962)

Boston space heaters are designed with both performance and safety in mind. They are an important part of any indoor environment with uneven temperature control, even during the summer. Boston heaters feature thermostats with advanced temperature control, providing a more comfortable temperature for your office or work space. Boston office heaters offer dynamic temperature control, advanced safety features, oscillating fans, and variable fan speed. The Boston Ceramic Heater is an ideal solution for a drafty room or workspace! This model features advanced safety features, including a microswitch for tip-over protection. The Boston Ceramic Heater's fan features adjustable speed and temperature control, producing the perfect level of comfortable heat wherever you need it. All Boston office tools are crafted with the same attention to quality and reliability as the legendary X-ACTO knife. From sharpeners and paper punches to fans and heaters, the Boston line of heavy duty office tools and products is sure to meet the needs of any office, home or business.

82% (14)

Working on the panel

Working on the panel

After wiring the kitchen, adding these 2 circuits was no big deal.

We added a 20A circuit for the 2 outlets in the bathroom (with are both GFCI protected by a single GFCI receptacle). I figured that since those outlets are most likely to trip, it was better to use a GFCI receptacle, rather than a GFCI breaker.

We also added a 15A GFCI breaker for the lighting, the fan, and the floor heater (the floor only draws 1.1A, so I fgured creating a seperate circuit for it would be overkill). Since this circuit is unlikely to trip (and there are no receptacles on it), I used a GFCI breaker.

Bath 2 Curtainrod and Heater

Bath 2 Curtainrod and Heater

The bath fan in this bathroom has a exhaust fan, heater, nightlight, and light.

fan heaters bathroom

See also:

800w halogen heater

panel heater thermostat

electric spa heaters

bradford white hot water heater dealers

split cartridge heater

how to replace a water heater

oil filled heaters reviews

what is a convection heater

car heater not heating

in line electric water heaters

- 01:18 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Parabolic Solar Heater. Tankless Hot Water Heater Problems. Fuel Oil Heater

Parabolic Solar Heater

parabolic solar heater

    solar heater
  • a heater that makes direct use of solar energy

  • Solar water heating (SWH) systems are a mature renewable energy technology which have been accepted in most countries for many years. SWH has been widely used in Israel, Australia, Japan, Austria and China.

  • having the form of a parabola

  • (parabola) a plane curve formed by the intersection of a right circular cone and a plane parallel to an element of the curve

  • Of or expressed in parables

  • Of or like a parabola or part of one

  • resembling or expressed by parables

Parabolic solar water heater

Parabolic solar water heater

Ingenious device to heat water. The pot is placed on the holder in the middle, and the reflective surface in the parabol with focus the sunrays on the pot.
Every village house has one of these in their courtyards.

Solar Heater

Solar Heater

Senior Linsey Evans and Javier Perez, a Spanish exchange student)
Parabolic steam powered plant

parabolic solar heater

See also:

under desk space heater

enders patio heater

external tank engine heater

garage radiant heater

mirage patio heater

floor space heater

best portable heaters on the market

- 01:17 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Wall Heaters Bathroom. Air Heater Parts.

Wall Heaters Bathroom

wall heaters bathroom

  • A room containing a bathtub or a shower and usually also a washbasin and a toilet

  • A set of matching units to be fitted in such a room, esp. as sold together

  • A room containing a toilet

  • A bathroom is a room that may have different functions depending on the culturalist context. In the most literal sense, the word bathroom means "a room with a bath".

  • a room (as in a residence) containing a bathtub or shower and usually a washbasin and toilet

  • toilet: a room or building equipped with one or more toilets

  • A conductor used for indirect heating of the cathode of a thermionic tube

  • A fastball

  • A person or thing that heats, in particular a device for warming the air or water

  • (heater) fastball: (baseball) a pitch thrown with maximum velocity; "he swung late on the fastball"; "he showed batters nothing but smoke"

  • A heater is object that emits heat or causes another body to achieve a higher temperature. In a household or domestic setting, heaters are usually appliances whose purpose is to generate heating (i.e. warmth). Heaters exists for all states of matter, including solids, liquids and gases.

  • (heater) device that heats water or supplies warmth to a room

  • A continuous vertical brick or stone structure that encloses or divides an area of land

  • surround with a wall in order to fortify

  • anything that suggests a wall in structure or function or effect; "a wall of water"; "a wall of smoke"; "a wall of prejudice"; "negotiations ran into a brick wall"

  • an architectural partition with a height and length greater than its thickness; used to divide or enclose an area or to support another structure; "the south wall had a small window"; "the walls were covered with pictures"

  • Any high vertical surface or facade, esp. one that is imposing in scale

  • A side of a building or room, typically forming part of the building's structure

Mittens On High

Mittens On High

Mittnes is lounging on the dividing wall that provides semi-privacy in the bathroom. The toilet and shower is behind this wall. She is feeling rather sleepy but still aware that she is totally gorgeous.

The cats love being up on high, especially on this wall, as they can bask themselves close to the light heater, as well as check out the birds through the window.

Taken with iPhone 3GS.



We decided to put the heater in the wall - the old one was in the ceiling - but it wouldn't fit between the studs. I had to replace the stud, (since the studs were nailed in from the top and bottom).moving it to the right. Then it was up against the other stud, which was also replaced farther to the right. The cross member is for the towel ring

wall heaters bathroom

See also:

buy kerosene heaters

aero oil fired water heaters

harvia sauna heater

propane camping heaters

micathermic radiant panel heaters

home hot water heaters

propane heaters indoors

bradford white hot water heater dealers

what is ptc heater

how to build a solar heater

- 01:16 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #
  studeni, 2011  
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Studeni 2011 (9)


  • consort plinth heater, hotpoint electric water heater, supreme industrial heaters, flash water heater


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