
hej!!! prosla sam sapunara (kolokvij) i
odmah se rjesila i usmenog kod njega!!!
juhu!!! zivot je odmah puuunnnooo laksi i ljepsi!!!
pozz nut

28.01.2007. u 22:43 | K | 4 | P | # | ^

S N I J E G ! ! ! !

pao je!!!! pao je !!!
probudih se jutros kako bi ponovila gradivo
za danasnji kolokvij (opet sapunar) i nisam
niti pogledala kroz prozor,nisam se htjela
zamarati time sto je jos noc vani
(u povjerenju, probudila sam se u 5 sati)...
cimerica se probudila, spremila, pitala me da
li pada kisa (na sto joj nisam znala odgovoriti...)
i izisla iz zgrade....kad ono,salje ona meni sms da
pada snijeg!!!!
o boze, nema sretnije osobe od mene!!!roflnut
ja odmah na prozor i ne mogu vjerovati
vlastitim ocima!!!dead vani je sve bijelo!!!
ljudi!!!(ok,sada sam malo
pretjerala sa usklicnicima ali....) slusam plavi
devet i kazu da je ovaj snijeg uzrokovao
odgadanje letova u europi i razne nezgode....
zao mi je zbog toga....ali ja se stvarno ne mogu
suzdrzati....a da ne skacem do stropa od srece...
malo ipak moram biti je ok...ali samo
u odredenoj mjeri...kao sto svi znamo...zujo
malo slikica...kako bi upotpunili ugodaj ovog posta...

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25.01.2007. u 07:06 | K | 1 | P | # | ^


kao sto rekoh... ;)

23.01.2007. u 11:56 | K | 1 | P | # | ^

let it snow!!!

nemojte me krivo shvatiti,
inace ja jako volim kisu u subotnje jutro kada
sam u toplome krevetu,ali kada se moras zuriti
na tramvaj pa na predavanja, pa u menzu i u
konacnici opet doma....sta je previse previse je!
za srijedu su najavili
da covjek ne povjeruje....
mislim,bilo bi ok da vec jednom padne...

22.01.2007. u 15:36 | K | 0 | P | # | ^

Smile ;)

RockYou FXText - Get Your Own

22.01.2007. u 08:39 | K | 0 | P | # | ^


hm....galatea mi je urucila stafetu...uf!!! jao!!.....ah,no krenimo....

1. niktofob -> uzasavam se mraka cak u tolikoj mjeri da
spavam sa upaljenim svijelomeek

2. jedino dijete svojega oca i svoje majke party

3. obozavam macke!!!

4. iako ponekad mozda djelujem kao osoba koja je cvrsta k'o stijena
i nista je ne moze uzdrmati ali je prava istina da sam jako,ali jako
ranjiva i lako me ljudi povrijede...smrc...i to je glavni razlog zasto podizem
svojevrsni zid oko sebe

5. voljela bih u sljedecem zivotu biti vilenjakinja cerek

stafetu urucujem :


20.01.2007. u 19:59 | K | 2 | P | # | ^

stormy weather

ne znam....nesto se sprema...mislim ,godina
mi je pocela jednostavno predobro...sve je
krenulo...postoji neka kvaka,znam to!!

ah, dok prokuzim koja...u meduvremenu
moram do instituta ivo pilar.doduse bile
smo i jucer,ali tipa koeg smo trebale nije bilo...
a zena s kojom smo razgovarale drzala se ,
jednostavno receno, prefino...k'o da smo mi ne
znam sta...doslo mi je da joj jednostavno kazem :
"Oprostite sto uopce disem u vasoj prisutnosti!!" ...
ali nisam...moj dobri odgoj mi nije to dozvolio...iako
sam ponekad svojim roditeljima zahvalna na tome,
ponekad mi dode da vrisnem jer su me odgojili u
jednu prepristojnu dobro...bolje je i
tako...jer,kad pogledam oko sebe svijet na nekoliko
trenutaka mi se zivot zgadi...doslovce...

10.01.2007. u 08:15 | K | 1 | P | # | ^

prijatelji stari gdje ste ?

unazad ovih 12 mjeseci sam upoznala mnogo
novih i zanimljivih ljudi,obnovila neka stara prijateljstva i zapocela
neka nova,plakala se i smijala dobro, vise se smijala no plakala
(iako su razlozi ponekad bili isti)...postigla sam gotovo sve
sto sam si zacrtala i sama sebi obecala da cu uciniti u prosloj godini. sve
u svemu bila je to dobra godina a nadam se da ce i ova biti jednako dobra,
ako ne i bolja.
ali me zanima samo jedno i to mi nikada nece biti jasno...
why do people drift away?
shvacam da svi kad tad pocnu odrastati....ali zasto se moraju
udaljiti??? imala sam jednu prijateljicu sa kojom sam si bila jako
dobra u osnovnjaku,cak stovise, ona mi je i susjeda!! kad smo
krenule u srednju,ona je nekako prestala pozdravljati,iako sam ja
nastavila...iznimka je bila jedino kad me nesto trebala...onda se sjetila
zapoceti komunikaciju!! sad sam i ja odustala, digla ruke od nje..s
njezinim roditeljima uvijek popricam kad ih znam...neki su
ocito prefini za takvo nema veze,glavno da sam to izbacila iz sebe
i da to sad lebdi tu negdje...

"I just have to say
Before I let go

Have you ever been low
Have you ever had a friend that let you down so
When the truth came out
Were you the last to know
Were you left out in the cold
'Cause what you did was low"

Kelly Clarkson - Low

07.01.2007. u 07:35 | K | 0 | P | # | ^

HaPpY nEw 2007. ;)

01.01.2007. u 10:46 | K | 0 | P | # | ^

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one thing is clear...I wear a halo ;)

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volim :
-svoju obitelj
-svoje prijatelje
-pisati pjesme
-gledati filmove
-glumiti :)
-biti drugačija od drugih
-držati se svojih stavova
-čitati knjige
-višnje i breskve
-svoju kolekciju cd-a i knjiga
-svoj blog
-I LOVE LIFE !!!smijeh

ne volim :
-zločeste ljudove :(
-sve one koji ubijaju životinje direktno ili
indirektno radi svog nekog hira tj. mode
-kad netko kasni

naj naj :
-glumac : Colin Farrell
-glumica: Angelina Jolie,Jessica Alba,Kate Beckinsale
-film : Alexander ; Honey ;S.W.A.T. ;
Step up ; Miami vice ;
Van Helsing ;Flashdance
-pjevacica : Kelly Clarkson,Gwen Stefani,
Joss Stone,Katie Melua, Michelle Branch....
-grupa: U2 ,Black Eyed Peas, Fall Out Boy
-pjesma : Lana i Luka Nizetic-Prava ljubav (domaca)
Bethany Joy Lenz - Halo (strana)
-boja : zelena
-zivotinja : mačka
-god. doba : zima
-bajka : trnoružica

THE man of my dreams ;)

determined & forceful
emotional & intuitive
powerful & passionate
exciting & magnetic

Vjerujem svim srcem u karmu !!!

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K.W. Baker

"Želiš li biti voljen, voli i budi vrijedan ljubavi"
Benjamin Franklin

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"Fortes fortuna iuvat (Sreća prati hrabre)"

"Dum spiro, spero.
(Dok dišem, nadam se)"

«Telin le thaed
Lasto beth nin
Tolo dan nan galad.»

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Kelly Clarkson

"Never Again"

I hope the ring you gave to her
Turns her finger green
I hope when you’re in bed with her
you think of me
I would never wish bad things
But I don’t wish you well
Could you tell
By the flames that burned your words
I never read your letter
Cause I knew what you’d say
Give me that Sunday school answer
Try to make it all okay

Does it hurt
To know i'll never be there
bet it sucks
to see my face everywhere
It was you
Who chose to end it like you did
I was the last to know
you knew
exactly what you would do
Don’t say
You simply lost your way
She may believe you
But I never will
Never again

If she really knows the truth
She deserves you
A trophy wife
Oh how cute
Ignorance is bliss
But when your day comes
And he’s through with you
And he’ll be through with you
You’ll die together but alone
You wrote me in a letter
You couldn’t say it right to my face
Give me that Sunday school answer
Repent your self away

Does it hurt
To know i'll never be there
bet it sucks to see my face everywhere
It was you
Who chose to end it like you did
I was the last to know
you knew
exactly what you would do
And don’t say
You simply lost your way
they may believe you
But I never will
Never again

Never again will I hear you
Never again will I miss you
Never again will I fall to you
Never again will I kiss you
Never again will I want to
Never again will I love you

Does it hurt
To know i'll never be there
Bet it sucks
To see my face everywhere
It was you
Who chose to end it like you did
I was the last to know
you knew
exactly what you would do
And don’t say
You simply lost your way
They may believe you
But I never will
I Never Will
I never will
Never again

Bethany Joy Lenz


I never promised you a ray of light
I never promised there’d be sunshine everyday
I'll give you everything I have
The good the bad...

Why do you put me on a pedestal?
I’m so up high that I can’t see the ground below
So help me down, you've got it wrong
I don’t belong there

One thing is clear
I wear a halo
I wear a halo when you look at me
But standing from here
You wouldn’t say so
You wouldn’t say so if you were me

And I… I just wanna love you
Oh, oh I… I just wanna love you

I always said that I would make mistakes
I’m only human and that’s my saving grace
I fall as hard as I try
So don’t be blinded
See me as I really am
I have flaws and sometimes I even sin
So pull me from that pedestal
I don’t belong there

One thing is clear
I wear a halo
I wear a halo when you look at me
but standing from here
you wouldn’t say so
you wouldn’t say so if you were me

And I…I just wanna love you
OOhh I…I just wanna love…you

Like to think that you know me
But in your eyes
I am something above you
Its only in your mind
Only in your mind

I wear
I wear
I wear
I wear a halo

One thing is clear
I wear a halo
I wear a halo when you look at me
but standing from here
you wouldn’t say so
you wouldn’t say so if you were me
I just wanna love you
I just wanna love you
(I just wanna love you)
Heya Hey Hey Hey…Hey Hey Halo
Heya Hey Hey Hey…Hey Hey Halo
Heya Hey Hey Hey…Hey Hey Halo
Heya Hey Hey Hey…Hey Hey Halo

Fergie feat. Ludacris


If you ain't got no money take yo'broke ass home
You say: If you ain't got no money take yo'broke ass home
G-L-A-M-O-R-O-U-S, yeah G-L-A-M-O-R-O-U-S

We flying the first class
Up in the sky
Poppin' champagne
Livin' the life
In the fast lane
And I wont change
By the Glamorous, oh the flossy flossy

The glamorous,
The glamorous, glamorous (the glamorous life)
By the Glamorous, oh the flossy flossy

Wear them gold and diamonds rings
All them things don't mean a thing
Chaperons and limousines
Shopping for expensive things
I be on the movie screens
Magazines and boogie scenes
I'm not clean, I'm not pristine
I'm no queen, I'm no machine
I still go to Taco Bell
Drive through, raw as hell
I don't care, I'm still real
No matter how many records I sell
After the show or after the Grammies
I like to go cool out with the family
Sippin', reminiscing on days when I had a Mustang
And now I'm in...

[B-section then chorus]

I'm talking Champagne wishes, caviar dreams
You deserve nothing but all the finer things
Now this whole world has no clue what to do with us
I've got enough money in the bank for the two of us
Brother gotta keep enough lettuce
To support your shoe fetish
Lifestyles so rich and famous
Robin Leach will get jealous
Half a million for the stones
Taking trips from here to Rome
So If you ain't got no money take yo'broke ass home
G-L-A-M-O-R-O-U-S, yeah G-L-A-M-O-R-O-U-S

[B-section + chorus x2]

I got problems up to here
I've got people in my ear
Telling me these crazy things
That I don't want to know (fuck y'all)
I've got money in the bank
And I'd really like to thank
All the fans, I'd like to thank
Thank you really though
Cause I remember yesterday
When I dreamt about the days
When I'd rock on MTV, that be really dope
Damn, It's been a long road
And the industry is cold
I'm glad my daddy tell me so, he let his daughter know. [x3]



I'm tired of being what you want me to be
Feeling so faithless lost under the surface
Don't know what you're expecting of me
Put under the pressure of walking in your shoes
(Caught in the undertow just caught in the undertow)
Every step that I take is another mistake to you
(Caught in the undertow just caught in the undertow)

I've become so numb I can't feel you there
Become so tired so much more aware
I'm becoming this all I want to do
Is be more like me and be less like you

Can't you see that you're smothering me
Holding too tightly afraid to lose control
Cause everything that you thought I would be
Has fallen apart right in front of you
(Caught in the undertow just caught in the undertow)
Every step that I take is another mistake to you
(Caught in the undertow just caught in the undertow)
And every second I waste is more than I can take

I've become so numb I can't feel you there
Become so tired so much more aware
I'm becoming this all I want to do
Is be more like me and be less like you

And I know
I may end up failing too
But I know
You were just like me with someone disappointed in you

I've become so numb I can't feel you there
Become so tired so much more aware
I'm becoming this all I want to do
Is be more like me and be less like you

I've become so numb I can't feel you there
I'm tired of being what you want me to be
I've become so numb I can't feel you there
I'm tired of being what you want me to be

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Full Blown Rose - Can somebody help me?

I'm being haunted by a whisper
A chill comes over me
I've been trapped inside this moment
I'm not a victim
I'm not a freak

Free me, before I slip away
Heal me, wake me from this day
Can somebody help me?

I've seen the face of my affliction
Of my reality
I'm being tortured by the future
Of things that yet to be
I'm being haunted by a vision
It's like the moment never comes
I feel the burden of confusion
Always searching, on the run

Free me, before I slip away
Heal me, wake me from this day
Can somebody help me?
Somebody help me

Now, I'm not a hero, no
But the weight of the world on my soul
These images burn in my eyes
They're burning me up inside

Free me, before I slip away
Heal me, wake me from this day
Can somebody help me?

Free me, before I slip away
Heal me, wake me from this day
Can somebody help me?
Somebody help me
Somebody help me
Somebody help me'

Above The Influence - Above It

Above The Influence - Pressured

Above The Influence - Mythbusters

Above The Influence - Need To Know Info

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