četvrtak, 01.12.2011.


Circle Coffee Table : Red Accent Tables : Round Glass Table Sets

Circle Coffee Table

circle coffee table

The Same and Not the Same / 2

The Same and Not the Same / 2

Marek Milde “The Same and Not the Same” (back ) 2009, coffee table, tablecloth, coffee, diameter 37 inches

“The Same and Not the Same” engages politics of the “truth” creating.
The piece consists from two white circular tablecloths stained with coffee. First piece, has a single circular stain of a coffee cup. The second piece is completely covered with stains forming a regular pattern of circles.

The piece reveals it self in two steps, each piece giving a different perception of the same. While the single stain appears as mistake and violation of the order, in the other situation the very same element repeated again and again sustains foundation of the order it self. The repetition bows the perspective and the very same thing is perceived differently. The single stain encountered as dirty and disgusting by multiplying and forming patterns suddenly turns into something nice and pleasant.

The Same and Not the Same follows the strategies of repetition used in the politic and advertising. Despite the fact that the promoted may not be true, unpopular political solutions become widely accepted and commodities, which are not needed, are sold successfully when their favourable effect is promoted over and over.
The project leaves back the truth based on facts, focusing on creative and the more interesting view on reality, in which the interpretation of facts creates cultures, invents ideologies and controls political systems.

“The Same and Not the Same” is part of larger body of my work, which utilizes stains, dust and traces of various human activities to explore their forming process together with its psychological aspects.

The Same and Not the Same / 1

The Same and Not the Same / 1

Marek Milde “The Same and Not the Same”
(face) 2009, coffee table, tablecloth, coffee, diameter 37 inches

“The Same and Not the Same” engages politics of the “truth” creating.
The piece consists from two white circular tablecloths stained with coffee. First piece, has a single circular stain of a coffee cup. The second piece is completely covered with stains forming a regular pattern of circles.

The piece reveals it self in two steps, each piece giving a different perception of the same. While the single stain appears as mistake and violation of the order, in the other situation the very same element repeated again and again sustains foundation of the order it self. The repetition bows the perspective and the very same thing is perceived differently. The single stain encountered as dirty and disgusting by multiplying and forming patterns suddenly turns into something nice and pleasant.

The Same and Not the Same follows the strategies of repetition used in the politic and advertising. Despite the fact that the promoted may not be true, unpopular political solutions become widely accepted and commodities, which are not needed, are sold successfully when their favourable effect is promoted over and over.
The project leaves back the truth based on facts, focusing on creative and the more interesting view on reality, in which the interpretation of facts creates cultures, invents ideologies and controls political systems.

“The Same and Not the Same” is part of larger body of my work, which utilizes stains, dust and traces of various human activities to explore their forming process together with its psychological aspects.

circle coffee table

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01.12.2011. u 19:27 • 1 KomentaraPrint#

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