
20.10.2005., četvrtak

Zasto ljubav mora boljeti?

Evo opet vam pisem a danas pisem o njemu: o Nikoli!! Vise ne znam sta napravim. Full ga volim a ne znam sto on zapravo misli o meni??? Kad se dopisujemo sve super sve 5 a nekad imam osjecaj kao da me mrzi najvise na svijetu. Onda se rasplacem i u bedu sam cijeli dan a to mi stvarno ne treba, pogotovo kad bediram onda nekog drugog zbog toga. Ovako je to sve pocelo: Bilo je to prije par godina. Nikola je bratic od mog frenda/susjeda i kod njega je dolazio na ljetovanje. Cim sam ga ugledala zaljubila sam se. Al dobro - tad sam jos bila klinka nisam ni znala sta je to ljubav. On mi je bio prva prava simpatija. Cesto smo se druzili dok je bio tu. Ono - cijela ekipa!! Kako su godine prolazile ja sam i dalje bila zaljubljena, i dalje su mi koljena klecala kad bih ga ugledala, a polako je to preraslo u pravu ljubav. I sad ga volim ali nisam sigurna sto on zapravo osjeca prema meni? Ne znam vise sto da mislim? Joj ta ljubav! Zasto mora boljeti. Danas sam ga planirala nazvat i razgovarat s njim jer zelim razjasniti ovu glupu situaciju sto prije. Ucila sam iz tuđih pogresaka pa ne zelim da mi se desi ono sto se desilo mojim frendicama. Doci na rub zivaca i izgubiti glavu. Iako ga volim... Volim ga vise od zivota ali... Ne znam!... Preboljet ga necu moc! Jer znam da on nije jedan od onih prolaznih ljubavi. Mozda ce biti jednog, od sada dalekoga, dana. Al znam da mi nece biti lako. Ali ni cinjenicu da me mozda mrzi nikada necu moci prihvatit. Ne znam da li me razumijete ali jednostavno mi to netko ili nesto u glavi ne dopusta. A mozda mi to srce govori. Jer Nikola je duboko u mom srcu. Molim vas ljudi pomozite, dajte mi savjet, bilo kakav. Cijenim svaki komentar. Samo nemojte da ostanem sama!
(Nikola ako si ovo procitao zapamti:Volim te!)
- 17:27 - Komentari (12) - Isprintaj - #

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Oš/Neš ne moraš

Opis bloga

dođi i vidi.......

Ne znam bas sto da napisem pa cu napisat
par sitnica o sebi..... Ne ime.. Bar ne jos....
Imam 14 god. i iz Pule sam... Ma dosta za sad...
C ya!
Klikni na ovo - predobra stranica
A na ovo nemoj kliknut!!!

2 najslađa crnca na svijetu:
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Simon Webbe
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Chuck Taylor - The Game

Kako ih obozavam!!!

"Ghetto Gospel"
2pac feat. Elton John

Hit them with a lil' ghetto gospel

[Chorus - Elton John:]
Those who wish to follow me (My ghetto gospel)
I welcome with my hands
And the red sun sinks at last into the hills of gold
And peace to this young warrior without the sound of guns

If I could recollect before my hood dayz
I'd sit and reminisce, nigga and bliss on the good dayz
I stop and stare at the younger, my heart goes to'em
They tested, it was stressed that they under
In our days, things changed
Everyone's ashamed to the youth cuz the truth looks strange
And for me it's reversed, we left them a world that's cursed, and it hurts
cause any day they'll push the button
and yall condemned like Malcolm x and Bobby Hunton, died for nothin
Don't them let me get teary, the world looks dreary
but when you wipe your eyes, see it clearly
there's no need for you to fear me
if you take the time to hear me, maybe you can learn to cheer me
it aint about black or white, cuz we're human
I hope we see the light before its ruined
my ghetto gospel

[Chorus - Elton John]

Tell me do you see that old lady aint it sad
Living out a bag, but she's glad for the little things she has
And over there there's a lady, crack got her crazy
Guess she's given birth to a baby
I don't trip and let it fade me, from outta the frying pan
We jump into another form of slavery
Even now I get discouraged
Wonder if they take it all back while I still keep the courage
I refuse to be a role model
I set goals, take control, drink out my own bottle
I make mistakes, I learn from everyone
And when its said and done
I bet this Brotha be a better one
If I'm upset, you don't stress
Never forget, that God hasn't finished with me yet
I feel his hand on my brain
When I write rhymes, I go blind, and let the lord do his thang
But am I less holy
Cuz I choose to puff a blunt and drink a beer with my homies
Before we find world peace
We gotta find peace in that war on the streets
My ghetto gospel

[Chorus - Elton John]

Lord can you hear me speak!!
To pay the price of being hell bound... images for your blog
Me and my girls - don't mess with us... images for your blog
Bez njih ne bih mogla! images for your blog
My heart belongs to him... Does he care?? images for your blog images for your blog
Obozavam lizaljke!! images for your blog
Girls are the best!!!! images for your blog


Blogovi na kojima provodim najvishe slobodnog vremena:
Bubica =)
Just girl =)
Shasha - kosharkashica =)
Kamber =)
Target =)
Nina 8.b =)
Piki =)
Hip hop queen - Ana =)
Anchiiiiiii =)
KLRx =)
Nikola 1.b =)
Zekky =)
Chunky =)
Adrilo0 =)
Thomas - predobar blog =)
Kiki =)

Bratov monocikl vrijedan 300eura:
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Presladak psic!!!
obozavam zivotinje!!
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Evo odlucila sam napisat sto (koga) volim a sto ne:
volim- preeeeeslatkog tipa iz Zagreba, The Gamea,
2paca, Simona, duhovite ljude i ljude koji imaju smisla za humor,
svoje prijatelje, pizzu, juice,super knjige...
ne volim- umisljenje tipove, rasiste jer ja obozavam crnce,
luk - najgore povrce, lektiru, zemljopis.....

A obozavam i London gdje cu biti od 15.12.05. - 13.01.06.
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Na slici je Big Ben Buckhinghamska Palaca
slikano sa London Eye-a!

Evo ljudi ovo vam je London Eye-
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Jedva cekam da budem tamo visoko visoko!! images for your blog images for your blog images for your blog images for your blog
The gamble of life!! images for your blog
I love Blue!! images for your blog
Now you know how I feel! images for your blog images for your blog images for your blog images for your blog images for your blog images for your blog