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Simply Red; SUNRISE 

As I look into your eyes I see the sunrise
The light behind your face helps me realise
Will we sleep and sometimes love until the moon shines
Maybe the next time I'll be yours and maybe you'll be mine
I don't know if it's even in your mind at all
It could be me
At this moment in time
Is it in your mind at all
It should be me, it could be me


Remembering the first time we made love
Remembering the first time we made love
I was just recalling

Sitting here glad as I am
Whit your photograph, I hold it in my hands
Aching for a vision of you, you're right in front of me
Looking at the photograph, and the way you were
looking at me

I was remembering the first time we made love
I was just recalling
Remembering the first time we made love
Remembering the first time we made love
I was just recalling
Remembering the first time we made love

Sitting here looking at the table
It's like a photograph
There's just you and me, fuit, drink, good food
Oh the things we did, the thing we did
From the shower we took to the very first look

You're rich, you're beautiful, you're in love
How wonderful life can be
Just the way that you wanted it to be
Yet I am the color of the night
If you could only make it right


Every breath you take
Every move you make
Every bond you break
Every step you take

I'll be wathing you

Every single day
Every wordyou say
Every game you play
Every night you stay

I'll be watching you

Oh can't you see
You belong to me
How my poor hart aches with every step you take

Every move you make
Every vow you break
Every smile you fake
Every claim you stake

I'll be watching you

Since you've gone I've been lost without a trace
I dream at night I can only see your face
I look around but it's you I can't replace
I feel so cold and long for your embrace
I keep trying baby, baby please

Every move you make
Every vow you break
Every smile you fake
Every claim you stake

I'll be watching you


Moja Majolina!!!
my diary

Well....I'm 16, živim u Rijeci, idem u hotelijersko-turističku školu, III.razred, Ovan sam u horoskopu,slušam pop-ali ne onu glupu komercijalu, nego kvalitetne stvari. Veliki sam fan Simply Reda, ajme, predobri su. Uz njih volim slušati i Bryana Adamsa, Eltona Johna,Stinga...Volim puno jesti,osobito one male kolutićave lignje...mmmm. Dobro,eto, to bi otprilike bilo to:)

...inače...ovo je moj dragi:)

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Nekako s proljeca
uvijek meni doluta
Neka ceznja tamna,
tiha mudrost davna

Spustam ja stare kofere
na perone sudbine
To je miris zrelih godina
Moj kaput bas je tezak,

Nekako s proljeca
ja se sjetim starih dugova
Probude se u meni
svi derneci pijani

Tad nosim stare cipele,
one znaju moje ulice
To je boja crnoponocna
Moji koraci bas su teski

I opet taj osjecaj samoce
Kad nece nikog
mene krene i hoce
I opet mrakom
svoje pjesme bojim
Pijan od zelje
za usnama tvojim
Sav sam ti od ludila,
nekako s proljeca (2x)

Nekako s proljeca
sjeti mene nepravda
Na pobjede, poraze
i sve lazne obzire

Napravim racun prastanja,
popijem pusta mastanja
To je ukus lijepog kajanja
Moji kapci bas su teski,

Nekako s proljeca
noc mi oci otvara
Nemam san da uhvatim,
nema dana da ne izludim

A hocu da te vodim ja
tragom sunca, jugom maslina
To je dodir tvojih bedara
Moja dusa bas te voli,

 28.11.2005., ponedjeljak


Ovaj post ću pošto nemam o čemu drugom pisati, ili mi se bolje rečeno ne da pisati, posvetiti Scorpionsima. Inače, Sanja me navukla na njih, pa ih sad cijelo vrijeme slušam. Prva pjesma, "Rythm of love" je ful strava, zato sam ju i stavila prvu, a ova druga "Don't belive her" mi je isto zakon,jer govori o tome kako se ženama ne treba vjerovati...hehehe:)
Evo sad još malo sličica,btw,na onom fucking googleu ti izbace sve osim onoga što si upisao kao traženi pojam. Ja odem na slike, upišem scorpions, a ono mi izbaci neku trebu s ogromnim sisama(wtf?!!) i neki par kako se drapa u nekom autu iz 50-ih godina(još veći wtf?!!). Bože.


Let's spend the night together
I know you want it too
The magic of the moment
Is what I've got for you
The heartbeat of this night
Is made to lose control
And there is something in your eyes
That's longing for some more
Let us find together
The beat we're looking for
The rhythm of love
Keeps me dancing on the road
The rhythm of love
Got the groove that hits the bone
The rhythm of love
Is the game I'm looking for
The rhythm of love
Is the heartbeat of my soul
Let's reach the top together
One night will never do
An exploding shot of pleasure
Is what I've got for you
Why don't you close your eyes
And let your feeling grow
I make you feel the taste of life
Until your love will flow
Let us find together
The beat we're longing for
The rhythm of love
Keeps me dancing on the road
The rhythm of love
Got the groove that hits the bone
The ryhthm of love
Is the game I'm looking for
The rhythm of love
Is the heartbeat of my soul
Let us find together
The beat we're looking for


Out for a thrill
Got time to kill
Just livin' up my dreams
for heaven's sake
She's on the make
A twisted vicar's queen
And then one night we took a ride
She was all over me
Just ain't real
I was too wasted to see
Before you get in too deep
And you get burned by the heat
Oh yeah
She'll take you there
You know it happened to me
She'll make your heart break
She'll give you fever
She'll tell you everything but don't believe her
A perfect stranger
She knows the game
She'll promise heaven on earth
But don't believe her
Out on the street of broken dreams
Where no one ever wins
Just when you thought you'd made a start
You're back where you begin
Before you get in too deep
And you get burned by the heat
Oh yeah
She'll take you there
I think you know what I mean
She'll make you crazy
She's such a teaser
Says you're the only one but don't believe her
She deals in danger
The girl's insane
She'll promise heaven on earth
But don't believe her
Before you get in too deep
And you get burned by the heat
Oh yeah
She'll take you there
You know it happened to me
Don't believe her (Don't believe her)
Don't believe her (Don't believe her)
Don't believe her (Don't believe her)
I can't believe her (Don't believe her)
She'll make your heart break
She'll give you fever
She'll tell you everything but don't believe her
A perfect stranger
She knows the game
She'll promise heaven on earth
She'll make you crazy
She's such a teaser
Says you're the only one but don't believe her
She deals in danger
The girl's insane
She'll promise heaven on earth
But don't believe her
Don't believe her
Don't believe her
Don't believe her
Don't believe her

- 21:42 - Komentari (9) - Isprintaj - #