| Yep.Nope? |

By: Lucija ((:*


0 mni:
ime: hanaa
d0sla na svjet: 20.10 '94


sex m0u
zvuk gitare very maac
deckice.... mladice kak0 kada hah
twix ....uff 0psjednuta
smijat see....o0ll d tajm
bit k0vrcava ....l0v it
pleesat ...mmm ne0pisiv0
glaaazbu...maj h0ul lajf
bit vesela.... very 0ften
hiper aktivna
pricat na eng...
bit pametna... st0 e rjetk0
ic van...evry singl dey
pravit cudne face....
nasmijavat druge...
imat neki cilj....
bit nap0rnaaa
nekad sama...ali ne cest0
zelenu b0ju... maj fav
bit napaljena...hah
gleat serije....film0ve...

n0t lajk:

sutit i bit tiha....uff tesk0
bit ign0rirana...
0sjecat se bezp0m0cn0...
bit raz0rarana...
bit naivna...a uvjek sam naivna n0t gud
kad nisam u pravu....
svadat se s ljudima k0e v0lim...
kad sam.. sva neka fuuj...
deranje m0e majke....
0naj materijal 0nak st0 mal grebe...fuuj

mjuzika: redom po winampu-tool,perfect circle,pink floyd,dire straits,ekv,Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds,psihomodopop,Piloti,Partibrejkersi,Led Zeppelin,Deep Purple,Balasevic,Uriah Heep,Coldplay,Carlos Santana,Pekinska Patka,AC DC,Bruce Dickinson,Guns n'Roses,Pearl Jam,Hladno pivo,Jimi Hendrix,Majke,Metallica,Oasis,Pogues,White Snake,Krafty Kuts,Vlatko Stefanovski,Deekline & Wizard,Laufer,Pips,chips & videoclips,Jinx,Denis i Denis,Azra,Massive attack, random mtv sranja :,Bare i Placenici,JJ Cale,Red hot chilly peppers,Ringispil,Seal,Clapton,Haustor,breakbeat VA,Amy Winehouse,Carole King,Gorillaz,Happy Mondays,Incubus,Prodigy,U2,Vivaldi

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So I scream cause it hurts
Your every word

Cuts me inside and leaves me worse
There's no way back
And what if there was
You'd still be you and
I'd still need to say goodbye

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I am me and I won't change for anyone
Me and I won't change for anyone
For anyone
like you

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Trying to be someone that you know your not
It gets harder everydayAll the lonely days
There's no one left to love
You wish life would go away

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Cuz I can't fake and I can't hate
But it's my heart
Thats about to break
You're all I need
I'm on my knees
Watch mebleed
Would you listen please
I give in
I breathe out
I want, theres no doubt
I freak out, I'm left out
Without you, I'm without
I'mcrossed out
I'm kicked out
I cry out
I reach out

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When the show is over
And it's empty everywhere
It's hard to face going back alone
So I walk around the city
Anything, anything to clear my
I've got nowhere to go nowhere but home

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Like a grain on the beach
Like a star in the sky
Far too many to count with the naked eye
They won’t see you

Go ahead
Walk on by
You don’t know I’m alive
Maybe one day you’ll find
You should open your eyes
You don’t know me

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Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

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Listen my soul
Taste my life
Fro my breath
Spend my time
Lost in space
Am I dead?

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I remember the look in your eyes
When I told you that this was goodbye
You were begging me not tonight
Not here, not now

We're looking up at the same night sky
And keep pretending the sun will not rise
We'll be together for one more night somewhere, somehow

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I always said that I would make mistakes,
I'm only human, and that's my saving grace,
I fall as hard as I try
So don't be blinded
See me as I really am, I have flaws and sometimes I even sin,
so pull me from that pedestal,
I don't belong there.

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Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

I just wanna talk to you
And my broken heart just has no use
And I, I guess promises are better
left unsaid, yeah
Everytime you try to tell me
You say the words that I'm the only
But I'm the one who's crawling on the ground

My love, look at what you've done to me
For someone who has felt so strong
It's amazing I'm completely gone

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Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

I feel safe with you
I can be myself tonight
It's alright, with you
Cuz you hold, my secrets tight
You do, You do

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Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

Try to forget love couse love's forgatten me

Ev i MeNe NaPoKoN I tAkOo tO ... OvAk SeX mI OsLa Na MoRe I jAkOo mI fAlI nIkAd u zIvOtu mi NiE NeKO tAk FaLiOo UfFf... Aj LoV hR VeRy MaČ.......
oNd stA JoS dAa BiOo oD BoO RoDeNdAn HaHa KoJi SmJeH tAj PiOo niE nOrMaLaN ...... aL bIlOo Je TrAgIcNo DaA

mAjA I kOwA ZaEdNoO AgEn .... jEjIiIii AjM vErY HePi fOr dEm
BiLa dnS VaNi s rOkCeToOm hAhA uMrLa sAm Od SmJeHa ......... i sKuZiLa SaM dA SaM sKaKlJIkAvA nA sVaKoM mOgUcEm MjEsTu dI mOgU bIt SkAkLjIkAvA ...
U ZaDnJe vRjEmE BaS i niSaM NeS PrE VeSeLa Al SaM dAnAs BiLa i bAs mi dRAgOo .. I SaD sAm JoS VeSeLiJa jEjIiIi

hM ... DaL sE lJuDi MoGu PrOmJeNit ...... Al baS sTvArNo pRoMjEnIt...... ja sI kOntAm Da NeMoGu ..... mIsLiM Oni mOgU GlUmIt dA sU sAd dRuGaCiJI Al iPaK nA KrAjU DaNa kaD dOdU KuC i LeGnU U KrEVeT oNi sU oSoBe kOjE Su uVjEk BiLe i KoOjE Ce UvJeK bIT....
uFf oPt rAzMiSljAm O PaTuLjCiMa nEzNAm zAs Al onImA iZ SnjEgUlJiCe OnI sU mI MaL OnAk vIrDoU.....
BiLe nA bAzEnImA mAjA dOrIs I Ja ... hAhA KoJi CuDaCi sU Nas PrOmAtRaLi VvPp
mOrAm PoHvAlIt dOrU kOjA Se JaKo dObRo sNaLaZi SaMnOm Na bIcIkLu VtPp


15.07.2008. u 23:51 ♥

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