

OOOOOOOOOOO...evo me...nakon dugog naseravanja po doma...došla sam do bloga...pa...dost se tog promjenilo...za početak...iam 12 godina...jaj...balavica...*~al se barem sam morem s punim pravom furat napred v autu...hehe...rok-rok*¤~znate kak se ono piše...bicikl=bike...e..onda bi nekak bilo..opal je s bika...lol...bika :))mah...ovak...idem na dijetu...jučer su mi prvi put u životu zabranili da jedem...uaaaaaaaaaeekeek...rekla je mama...guzica raste...lol...hahahahahahahahahaha...bitno je da sam ja ostala gladna..debela ja..hihi...lol...budem ja to prebrodila...no..uglavnom..ok sam...al previše razmišljam...uf...pamet mi je oslabila :)*~ste gledali šašavi petak?...baš zakon film...ja bi još jednom gledala...jaj...nedao bog da se ja i moja mama tak zamjenimo..uništila bi mi život iz temelja...lol...¤~*bila sam na konecertu...let3...ludi ljudi...no barem se nekj događa v ovom našem jadnom gradu...lajk D...mouthwash*kaj bu sad jadna vlatka kad ju je njezin dečko(tj. deda...) izbacil...jaj...nek se streli...slut manje...hihi...

ljudi..neam već niš pametno za reći...a sad...pjesme...svaki post po jedna...ovo je jedna...onak...balada...al zakon..i zapravo..kad čujete riječi...možda naučite nekj...


We all come in from the cold
We come down from the wire
An everybody warms themselves
to a different fire
When sometimes we get burned
You'd think sometime we'd learn
The one you love is the one
That should take you higher
You ain't got no one
You better go back out and find her

Just like children hidin' in a closet
Can't tell what's goin' on outside
Sometimes we're so far off the beaten track
We'll get taken for a ride
By a parlor trick or some words of wit
A hidden hand up a sleeve
To think the one you love
could hurt you now
Is a little hard to believe
But everybody darlin' sometimes
Bites the hand that feeds

When I look around
Everybody always brings me down
Well is it them or me
Well I just can't see
But there ain't no peace to found
But if someone really cared
Well they'd take the time to spare
A moment to try and understand
Another one's despair
Remember in this game we call life
That no one said it's fair

Let me hear it now
let me hear it now
Let me hear it now
let me hear it now
Get down with yo' bad self

I've come to know the cold
I think of it as home
When there ain't enough of me
To go around
I'd rather be left alone
But if I call you out of habit
I'm out of love and I gotta have it
Would you give it to me
If I fit you needs
Like when we both knew we had it
But now the damage's done
And we're back out on the run
Fun how ev'rything was Roses
When we held on to the Guns
Just because you're winnin'
Don't mean you're the lucky ones

Let me hear it now
let me hear it now

"There goes the challenger being chased
By the blue blue meanies on wheels
The vicious traffic squad cars are
After our lone driver
The last American hero
The-the electric sintar
The demi-god,
The super driver of the golden west!
Two nasty Nazi cars are close behind
The beautiful lone driver
The police cars are getting closer-closer...
Closer to our soul hero in his soul mobile- Yeah baby!
They about to strike, They gonna get him, SMASH! RAPE!
The last beautiful free soul on this planet

But...it is writen if the Evil Spirit
Arms the Tiger with claws
Brahman provided wings for the Dove
Thus spake the Super Guru" *
"Did you hear that"

u 20:32 *** Kom 35 * Print * Link *bY: ~ alba ;))*


brzdej...i nije da ne znam pisat...neg' jednostavno tak oću...

lol...hihih...dobro jutro!...ja kako jedna od rijetkih manijaka na ovom području pišem post...to nebi bilo nikj čudno da nije subota i 9: 18 ujutro...lud*kak ste?...ja bi trebala biti hepi...ma...i jesam...al je još rano...pa...čekam podne...i nekaj za jesti!!...moja sestra je prelijena za otići v pekaru...lajk d...e, sad, kaj se tiče naslova..pa...ukratko..danas slavim~maj 12. brzdej~...jaj!..kak sam stara...đizs...ooo...eek*¤~već sam baba!..jaj...namcor*~ajmo dalje...moja dobra pjijatejica nika je završila na hitnoj...zbog viiiiiiisoke temperature...o jojzaliven...posjetite joj blog...mislim da je napisala post o tome...eh...i tjaša mi je malo...~in a bad mood..uf...izgleda da sam samo ja hepi...lol...smijeh*ovak...držite mi fige da bude lepo vrijeme danas...jerrrr...kaj bumo se svi narivali nutra???..lol...zlev...*¤~u utorak idemo v zagreb...na 'kazališnu predstavu Briljantin...ili Briliantin?...uf...ne znam...×~no...uglavnom..sretna sam jer joža nejde...wink

i tak...odlučila sma da budem malo više komentirala drugim blogovima...pa se nadam da budu mi vratili istom mjerom...ehe...jaj...nebrem vam opisat...na početku posta sam se osjećala fuj!..a sad...pošto sam ja takva kakva jesam...osjećam se super!...jaj...trealo bi me zbiti...no* me ne trea...morem se ja i sama...ma..idem ja..moram uredit linkove...pa...polako..al sigurno...nosim se s blog editora...pozzdrafljam vas...jako...puno..i na kraju jedan lepi spot...uuu...jako fensi...naughty...hehe...ajd...pozzzdraf*¤~

Sweet surrender on the quayside
You remember we used to run and hide
In the shadow of the cargoes I take you one at a time
And we're counting all the numbers down to the waterline

Near misses on the dogleap stairways
French kisses in the darkened doorways
A foghorn blowing out wild and cold
A policeman shines a light upon my shoulder

Up comes a coaster fast and silent in the night
Over my shoulder all you can see are the pilot lights
No money in our jackets and our jeans are torn
Your hands are cold but your lips are warm

She can see him on the jetty where they used to go
She can feel him in the places where the sailors go
When she's walking by the river and the railway line
She can still hear him whisper
Let's go down to the waterline

u 09:16 *** Kom 63 * Print * Link *bY: ~ alba ;))*



evo mene opet...jer izgleda da mi je na onom blogecu promjenjena lozinka...tak nekaj...lud

pa da ja počnem...*
dobila sam leće...prije par dana...ja to nisam mogla stavit baš nikak..sad mi već bolje ide...eh da...al se v jutro mora ustajat...15 min ranije neg obično...inače bi zakasnila...mah..ovak..opće mi se neda pisat...idem ja...onak..polako..*

u 09:55 *** Kom 41 * Print * Link *bY: ~ alba ;))*

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...the perils of rock 'N' roll decadence...

pa...evo...netko vam želi dobrodošlicu...click and listen...-->...klik...<--

od 4.6.07.~u 15:46 h
Free Hit Counters
Free Hit Counters

Ako nekoga mrzi mnogo ljudi, to mora da je dobar čovjek.

khrm...princ bu me ubil zbog ovog...ups!*~inače...ovo pokraj njega je moja sestra...kliknite da se poveća...ovak se grdo vidi :))*


Hello, I Love You....

Pick the month
you were born in:

1 - I shot
2 - I needed
3 - I ran naked with
4 - I ran shirtless with
5 - i am goin 2 b a
6 - I Banged
7 - I ate
8 -I smoked with
9 - I slept with
10 - I cuddled with
11 - I stabbed
12-I killed

Pick the day (number)
you were born on:

01 - Spongebob
02 -Paris Hilton
03 - a ninja turtle
04 - the kool-aid man
05 - a jew
06 - a homo
07 - a male stripper
08 - a jew
09 - a gangster
10 - a bag of weed
11 - a crackhead
12 - Santa Claus
13 - a bowl of cereal
14 - a whore
15 - a trojan man
16 - a jellybean
17 - a sexy girl
18 - Barney the dinosaur
19 - an orange
20 - ur boyfriend
21 - my lover
22 - a bisexual
23 - a banana
24 - a easter egg
25 - a jar of honey
26 - my crush
27 - a french fry
28 - a homeless guy
29 - your dealer
30 - a tooth pick
31 - ur grandma

Pick the color of
the shirt you are wearing::

White - because im sexy as hell
Black - because I love weed
Grey - because I have AMAZING boobs
Red - Blue - because I'm a pimp and your jealous
Polka Dots - because I hate my life
Purple - because I'm gay
Pink - Because I'm a Fun drunk
Other - because I have double D's
Green - because im a god(dess) in bed
Orange - because I smoke crack
Turqoise - because I have a noodle in my nose
Brown - because my moma made me
Shirtless - because I've got abs

velvet revolver. *dirty little thing*

12 Dirty little th...


Hoću šutjeti da mi ne kažu da lažem...*

my space*...ali moj...
~ovo je moj 1. blog...
moj blog*s dizajnovima...

my happiness :))
~toncek :P



Idoli - Zasto Su Danas Devojke Ljute

Zasto su danas devojke ljute
U moje vreme bilo je drugo
Rodjen sam devetsto pedeset i osme
Nad Beogradom je duvao Jugo

Ipak se lako razumemo
Ko kaze da nam je dosadno
Kad bi se vratio u ono vreme tamo
Isto bio bih sa svojom mamom

Lik sto igra i stoji na zidu
Kazu mi sve je to samo slika
Njegosevom ulicom devojke idu
Neka gledaju u sliku mog lika


o meni...heh...*

~Nije grijeh biti budala na ovoj vrućini...*

evo pa otkud da poČnem...
pa valda od poČetka..
zovem se alba...eek
dolazim iz...načkaniže...jea rajt...ne...iz čakovca...
onda, iam 12 god...
164 cm...(zrasla prek ljeta)
53 kgeek...uff*
-gdje god me tražite...ja sam-sokich*
ili sam mr_brownstone...ili half_past_dead
-..imam i icq.:464-545-743*
-ima peseka...zove se Puppa*
-sestru-8 god. onda znate kak mi je...headbang
-inače sam brunette...ili kak se već to piše...
-idem u grad...aha..kak kad...
-*srČeko mamino i taTino smijeh

KaJ slušam?*

-guns n roses
-dire straits
-creedence clearwater revival
-velvet revolver
-Amy Winehouse(*nekad dok sam SAAdd :(*)
-the doors
-Riblja corba
-deep purple

ovo su neke pjesme...meni d best ;)
bad apples*
twentieth century fox*
sultans of swing*
so fine*
garden of eden*
smrt morisona džima*
alabama song*
strange kind of woman*
my michelle*
out ta get me*
pravila, pravila*
perfect crime*
sweet home alabama*
hello, i love you*
heroj ulice*
highway star*
dont damn me*
(i think thats it..but, im not sure :))

i još nešto...

-s tatom poslušat Straidse.*
-it v jutro v školu
-jesti...ou da*
-biti na kompu
-prati zubemouthwash
-dok moja baka pjića pjićice...lol...
-školu(zbog frendova...)
-pa evo kad smo već kod frendova i njih volim..ma njih obozavaM*
-my family..(dada moš mislit*)
-meine cvike...mislim sunčane...
-dukatellu classicnjami
-volim svoju jednu jedinu živuĆu baku koja je jako dobra i Šopa m€...
-uff.*..i još neke stvari koje volim :)

ne volim:
-neiskrene ljude
-zelje, kelj, poriluk i sl.
-njemački mtv.jaj kak mi to na živce ide.
-rastanke :((*
-piramidu.emisija za idiote.
-dok počnem nokte gristi.
-dok mama nazove i veli:alba ajde doma, kasniš..

~alba...maj nejm...jako čudno...al čisto okei :P
~blog/ovi...super things*
~cd-i...u zadnje vrijeme najviše uyi2*

~četkica..(za zube*)
~čokolada...njama...iai :)

~no idea :O
~darovi..hm..hehe..ja sam zla ;))
~hahaha...znam sve skupa 4 riječi na dž...lol

~isto kak i za *dž*
~egon*...mmmm ;P

~francuski...taj jezik je taako iritantan...*bez uvrede*
~gunsi..I Love Them :)
~harry potter...nisam ja luda za njih...or nothing slično...ali volim te knjige*
~iva*...super cura
~jedinstveno...svaki čovjek je jedinstven...na neki svoj način :)
~knjige...obožaavam čitati...ima ko za posudit nekvu oke knjigu?*
~kišobrani...veri fensi stvarčice :P
~kukci...jaj..fuj!sve osim bubamare i leptira...
~livada...na njima se osjećam free :))
~ljubav :))*hmm...da

~mačke...volim mačke :)
~mobitel...moj je jadan, nadam se novom
~nika...fora curica :)
~narukvice...koje sama napravim...orginalne se, jedinstvene...
~osmijeh...najbolji lijek..uvijek :))
~ogovaranje..e to ne volim!*
~prijatelji...I Love Them*
~perlice..u zadnje vrijeme ih radim of Fimo mase :))
~poljubac*mmm :)
~pruga...živim odmah pokraj
~Puppa*mai pesek...
~rupe...RAZNORAZNe :O
~sreća...*nevjerojatno je kak je malo potrebno da čovjek bude sretan,a još je nevjerojatnije kako nam uvijek to malo nedostaje* :)

~smijeh...mrzim histeričan smijeh, smijeh na silu...više volim samo osmijeh :)
~slike*...volim slike..posebno one kreativne...

~um...hmm..ne znam kaj*
~volim te...love that words*
~vrline :)
~zdravlje...hvala bogu ja sam zdrava...barem psihicki...ako bi se fizički neke stvari trebale popraviti :(

~životinje...obozavam...sve..osim, pogledajte pod *K*

Postoje ljudi koji vam izvade srce i postoje ljudi koji ga vrate na

Sultans of swing

You get a shiver in the dark
It's been raining in the park but meantime
South of the river you stop and you hold everything
A band is blowing Dixie double four time
You feel all right when you hear that music ring

You step inside but you don't see too many faces
Coming in out of the rain to hear the jazz go down
Too much competition too many other places
But not too many horns can make that sound
Way on downsouth way on downsouth London town

You check out Guitar George he knows all the chords
Mind he's strictly rhythm he doesn't want to make it cry or sing
And an old guitar is all he can afford
When he gets up under the lights to play his thing

And Harry doesn't mind if he doesn't make the scene
He's got a daytime job he's doing alright
He can play honky tonk just like anything
Saving it up for Friday night
With the Sultans with the Sultans of Swing

Amd a crowd of young boys they're fooling around in the corner
Drunk and dressed in their best brown baggies and their platform soles
They don't give a damn about any trumpet playing band
It ain't what they call rock and roll
And the Sultans played Creole

And then the man he steps right up to the microphone
And says at last just as the time bell rings
'Thank you goodnight now it's time to go home'
and he makes it fast with one more thing
'We are the Sultans of Swing'

Dust N' Bones (4:55)

He lost his mind today
He left it out back on the highway
On "65"

She loved him yesterday
Yesterday's over
I said okay
That's all right
Time moves on
That's the way
We live an hope to see the next day
That's all right

Sometimes these things they are so easy
Sometimes these things they are so cold
Sometimes these things just seem to rip you right in two
Oh no man don't let 'em get ta you

She loved him yesterday
He laid her sister
She said O.K.
An that's all right
Buried her things today
Way back out deep
Behind the driveway
And that's all right

Sometimes these women are so easy
Sometimes these women are so cold
Sometimes these women seem to rip you right in two
Only if you let 'em get to you

Ya get out on your own
And you / take all that you own
And you / forget about your home
And then you're / just fuckin' gone

There's no logic here today
Do as you got to, go your own way
I said that's right
Time's short your life's your own
And in the end
We are just

Dust n' bones
Dust n bones(thats all right)

Perfect Crime (2:22)

Kickin' back in the shadows
Got no need for the light
Who's sorry now old timer
Look at how you've spent your life
Scroungin' for change
To put some money in your pocket
My how scratch does burn
Laughin' at the suckers as you pissed it away

But I got the time and I got the muscle
I got the need to lay it all on the line
I ain't afraid of your smoke screen hustle
It's a perfect crime
Goddamn it it's a perfect crime
Motherfucker it's a perfect crime
I said it's perfect

Keep the demons down
And drag the skeletons out
I got a blind man followin' me in chains
I said he's fun to watch
When the world has stopped
An I think he's got somethin' to say
"You wanna fuck with me, don't fuck with me
'Cause I'm what you'll be so
Don't fuck with me
If you had better sense
You'd step aside from the bad side of me
Don't fuck wit'da bad side o' me
Stay away from the bad side o' me
Don't fuck wit'da bad side"

T minus 1:09 and counting

Ostracized but that's all right
I was thinkin' about somethin' myself


Call on everybody who's got last rites
Said it's better
if you locked 'em away
Runnin' through the visons
at the speed of light
Won't ya let me be
Motherfucker just let me be
Goddamn it better let me be
Don't ya know ya better let me be...

Perfect crime
Goddamn it it's a perfect crime
Motherfucker it's a perfect crime
Don't cha know
It's a perfect crime


Shotgun Blues (3:23)

I got the shotgun blues
Shotgun blues
I said I don't know what I did
But I know I gotta move
I got the shotgun blues
Shotgun blues
I can't wait here forever
I got too much here to lose

An now you're blowin' smoke
I think you're one big joke
Me...I gotta lot to learn
An I'm still waitin' for the heads to turn
You say I walk a line
Fuck they move it every time
You walk a mile in my shoes
And then you tell me 'bout singin' the blues
You get what you pay for
An freedom's real high priced
An while your rippin' off children
Somebody's fuckin' your wife
It's never made a difference
It's only how you survive

I got the shotgun blues
Shotgun blues
I said I don't know what I did
But I know I gotta move
I got the shotgun blues
Shotgun blues
I can't wait here forever
I got too much here to lose
An now you ask me why
I said it's do or die
I'll stick it right in your face
And then I'll put you in your motherfuckin' place
And you...you can suck my ass
An I think it's so low class
Me...I'm just so concerned
I'm still waitin' for your ass to burn
Ooooh you want a confrontation
I'll give you every fuckin' chance
With your verbal masturbation
Me...I just like to dance
How's that for provocation
I'm just makin' a stance
An I'm tired of the frustration
Of livin' inside of your lies
And I'm wired on indignation
I said somebody's got to die

I got the shotgun blues
Shotgun blues
I said I don't know what I did
But I know I gotta move
I got the shotgun blues
Shotgun blues
I can't stay here forever
I got too much here to lose
I got the shotgun blues
Shotgun blues
Listen motherfucker
You're about to pay your dues
I got the shotgun blues
Shotgun blues
If you're goin' up against me
Then you know you're gonna lose
I know
I know (there's ways- that we- can find)
I know
I know

You think anyone with an I.Q. over 15
Would believe your shit...fuckhead
Nothin' but a fuckin' pussy

Kad mi je bilo četrnaest godina mislio sam da mi je otac idiot. Ali kada mi je bila dvadeset i jedna, bio sam zapanjen koliko je stari naučio za sedam godina...smijeh

~twentieth century fox :))*
Well, she's fashionably lean
And she's fashionably late
She'll never wreck a scene
She'll never break a date
But she's no drag
Just watch the way she walks

She's a twentieth century fox
She's a twentieth century fox
No tears, no fears
No ruined years, no clocks
She's a twentieth century fox, oh yeah

She's the queen of cool
And she's the lady who waits
Since her mind left school
It never hesitates
She won't waste time
On elementary talk

'Cause she's a twentieth century fox
She's a twentieth century fox
Got the world locked up
Inside a plastic box
She's a twentieth century fox, oh yeah
Twentieth century fox, oh yeah
Twentieth century fox
She's a twentieth century fox

maj stjupideses :)

ejte...tu su mi nekad bile pozadine...sad su na...ma odite v linkove i tam vam piše link do blog na kojem su sada...da~da...

nisam imala pojma kaj da tu stavim..a onda sam se sjetila...malo slikice i izreke, grafite i tak to :)*smijeh

Ljudi opraštaju sve osim iskrenosti...

Mnogi grješe iz straha da ne pogrješe...*

Ludim smatraju onoga čije se ludost ne poklapa sa ludošću većine...

Smrt je početak besmrtnosti...

Čovjekov život se može podijeliti u tri razdoblja: "Moj tata je jači od tvog tate", "Ali tata, ne shvaćaš ti to", "Moj tata je uvijek govorio..."*

Budalu ne treba tražiti, sama se javi.

Ako su sve druge nagrade razgrabljene - uzmi prvu. smijeh

Ja nikad neću biti star čovjek. Po meni, star čovjek je petnaest godina stariji od mene.

Od stranog jezika uvijek se prvo nauče psovke.

da, ja sam pijan... ali ti si ružan. Ali sutra ću ja biti trijezan...

~da nema mojih grešaka, bio bi savršen...

ako se učimo na svojim pogreškama, ja se fantastično educiram...

tko pod drugim jamu kopa nos...

bolje izgubiti trenutak u životu, nego izgubiti život u trenutku...*

kako da sanjam o budućnosti, kad svi oko mene hrču?

pamćenje je vještina, a zaboravljanje je umjetnost.

tko se mača laća lakukaracha...

svaki čovjek ima nešto u čemu je bolji od bilo koga. Obično je to čitanje svog rukopisa...

htio bih umrijeti mirno i u snu, kao moj djed, a ne vrišteći i u panici, kao putnici u njegovom autobusu*

ako je škola kruh života...onda živjela glad!*

um caruje, a dundo maroje...*

~elvis je mrtav, mišo je živ!*

Smrt Morisona Dzima

Mili Boze, cuda velikoga
Ja li grmi, jal' se zemlja trese
Niti grmi, nit' se zemlja trese
Vec to tresti muzika dok svira.

Pita majka Morisona Dzima
O moj sine, od gustera kralju
Jesi li se ikad prepanuo
Jal' od vina, jal' od droge ljute.

Govori joj Morisone Dzimi
Ja se nisam nikad prepanuo
Ni od druge, ni od rujna vina
Vec sam sve po redu tamanio.

Kume Dzimi, Bog ti pomogao
Nad tobom se ne naslo junaka
Ime ti se svuda pominjalo
Dok je pesme i dok je veselja.

Poranila Morisona majka
Pogledala nebu u oblake
Ugledala dva vrana gavrana
Jedan grakce, drugi progovara.

Izginuo Morisone Dzimi
Branec dusu od dusmanske ruke
Nije sebi nanosio glave
Krasan junak na ovome svetu.

Kume Dzimi, Bog ti pomogao
Nad tobom se ne naslo junaka
Ime ti se svuda pominjalo
Dok je pesme i dok je veselja.

Pripoveda Morisone Dzimi
Ja se nisam nikad prepanuo
Ni od deva, ni od rujna vina
Ni od pesme, ni zivota ljuta.

To prozbori, a s dusom se bori
To izusti, u vatru dusu spusti
Bog mu dao u raju naselje
Nama braco pesmu i veselje.

Kume Dzimi, Bog ti pomogao
Nad tobom se ne naslo junaka
Ime ti se svuda pominjalo
Dok je pesme i dok je veselja.

Back Off Bitch (5:01)

Oh baby, pretty baby
Oh honey, you let me down honey
I ain't playin' childhood games
no more
I said it's time for me
to even the score
So stake your claim,
your claim to fame
But baby call another neme
When you feel the fire,
and taste the flame

Back off, back off bitch
Down in the gutter dyin' in the ditch
You better back off, back off bitch
Face of an angel with the love of a witch
Back off, back off bitch
Back off, back off bitch

Makin' love
Cheap heartbreaker, broken backed,
Nasty ballbreaker, stay out of my bed, outta my head
If it's lovin' you,
I'm better off dead

Back off, back off bitch
Down in the gutter dyin' in the ditch
You better back off, back off bitch
Face of an angel with the love of a witch
Back off, back off bitch
Back off, back off bitch

Emotions ripped, gone on a binge
Life lipped, I said you're off the hinge
Tellin' lies of such fame and glory
I don't even wanna hear your story

Back off, back off bitch
Down in the gutter dyin' in the ditch
You better back off, back off bitch
Face of an angel with the love of a witch
Back off, back off bitch
It's such a pity that you're such a bitch

Back off, back off bitch
It's time to burn-burn the witch
Back off, back off bitch
Back off, back off bitch
Back off, back off bitch
Hey wha'd'ya think he's tryin' to say there,
I think it's something each person's s'posed
to take in their own special way
Fucking bitch

~ alba ;))*