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Beautiful Melodious Music
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Great Craftsmanship and Industrial Design
Topic about substances that could inhibit the Coronavirus infection
Sunburns: how to treat and prevent
Dr Brad Stanfield YouTube Channel
Dr. Sten Ekberg YouTube Channel
Dr. Eric Berg DC YouTube Channel
KenDBerryMD YouTube Channel
motivationaldoc YouTube Channel
Istria is the world's best region for extra virgin olive oils, six years in a row (Well it had to be said ;-))
THE BEST ANSWER TO WHITE GUILT (Don't know if it is the "best", but definitely a usable one.)
Channel explaining modern relationships with the help of charts and diagrams. I don't agree with everything, particularly its philosophical backbone based on Ken Wilber's charts about the levels of thinking/awareness, and also other stuff connected to a wrong and lacking understanding of spirituality. But it's a very interesting set of ideas, worth exploring

One of the best channels out there, particularly for women, and particularly for those tempted by feminism and who are not irretrievable yet.

YOUR WINGMAM (dating advice)
Although I do not agree with some things, like the apparent acceptance of casual dating as something normal (although she seems to have changed after some criticism from me, and even incorporated some of my comments in her videos), the channel is still very worth watching if one filters these aspects out.

Channel about modern dating and relationships. Often caricatural and exterme, and oriented resolutely against marriage, which I disapprove, but there are also some very useful insights to be found, if one keeps thinking with one's own head.

Channel about modern dating and relationships. Similar to "Taylor the Fiend", but sometimes with a different emphasis and some studies results. I actually didn't watch much of his videos, and learned about them recently on "Taylor the Fiend" as they seem to have a cooperation.

HERE IS AN EXAMPLE OF THAT COOPERATION, and mostly a great video to watch, although I don't agree with some things, but despite that very much worth watching.
Hilarious and instructive. Don't agree with everything, but gets seal of approval. (I must admit that I didn't check it for a long time.)

Former Russian psychologist talks about female nature, psychology, dating, relationship. Unfortunately, he doesn't make videos anymore,but those he made are worth watching

All those YouTube channels make me cringe for various reasons, because they do not represent levels of humanity high enough, but still, as someone said, a wise man can learn something from everyone. Particularly if he uses his own critical thinking.
Casey Zander YouTube Channel
Video channel about building a masculine frame. I do not consider the masculinity paradigm presented here to be complete, but it's a start, although some things are quite simplistic and do not include a higher life wisdom about how a Man and a Woman must create life together. Masculine frame is one thing, but knowing what to do with it is complete masculinity. In the following links, more comments on Stormfront:
Comment 1
Comment 2
Alexander Grace YouTube Channel
Channel analyzing the relationship of the sexes, mostly through a perspective connecting biological evolution and the psychological dimension. While the author has recently more or less evolved from the advocacy of promiscuity to more fundamental values (still unclear), he is still stuck into reductive individualism and libertarianism, not understanding the importance of the collective and the need for a political transformation of culture. However, some very good psychological insights, but insights that have a "ceiling" in the spiritual height of that individual, which is not sufficient; too stuck in relativism. He is also too stuck inside animal models, not understanding that Humans are not animals, and have much higher potentials that must be activated. His ideas unfortunately don't help in that process of humanization and spiritualization. That little cunt even silent banned me for contradicting him and for offering better paradigms than his, but if you keep your critical mind, the channel is still worth watching.

Captain's Blog

21.10.2022., petak

Double Standards? (Significantly updated 25.12.2022, particularly the part in Bold, about Masculinity not being domesticated)

Before anything, I would like to say how sad I am to be forced to write articles like this one.
The realities it talks about make me deeply unhappy, but one has to look reality in the eyes and try to improve it.

Under a YouTube video about double standards in women, I saw the comment of a guy saying that he's perfectly fine if a woman has a high body count, because she has the right to her own life.

Of course she has, but her choice of life determines her quality.

Because I felt a little lazy, I quoted Emperor Lelouches comment from a Stormfront topic:

"Don't be a traditional man for a non-traditional women. Since women in today's society think it's completely acceptable to have a "Hoe phase" in their early years, yet want a traditional man later in life.
No, that's not how it works. Traditionally the woman was a virgin until marriage, so if the woman is not a virgin, she has no right to demand a traditional man.
The day's in which men were the workhorses and women were the prize ponies are over. Women should be held to the same standards as men, and held accountable, just like men."

Feeling suddenly a bit less lazy, I added that as far as "double standards" are concerned (the subject of the video), that concept is an illusion in the case of expecting virginity from women (although I do NOT praise promiscuity for men), because it is based on the idea of symmetry in a relationship, when in fact a man-woman relationship is a balanced asymmetry, which means that it is an exchange where what is exchanged has to have the same reciprocal value, BUT it is not the same thing that is exchanged.

A Man must bring strength, leadership, responsibility, taking charge, protection and the creation of an order (which implies a moral order), while a woman must bring everything that makes it worth for a Man to fully invest his masculinity in the life with a woman, to create life together.

Purity is part of that deal, and makes it worth for a man to completely invest himself. Otherwise he might as well become a predator, because, as someone else said: "why pay full price for what a woman has given for free to others?"

If a woman wants full masculinity from a Man, she must give full femininity, which includes purity. And women who are not pure know very well the value of purity in the exchange, because they pretend to be pure, purity being one of the essential component that attracts men to women.
In the light of this, the "holding women to the same standards" from the quote above would mean holding them accountable for their feminine side of the bargain, for what they must bring in order to have the right to expect the full commitment of a Man.

Having said that, I hold men accountable for the present situation, because, as Anna, the author of the video rightly said, they let it happen.
And they did it by abandoning the patriarchal moral order for the vain promises of the sexual revolution and its "freedom", and now many among them cry because of that bad choice, but do not realize that they must reinstate patriarchy, not in any primitive form of the past, but as a moral order created by masculine leadership and responsibility, a moral order for themselves, but which, because it is leadership, also makes clear moral demands on women, if they want to get what such Men can give.

This is what I said, but of course it doesn't solve anything on the individual level, for a man searching for the right women in the degenerate modern world.
The best I can advise is for boys to develop aware masculinity from the youngest possible age, and use its force of masculine energy to find and lock a quality girl as early as possible.

That awakened masculinity makes a Man from a boy, and since it implies leadership, it will incite a girl tending towards quality to definitely chose that path.

Just a word about the SF topic from which I extracted Emperor Lelouches post.

There, there are invertebrate Beta Simps, pretending to be "Red Pilled" and "having understood the "game" and how to "play the game" by accepting women to whore in their younger years, and getting those women when they get tired of whoring and need a provider, by being a good Simp provider, which is exactly the opposite of "Red Pill" which tells to not be a Simp provider to sluts.
And these slimy invertebrate slugs dare to insult men with spine who will not accept the game played by sluts (although Lelouches choice of MGTOW is the wrong one)...

There is even a deranged imbecile who suggests that men should not want virgins because taking a girl's virginity is an "extremely painful process" and he doesn't like to hurt girls... As if it was the issue, and not the systemic problem represented by a dehumanized amoral degenerate society.
Not to even mention that it is an act of the deepest intimacy, and of course what was said above about exchange, where the feminine side of the exchange should include purity.
But then he brags about having had virgins and is "screwing" young girls... Of course he didn't marry any of these virgins or young girls, despite claiming that he wanted to "stay with them", but probably sweettalked them into sex, and probably ruined some of them in the process.

I know this type, they make all sorts of pseudo-logical acrobatics to justify the way they behave, and are really good at lying, because they train their lying on themselves first.
And then there are the crybabies and the weirdos with their weirdo theories.

The cretinism on that topic is unbelievable... If not the highest in all SF topics ever, it must be close.
The genius moderators let it go through though, but close or delete what they shouldn't.
Typical. rofl

Such topics make me almost regret that I left SF... smijeh

Almost but not quite.


First, Watch this video about Simps and sluts.

It was suggested to me by chance by the YouTube algorithm today, and it was perfect for this article.

The most interesting part is the interview of the five or six college girls (5:34 - 8:55 - 11:29). All except one admit that they have at least one "fuck friend" (they have probably many more than they admit): a guy they just fuck with, and wait for the guy they will have a relationship with, AND make him wait, so that he pays full price for what they give for free to some garbage.

And then one of the girls admits without any shame that the guy she will have a relationship with will never know all of this, that she will lie to him and present herself in a fake light, as pure, basically using him and getting him under false pretenses, as an utility.

Btw., when she says that her fuck buddies are not good enough for a relationship, she actually means that they are not Simp enough to serve her. That's what it means "not being good for a relationship" to her. It's not about some qualities of the soul she would seek, because she has none herself, it's just about being there for her, while she fucks with those who are not stupid enough to believe in her acting.

What self respecting man would marry such a girl? What qualities of the soul does she have?
Did she sincerely repent at least, or is she a happy liar and user - a happy life vampire?
How would such life vampire perform as a wife (video)?

I don't know if the interviewed girls are representative of American college girls, I really hope not, but the author of the video seems to think so, and he claims that he got Red Pilled not because he could not get laid, but because he could, and realized how girls were behaving these days.

I went to college in Croatia, and at that time, the situation seemed better than what it appears to be now in the US
(Here I deleted a part, about my personal experience concerning women's behaviour, that may have appeared as tasteless bragging, but which was not its purpose. I wanted to say that my Croatian and not just Croatian experience is not the one of someone usually ignored by women, but also someone who never adhered to casual sex and promiscuity...)
I believe that the situation in my country is still better than in the US, but is getting worse.

Btw. the girls or women who have "summer adventures", which are about casual sex, and those women who have so called "relationships" (so not a hidden fuck buddy) that are just an excuse for animal sex, while they are perfectly aware that this "relationship" is temporary and just for fun and sex, but cannot publicly admit they are sluts, so they pretend it's a "relationship", those women also degrade the value of sex, make it cheap, below human level, and personally I don't see how a self respecting Man could have anything serious or at all with them.

So if a guy is good looking, exciting and promises fun, including bedroom fun, they will quickly have sex with him, even if he is not promising as a long term partner. But a solid man who is not as sexually exciting, or even an attractive and seductive man, but a man of quality, and who can take care of her, she will have him wait for sex, until she is convinced that he will commit to her.

For "Chad" she will condition nothing, and let him fuck her almost right away (just with the smallest possible delay, so that she doesn't feel like totally cheap), but for the less attractive man or the quality man, she will make all kinds of conditions. (Of course a quality man who is also a Man, will not tolerate that crap.)

How is it possible to respect such a woman, and how is she different from the "assholes" she might complain about, and what kind of self respecting man would commit to her, invest efforts in her if she fucks for free with the fun-boys? What is her intrinsic value if she has double standards like that for what should be the highest level of human intimacy, if she degrades its value to mere animal fun with the fun-boy, but suddenly pretends it to be super-valuable on a human level, for the average or quality guy, and suddenly and miraculously, it's so valuable that he has to pay the highest price for what "Chad" had to pay nothing?
Average or quality guy has to be "human" and pay the full price, because for them, she is "valuable", but fun-boy just has to fuck her good... For him she is very cheap.

And the quality guy should accept, I guess, that she fucks without making conditions with low quality men and her being an animal with them, but he should nevertheless see her as highly valuable, cherish her, and should invest his human quality into life with her.
Where is HER quality, so that his investment makes sense?
She thinks that she can be a slut and an animal when she finds it convenient, but suddenly and miraculously becomes high quality material and demands quality when she hopes to lock a quality man.
That quality man should really be an idiot to accept that. This behavior by these women is deeply dehumanizing, and dehumanizes relationships, making them a travesty.

Spiritual people have no double standards and they don't respect double standards. For them it's always human, not conveniently "human" in some cases, but animal in others, when humanity is "not required".
IT IS ALWAYS REQUIRED!. Otherwise it is never human. Double standards and hypocrisy are not human, they are dehumanizing and degrading for what a relationship should be.
Being double faced is not a sign of a quality human being.

I am fascinated by people who don't see the shocking contradiction and hypocrisy in those double standards.

How can sex with her be that deep spiritual intimacy that it should be, if she soiled it and reduced it's value to basically nothing, or even degrading in the spiritual sense? How can it regain its, not only specialness, but uniqueness of spiritual intimacy and value as spiritual union if it could have been used in such a way, and how can femininity, including her beauty mean anything anymore?

For a spiritual Man, her value is gone.

There is the very, very theoretical possibility of total repentance, which means a total cleansing of all the animal energies and traces of what she did, but a real repentance is probably as likely as the jackpot on the lottery.
There are exceptions to everything, and there are traumatic situations and pain that sometimes pushes someone towards wrong choices as a way to alleviate pain, but if it is hypocrisy and classical animal slutting, as it is in a wast majority of cases, forget it.

Repentance is not a superficial thing, or even an emotional thing in its essence, although it produces strong emotions, it is not a pragmatic thing either; you know, of the type: "I made some mistakes but I learned my lesson now, I will do better".
It is something far deeper. It is the complete renouncement and rejection of the actions and the patterns of being from the past, complete in the deepest core and all the recesses of the soul, and a fundamental respiritualization and rehumanization of the whole soul, a restructuring on the deepest core level. It basically creates a new being, cleansed from the energies and attachments of the past, where the old patterns are nowhere to be found anymore, and the awareness of the true being completely replaced them.

True repentance is possible, but probably very rare. It is far more than just a pragmatic change of lifestyle. I often hear: "I made all those mistakes, they caused those bad results, but I don't regret anything". Now, there's a new serious mistake right there! That means that they didn't really change, they just understood with their reason the relationship between actions and consequences, but they didn't transform themselves spiritually, they are mostly the same and only have their fragile reason to support them.

Although, regrets as such are useless or even counterproductive without repentance.
Repentance is not the same as regrets. It is a deep change, a deep transformation of the whole being to the core, not a mere feeling sorry for oneself or some little rational readjustment.

And the so called "born again virgins" apparently do exist, but those seem to be mostly just attempts of promiscuous women to lock naive religious Simps into marriage.

Women who had "relationships" for sex and fun will usually have the fake excuse that they had a "failed relationship", and claim they were sincere and serious in that "relationship". Don't fall for it, they were slutting, and they know it.

So, it is clear that It is crucial that Men return to Patriarchy and, first impose moral behavior on themselves, and then on women. For that process, the fundamental revalorization of virginity is essential, otherwise the female slutting will only get worse, because it gets rewarded by men, instead of being punished by rejecting sluts.
Only purity must be rewarded.

I disagree with the author of the above video who says that the hookup culture is the women's fault.
It is the fault of men, because they should have the role of leaders, but they accept and reward female slutting, while only purity should be rewarded.
But to be able to change things, men should recreate a Patriarchal moral system, and yes... first for themselves, because men relinquished their responsibility for the creation of a moral order (what Patriarchy essentially is) because of the fake promises of the sexual revolution, and now that they are paying for that choice, they must return to the right path, or things will only get worse.


And another video, courtesy of the YouTube algorithm. About the difference between modern girls and girls of older generations, which also explains why some men become promiscuous, even if it wasn't their original intention. They see no point in treating these girls right.

I say, don't be promiscuous, but try your best to find the right girl, and use your intelligence for that!

But the reason modern girls are like that is that in a society without the frame of Patriarchal masculinity, which is the real masculinity, leading, taking charge and responsibility, creating a life order and a moral order, and demanding from women to respect that or being rejected, women have no model of masculinity to be attracted to, other than the asshole model.
They believe that this primitive subhuman model is masculinity, because the "good boys" to be masculine, must develop into patriarchal masculinity, the leading and uncompromising one, but no one teaches them that anymore.
The only thing they see around them is asshole primitive masculinity, which is not on a true human level and doesn't represent the human potential.

And women cannot invent by themselves the real model of masculinity, they take what is available, and what is available are assholes and good boys who haven't developed real human Patriarchal masculinity, because they had no real role model.

Women WANT to be dominated, this is in their nature, but if they haven't in their minds the model of the essential Patriarchal Man they really want to be dominated by, they will go for the asshole, because he also dominates them, but in a destructive way, ultimately for these women themselves, but also to society in general. The asshole also appears to lead, but he leads to nowhere, only to superficial and destructive illusions.

The only girls these days, who are decent, are those who had a father who was a real Patriarch, or who were educated in a context that made them appreciate the real model of masculinity, the Patriarchal one (even though they might feel reluctant to call it that way because of feminist brainwashing), a real model of true strong human masculinity, and then they search that in a Man.

If they didn't have such model in a young age, they don't know what masculinity is and think masculinity is what the asshole bad boys and various predators "offer", which is essentially nothing; some empty and dehumanizing fun, parties and animal sex.
One of the problems is that among boys, those who appear to (falsely) show masculinity, are the more stupid ones, various aggressive idiots without self control, and foolish girls think that this is masculinity, and that the animality they "lead" towards, is life, when it is actually the destruction of true human life.

Unfortunately the quality boys, tend to develop their masculinity slower, because they are more complex beings and there are more things to mature in them than in a quasi animal. Later, they can become far more masculine than the assholes, but at that time, many girls were already ruined by fucking with various garbage. (And this is an additional reason why a culture valorizing virginity is essential.)

This would change in a patriarchal culture where quality boys would be taught by their fathers to be Men, and girls would be given the example of true masculinity by their father, so that they can search for something like that in a future partner and husband.

Can a Man with real Patriarchal masculinity compete with asshole masculinity these days?
You bet he can! Every time. His authority makes the assholes pale.
But he must become a Man, and not remain a good boy anymore. Unfortunately, the asshole is the main cultural alternative to the good boy, available these days. No Patriarchal awareness of real masculinity on the cultural market nowadays...

BUT...One thing... Patriarchal Masculinity is not a domesticated masculinity, predictable, "safe".
It can create safety, but always remains dangerous...
Its dangerousness comes from being the sole cause of its actions, in essence not relying on any patterns and being unpredictable.
It is the causal action par excellence, the source. Not dependent on anything or anyone.
If it creates safety, it is its good will, not because it needs it.
If it leads in the right direction, it is not because of wanting to be validated as "good", but because it wants to, it is its will.

It is like the Will of God, which creates righteousness, not because it needs a safe environment, but because it wants it so. (For good life-systemic reasons, of course.)

Aware Masculinity, although it does the right things, doesn't do it because it is domesticated and needs a domesticated frame.
Totally independent, it remains the wildest thing, the wildest causal energy, but under the total control of self awareness, and self purposefulness.

You can lead on pleasant, fun and creative paths in life, but that's because you really lead, and know that there is no safety. You become the safety for those you lead, but you remain wildness, but aware and self controlled wild energy of the core of the inner fire.

Masculinity may appear to be "good" in the way those who search a cocoon conceive it. It is protective and benevolent, but in essence it stands alone facing the void, and is completely uncompromising and ruthless in the realization of its inner purpose.

The Humanity of women often doesn't exist by itself. "Human" is a spiritual ORDER created by Masculinity. It is the role of true, aware Masculinity to insufflate Humanity into women.
If Masculinity doesn't do it, women rebel against the Human order and go back to the animal order. Those who are not humanized by Masculinity in their core, take their revenge on the Human order with perverse pleasure because they see it as something external, imposed to them. Only if Masculinity has created a human core for Women, a "soul", can they understand Humanity from the start.

Women perceive the human and spiritual order THROUGH MASCULINITY.
This is particularly true for the White race, where masculinity has created a human order.
But if there is a lack of masculinity in the White race these days, women will search for masculinity elsewhere, What they will find is not masculinity but animality, but one cannot principally blame them because without the masculinity of their own race, what are they left with, most of them?

One can blame the enemy and his propaganda, BUT blaming the enemy is a mistake. Enemies are just a fact of life, a constant in life's evolution. MEN must have the Masculinity to defeat the enemy.

But isn't the issue of humanity also true for many men? Yes it is, but still true Masculinity is what creates Humanity, what creates a life order, a morality, not femininity. Femininity can be imprinted by it one way or the other.

The only exception is when the maternal instinct of women extends beyond their children, but even then, this doesn't go very far without the frame of duty and moral order that must be created by Masculinity.

Young girls are predisposed by nature to receive that breath of Humanity, that breath coming from Masculinity and positive Human Masculine order and leadership, but if they don't receive it sufficiently early, they have a good chance to revert to animality.
They must be imprinted by Humanity sufficiently early. Best by a father having full Masculinity, although that imprint can happen in other ways, if the girl is sufficiently self reflective by nature or by circumstances.

By "Masculinity" here, I do not mean a single Man, but Masculinity as a historical process extracting humanity from animality and creating Humanity, the Human order.

Sometimes I wonder if it is not the true meaning of the Biblical story of Eve being created from the rib of Adam...

It may be a "teleological" process of sorts, something implicit in the human species that extracts itself from animality and is also doing the extracting as the Word, the Principle, the Archetype that is in the process of manifestation, and which is in its essence Masculinity.

The Masculine principle, the "Word", the ORDER, may even be something deeper and universal manifesting itself into Humanity.

Men have created female beauty as an ideal of Humanity, almost as a religious IDOL, and then hope that women will be those who are the guardians of Humanity. They will not be. Men are its guardians when they have full aware Masculinity, which then CREATES complete Humanity together with Women.

Do never be impressed by female beauty and confuse it with spirituality. Spirituality is aware life that, on a collective level, can only come from aware Masculinity, and is insufflated into women and society by Masculinity, creating Humanity.

Do never feel invalidated or devalued by female animal behavior, because you were expecting something spiritual instead from such beauty.
That beauty is just an IDOL, a projection Masculinity has made of Spirituality, but an incomplete projection.
YOU must be Spirituality, aware Life and Masculinity that creates, You must be the WORD!
YOU must imprint spirituality into the World and into women, not just expect spirituality from them.

They were made to be imprinted by it and surrender to it, but are more and more imprinted with animality these days.
Do not "save" them", but be and "beam" your Masculinity unconditionally, undisturbed and unhurt by what you can see around you. Do not resent, just be full aware creative unconditional Masculinity and act.

Now take a look at this video:

“They’re Miserable!” - @JedediahBilaLIVE & @JustPearlyThings Tell The TRUTH About Promiscuous Women

Those two women try to find the answer to the promiscuous behavior of women.

One thinks that modern women are like that because they were fooled by feminism, while the other thinks that girls (by nature?) just want to have fun, and realize the consequences only too late.

The point escapes them both; which is the increasing deficit of humanity in modern women, which is caused by a deficit in Masculinity, what I explained above.

Here is my comment under the video.:

The answer is that without Patriarchy, starting with a strong loving but uncompromising Patriarch father, a girl looks up to, women are out of control.

I was going to start this comment with the question: "are (those) girls/women even human?", and then I remembered what I myself wrote on my Blog; that women become human if humanity is insufflated in them by true Masculinity (not what passes as masculinity these days), one way or the other.

Ideally it should be by a strong Masculine father, who is a loving Patriarch they respect and seek approval from, instead of disrespecting and rebelling, if he is not a full Man. Sometimes it can be someone else if the girl is naturally self reflective, even a mother or women whose humanity has been insufflated by true Masculinity. If true Masculinity doesn't insufflate and imprint humanity into a girl sufficiently early, that girl will revert to animal instincts, and that's why Patriarchy is the most natural order for Human beings, it makes them Human.

Unfortunately Patriarchy has been arrested in its development at a level of social roles, that is not adapted to present times, because man fell into the trap of promiscuity offered by the sexual revolution, and also because of some economic factors not favorable to Patriarchy.

Now men are crying about female behavior, but that behavior exists because men relinquished their responsibility of being Full Men, and conceived masculinity as just maleness. Masculinity is far more than that. It is strength (in life), self reliance, leadership, taking responsibility, taking charge and creating a human life order, a moral order in life, with their Masculine authority, and all this in a loving benevolent, but strong uncompromising way.

Masculinity deficiency in modern society is the cause of the destructive behavior of modern women. True masculinity structures women and imprints humanity in them, directly (Father) or indirectly (Patriarchal society).

But it cannot be any primitive patriarchy of the past, it must be a new evolved one, just as strong or even stronger, but based on a fundamental awareness and realization of Masculinity and what it fully means, instead of mere social gender roles.
Until men don't become full Men again, this dissolution will continue... Masculinity IS Patriarchy.

Take a look at this video too:

THIS Is Why Women End Up Lonely And Unhappy

The comments are particularly interesting, and I would underline the comment of a certain Paul Weston, who "drove limos for girls/hens/nights/weekends away"

"I once drove limos for girls/hens/nights/weekends away and the amount of cheating was incredible married, engaged, girl friends, even a good amount of brides to be. They would egg each other on with games like first to get laid, cutest guy, cubicle sex, most guys etc etc some had already sourced guys online for hook ups and of course they make plans to cover up for each other once home. Rarely was there a job ( and I did hundreds ) that this did not happen. It really opened my eyes to female nature and there are a hell of a lot of guys out there that have absolutely no idea what their women get up too."

The destructive influence of social media these days is so strong, that to prevent such herd influenced behavior of women, this dependence of the lowest common denominator of their women's group, a Patriarch father must imprint humanity in his girls as early as possible, and give them a human individuality.
The creation of a human individuality in girls as early as possible is key.

In boys too, but for girls it is particularly critical, because evolutionarily, they need that imprint from Masculinity fast and really bad because by nature they depend on Masculine leadership and Patriarchy for that.

For women not to date other races, the most important thing is their father, who must be a strong, fully masculine White loving Patriarch, a girl will look up to and search for his approval.

This is very much connected to the humanization of girls, which goes through the human imprint given to them at an early age. Girls/women are in fact humanized by Masculinity and if they get the full model and example of White masculinity from their father, they will search for it later.

That fully Masculine Patriarch must also make clear to his girls that he loves them (tell them and act that way, but in a full Patriarchal Masculine frame) and that they can completely believe him, and talk with him about anything in full confidence.

In the two videos above, my comments are not directly connected to the White race, BUT if a White father displays full loving Patriarchal Masculinity in contact with his Daughters, Wife and family, chances are that they will later search for that full White Masculinity in a Man.

The Key to Selection

The relationship of a woman to true Patriarchal Masculinity, her reaction to a true Man is the key for selecting a woman.
If the contact with that true Masculinity makes a woman react so that she displays that a relationship with such a Man is a spiritual thing (in the sense of spirituality being aware, self activated life, as I explained in previous articles), if it makes her feel that with such a Man and his masculinity, she finds spiritual completeness of life and of the part of that aware life (spirituality) she represents in the couple with that Man. If it actualizes the spirituality of life for her, she is quality material.
It doesn't mean that she must immediately decide that you are IT, but she must react to real masculinity from a spiritual perspective about the potential union of the two sides of life that a Man and a Woman are. A woman must display the potential for ever better and more complete spiritualization.

If on the other hand she perceives masculinity in an animal way, as just a hypergamous female excited by mere animal maleness, but there is no spiritual dimension of finding and developing the spiritual meaning of life with that Man, in the sense of an integration of aware life from the Masculine and Feminine side, she is not the full human being that you need.

How will you know? You observe. You don't babble about it, you observe how she interacts with you, what she says, talks about, how you talk together. You observe, you don't ask her if she feels this spiritual dimension with you, you just look carefully if she displays it in her acts and words with you.

And truly human sexual attraction passes through this spiritual dimension first, which is then expressed in the joy of physical intimacy, which also becomes a spiritual thing, as integrated in the wholeness of aware life.

This appears to slightly contradict what I said about sexualization in the article on advice about dating for boys, but just in appearance, because the masculine energy you use to "take over" a woman is not animal energy, but full complete masculine energy, and the resulting sexualization is not a mere animal one, but passes through that spiritual dimension for life that true Masculinity actually is.

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